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Admiral's Ghost

Page 23

by NB VanYoos


  The last week in Tooland with Toosia prepared Tyler for the return to the capital. Not only was the relationship rekindled, but he found her counsel invaluable in preparing him for the rigors of the political arena.

  As Supreme Commander of Poolto forces, the Admiral had spent a great deal of time in Yooso. However, in that capacity, he rarely felt compelled to enter the political ring. His military record was sufficient to maintain his position within the hierarchy. Only now, on the verge of losing that position did politics become a necessity.

  Marshall Sliss’ spies confirmed their suspicions about the Emperor and Vice Admiral Teesen. Teesen had convinced the Emperor that his battle plan would work, so both ignored the perils as they quickly embarked down the dangerous path.

  They both knew Admiral Osloo’s opposition to the plan, so they had much to lose by his return. After the previous defeat, neither wanted an internal power struggle to disrupt the progress of the war. Tyler didn’t want the power struggle either, but he couldn’t sit by as they led Poolto to its destruction. He had to play the only card he had—that of National Hero.

  They knew neither the Vice Admiral nor the Emperor would move against them openly, so their arrival and the planned press conference was not a surprise. Nonetheless, Marshall Sliss was concerned about other ways they could affect the return.

  Ultimately, the Emperor dictated who was in power, so they needed to convince the press and the public that he was still the right man for the job. Otherwise, the Emperor could keep him suspended, pending his full recovery.

  All these possibilities haunted Tyler as they traveled the final distance to the city in an elegant ground vehicle. Tyler thought of it as a limo, but it dwarfed any he had seen before. This vehicle was a hundred feet long and twenty feet wide. It took up nearly two lanes, requiring an elaborate escort to clear the path.

  Within this monstrous interior, most of the Admiral’s senior staff rode contentedly, working on the press conference that would soon be launched. The rear compartment was reserved for the Admiral, and Tyler rode with Toosia, Marshall Sliss, and the twin aides, Kooren and Beelen. As usual, the junior officers were lost in their communication devices, coordinating everything for the arrival.

  Two others rode in the compartment, and Tyler thought their inclusion unusual. At the Marshall’s insistence, two bodyguards rode disguised as aides. They were more than imposing, and Toosia kept eyeing them distrustfully. Since Poolto had been united, there had never been an assassination attempt on any person of significant power—especially a National Hero.

  Tyler thought precaution was overkill, but the Marshall had insisted. In his own words, “We cannot underestimate the threat you pose to the Emperor and his plans!” Tyler still thought it unnecessary, but he had to trust his most valuable advisor.

  The Marshall introduced them as Officers Peeren and Diitii, but Tyler didn’t want to make their acquaintance. He figured they probably weren’t real names anyway. The Marshall assured Tyler the men had been recruited from top commando units created to infiltrate and sabotage key enemy installations in the asteroid belt.

  The Admiral had never liked their methods, but he couldn’t deny their effectiveness. More than once he’d relied on their abilities to disable strategic defense systems so that his plans could be carried out. They were highly effective but amoral and opaque. Only the Marshall had detailed information on their activities, and he alone commanded them. Not even Vice Admiral Teesen had access to their operations. Secrecy was a top priority when the units were formed.

  Other than being imposing, both looked the part of a military bureaucrat. They wore simple single suits with the official aide insignias on each lapel. Neither carried visible weapons, but the Marshall assured Tyler they were lethal if needed and capable of handling nearly every situation.

  Unlike Toosia, the two men didn’t bother Tyler. The only thing unnerving was the way they looked straight into your eyes while talking. Their stare was penetrating, measuring, and assessing everything and everyone around them. It was disconcerting, but then Tyler had never met anyone with that kind of cold, measured intensity. Not even the tense underworld of drug trafficking possessed people like them.

  Tyler watched each as they stared out the windows on either side of the compartment. The windows were tinted so nothing was visible from the outside. Despite the darkened panes, Tyler felt certain the men saw everything that was going on.

  Tyler glanced out the right side window as they went by a congregation of people on the side of the road outside the downtown district of Yooso. The congregation was large but dwarfed by the immensity of the capital city. Skyscrapers rose thousands of feet into the sky, blotting out clouds as the car entered the chasms of Poolto’s greatest achievement.

  Speeding by the onlookers, Tyler spotted signs held up that welcomed the Admiral back to duty. They wished him and his wife well. Tyler knew the Marshall had organized the congregation and made sure the news networks picked up on it. The Marshall spent big on their return, and Tyler hoped it would pay off.

  The car continued towards the center of the city and the seat of power. The streets were shadowed in darkness from the tall buildings, but lights lining the streets filled it with a dim twilight reminiscent of Las Vegas at night. The city didn’t look like Vegas, nothing on the strip had been this big.

