Admiral's Ghost

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Admiral's Ghost Page 27

by NB VanYoos

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  After the lengthy first day of the conference, Tyler longed for a quiet evening with Toosia. Unfortunately, the Emperor’s Ball was a must attend for the National Hero. The Emperor often held such events, especially to coincide with things like the Admiral’s return.

  Tyler was glad it wasn’t designed just for him. Toosia told him this particular event was created to provide the Supreme Council a forum to socialize with the Imperial Court. Everyone knew it was a political event, regardless of the harmless designation as a ball.

  Toosia’s father and mother would be there, and Tyler was nervous about meeting them. The Admiral’s memories indicated he had a great relationship with both until the many years of separation from Toosia soured them on his company.

  Toosia admitted her mother was not happy with their rekindled relationship, and cautioned Toosia against going to Tooland to see Tyler. In her mind, the Admiral losing power was just desserts. She wanted the Admiral to suffer for the mistreatment of her daughter.

  Tyler understood her attitude and dreaded the meeting. Toosia’s father however, had always supported the Admiral despite how his daughter had been treated. Always the politician, he probably wouldn’t let family concerns interfere with the business of the state—at least not publicly.

  Privately, however, Tyler held no illusions. Toosia had always been his favorite child. Everyone knew it, even her brothers and sisters. Tyler felt a great deal of anxiety at meeting the man, so he was happy it would be part of a public event.

  Tyler held his anxieties in check as their ground car emerged from one of the underground tunnels linking the military complex to the Emperor’s Palace. The gala was held in one of several large facilities designed specifically for these types of affairs. This particular location was ten stories underground and would host all the political power on Poolto. Tyler wondered what Krildon would have done if they knew of the event and had access. The thought sent chills down his spine.

  The car pulled in line behind four others waiting to offload passengers. Tyler watched Toosia fidget, pulling out a mirror to check her appearance one final time. It was odd, she normally was at home at these affairs, having been raised on them since childhood.

  Tyler imagined she was nervous at meeting her parents now that she was back with her husband. Memories of Linda flooded Tyler as he recounted the one time he had met her parents. Tyler had sensed her parents hadn’t liked him from the outset. His background and questionable direction for the future conflicted with their view of the proper man for their daughter.

  Linda downplayed the meeting at first, but later, her family admitted their true feelings. Shortly after that, she had severed all contact with them. At the time, Tyler was happy with her familial disillusionment, but now, he only felt guilty about it. He hoped after his death, she had reunited with her family. The memory left Tyler feeling melancholy.

  Their car finally pulled up to the carpeted entrance as one of the assistants opened their door. Thankfully, no press was permitted to this affair, and they made their way up the sweeping staircase peacefully. The Emperor rarely allowed press to his affairs, and the need for a security clearance to access underground Palace levels ensured they didn’t show up uninvited.

  Tyler ran through the Admiral’s memories, preparing himself for the night’s activities. He knew they would be announced, the Emperor would come last, and they would be required to mingle throughout the affair with political allies.

  The Marshall assured him the event would be an opportunity to strengthen existing ties, and create new ones. Because of the ability to forge new relationships, many speculated why the Emperor sponsored these affairs. After all, not everyone sided with the Emperor, especially those on the Supreme Council.

  Tyler knew why the Emperor allowed it. It was the perfect opportunity to keep track of allegiances, new or otherwise. The place would swarm with spies, listening devices, and recording instruments. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  Nearly everyone suspected this, so very little gossip was heard during these events, but to decipher relationships was enough to be valuable. After several hours of drinking, even tiny slips of the tongue could be analyzed for valuable information. The Emperor never missed an opportunity to spy on his subjects.

  Toosia squeezed Tyler’s arm gently as they moved forward to be announced. They walked to the entrance of the ballroom and Tyler was stunned at the enormous vista spread below them. The ornate, crystal stairs widened as you descended, and the light refracting off the stairs was a dazzling rainbow of colors, displaying everyone in the best possible light.

  At the bottom, tables lined an enormous dance floor stretching into the distance. At that far end, an orchestra played soft music as a backdrop for the multitude of conversations.

  No one sat at any of the tables, and most were clustered in small groups conversing throughout the room. It was difficult for Tyler to make out faces from his vantage, but he hoped recognition would come while they mingled. By his estimate, several thousand people were in attendance.

  He wondered how they could announce them all, but a quick dip into the Admiral’s memories confirmed only senior officials and military personnel were announced.

  On cue, the band stopped playing and a flare of horns rang out across the ballroom. Everyone turned to look at Tyler and Toosia waiting at the top of the stairs.

