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Admiral's Ghost

Page 31

by NB VanYoos

  * * * *

  During the afternoon break, Tyler contacted Greelen to set up their date for that night. He’d arranged to pick her up early in the evening. She was extremely excited by the prospects until Tyler mentioned Toosia would join them.

  Despite this fly in the ointment, Greelen had agreed. Tyler was certain she was plotting to get her claws into him even with Toosia around.

  Toosia was a harder sell than Greelen, and Tyler winced at the look of despair that came over her when he mentioned the young woman. He hastily assured her he had no interests in Greelen and confided she was only a cover for some business he needed to tend to. He didn’t mention his meeting with Nayllen, but only confirmed the evening wasn’t just for pleasure. He quickly assured her he would explain everything afterwards.

  This consoled her, at least temporarily. She agreed to come, but Tyler suspected it was more from curiosity than to help him. Either way, she would be there to deflect Greelen’s advances.

  Toosia currently sat next to him in the ground car as it sped across the city to pick up Greelen. They requested no escort despite the Marshall’s protests. Tyler had finally calmed him down by ordering him to desist. He assured the Marshall it was inconceivable anyone would injure the planet’s greatest hero. The Marshall replied he could count at least three off the top of his head.

  Tyler dismissed those concerns and was adamant no escort follow them. The Marshall conceded, but Tyler suspected covert escorts would be placed on them anyway. At least they wouldn’t be public.

  Tyler glanced at Toosia, admiring her calm demeanor. She was dressed in a semi-formal outfit, and once again, Tyler was taken by her subtle beauty. He knew the Admiral’s memories had changed his attitude towards Poolto, but he didn’t care. He wanted this woman and convinced himself the feelings were his own.

  He gently took her hand. “I am sorry to be so elusive, but this is an important thing I must do.”

  “I know.” She said plainly. “I could sense the urgency when you persuaded me to come.”

  He didn’t think she sounded persuaded. “I promise to tell you everything later.” It sounded empty. He knew he would have to wait and see what Nayllen had to say before he could confidently share it with Toosia. He didn’t even want to share it with the Marshall.

  “Fine,” she replied, “I hope you don’t mind that I invited a friend along. If you are going to be preoccupied this evening, the last thing I want is to spend it conversing with Greelen.”

  He noted that when she said Greelen’s name it came out guttural and offensive.

  “Yes, who is it?” he asked.

  “Trooden Hiir.” She said without emotion.

  The name triggered a response in the Admiral’s memories. Tyler recalled the man as someone who’d always wanted to marry Toosia. They had dated briefly in college before becoming friends. According to the Marshall’s sources, Toosia had been the one who broke it off.

  Tyler felt a twinge of jealousy, but realized the Admiral had carried on an affair for many years, even after Toosia knew about it. What right did he have to be jealous?

  He smiled. “Good, then you won’t be bored.”

  He didn’t pursue it further, and both remained silent the rest of the way to Greelen’s. Tyler wasn’t certain whether she had invited Trooden to make the Admiral jealous or whether she genuinely wanted a friend. The Marshall never confirmed whether she had an affair with Trooden, but it didn’t matter anyway. If she truly wanted a family, she might just be breaking it off with the old friend.

  Tyler tried putting it out of his mind. He was nervous enough about meeting Nayllen and entertaining Greelen as their car pulled in front of a tall, extravagant apartment building. Tyler noted the building contained apartments on the upper floors with entertainment underneath. Several theaters, restaurants, and shops lined the lower floors, but private elevators would whisk the elite to their plush apartments overhead.

  Tyler had seen plenty of wealth as a drug dealer, but nothing as extravagant as this. Everyone wore expensive clothing and adorned themselves with sparkling jewelry. Although Tyler wore an expensive suit, he felt underdressed. This was the world they were fighting to save? It made him wonder how everyone outside the city lived.

  Greelen was waiting as they pulled up and waved an enthusiastic goodbye to a few people she’d been talking with. She ran towards their car as the driver held the door open. She stepped in, smiling broadly at Tyler before delivering a curt hello to Toosia. She took the seat across from them, an enormous grin on her face.

  Tyler broke the awkward silence. “Good evening, Greelen, it is very generous to show us around town.”

  Greelen ignored Toosia completely and poured charm all over the Admiral.