  Tyler estimated the average building to be hundreds of floors tall, and as he stared into the small spaces between them, he saw many were interconnected by walkways and transportation systems many stories overhead. It was likely most never made it to street level except when leaving the city. He spotted vehicles flying overhead as their own car moved along the dark roadway.

  From the Admiral’s memories, he could pull up a lot of detail about Yooso. Like most large urban centers, this one was not without its problems and vices. Gambling, illicit drugs, and sex were a mainstay in the city. The criminal elements walked side by side with the most powerful people on the planet. It was rumored the Emperor allowed this—maybe even encouraging it.

  Tyler didn’t understand why, but the Marshall confided the best way to maintain control and power was to make your enemies your allies. The criminal element supported the Emperor because he looked the other way—within reason.

  This was where Tyler and the Admiral’s political inexperience was a glaring weakness. He knew Raul had several political and law enforcement connections, but the risk of exposure and arrest were a constant threat.

  This was why Tyler needed Toosia—she had spent most of her life in Yooso. Although she never aspired to politics, she had moved within the political inner circles because of her father’s position on the Council. She understood trade-offs, negotiations, and the common wrangling that were at the heart of Poolto politics. She knew the vast connections each politician had and where their allegiance lay. Surprisingly, it was not always with the Emperor.

  With her assistance, they hoped to forge the relationships that would bring public support to the Admiral’s side and ensure his return to command. The Emperor either controlled or swayed most of the Councilors, but it was his spies within the Supreme Council that were the real concern. It was virtually impossible to do anything without the Emperor finding out about it. Many Councilors were brought down because of their impropriety and lack of caution.

  Everyone understood the Emperor was not above using criminal connections to discredit or destroy unruly Councilors. Usually, the Councilors themselves caused the downfall by succumbing to greed and corruption. This was the place most people on Poolto knew nothing about. The place where decisions were made affecting their lives, though not always open in a public forum.

  Tyler had to be careful. He was out of his league and would have to rely upon those around him to successfully navigate. Fortunately, once in command, he could leave the city and run the war from afar. He hoped that would happen. A part of him wanted to quit being the Admiral and retire to Tooland with Toosia by his side.
Maybe someday.

  Tyler was blinded by light as they broke through the maze into blue sky above the center of the city. The seat of power was within a five square mile area, surrounded by the artificial jungle of buildings they’d passed through. The incongruity was stunning, and Tyler could only compare it to Central Park in New York City.

  The area was composed of what Tyler could only call grass. He didn’t think it was grass, but the green color looked like a lawn. According to the Admiral’s memories, the lawn was formed by a plant that maintained a consistent height of six inches. The plant contained a very sticky substance that was nearly impossible to remove, and was intended as protection from ground attacks or intruders not authorized within the grounds.

  Beyond the protective lawn, Tyler saw a maze of complexes that held the power of the planet. It was built like a wheel with the Emperors Palace at the hub and spokes extending out towards the other government facilities.

  Surrounding the Palace at the end of each spoke was the Supreme Council, the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Military Command, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Information, and the Ministry of Government Affairs. Combined, this was the power of Poolto.

  This was the most defended parcel of land on the planet, even though it appeared unguarded. The enormous city surrounding it was the first line of defense against land and air attack. Hidden within the jungle of skyscrapers, troops were stationed with particle canons to protect the capital. The city at its thinnest point was ten miles wide, and the buildings provided an excellent barrier to ground assault. Tyler didn’t think such an assault would ever be launched on the city, but nonetheless, it was protected from that one in a million chance.

  The enormity boggled Tyler’s mind, even coming from Los Angeles. At least in Los Angeles you could occasionally see sky when the smog was low. The city was spread out not up like Yooso. Even pictures of New York didn’t compare with the size and scope of this city.

  The fleet had ships that could rival the city in size, but to see it in the open like this was simply amazing. Inside a ship, it was difficult to see its true size.

  Tyler watched as the cityscape disappeared behind the tunneled entrance burrowed beneath the government complex. Once inside, each vehicle came under the control of the security forces guarding the complex. The maze of roadways could be dynamically changed or blocked using a sophisticated system that manipulated walls, roads, and ceilings.

  Only the security forces knew the constantly changing layouts. That was why all vehicles were remotely driven through the complex. As they continued through the dimly lit tunnels, there was nothing to see. The Admiral’s memories confirmed the majority of the government operated in buildings predominantly below ground level. The maze they drove through could easily take them further underneath the complex. Unfortunately, the occupants of the vehicles couldn’t tell.

