Admiral's Ghost

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Admiral's Ghost Page 28

by NB VanYoos

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  At last, the formal dinner ended and people mingled about the room. Toosia grabbed Tyler and said a curt goodbye to Greelen. Greelen returned the curt goodbye, and then boldly grabbed Tyler’s hand placing a slip of paper in it.

  She smiled longingly at Tyler, while holding his hand. “My number in Yooso, in case you want to go out on the town. My Uncle says you’ve spent little time here, so perhaps you would like to see more of this incredible city?”

  She let go of his hand, but smiled with mischief in her eyes. Tyler pocketed the paper politely before saying goodbye. Toosia practically pulled him away from the table, and he felt good that she was jealous.

  They moved through the crowd before Toosia finally spoke. “Do you believe that girl? The nerve, as though I weren’t even there. It is totally indicative of everyone in the Palace: arrogant and self-serving.”

  Tyler was surprised by her outburst, but realized she’d kept it quiet so only he could hear. His feelings for Toosia welled up, and he desperately wished they could leave to be alone. He almost mentioned it to her until they stopped to talk with Tiiten Beerii, a Supreme Council member Toosia’s father was friends with for a long time. Tyler sighed, back to business.

  The Councilor was remarkably forthcoming, and Tyler was able to discern the Council was split on their support of the Emperor. Although Tyler was still a favorite among many on the Council, the sting of the failed offensive was hard for many to get past.

  Fed by Imperial propaganda, many on the Council questioned whether the failure was due to the Admiral or due to faulty military intelligence. In either case, the Admiral was ultimately responsible.

  Tyler thanked him for his support and lied to him they would do everything within their power to find out what went wrong. It was a lie because the Vice Admiral would ensure the military placed the blame only on the Admiral. Nonetheless, Tyler knew it was be a big mistake to appear other than completely in control.

  As the Councilor explained his feelings about Vice Admiral Teesen, an older gentlemen interrupted their party. Tyler didn’t recognize him, and judging from Toosia’s expression, neither did she. He wore a very simple, yet stylish suit that reeked of money. He was medium height, medium build, and not very distinguishable from most at the affair.

  Tyler noticed one distinguishing characteristic that made him stand out loud and clear. His eyes held that same penetrating stare the Emperor’s did. Tyler wondered if they were related.

  “Ah,” the Councilor exclaimed, “here he is!” He turned towards the stranger as though they’d been waiting for him all along.

  Tiiten shook hands with the man before turning towards Tyler. “Nayllen and Toosia, may I introduce you to a good friend of mine, Nayllen Hooss.”

  Toosia extended her hand, and Nayllen Hooss kissed it gently in response.

  “It is my pleasure, Lady Slay.” He bowed slightly after releasing her hand.

  There was something Tyler didn’t like about him, but he extended his hand anyway.

  “Nayllen, is it?” Tyler asked, “A fine name if ever was one.”

  Nayllen Hooss grabbed Tyler’s hand shaking it firmly. “I agree—it is an honor to share a name with our world’s most famous hero.”

  He sounded genuine, but the way he measured Tyler with his eyes made Tyler wary. Tyler turned his attention to the Councilor as he explained who the man was.

  “…he was in the employ of the government himself at one time, Diplomatic Corps, wasn’t it? Anyway, he now sits on the board of several manufacturing consortiums that supply the military.”

  Tyler was surprised that he had never heard of someone who was so prominently involved in supplying the military. The Admiral’s memories were replete with many such people, but not Nayllen Hooss.

  “Yes, I was in the Diplomatic Corps in my younger days, but I was never really cut out to be a bureaucrat, so I left for greener pastures.”

  Tyler took the offensive. “I thought I was familiar with all our military suppliers. How is it we have never met, Nayllen?”

  For a moment, their eyes locked in an intense stare. As quickly as it came, it was gone, replaced with a soft, disarming smile.

  “Well, Admiral, I have often wondered the same thing. I spend a great deal of my time in Yooso, so perhaps that is why we have never met. I usually leave the military dealings with my underlings, while I attend to the political side of the business.” His response was smooth and convincing. “Without proper funding, the military couldn’t buy any of our products. Let’s just say I work closely with Councilor Beerii and the Arms Procurement Committee.”

