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Admiral's Ghost

Page 2

by NB VanYoos

  * * * *

  Tyler and Linda left the loft by taxi, arriving at their apartment and hour later. After a quick shower, a stiff drink, and a couple of lines, Tyler felt well enough to get on with his day. He left Linda sleeping on the couch as he went out to locate his car.

  As a rule, he never partied and drove. He wasn’t inherently conscientious but cautious. Driving while intoxicated was an easy ticket to jail, and so far, Tyler had avoided that trip.

  Many of his clients and friends were happy to take him out, as long as he provided supplies. Rides were never difficult to find. Once on the town, it was easy to move from one party to the next as his unique position ensured him a wealth of friends.

  There were a few times when Tyler had problems locating his car the next day. At one point, it had actually been stolen, and although the police quickly found it, the car had been stripped of all the niceties. He’d lost nothing that couldn’t be replaced and was simply happy to have it back. Insurance restored it to its former glory.

  When the cab pulled up in front of his client’s house, Tyler was relieved to see the car parked in the driveway. He’d owned it for four years after Raul gave it to him in appreciation for his hard work. It was a beautiful, black, BMW 325ic convertible with tan leather and only fifty thousand miles. He loved it nearly as much as Linda. The irony was Raul purchased it at a police auction after it was seized from a rival drug dealer.

  Tyler cruised top-down toward Raul’s, and the air felt good despite the smog. He stopped at several clients’, unloading the last of his supplies, so now was a perfect time to see Raul and ask about the villa. He wasn’t the only salesman Raul employed, but he was the best. His Caucasian background and rugged good looks opened doors that Raul’s other employees didn’t have access to.

  He grinned about his one advantage as he pulled into the underground parking beneath Raul’s condominium. Raul lived in a twelfth floor penthouse complete with a rooftop pool. It overlooked a private beach, and was a nice, private place for Raul to conduct business. Tyler thought it too ostentatious for his own style and preferred his smaller, hillside home overlooking the skyline.

  He rang the doorbell and waited patiently. Raul’s bodyguard, many said enforcer, answered the door with his usual dour look. Without a word, he ushered Tyler in and pointed towards the open patio door. Tyler walked out and found Raul sitting at a large table staring at an open laptop.

  “Welcome, my friend, good to see you!” Raul closed his laptop and gestured toward one of the open chairs. “Please, sit down and join me…refreshments?”

  Tyler took a seat, accepting the offer. “Sure, bourbon on the rocks with a splash of water.”

  Raul signaled one of his house staff and called out the order in Spanish. The person disappeared to retrieve the drinks.

  Raul pushed the laptop to the side and leaned back in his seat. “So tell me, how is that wonderful woman of yours? I hope you are taking good care of her, she is far too good for one such as you.” He joked lightly.

  “She’s fine, a slight hang-over from last night.” Tyler admitted. “Unfortunately, I think she is tiring of our lifestyle.”

  Raul shook his head. “It is a hard life you live my friend. Perhaps you need a break?”

  “Funny you should mention that.” Tyler took advantage of the opening. “I was just thinking about taking you up on your offer of the villa. A few weeks in Mexico might dry us out. You know, to spend some time together without the crowds.”

  Raul remained quiet before smiling broadly. “Of course, my friend,” he exclaimed, “don’t just take a few weeks, take a few months. Get away and enjoy yourselves! The villa is yours for as long as you want. I’ll call down today and arrange it.”

  Their drinks arrived, and Tyler happily reached for the calming effects of the bourbon. He thanked the young lady as she retreated back into the house, closing the door behind her. Raul’s staff knew when he was conducting business.

  Raul moved closer to the table and leaned towards Tyler. “Before you go, my friend, I need you to take care of a little business.”

  Tyler shrugged. “No problem, what do you need? I’m out of stock, so I need new orders anyway.”

  “Good, but that can wait, this is something bigger.” Raul sat back with a serious expression. Tyler could sense he was studying him, evaluating his reaction, and it made Tyler nervous. What had he just agreed to?

  “What is it?” He asked casually, sipping his drink to hide the growing nervousness.

  Raul nodded slowly before he began telling Tyler about a new shipment of product he wanted Tyler to coordinate. Raul’s boss had found a new supplier that was dissatisfied with their current distribution methods. The supplier demanded new procedures and wanted their best man to be in charge of the transfer.

  Raul picked Tyler because he trusted him more than most in his organization. Although he apologized for putting Tyler in the predicament, he assured him a generous reward would await him at the completion of the transaction. After that, he and Linda could head to Mexico for several months of deserved rest.

  This was the one aspect of this business Tyler hated. He was rarely involved in the bulk supply chain deliveries where gun fights erupted and DEA busts occurred. He’d been ignorant of it for years and preferred to keep it that way. Working with end users was far easier and nearly risk free.

  Large quantities represented huge risks, and if you were caught, even larger sentences. He’d worked for Raul for a long time, so despite his fears, he readily agreed to take charge. He kept his mind on Mexico and the several months he and Linda would spend basking in the warm Pacific sunshine. This lifted his spirits despite the growing concerns.


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