  The complex was submerged nearly a thousand feet below the planet’s surface—a fact that wasn’t publicized. The entire complex was self-sufficient with thermal power sources, underground food production, water treatment, and waste disposal.

  After the missile attacks early in the war, the Emperor ordered the massive complex built to withstand another such attack. Unfortunately, the latest in modern missile technology had recently been shown capable of destroying most of the complex with a direct hit. Few in the government knew this except the Imperial Palace, the intelligence community, and the military. Without the defense grid surrounding the planet, they were vulnerable. Fortunately, so was Krildon.

  After what seemed an interminable drive through the underground maze, they came to the center of the complex. Nearly three hundred feet below ground, the complex opened onto what could only be called a hidden paradise.

  An enormous cavern was constructed to house the government buildings from above. Using artificial light, a lush landscape with trees, gardens, lawns, and walkways spread out within the cavern. Everywhere Tyler looked, people sat in groups, walked between buildings, or lounged on the lush lawns. It was an incredible sight, and the Admiral’s memories had done it little justice.

  Tyler carefully shielded his surprise and amazement from the others. To the Admiral, this would have been nothing new. But to Tyler, it was captivating, and he decided he had to make some comment on what he saw.

  “After my time in the hospital, I have begun to realize how beautiful this world is. Perhaps for the first time in my life I realize what a treasure I have pledged my life to protect. This complex is truly a wonderful creation so far underground.”

  No one commented on his remark, but Toosia and the Marshall gave him a curious look before staring out the window he seemed so enthralled by. Their reactions did not indicate they saw the same beauty, and Tyler thought it was a pity to be so immune to something so grand. Then again, he was seeing it for the first time.

  They drove through the complex towards the Supreme Military Command building. Out in front, a large group of government officials and press waited patiently for their arrival. Like clockwork, everything was prepared. He steeled himself for the press conference and felt confident in his knowledge and ability to handle it. He was, after all, the National Hero. That put him above everyone else, and he needed to act the part.

  The Marshall, Toosia, and his staff had done a tremendous job coaching him, but now all that preparation would be put to the test. He watched as their cavalcade pulled directly in front of the building by a large platform erected on the front steps.

  On the platform, senior military officials and bureaucrats sat patiently waiting. At the front, a large array of microphones and small cameras stood ready to mark the historical event by transmitting it throughout the Empire. The scope would only be eclipsed by an Imperial speech by the Emperor himself. Tyler felt the beginnings of butterflies.

  Although it was underground, the transmission would reach nearly every home and business on Poolto. It would even be transmitted to all the colonies controlled by Poolto, and some that were not. The Krildon military would jam all broadcasts reaching their possessions, but that didn’t matter. This event was for Poolto only.

  The vehicle came to a stop and the Marshall and his aides quickly departed to ensure everything was ready. While Tyler and Toosia waited, she grabbed his hand, squeezing it gently.

  “I wanted to let you know that it will be very busy for the next few months,” she said, “and I want you to know how special this last week has been.”

  She looked so beautiful and yet fragile. But she would provide the strength he needed to succeed here. It was hard to believe she was capable as she appeared vulnerable with emotions barely held in check.

  She kissed him on the cheek before continuing.

  “I will be in and out of your life during this time, but you will not be out of my heart. I will provide you the best counsel I can, and I will comfort you when we are together.” She paused briefly, staring out at the throng waiting for their embarkation. “You have changed, Nayllen, and I suppose I have, too. I know we are just beginning to discover one another again, and I don’t want all of this to get in the way. I promise I will not let it, if you promise me the same.”

  He looked into her eyes and felt a lump in his throat. This was the one thing he feared about his fight to regain power. At what cost would this last effort take on his personal life? He knew he must do everything he could to preserve what they had begun.

  “I won’t let this ruin what we‘ve regained. I will not make the same mistakes.” He paused, leaning over and kissing her on the lips. As they separated, he wiped a small tear from her eye. “I love you, Toosia, and I will not let you go.”

  “I love you, too, Nayllen.” She wiped her eyes and smoothed her gown. “Let’s show them what force a united Osloo family can wield.”

  Tyler smiled and signaled they were ready. The aide opened the door to the crowd erupting in a deafening roar. There were several hundred spectators at the event, but the sound was like thousands.

>   Tyler stepped out of the vehicle and turned to assist Toosia. Hand in hand, they walked towards the platform, the crowd urging them with applause and shouts of encouragement. They stopped amid the noise, holding hands together raised in an acknowledgement of the warm reception they’d been provided.

  This made the crowd roar even louder, and many of the security forces holding them back struggled to contain the excitement. Tyler had never experienced anything like this and he was more than concerned for their safety. Crowds could get out of control, even small ones. Still, these were government workers and he doubted they would incite a riot within the confines of the cavern.