  “My pleasure, Admiral.” She said coyly. “I hope you will enjoy the evening. I have taken the privilege to book us at one of the best restaurants in town. I am good friends with the head chef, and it is useful to be part of the Imperial Family.”

  Tyler saw the immense pleasure she took in recounting her prestigious associations. He wondered why she thought that would impress the planet’s hero. He figured it was habit at this point.

  “Great, I look forward to it!” He said a bit too enthusiastically. “I would also like to stop at the Grand Anoor Casino afterwards.”

  “That old place!” She exclaimed, a look of disgust on her face. “Whatever for?”

  Tyler remained calm. “I may meet a friend there for a drink, and he told me it was the best casino in town.”

  “Well, it certainly is the oldest,” her face softened, “who is this friend?”

  “School chum,” he lied, “in town for a convention or something. I thought I would see him again while he was back in the capital. It has been years since we saw each other.”

  She looked hurt but quickly recovered with a sparkle in her eyes. Tyler thought she was already scheming for his imaginary friend. He had to admit, she was attractive, although in an aggressive, and offensive sort of way.

  “Very well, we can swing by the Casino after dinner, but only if you promise to hit some clubs afterwards.”

  “Yes, that would be fine.”

  He doubted Toosia and he would like her clubs, but he wanted to appease her and keep up the charade. He watched Toosia practically cringing at the prospects. He owed her a great deal after this evening.

  They drove to the restaurant listening to Greelen recounting various tales of evenings on the town. As he barely listened, Tyler caught glimpses of the city through the window. He was amazed at the immensity. It was like Las Vegas and Tokyo rolled into one—except many times bigger. It took all his will power to act as though it were a normal scene. He felt a thrill at being part of a great sci-fi epic, but the mood was lost in the sound of Greelen’s voice.

  Although they traveled in a ground car, Tyler noticed the additional vehicles traveling through the skies overhead. He cringed when he thought of one of the vehicles falling to the ground below. Based on the crowd density in this part of town, a falling vehicle could kill hundreds. He stared up once again with feelings of claustrophobia.

  The car pulled up to the restaurant, and Greelen finally fell silent. Toosia squeezed his hand slightly as she pointed out the window to a small gathering of press waiting. Tyler supposed that if the place were really famous, then is was very likely the press showed up every night. Still, he couldn’t help feeling someone had tipped them off. He glanced at Greelen and decided it wasn’t inconceivable she had informed the press. After all, what good was it going on the town with the planet’s most famous hero if no one saw it on television?

  “Oh, no,” Greelen exclaimed, “I was hoping the press would be covering somewhere else tonight. I hope you don’t mind?”

  She didn’t sound sincere and Tyler thought he heard excitement in her voice. It didn’t matter, he was prepared to handle them.

  As the press noticed the car, they moved towards it. The driver held them back before opening the door. Tyler
moved into the bright flashes and smiled widely. He turned to help Toosia, and she graciously accepted his right arm. He turned to assist Greelen, but she had already climbed out and grabbed his left arm. A girlish smile wide across her face.

  Toosia remained poised, so Tyler took her cue and escorted them towards the restaurant. As they drew close to the entrance, they were engulfed by reporters and cameramen. Everywhere in the crowd, microphones were thrust forward to capture every word.

  They made slow progress until receiving help from the doormen. The doormen cleared the press, and Tyler took the opportunity to give them their news.

  “Members of the Press, we are glad you are here this evening.” The press fell silent with only sounds of their cameras and equipment a dull background buzz. “My wife and I are out to enjoy the hospitality this great city has to offer.”

  Toosia nodded in agreement.

  “On my left,” he nodded toward Greelen, “is Greelen Sneerd who has graciously offered to show us around the town this evening.”

  At the introduction, Greelen bowed slightly, never letting go of Tyler’s arm. She was nearly giddy with delight.

  “We look forward to a wonderful dinner followed by entertainment afterwards.”

  With that, they turned and headed into the restaurant, the cries of questions falling deaf on their backs. As the doors closed behind them, the sound of the reporters faded inside the enormous foyer trimmed with intricate gold leaf around the ceiling and walls. The floor was solid black, reflecting everything like a pool of dark liquid.

  In contrast, a small table sat at the far wall with a single person behind it. To the right of the table, a closed door provided the only break in the wall. Tyler assumed it was the entrance to the restaurant but wasn’t certain since its bland appearance made it look more like a coat room.

