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Admiral's Ghost

Page 40

by NB VanYoos

  * * * *

  Before returning to the conference, Tyler and the Marshall walked through their plan of action. Tyler practiced some of the things he would say on the Marshall, who gave feedback. Tyler thought he would modify some of the statements, but keep others as he had originally planned. All in all, they felt remarkably confident as they headed back to the meeting.

  On the way, Tyler was stopped by another soldier who held a message from Toosia. Tyler read it carefully before rejoining the Marshall. The note was simple:

  Good luck, dear, the Marshall has made me aware of your plans. For what it is worth, I agree with your actions as does my father. I know you’ll be late, but I am planning on an intimate dinner for the two of us when you get home.

  Love, Toosia

  Tyler erased the message and handed the device back to the soldier. He joined the Marshall as they returned to the conference. He thought about Toosia’s note and warm feelings grew within him. At least he had a date to look forward to.

  They entered the conference room late as the proceedings were already underway. Even the Emperor sat quietly watching the Vice Admiral.

  “Ah, Admiral, sorry we couldn’t wait for you,” the Vice Admiral pleaded, “however we just began.”

  “Don’t worry,” Tyler said, “I apologize for my tardiness, I received a note from my wife.”

  Tyler saw the Vice Admiral didn’t know how to respond to his reference to his wife. It was common knowledge around the Supreme Military Command that the Admiral and his wife had been apart for some time. Their appearance together was confusing to many in the room.

  “Oh, good,” the Vice Admiral said clumsily, “well, then, we will continue. Secretary Doorn was just sharing with us his opinion of the offensive. Please continue, Secretary.” The Vice Admiral nodded to the man who started once again.

  Tyler ignored Doorn’s comments as he already knew the Secretary was backing the Vice Admiral. In fact, it was rumored he had helped craft much of the plan.

  The Admiral’s memories held admiration for Secretary Doorn. Apparently he had been a strong tactician when he was younger. Somewhere down the line, he had moved away from the Admiral’s viewpoints and sided with the Vice Admiral. Tyler couldn’t understand why, the Admiral had been responsible for most of the man’s promotions.

  You stayed off-world too long, Admiral. Tyler thought.

  Was Secretary Doorn also being blackmailed? Tyler wondered how many were directly beholden to the Imperial Palace for some reason or another.

  The Secretary finished with applause, a look of satisfaction on the Vice Admiral’s face.

  “Thank you, Secretary,” the Vice Admiral said, smiling, “who else would care to weigh in on this issue?”

  Tyler noted a couple of his supporters raised their hands. Good, Tyler thought, they are ready to fight.

  As the Vice Admiral was ready to acknowledge one of the Secretaries, Tyler interrupted by standing up.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen,” he started, “if you would defer your questions, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to express my views.”

  Everyone nodded as their eyes darted between the Vice Admiral, Tyler, and the Emperor. Tyler didn’t wait for the Vice Admiral to recognize him before starting.

  “As you all know, my previous experience has no equal in this room. I have won more battles than many of you have fought. However, many of you have fought along side me in those victories, and you know too well how easily victory can turn to defeat.”

  Tyler nodded to several who’d played pivotal roles in many of those battles.

  “The Vice Admiral has presented us with nothing less than a brilliant offensive.” Tyler moved his arm towards the Vice Admiral in a show of acceptance. The Vice Admiral nodded, clearly troubled by the compliment bestowed upon him by his challenger.

  Just wait, Vice Admiral, I’m getting to my objections.

  “If it weren’t for our current circumstances, I wouldn’t hesitate in backing this plan.”

  He paused to letting the words take effect.

  Yes, gentlemen, I am openly not backing this plan.

  “Instead, I must urge extreme caution before we proceed down this path. Like our previous offensive, we are excited by the prospects of catching our enemy off-guard. However, like our previous offensive, we could easily find defeat if we are not careful. I have always said an aggressive approach is one that will win a battle, but I am also a realist and must concede we lack adequate intelligence about our enemy.”

  He stopped, watching as his clear slap in the face for everyone involved in the last offensive took effect. They knew a lack of intelligence was partly to blame for the failure. Some still suspected sabotage, but no one had anyone to point the finger at.

  Nayllen, were you involved? The thought suddenly hit Tyler.

  “We are the best and brightest of Poolto and we will not repeat our mistakes,” he gave them some relief from his stinging words, “instead, we will learn from them and work hard to ensure this plan succeeds! We will not let down our troops, our families, our planet, or our Emperor!”