  He wanted to avoid problems so he broke with their script and walked with Toosia towards the crowd. He held out his hands and shook as many as were offered while they walked down the lines. It may have been out of character for the Admiral, but Tyler didn’t care. The people wanted their National Hero back, and Tyler noted the cameras on the platform turned towards him as he made his way down the line.

  It took nearly fifteen minutes to complete the trip, and more than once the lines almost broke. However, after the greeting, the crowd settled down as Tyler and Toosia made their way to the large platform. He passed the Marshall as he dropped Toosia off, noting the Marshall gave him a small look of disapproval.

  It didn’t matter, it had calmed the crowd and would be viewed across the planet. Overt connections with the people went a long way politically—even a non-politician like Tyler knew that.

  Upon his entrance onto the platform, everyone stood and clapped in unison. He made his way down the line of dignitaries and military leaders, shaking hands and commenting on how good it was to be back to see them.

  The Admiral’s memory provided a detailed biography of every one he met, so it was easy to make the necessary small talk. Once the greetings were over, he made his way to the front of the platform where Vice Admiral Teesen waited. They briefly shook hands, both wearing smiles for the cameras. Tyler stood back while the Vice Admiral introduced him to the waiting public.

  All along the front of the platform cameras lit up as live feeds were shot across the Poolto Empire. It made Tyler a little giddy when he thought about how many would be watching. He watched the Vice Admiral carefully as the man delivered the welcome speech.

  “It is with the greatest pleasure and greatest honor that I am able to welcome back to this great city, the planet’s most beloved hero, Admiral Nayllen Osloo.”

  The Vice Admiral applauded as he turned to face Tyler with a genuine smile. Tyler knew the script, so he bowed and humbly shook off the admiration and accolades inherent in the introduction. The applause went on for several minutes before the Vice Admiral spoke again.

  “Our thoughts and hopes have been with the Admiral during his difficult recovery, and we all longed for the day when he could stand here once again, a symbol of what this world has to offer, a man whose courage and devotion is only equaled by his exemplary service.”

  The crowd erupted into a long applause. Difficult recovery? Symbol? Tyler glimpsed the thrust of their attack—they wanted to show him as someone who barely survived and may not yet be recovered. The Vice Admiral well knew of his recovery and the lack of difficulty. He had drawn the lines in the sand.

  The crowd died down, and the Vice Admiral continued, recounting past battles the Admiral had won. Always he referred to the past, speaking in past tense as though the Admiral’s career were over. Teesen was crafty, Tyler had to give him that. But Tyler also knew this speech had been prepared with the assistance of the Emperor’s staff. He knew they would be working together.

  That was fine, they, too, had prepared a marvelous speech, and since it would be the last one delivered, it would have the greatest impact. He brought his attention back to the Vice Admiral as the key word signaled the speech was nearing the end.

  “…today, nothing is certain and we are still at war. The Admiral’s counsel and experience will yet help us through these difficult times.”

  Counsel? Tyler could barely contain himself as he waited for Teesen to finish. He trusted his speech would shock everyone and signal his intent to become the Supreme Military Commander once again.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I please introduce to you one of the most honorable and heroic men of our time, Admiral Nayllen Osloo.”

  The Vice Admiral stepped back from the podium and applauded as Tyler stepped forward. This renewed the crowd’s efforts with whistles, and shouting. Tyler played the moment brilliantly, letting it go on as long as the crowd would support it. He waved to the crowd, to the cameras, and most importantly, to the people watching at home. Difficult recovery? Just wait.

  They had worked hard on the speech, and the first thing they had to do was reaffirm their allegiance to the Emperor. This would rally the crowd around both of them, hiding the division that now existed. They must maintain the illusion of a unified leadership, a common government working towards a common cause. That was how they would win the support.

  Tyler stood silently, waiting for the crowd to settle down. Those on the platform took their seats as the noise finally subsided.

  “Thank you, Vice Admiral Teesen, your exceptional leadership has been greatly appreciated during my absence. We are indebted to your service and your support.” Let him chew on that.

  “Please, a round of applause to show our great appreciation to the Vice Admiral.” Tyler led the applause as he turned to the Vice Admiral, all smiles and good will. The crowd followed his lead.

  He turned back to face the cameras. “You have all graciously welcomed me back, and for that, I am grateful. But it is not I who should be honored here today. No, the one we should honor is the one who continues to stand for Poolto in this grave time of crisis. It is the man for whom I have pledged my undying allegiance and offer my greatest respect. He alone has led our great peoples forward into the future, a future I have the utmost confidence he will deliver to us with victory and everlasting peace. That man is our great and magnificent Emperor Hallen Yooso IV … a man who is descended from the greatest men our planet has ever known.”

