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Admiral's Ghost

Page 35

by NB VanYoos

  * * * *

  Tyler woke restless in a dark room, where Toosia still laid beside him, fast asleep. He thought about the circus dream and Adanni. Was it real, or was it just a dream?

  You bet it was real, and don’t force me back down there!

  Fine, fine, you can stay, but remember what I said, Tyler replied.

  All Tyler heard was ‘fine’ in response.

  Tyler checked the clock and saw he didn’t need to get up for another two hours. After wrangling with Adanni all night, he no longer felt like sleep.

  He slipped out of bed, donning a robe before quietly walking to the living area. He was happy to have Toosia close to him, but feared what he had told her. She was not a delicate woman and was better versed in politics than Tyler, but this was something entirely different than ordinary politics. He wanted to wake her and ask her advice, but he decided to let her sleep.

  He sat down on one of the overstuffed chairs and turned on several screens to watch the latest news around Poolto. In his current mood, he truly felt like an alien on an alien world.

  He watched several of his favorites shows, but somehow he wasn’t getting the same thing out of them. He knew why. For all the celebrity the Admiral enjoyed, he was nothing more than a puppet of forces he didn’t understand.

  Before he’d come to Yooso, Tyler had thought of himself and the Admiral as a true force to reckon with, but now, that illusion had faded. Only days before, he had watched these programs with a mind towards helping the citizens of Poolto. Now, however, he realized he didn’t even know them. How could he, he was just an alien pretending to be a hero.

  Stop being melodramatic, there are worst things in this Universe—trust me.

  Adanni’s voice didn’t help, it only aggravated his alienation. He’d become a schizophrenic alien.

  Please … I’m going to cry. It’s no wonder you’ve screwed this up.

  I’ve screwed it up? Like I had a choice! Tyler was angry from his accusations. He wasn’t the one who wanted to be an Onyalum. He hadn’t caused the accident.

  Of course you had a choice! You chose to be the Admiral—you chose to live on his world—and you chose to take on the powers of this world! What did you think it would be like? You picked this world’s National Hero, and now you say it wasn’t your fault?

  Tyler listened patiently his anger simmering. Of course he was to blame for getting caught in the Admiral’s body. Sure, he could have avoided this world, skipped past the floundering ship and found another—another world that was peaceful, and simple. But was that what he had wanted?

  Adanni interrupted his thoughts.

  You never wanted simple, you wanted excitement! As I want excitement. I can read your past memories—I know what you did, and I know how you felt when you did it. You felt alive, spirited, and in control, even when you were not. Isn’t that what you want?

  Tyler had to admit, he missed many aspects of his previous life. Was it the never-ending parties he missed, or Linda? He wasn’t sure, but as he recalled his past, he yearned for something to ease the tension he now felt. Perhaps a small glass of one of the Admiral’s finest vintages?

  Sure, escape, now that you’ve messed everything up. What do you think Toosia would say, you drinking so early in the morning?

  Tyler tried to ignore the rebuke. I do my best thinking after I have had a few drinks! He tried to sound convincing, but even he saw the problem with drinking so early. Still …

  The alien wouldn’t back down. Shape up, we have work to do! You can have a drink later, when it is more appropriate. Remember, I feel the effects, too!

  A wicked thought crossed Tyler’s mind, was that how he could suppress Adanni?

  Don’t bet on it. The alien warned.

  Adanni’s voice was steely cold, so Tyler pushed the thought aside.

  Damn you, Adanni.

  Listen up. You’ve put the Admiral in a very precarious position.

  Gee, like I didn’t know that! How was the obvious going to help?

  You’ve got to meet with Nayllen and his party immediately.

  So you’re saying since I am already in it deep enough, why not go all the way?

  No, what I am saying is that you need to know—must know—who is behind Nayllen. If it is a plot by the Imperial Palace, you need to know right away to appropriately plan a defense. Remember, the Admiral has a great deal of political clout, so he can always find a way out. However, without knowing what you are up against, you are steering blind.

  And what if it is not a Palace plot? Tyler had the feeling something or someone else drove Nayllen.

  Then, you must know that as well. Nayllen has a huge advantage over you, but you must find a way to overcome it. The Admiral’s intelligence is clearly insufficient though not for trying. At this point, nothing Marshall Sliss can do will help you—he is too far out of the loop and could make things worse. You are the only one who can get the intelligence we need!

  Tyler thought about what Adanni was saying. The logic seemed true on the surface, but Tyler still struggled to trust him.

  You seem to have put a lot of thought into this?

  When you have nothing to do but observe from a distance, what else are you going to do? Adanni replied bitterly.

  Point taken … still, I am a little apprehensive about taking this further with Nayllen. He gave the Admiral more than a small threat, and based on his apparent resources, I believe him capable of anything. He definitely has resolve, but what motivates him is a mystery. I have to consider Toosia and her safety as well.

  She is a big girl and can take care of herself. Still, you could always send her to the Estate in Tooland until things settle out.

  Tyler thought about her leaving and felt a pang of pain at the prospect. Things were just beginning to change with her and he didn’t want to jeopardize that based on his fears. After all, without her, what was the point?

  She can stay for now, but I may have to send her off if things heat up.

  Tyler hoped they would not.


  The voice from behind startled him. “Whaa ... oh, Toosia, sorry, you startled me.”

  “What are you doing out here so early?” she asked.

  “Just catching up on some news and thinking about … things.” He tried sounding convincing. He really wanted that drink, regardless of what Toosia might think.

  She looked at him through beautiful eyes, and the figure underneath her nightdress aroused his desire.

  Stop it Tyler, keep control.

  I say go for it, Adanni responded.

  “May I join you?” she inquired quietly.

  “Uh, oh … sure, have a seat.”

  She moved around the room and settled into another soft couch next to Tyler’s. She sat down gently and pulled her legs up onto the couch while leaning against the arm rest. She held her head in her hands and leveled a concerned look his way. He felt embarrassed.

  He fumbled with the remote but finally turned off the viewers. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous, they had just slept in the same bed. Still, he hadn’t been in a relationship since Linda, and he felt like a teenager on his first date.

  “Something is different about you, Nayllen. Something I can’t put my finger on.” She stared at him emotionless.

  “Really?” He said surprised. “I don’t know, I feel the same.”

  “Do you?” She smiled gently and looked down at Tyler’s waist. Apparently the Admiral’s body responded to her regardless of Tyler’s nervousness. He didn’t know how to respond to this obvious interest in her.

  “Don’t worry, Dear, I won’t tell if you don’t.” Her smile turned mischievous, and Tyler felt the Admiral’s body responding in kind.

  “Tell? Oh, yes, tell.” He was not handling it well and felt the fool. Thankfully, she took the lead standing up from the couch heading to the bedroom.

  As her nightdress gently brushed her body, Tyler felt an intense desire overwhelming him. He had to have her, and
he hoped desperately that this was what she wanted.

  She stopped at the doorway, turning her head over her shoulders. “Are you coming?”

  Tyler’s heart beat in his chest—a marathon runner before the big race. He stood, watching as she slid her nightdress off before slipping into the darkness of the room beyond.

  Tyler quickly followed, his arousal prominent. He closed the door quietly and slipped under the covers, nervous, excited, and feeling like he was nineteen. As he touched her skin, the colored lights danced in a procession of the parade that would soon follow. They matched the rhythmic pace of his own and together they lit the room with the glow of love.


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