  It was an amazing spectacle, and even the Admiral’s memories couldn’t quench the awe from the experience. Tyler had never seen anything like it and for the first time, he began to sense the enormous power that was the Admiral. He watched the entire room grow silent as everyone awaited the announcement.

  To their right, one of the Palace staff lifted a device to his mouth, “Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor and gratitude that I may present to you Lady Toosia Slay and Admiral Nayllen Osloo.”

  The room erupted into a roar of applause that felt powerful enough to knock them down. Tyler felt self-conscious, but noticed Toosia was cool as a cucumber, her earlier nervousness gone. She looked at home in this setting.

  Per protocol, they waited for the crowd to subside before descending the staircase. Tyler didn’t want to start the grand affair with a social blunder, so he waited for Toosia to move.

  After several minutes, the applause subsided and Toosia squeezed his arm gently to signal they could descend. Toosia waved casually to several people below as they made their way down the brilliant steps.

  Once on the floor, Toosia began the political introductions and re-acquaintances in earnest. She had whispered to Tyler they could expect this to go on for at least another hour before the Emperor arrived. Since they were traditionally the second to last to be announced, only the Emperor remained.

  Tyler struggled to keep up with the names of everyone they spoke to and the intricate details of the political influence they possessed. He marveled that Toosia could keep up with it all but knew the Admiral hadn’t. Fortunately for Tyler, his new memory kept everything properly catalogued for future recall. He doubted he would need it all, but something might prove useful later. He was certain the Marshall would debrief him.

  Tyler was relieved they hadn’t made it to Toosia’s parents yet. One particularly nosey woman who seemed to thrive on these affairs had assured Toosia her parents were around. After she had left, Toosia informed Tyler that she worked for the Emperor’s personal press office and knew everything about everything. She warned Tyler never to say anything around the woman. Considering how offensive the woman was, he didn’t think there was a chance of that happening.

  They mingled for an hour and made it only a quarter of the way around the room. Tyler was tired and ready to sit, but Toosia reminded him they had to wait until the Emperor arrived. She indicated their table was across the room near the Imperial table on the raised platform.

  Finally, after moving away from a member of the Supreme Council, the music stopped and the brass signaled another announcement. To
Tyler’s relief, it was the Emperor.

  Typical of the Emperor, he wasn’t regal. His attire was no better than Tyler’s, except for the elaborate gold trim around the neck and down the sides. On the left side of his chest, he wore a simple insignia pin from the Imperial Palace. Even the working Palace staff wore the same pin.

  Tyler gave him credit, he was not ostentatious. The only thing imperial was his focused and commanding gaze. When he looked at you, you saw power in his eyes. He took in every detail with his penetrating stare as he constantly analyzed, weighed, and judged.

  To his left, a beautiful woman held onto his arm. She was not the Empress, and according to reports, the Empress now lived on the other side of the planet at an Imperial estate on an isolated island. Although not as immense as the Imperial Palace, Toosia had once stayed there at the request of the Empress. Her only comment was that it was decadent. This piqued Tyler’s curiosity, but he didn’t press for details.

  The woman hanging on the Emperor’s arm was part of his personal staff who regularly appeared with the Emperor during such affairs. Her name was Leeruli Yoonii, and she was rumored to be a distant cousin of the Emperor. However, her exact ancestry was kept from public knowledge.

  According to Marshall Sliss, the two were lovers for many years, and was likely the reason for the royal parting. Over that same period, several attempts were made on her life, and at the time, everyone suspected the Empress was behind it. Surprisingly, Marshall Sliss assured the Admiral such attempts had actually been made by moral extremists who did not like the breaking of the royal family.

  After several of these moral leaders disappeared, the attacks on Leeruli ceased. She was now a regular fixture in the Imperial Palace. Tyler wondered how much she knew about the politics surrounding the Emperor. Did the Emperor confide in her? Either way, the Marshall confirmed she couldn’t be turned, and that it was extremely dangerous to even try.

  The room fell silent as the announcer held the device to his mouth. “Honored guests, the Imperial Palace is pleased you could come to this grand affair. In times of war, this may seem frivolous and excessive, but the Palace believes continuity in the functions of the government is what keeps us going and defines us as a sovereign entity. The Palace thanks you for helping us carry on this rich tradition established over a thousand years ago.”

  He paused, but everyone remained quiet. Once again he raised the device. “Honored guests, it is with great pleasure that I present to you, your leader, and the savior of Poolto, Emperor Hallen Yooso IV.”

  The entire room filled with applause. The closest comparison was the Super Bowl Raul had invited he and Linda to in San Diego. Unlike the Super Bowl, this was pure applause.

  As Tyler clapped, he watched the cool and aloof Emperor. He noticed that Leeruli was not mentioned in the introduction, but she didn’t appear to mind. Her face was as stolid as the Emperor’s, and although she held on to his arm, she stood slightly behind per protocol.