  With that, Tyler moved back from the podium and looked upward towards the Imperial Palace at the center of the complex. Raising his hand, he saluted the Emperor’s Palace, a gesture he was certain the Emperor was watching from within.

  Following his lead, everyone on the platform turned towards the Palace and saluted gracefully. Tyler finished and returned to the podium.

  “Let’s hear a great cheer for our Emperor, defender of Poolto, leader to all, and the man for whom we all owe our greatest debt of gratitude.”

  The crowd responded with a generous cheer and applause as they all turned towards the Palace.

  “To the Emperor!” he shouted.

  Tyler joined the applause and let it last as long as possible. He had thrown down the gauntlet, and now the Emperor would have to tread carefully.

  Finally, the crowd subsided and returned their attention to Tyler. He had his pleasantries out of the way and was ready to deliver the speech they had prepared. He had shown the public a united government, and now he would solidify that image further.

  He waited until there was absolute quiet before beginning. All the cameras were pointed at him as he addressed every citizen of Poolto.

  “People of Poolto, it is with grave concern that we face one of our most pivotal moments in history. Not since the late great Emperor Yooso I united our planet and brought peace to our warring peoples have we had such a need for a united Poolto. Our enemy is weakened, and we stand on the brink of an age where this war may be won!”

  He waited for the applause to quiet before continuing. I have their attention now.

  “As a student of history, and in particular, military history, I see this day as a day not unlike that faced by one of my ancestors during the great campaign that won them the power to govern themselves, free of the tyranny they had endured for so many millennia.”

  There was no telling how
many remembered that history. Fortunately, those that had ruled with tyranny were long out of power. Tyler had chosen the memory just for that reason. No need to open old wounds.

  “My ancestor had won a great battle against his enemy and stood on the brink of victory. It was at that time that everyone around him called for a final push … a blow to their enemy when they were at their weakest. But, it was at that very moment that my ancestor chose to ignore their advice, stepping back to survey the situation before leaping into battle.” Let that sink in. Do you hear Emperor?

  “This pause in the campaign nearly caused a rebellion within his ranks, but his resolve and leadership held them united. That moment in their history, that moment when he rejected the cry for vengeance, that moment when victory was so close they could almost touch it, that was the moment when his decision turned the tides of war and determined their fate forever. A fate that ultimately brought them victory!”

  He surveyed the crowd, watching as his speech held them captivated. He could almost hear their thoughts, “What happened? Why did he wait? How did they win?”

  “Unbeknownst to my ancestor or his advisors, the enemy, in a last ditch effort to win, had planned a counter attack that would have caught my ancestors off guard and likely turned the tide of the war. Not only would their forces have been severely incapacitated, but they would have lost much of their land and its people. In the heady aftermath of a great victory lay the seeds of their greatest defeat. In their haste to end the war, they would have committed their troops to an action that would have placed them in peril, a peril they had no way of knowing, or understanding.”

  Ah, look at them waiting to hear how it went, I have them now!

  “My ancestor knew only one thing. He knew that his enemy could not, and should not be underestimated. Like a cornered beast, he knew the enemy would fight a last, desperate fight, one that would destroy them all, and take hundreds of years to recover. He knew he couldn’t move until the enemy showed their hand, until he had solid intelligence on their actions. He knew his duty was to defend his people first, and win the war second. He knew a victorious war could not be won at the expense of the land and the people for whom it was fought.”

  See Vice Admiral Teesen, there is precedence in caution.

  “My ancestor understood that the enemy needed time to rebuild their forces to recover from the losses they had suffered. It was from this fact that he knew they had time to wait, to learn, and to plan. In the months after their great battle, they watched. It was in this time of patient planning and vigilance that they uncovered their enemy’s final gasp.”

  He paused letting the tension build. Okay, time to let them in on it.

  “It was during this pause that they discovered the enemy had created biological and chemical weapons placed in key regions where food production and water supplies were critical. Large city centers were booby trapped. The network was large, secret, and poised to be unleashed. The enemy’s plan was simple. When my ancestor committed the remaining troops to an epic battle, a battle the enemy was certain to lose, the network of weapons would be released, destroying the land and the people. What did the enemy have to lose? They were defeated and nearly destroyed, why not take their enemy down with them?”

  He let the horror of the potential losses they would have suffered sink in. He wondered how the Emperor was reacting from his Palace. By now, the Emperor’s staff had undoubtedly looked up the historical accuracy of what Tyler was recounting. Let them look, it all was true.