  Tyler put the full commanding presence of the Admiral into that last statement. Put them down, then rally them up, that was how you led. Now for the big surprise, Tyler thought, not even the Marshall knew about this. It was an enormous gamble, but one that might succeed.

  You attract more bees with honey than vinegar, eh, Tyler? Adanni said slyly.

  More pearls of wisdom from my world, Adanni? Tyler asked. This time, you hit the nail on the head.

  Tyler waited for the group to calm down. The Vice Admiral looked concerned as did the Regent. Only the Emperor wore his usual calm demeanor.

  As the members of the Command quieted, Tyler walked down towards the end of the table where the Vice Admiral sat. The Vice Admiral had a look of confusion on his face. In fact, everyone in the room was confused.

  All the better, Tyler thought, just wait till you hear the next bit of news!

  He stopped next to the Vice Admiral and turned to face the entire conference. The silence was eerie and everyone held their breath. Tyler imagined what went through their minds. Was the Admiral going to kick the Vice Admiral out and resume his position as Supreme Military Commander? Was he going to unveil his own plan?

  Tyler waited, letting the tension build.

  “Gentlemen,” he began slowly and calmly, “I am no longer a young man, and I have seen far too many battles in my lifetime.”

  No one breathed.

  “Like you, I want to see victory and an end to this war. It has become our life, our burden, and our pain.”

  He paused again to watch the effect of his words. Even the Emperor looked confused.

  Here goes nothing!

  “That is why I propose the following.” He placed his right arm around the Vice Admiral’s shoulder and spelled it out. “I am going to officially relinquish my position as Supreme Military Commander effective this moment. I am firmly backing Vice Admiral Teesen as my replacement, and hope the Imperial Palace will see fit to make my recommendation permanent.”

  The shock on their faces was immediate. He continued before they could respond. “I further propose that my new role within the Supreme Military Command will be to head up a commission to study, refine, and assist in the execution of the Vice Admiral’s offensive plan.”

  The crowd was stunned. Even the Marshall’s mouth hung open in dismay. “With the help of my distinguished colleagues, we will make every effort possible to quickly put this plan into action. We will use everything we have learned from our last offensive, to ensure success in this one.”

  He had them now! Who could stand up and say no to this proposal. Even the Emperor looked abashed. Sure, I’ll give you the carrot, but I’ll still hold the whip!

  As if on cue, one of the Admiral’s staunch supporters stood. “I’ll second that motion and request to participate on that committee!”

  Another Secretary joined the first. “I’ll thir
d that motion and also request to sit on the committee!”

  The room erupted into a mix of applause, discussion, and clear confusion. He had taken away their power by giving it to them. He watched the Regent and the Emperor closely while people stood behind him congratulating the Vice Admiral. The Vice Admiral looked like a deer in headlights. Clearly, he had not expected anything like this.

  As if reading Tyler’s mind, the Emperor stood. The room fell silent as everyone retook their seats and waited for him to speak. He glanced at the Admiral with what Tyler thought was a look of admiration. It passed quickly as he turned to address the Command.

  “Admiral,” the Emperor turned back towards Tyler, “it is as though we share the same mind.” He smiled, but it didn’t look warm.

  “I, too, believe that the Vice Admiral is the perfect replacement for your hard to fill position. I accept your resignation with deep regrets, but fully embrace your nomination for successor to take effect immediately. My staff will sort out the details later.”

  He smiled at the Vice Admiral who was lost in confusion. Tyler supposed he couldn’t believe it was actually happening. No fight, no battle, just a quick nomination.

  “As for your heading up the Commission,” the Emperor paused to let the crowd catch up, like the Admiral, he also knew how to work it, “I whole hardily support the action and praise you for your foresight in ensuring we don’t make the same mistakes as before.”

  Tyler wondered how much that hurt the Emperor to concede. Still, they had their puppet. Tyler guessed they would accept one victory even if it cost them another.

  “Thank you, Emperor,” Tyler responded, “I will serve on the Commission with the honor, loyalty, and integrity that I served with as your Supreme Military Commander.” Tyler bowed in deference.

  “I know you will.” The Emperor said flatly before signaling his entourage to follow him out.

  Everyone stood, bowing as their great leader left the conference. Apparently everything the Emperor had wanted was complete. The Vice Admiral stood up and tried to take charge of the ensuing chaos. Tyler smiled inside and walked back to his seat. The Marshall shot him a look of concern and pride. They would have much to do in the coming days.

  You surprise me, Earth boy, Adanni praised, had I not been reading your thoughts, I would not have seen this coming.

  Tyler accepted the praise without comment. Poolto would be buzzing tonight.


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