  They walked toward the table as the person scribbled on something hidden from their view. A small light barely illuminated the woman behind it. She was very pretty elegantly dressed in a regal blue robe.

  They waited quietly as the young woman gave them a reassuring smile. The effect was breathtaking, and Tyler realized it hadn’t been lost on Toosia or Greelen. Both smiled curtly, smug looks on their faces.

  “We are honored to have the Great Admiral Osloo dining with us.” Her voice was nearly angelic with the lilting tones of Poolto. “We hope you will enjoy the fine selections our Chef has prepared tonight.” She bowed slightly, but it didn’t steal from her beauty. Tyler realized he was mesmerized and tried to look at something else.

  “My name is Liiseer, and I will be your host this evening. Think of me as your Concierge. If there is anything you require, please let me know.” Tyler’s mind thought of several things she could provide but quickly pulled his attention away from such thoughts. Her smile was so warm and inviting, she could easily pull the attention of any man, even one with two beautiful women on his arms. Wow!

  Liiseer handed them a small device which Greelen grabbed before Tyler could grasp it. Liiseer ignored Greelen’s discomfort and leveled Tyler a stunning smile. Tyler felt Toosia and Greelen tighten their grips as he returned the favor.

  “Before we seat you, Admiral, would you prefer the common room or something more private?”

  For a moment he thought she was going to say intimate. With two women at his side, that would have been embarrassing. Apparently she meant private, as her demeanor didn’t change.

  “Oh, … the common room would be fine,” he replied, “thank you.”

  She nodded and scribbled once more. As if on cue, the door behind the table opened, and another young woman ushered them in. Her name was Zeeren, and she also promised to provide anything they needed.

  So far, this beat any restaurant Tyler could remember in Los Angeles. Back home, the service workers were aspiring actors or playwrights, so the service was often poor. Here, it was downright decadent. He had to admit, he was getting accustomed to the Admiral’s lifestyle.

  The small door led to a lift that whisked them to the upper floors. Tyler guessed they went at least thirty floors, but as the lift stopped, Zeeren announced the three-hundredth floor. Tyler tried not to look surprised by the mind boggling speed they had traveled.

  The common room was not so common by Tyler’s standards. The tables were spaced far apart, and as they passed from one to another, he sensed the hum of a field around them. The fields blocked conversations, and the silence within such a crowded room was eerie. They marched to a small alcove set against one of the windows.

  Zeeren sat them before fiddling with several switches. The field was activated and in response, the window became transparent. She had assured them no one could see through from the outside and that no one would be able to overhear their conversations. Tyler was thinking if this was the common room, then what did more private mean?

  The three of them sat on a plush, semi-circular couch surrounding the table. It was placed at an angle to the window giving them a view of the city as well as most of the dining room. Tyler was impressed by the view spectacular of the city.

  Toosia and Greelen sat on either side, Greelen too close and Toosia not close enough. Still, it was nice to have Toosia in such a spectacular setting. She was radiant, and Tyler quickly forgot the angelic hostess from below.

  “Isn’t this fabulous?” Greelen exclaimed. “My friend is the best Chef on Poolto.”

  Tyler had to admit, it was incredible. “Yes, these are wonderful accommodations, the view is especially beautiful. I have often seen it from space, but this vantage is truly remarkable.”

  Toosia smiled, but said nothing.

  Tyler noticed Greelen looked proud of herself to be eating with two of the more prominent people on the planet. She glanced around the dining room, searching for others—no doubt to mark the occasion.

  Tyler didn’t care, he was waiting patiently and nervously for his meeting at the casino. He thought about Nayllen and his motives. Why would an arms dealer want to give up the lucrative environment of war? Surely he had a lot to gain from a new offensive. But then again, if it worked, he might be out of work. That wasn’t a shrewd business move.

  Tyler had to admit the general feel of the planet was for ending the war, but they simply couldn’t get past the bitterness and hostility from past deeds. To Tyler, peace seemed very far off. Tyler accessed the Admiral’s memories and estimated the same situation was likely occurring on Krildon. He didn’t believe anyone could live so long with war and not tire of the ceaseless sacrifices. Still, what motivated Nayllen? He hoped the meeting would answer his questions.

  Greelen’s voice cut through Tyler’s reverie.

  “Admiral, did you hear me?” she said.

  “Y-yes,” he stumbled, “I mean no, I was lost in thought. Sorry.”