  “Instead of heeding the advice of those wanting a massive battle to conquer the enemy, my ancestor chose to negotiate peace. The enemy didn’t realize he had discovered their plot, and that gave him the edge he needed in the negotiations. You see, instead of cornering them, he chose to give them a way out, a way that would not destroy them both. Instead, he gave his people the freedom they deserved while preserving the dignity of those that had ruled them. The peace lasted nearly a thousand years.”

  Think about that. It was good to remind them of their Admiral’s historical past and the ancestors of power. Peace? Is it worth negotiating for? Can we put down the years of fighting and hatred? Probably not, but it was time to sow the seeds anyway. Considering the Admiral’s father’s position at the outset of the war, Tyler was walking a fine line between leadership and betrayal. The crowd looked uncertain and a little shocked.

  “Am I proposing that we negotiate a peace with Krildon? No! I am proposing that we currently stand on the same pinnacle of our destiny that my ancestor did, and like him, we must bide our time and plan the strategy that will finally win this war and bring everlasting peace we all want and deserve!”

  That did it, the crowd erupted into a huge applause. That was what they expected from their National Hero.

  “I realize we have all suffered and we have all lost during this great conflict. I know that we cannot endure this conflict forever, but I also know the strength of Poolto lies in its people and in its wisdom to do the right thing even in the face of uncertainty, vengeance, or fear!”

  He watched the faces in the crowd staring at their hero, looking for leadership and certainty. He turned it up a notch, unleashing the full Admiral.

  “We will not let our emotions dictate our actions! We will not let our cry for vengeance rule our wisdom! We will not let our excitement of a battle won blind our mission! No! We will take this time to decide our path, defend our planet, and plot the victory over our enemies!”

  This was it, the finale—he had them in the palm of his hands.

  “A united Poolto is a strong and wise Poolto. We will not let our actions destroy all that we have fought for. We will not sit idle nor will we rush into an action that is rash and reckless. We will learn our enemy’s weaknesses—learn how to defeat them—make our actions and our lives count in this war! A united Poolto cannot be defeated. No, I say we cannot be defeated! We will let wisdom guide our actions and chart our destiny, and god willing, we will win this war and vanquish our enemies!”

  With that he pounded his fist on the podium to emphasize his resolve. He thought it was a rather great speech, but the crowd stood motionless. Were they shocked? He couldn’t tell. The silence seemed to last forever, and Tyler began to grow concerned.

  Finally, the Marshall rose from his seat behind Tyler and began to applaud. That was enough to move them all into action. Everyone rose and applauded. The applause and the cheering became deafening. That was more like it. Tyler felt in control again. Now they would have to wait for the post speech analyses and polls to come in to see how they had really done.

  All that was left was to announce his intentions to return to duty as Supreme Commander. He would allow time for the transition, but he wouldn’t allow an opening to be denied. They all knew that much of their campaign was being fought right here and right now.

  The crowd grew quiet, waiting for their hero. Tyler moved back to the podium.

  “A united Poolto,” he began, “a Poolto where we all can make a difference in the war. I am but one man among billions, and I cannot win this war alone. I will continue to work hard as your Supreme Commander, and I will work united with the Emperor and our Supreme Council to plot our course. My staff and I will work in concert with Vice Admiral Teesen to make our transition to full duty swift and smooth. During this transition, I will spend a great deal of time working with the Emperor and the Council. Meanwhile, Vice Admiral Teesen will continue in his role as Supreme Commander until the transition is complete. We estimate about two months to complete the transition. Now, I understand we will open this up to questions from the press.”

  While the press corps moved into position at the base of the platform and set up their equipment, Tyler moved back on the platform and shook hands with the Vice Admiral and many of the senior military personnel. The Marshall assured him that nearly all of the senior military staff were behind him one hundred percent. After all, most had served with the Admiral in one battle or another and owed him their

  That was a great weakness in the Vice Admiral’s position. He held little power within the military ranks, and therefore had to rely on the Emperor to retain his position. Fat chance if the public rallied behind the Admiral. He had more than emphasized the need for a united Poolto, so neither the Vice Admiral nor the Emperor could openly deny him. No, Tyler figured they would have to look for other means to keep him down. Tyler hoped they would not find it.

  He made his way towards the Marshall and Toosia. He shook the Marshall’s hand, but saw a look of concern on the man’s face.

  “What is it, Goolen, did I miss something in the speech?” he asked.

  “Uh, no, Admiral, you said it perfectly as rehearsed.”

  “Then, what is it? You look concerned.”

  Toosia stepped into the conversation. “It wasn’t what you didn’t say, Nayllen, it was what you added.”

  She, too, had a look of concern on her face.

  “Fine, what did I add? Don’t keep me in suspense!”

  Toosia looked at the Marshall who simply shrugged. She turned back to Tyler.