  No arguing that. The Admiral had avoided Yooso as much as possible. It was also true Councilor Beerii was the head of the Arms Procurement Committee. It was one reason he made such a wonderful ally.

  Tyler responded. “Yes, I suppose that must be it. I am too often indisposed to spend time in Yooso, and I fear I may be the worst for it.”

  “Nonsense,” Nayllen quipped, “what greater duty could there be than saving our world? Your time has been well spent, my friend.”

  He smiled, disarming Tyler even as something briefly flickered in his eyes.

  “Indeed, Admiral,” Councilor Beerii chimed in, “no one faults your absence when your missions have been so noble. I’ll tell you though, you are more than a welcome addition to this city when you are here.”

  “Yes, Nayllen dear,” Toosia added, “the capital city loves their hero.”

  “Well,” Nayllen said, “I must run, so many more to meet tonight.” He donned his smile and shook hands. “It was a true pleasure to meet you, I hope you enjoy your stay in our city.”

  Tyler thanked him and watched as he disappeared into the crowd.

  “A most wonderful man to have on your side,” the Councilor said, “he was instrumental in the on time delivery of the Kiltz Cannon when it was delayed due to technical problems.”

  “I remember that,” Tyler said, “its delivery was critical to our victory at the battle of Peendor Asteroid. He was responsible for that?”

  “Yes, he is remarkable, yet low key. He may sit on the boards of those companies, but if you ask me, I suspect he runs them all. Close ties with the Palace as well.”

  The Palace, Tyler thought, maybe that’s why I feel so wary? Perhaps that is where Nayllen Hooss picked up his measuring stare. Tyler made a mental note to have the Marshall dig up information on this Nayllen Hooss. If he had dealings with the military, it shouldn’t be hard to track down something from his contacts.

  After hours of mingling and dancing, which Tyler enjoyed most, they tracked down Toosia’s parents deep in conversation with a Palace official. Tyler didn’t recognize the couple from the Admiral’s memories, but Toosia did.

  “Hello, mother, father, Vice Secretary Giin,” she nodded to the man, “and who is this lovely woman with you, Vice Secretary? Your wife?”

  The man rewarded Toosia with a big, open smile. “Yes, it is my wife, Heelsa, finally come to visit the capital.”

  The man stood up and kissed Toosia on both cheeks.

  “So good to see you again, Toosia, and I see you brought your husband with you as well?” He turned to Tyler. “So good to finally meet you, Admiral, your family has spoken fondly of you over the years. I feel like I know you.”

  Tyler took the man’s hand. “Well, thank you, Vice Secretary, I am pleased to see my family is in such fine company.”

  Tyler smiled and reached out to kiss Heelsa’s hand. She appeared timid but let Tyler take her hand nonetheless.

  “You’ll have to excuse my dear Heelsa, she is a wonderful woman, but she comes from the country. This city scares her with its size and population.” Heelsa blushed, but remained silent.

  “Well, now,” Toosia started, “with so many politicians around, who can blame her?” She shook Heelsa’s hand and gave her a warm and welcome smile.

  “Thank you, Toosia, your point is well taken.” The Vice Secretary signaled for them to j
oin them.

  “Hello, Nayllen, I hope all is well?” Councilor Slay sat calmly, his wife Tooriin beside him.

  “All is well, Councilor, and yourself?”


  Tyler turned towards Tooriin’s cold stare. “Hello, Tooriin, so wonderful to see you again.”

  Tooriin merely nodded her head to acknowledge Tyler. She turned quickly to Toosia. “Are you having a good time tonight, dear?”

  “Yes, mother, thank you.”

  Tyler noticed Tooriin looked dubious, but let it go.

  Councilor Slay jumped in to get past the awkwardness. “Well, you look simply radiant tonight, dear, glad you could come. The Vice Secretary was just filling us in on the latest crop reports from around the globe, would you care to listen in?”

  “No, no,” the Vice Secretary replied, “no more boring crop reports, let’s talk about something less serious.”

  With that, the Vice Secretary began asking Tyler about their winery and estates. He claimed to be fascinated by the wine making process, and indicated Heelsa’s family often considered going into the business. Although she came from the country, she came from one of the largest farming cooperatives on the planet.


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