  “Nayllen dear, Greelen was just telling us about the history of this restaurant, a truly fascinating story. Apparently her uncle is one of the cofounders.”

  Toosia squeezed Tyler’s hand as she delivered this news. Tyler understood the gesture—it explained why they were here. Tyler looked around with more interest. He recognized a few faces in the dimly lit room and decided most were prominent people in Yooso, if not Poolto. He recognized a Councilman dining across the room with several guests. Business interests not doubt here to advocate their causes within the Supreme Council.

  Tyler realized this was where the real politics occurred. It was no wonder Regent Sneerd was a co-founder. His ties to the Emperor would not doubt make the place popular, and although the entire facility was built to provide privacy, Tyler had no doubts Sneerd had found ways to spy on the private conversations.

  There was no end to the Emperor’s reach, and Tyler made a mental note to tell Marshall Sliss about this place. However, he figured the Marshall already knew.

  “Well, that is fascinating,” Tyler agreed, “perhaps we’ll run into your Uncle while we are here?”

  “Maybe,” she said nonchalantly, “but he doesn’t spend much time here.”
  As if he had heard their conversation, Tyler spotted Regent Sneerd enter the dining room and make his way towards their table. What timing?

  “Ah, we are in luck, I see your Uncle now!” Tyler said.

  He noticed Greelen brighten slightly, and assumed she was ready to play up to her uncle yet again. He assumed Sneerd probably recommended Greelen bring them here.

  “Yes, we are in luck, I almost never see him here!” Greelen exclaimed.

  I’ll bet, Tyler thought. He looked at Toosia who remained cool and passive. He knew she had no love for Sneerd and was probably thinking the same thing. We are being monitored.

  The Regent entered their privacy ring and bowed.

  “Lady Slay and Admiral Osloo, you grace us with your presence.”

  Toosia bowed in response. “Regent.”

  “Good evening, Regent, quite a wonderful place you have here.” Tyler said. “Your niece was just telling us about your interest in founding this establishment.”

  “She did?” He replied. “Then, she will have told you how wonderful the food is.”

  Tyler had to hand it to him, the Regent was cool … very cool.

  “Perhaps she also informed you we have the finest cellar in Yooso—perhaps Poolto.” He looked directly at Tyler. “We even stock a great deal of your own label, Admiral.”

  A server suddenly appeared with a tray containing a bottle of wine and several fragile looking glasses.

  “I hope you don’t mind, I took the privilege of ordering one, compliments of the house. In fact, everything is complimentary this evening. It is only fitting for our planet’s most revered hero.”

  Tyler thought he heard the last bit come out slightly scathing, but realized he may simply be projecting his own thoughts onto the Regent.

  Toosia jumped in quickly, saving Tyler from having to respond to the compliment. “Why that is wonderful, Regent, we truly thank you!”

  She was so smooth. Tyler even thought she was serious at first but then remembered her true feelings.

  Regent Sneerd shook off the thanks and moved out of the way for the server.

  “Please enjoy your dinner. I look forward to seeing you again.”

  With that, the Regent slipped away as quietly as he had come. Tyler looked at Greelen who appeared hurt by the fact that her uncle didn’t even acknowledge her presence. For a brief moment, Tyler almost felt sorry for her. The moment passed when she recognized someone across the room.

  She waved wildly, and excused herself from the table. Tyler was glad for the break.

  “I’m sorry, Toosia, I realize this is not exactly the ideal date.”

  She remained calm, a slight smile on her face made her look confident and beautiful. In fact, Tyler thought the dim lighting and elegant surroundings made her even more radiant than usual. He felt a pull on his heart and wished they were both back at the Estate, alone, and in each other’s arms. She quickly broke the moment.

  “Oh, please, Nayllen, our host is being wonderful. I am enjoying this … immensely. In fact I am sure we will remember this night for a long time.”

  Tyler saw through her sarcasm. She wanted to know what he was up to but patiently waited to give him the time he needed. He owed her a lot and intended to pay it back.

  “Well, good,” he lied, “so am I.” He knew he sounded less convincing, but then he wasn’t versed in the subterfuge and lying that was common in Yooso. He understood why the Admiral never spent time here.

  Greelen returned, breaking their awkward silence. Picking up where she left off, Greelen spent the rest of the meal recounting everything she knew about Yooso. Tyler had to admit, the food and drink were exceptional, even if the conversation wasn’t.


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