  “That piece at the end of the speech, when you said, ‘god willing’. That was not in the speech we practiced.” She said it calmly and Tyler couldn’t figure out where the problem was.

  “Damn, it slipped out again!” He grew angry with himself.

  “I understand, Nayllen, but why did you say it?” She still looked concerned. “Have you recently found religion?”

  “What? Me find religion? You know me better than that. It’s just a manner of speech, a phrase, no one believes it.”

  He couldn’t believe they were taking it this way. He knew religion still existed on the planet, but only a small remnant of people believed it—surely his comment would not be taken seriously?

  “Well, manner of speech or not, the only people who say such things are zealots, and they scare the rest of us.” She didn’t look pleased and that bothered Tyler.

  The Marshall broke in, “Admiral, we designed this speech specifically to ally yourself with the Emperor and his power, but your slip of the tongue may have destroyed all that. The Emperor has, on many occasions, denounced the religious factions of this world as crackpots and kooks. Now, you may have inadvertently aligned yourself with those same crackpots as well as the Emperor. It is a very dangerous thing you have done.”

  Well, there it was. Back in the capital for less than an hour and Tyler already destroyed everything they had come to do.

  I told you I should’ve handled this. You don’t have the experience to take on this role, but I do!

  Tyler ignored Adanni’s remark and forced him back into the depths. He thought about the press conference and dreaded the questions that were sure to be asked. He grabbed Toosia’s hand and held it firmly.

  “I am truly sorry, Toosia, it just came out.”

  “Don’t worry, Nayllen, we can still win this fight, it will just be a little harder.”

  He heard confidence, but he wasn’t sure he believed it. They were ready to move to the podium when the Marshall held up his hand for them to wait while he conferred with Officer Kooren. Apparently, the young officer had received news through his communication device.

  Tyler couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he could imagine what it was about. The Marshall finished with Kooren and walked to Tyler.

  “Well, the preliminary network analysis of your speech has already stirred controversy about your religious comment. They are buzzing with the story and what it might represent.”

  The Marshall looked past the Admiral and held up a finger to signal the delay of the press conference. He leaned in towards both of them and talked low.

  “We may be able to prevent this from becoming anything substantial, but we must be careful with the press questions.” He looked around before continuing, stopping when he spotted Vice Admiral Teesen across the platform. The man stared at them with a grin. He, too, had heard the early press reports.

  “Okay, look, the rest of the speech was fantastic and we probably got most of the planet on our side; however, we must discount this religious thing immediately. Now, Admiral, we can’t let anyone think this bothers us. We must play it off as nothing, so don’t bring it up until the press does. Then, deny it without a second thought, casual and easygoing. Don’t fight, antagonize, or argue the point with the press. Remember, this is still being broadcast to all of Poolto.”

  “Don’t worry, Marshall, I won’t make another mistake.”

  “Good, we can downplay this and still win the support we need. After all, you have pledged your support for the Emperor, so no one can question you on that.”

  Tyler shook his head and moved to the podium with Toosia at his side. This too was prearranged to show the support he had within his own family. Everyone knew her father was a Councilor and that would go a long way in their efforts.

  The press was ready, so Tyler moved into position to field questions. He started with the reporter on the far left, signaling for the first question. Thankfully, the reporter was on their side and had a pre-planned set of questions to ask.

  “Admiral, there has been great speculation on your remarkable recovery, can you please tell us how that went?”

  “Certainly. It went very well. In fact, the doctors admitted they had never seen someone recover so quickly.” That much was true, he made sure he didn’t add how the doctors were confused by his rapid progress. “Fortunately, I am fully recovered and ready to resume duties.”

  “Excellent, sir, we are all very glad to have you back. Can you tell us anything about the extent of your injuries?” This question was also planned.

  “This may not be the right forum for those kinds of detail which is why my staff prepared a release for each of you containing the full report and doctors comments about both my injuries and my recovery.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Nayllen went in order, selecting the next reporter. Toosia squeezed his hand, their signal for a reporter known to be under the influence of the Emperor. Tyler was certain he would jump on the religious comments.

  “Admiral, sir, over the years we have not seen you and your lovely wife together very often. It is truly wonderful to see her here today. Over those many years, many concerns have been voiced about your marriage. Am I to now assume there are no problems?”

  Good, they had prepared for this question.

  “You assume correctly, there are no problems with our marriage.” Here was their opportunity to connect with the rest of the population. “Like many on Poolto, our lives have been impacted by the war. My duties have not always afforded me the family life I would have chosen; however, my wife, selfless and sacrificing, has stood by me through these difficult times. It is a sacrifice we gladly make if it helps the war effort.”

  Touché! Let them try and analyze that one. The Emperor would not believe it, but the public would.