  The applause continued for over five minutes before dying down. At that point, the Emperor and his consort descended the stairs. This was the signal to begin seating.

  Toosia guided them across the dance floor towards the table set aside for their rank. As befitting the National Hero, they were seated at a table with the Chancellor of the Supreme Council, and Regent Sneerd of the Imperial Palace. The Chancellor had his wife and young daughter with him while Regent Sneerd was accompanied by his lovely niece.

  Cordial introductions were made before everyone sat down. Tyler noticed the Regent looked uncomfortable, and although he couldn’t be certain, he thought the Regent’s niece was flirting with him. He was a little disturbed by it until he remembered he and Toosia’s separation was not lost on the public. Within the circle of power, their separation was a known fact, and Tyler supposed many might easily believe their current relationship was only political.

  Being diplomatic, Toosia ignored the girl’s obvious advances on Tyler. According to the Admiral’s memories, these were common occurrences at such events. Tyler didn’t relish the idea of fending off would be suitors while trying to build political fences. It would be a long night.

  As the Emperor passed various tables on his way to the raised platform, he stopped at Tyler’s table to say hello and welcome everyone to the ball. Tyler noted even the Emperor did not introduce his consort. She stood slightly behind as usual, not saying a word and looking more than a little bored.

  Surrounding the Imperial table, other tables were arranged in a semi-circle around the raised platform. Tyler’s was located at the center of this semi-circle, flanked on either side by tables containing the regional Governors of Poolto and their cabinet heads.

  The Imperial platform and surrounding tables contained the bulk of Poolto’s leadership. The Emperor took the middle seat at his table overlooking the ballroom. His table was surrounded by smaller tables with the various heads of the Imperial Cabinet.

  Tyler himself could have invited someone from his staff, but the Marshall refused and urged him to let them work instead. Tyler agreed these functions were best left to the Admiral and his wife.

  The Regent looked longingly at the Imperial table, no doubt thinking he should be sitting there. Unfortunately, tradition dictated the heads of each branch sat together. Tyler imagined this was designed to help bridge the chasm that often existed between them. Of course, according to the Admiral’s knowledge of history, the design never worked. Nonetheless, they lived on protocol.

  Everyone settled in, and an army of Palace staff served a generous and lengthy meal. As dictated by tradition, all tables except those in the Imperial semi-circle, were served first. Tyler wasn’t necessarily hungry, but he wanted the food to divert Regent Sneerd’s niece.

  She sat next to him and wouldn’t stop talking. She was introduced as Greelen Sneerd, and she pointed out that she was the oldest of all of Uncle Aanweer’s nieces, and therefore was the first one asked to these affairs. Tyler also noted the Regent cringed when she called him Uncle Aanweer.

  According to Greelen, this was her tenth Imperial ball and she never tired of attending. By the time the servers had reached their table, Tyler had learned where Greelen lived, what schools she attended, where she worked, what type of men she liked (older men with power), her musical preferences, and what the best clubs in Yooso were.

  Tyler was polite, but thankful when a server interrupted a stunning tale of how a friend of a friend of Greelen’s had been lost in the war. Tyler supposed she must have thought an Admiral never saw combat, and therefore didn’t appreciate the gruesome reality.

  Thankfully, before she could finish the tale, Toosia came to the rescue.

  “The Admiral is well aware of the casualties inflicted in war, my dear. Perhaps you heard of his last battle and the injuries he incurred during the incident?” She said it very coolly, and ended with a curt smile. Tyler smiled inside.

  “Oh, yeah, I guess I forgot.” The girl responded. “Anyway, if you have time while in Yooso, I would be more than happy to escort you for a night on the town. I have many connections and we could get into all of the very elite and exclusive clubs.”

  Apparently, nothing would deter her from her mission. Again, it never occurred to her the National Hero might not have problems getting into anything he wanted. Tyler gave Toosia a roll of his eyes, but she just smiled and returned to talking with the Chancellor.

  Tyler turned his attention to the food and tuned out Greelen. This didn’t stop her from continuing. Tyler noticed Regent Sneerd was not paying attention to anything at their table and was busily scanning the crowd, no doubt analyzing everything and everyone he saw.

  Across the table, the Chancellor’s daughter stared intently at everyone else. No doubt she was learning all she could about life in the Imperium. Tyler guessed she was about ten, but he felt certain she knew more than any ten year old he’d known. She hung onto every word Greelen uttered. Too bad, Tyler thought. Greelen was not a good role model.

He was beginning to see why the Admiral spent little time in Yooso. It had been years since he had attended one of these events, and his memories held nothing but contempt for the politics conducted here.


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