  “Excellent, sir, we look forward to seeing more of both of you while you are in Yooso.” The reporter appeared confounded. “My last question, sir.”

  This was it, Tyler was certain.

  “Will both of you be attending the Imperial Ball?”

  The questions wasn’t expected, and Tyler tried to understand why it was important? What was the motivation? He was certain the Emperor was behind it. He spotted the reporter’s earpiece and knew he was being coached by others from afar.

  “Yes, we will be attending the ball together.”

  Tyler turned towards Toosia and smiled before giving her a light kiss for the cameras. It would play well in the broadcast.

  The next several reporters went quickly, each asking various questions about the war, their plans, their schedules and other non-personal questions. Tyler almost thought they were going to avoid the issue altogether.

  Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. One of the last three reporters asked the question that everyone else had avoided. Tyler didn’t recognize the man, and Toosia hadn’t signaled him either. B
oth were unsure who he represented.

  “Admiral, you mentioned in your speech that ‘god willing, we will win this war and vanquish our enemies’. Does this mean you believe in god and think his help is necessary to win the war?”

  Tyler watched as all the other reporters stared from the reporter back to him and back to the reporter again. They all waited for the response. Time to go to work.

  “Certainly not,” he answered with the full force of the Admiral’s commanding presence, “I have no faith in deities, magic, or spirits to help us in this campaign. No, a united Poolto is what will win this war!”

  There, would it work?

  “Then, sir, can you tell us why you mentioned it?”

  “I can.” Time to lie. “It was a phrase my ancestors used in times of trouble, when a rallying cry was needed to bring the people together and give them hope they could succeed! It is only a manner of ancient speech, nothing more.”

  He waved it off and signaled to the next reporter before the last one could respond. He hoped it would diffuse the situation before it got started.

  “Mrs. Slay, if I may ask you a question?”

  Toosia didn’t flinch—she was born to this.

  “Certainly.” She said.

  “Your father, a wonderful member of the Supreme Council, once stated that peace may never come between us and Krildon, at least not in our lifetime. Do you side with him on this view or do you believe your husband who stated victory may be at hand?”

  She smiled regally before answering calmly. “First, you take my father’s words out of context. I know the speech you refer to, I helped write it. His comments were in relation to a negotiated peace that someone else in the Council had proposed years ago. So early in the war, his comment about peace never existing between us was fair and accurate.”

  Tyler smiled, she was so good at this stuff, and the reporter looked nervous.

  “As for my husband, all I can say is that if anyone knows a way to end this conflict, it is him. His years growing up on Krildon provide him an insight into our enemy that few on this planet possess. He understands their culture, their language, and their motivation. He knows how they think, and if you know how your enemy thinks, then you know how to defeat them.”

  Tyler could tell the reporter wasn’t expecting that kind of response. He stumbled while he tried to recover and ask another question.

  “Uh, yes, I see…” he looked baffled, “…wasn’t the, uh, Admiral’s father convicted of treason for his actions at the beginning of the war?”

  Uh, oh, they hadn’t wanted to bring that up, but at least they had prepared for the eventuality. Toosia looked angry and was ready to respond when Tyler took her arm and stopped her.

  “Let me answer that one, dear, it is a fair question.”

  He leveled a commanding stare at the reporter who shied away from the gaze.

  “It is true, as everyone knows, that my father was convicted of treason for his actions on Krildon at the outset of the war. My father was a great man who held onto his convictions, no matter what the consequences. In his mind, he believed war could be averted and that many millions of lives could be saved if we had negotiated before it got out of hand. Yes, however misguided, my father truly believed that.” He paused to let his words sink in. No use denying facts. “I, however, have never held with his convictions. I urged him to abandon his beliefs and return home, but he did not listen to my advice and sealed his fate. As you know, Krildon executed him as a spy.”

  He watched as the reporter squirmed. He wasn’t sure who the man was, but he bet an open attack on the National Hero was not going to go over well with either the public or his employers. He knew Marshall Sliss was marking the man and tracking down his employer even as they spoke.

  Tyler didn’t feel pity, sensationalism was not warranted here. Tyler didn’t care if there were other reporters, he’d had his fill.

  “Thank you, folks, for your great questions and the time you afforded us. Your warm reception and appreciation has not gone unnoticed. However, we have much to do and we mustn’t delay any longer. Thank you for coming and good day!”

  He and Toosia waved to the crowd and cameras, smiling before they headed off the platform to the steps leading into the entrance of the Supreme Military Command. Once inside, Tyler felt a wave of relief, but more than that, he felt victorious.

  They had a long road ahead, but Tyler felt confident they’d won the current battle. Time and the polls would tell. Perhaps he really could pull this off? Perhaps he really could be the Admiral?


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