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Fallen From Grace

Page 9

by Heather D'Agostino

  Justin placed the book back on the table before he reached up with his open palm and smacked Riley in the back of the head. “She’s a nice girl. Don’t talk about her like you know her.”

  “Gees…sorry. Sooooo…what’s the problem?” he reached up and rubbed his head.

  “Some jerk hurt her and she won’t let me help her…” he trailed off as he picked the book up and put it back in his lap.

  Riley looked over Justin’s shoulder and tried to read some of what was on the page. “Acquaintance rape…someone raped her?” Riley’s mouth dropped open. “You’re dating a girl that’s been raped?”

  “I’m not sure anymore. She doesn’t want my help,” Justin rubbed his eyes.

  “Yeah…I can tell you’re really listening to her, too,” Riley rolled his eyes. “Anything I can help with…let me know.”

  “Actually you might be able to, but we have to keep this on the down low, ok?” Justin narrowed his eyes at Riley. “I’m serious…this isn’t a joke.”

  “Ok…I got it,” Riley’s face sobered as he looked at Justin with genuine concern.

  “This happened at your fraternity house,” Justin began. “You might…”

  “Wait! What?” Riley cut him off. “No way did any of my brothers rape a girl. We’re pigs, but we’d never force ourselves on anyone.”

  “Well, she says it happened there, and I believe her. You didn’t see her face when she told me. You didn’t hear the way she described it. This happened a while ago…the guy that did it graduated already,” Justin released a huff.

  “So how can I help, then?” Riley shook his head in disbelief.

  “Somebody has to have heard or seen something. It happened at a party. Somebody at that party had to have suspected something. There’s no way that this was a one-time thing either…I’m sure there have to be other victims,” Justin removed his glasses and placed them on the table in front of him. “All I’m asking is that you ask around. These guys would be seniors now…like you. It would have happened when you were a pledge. See if anybody remembers anything.”

  “I’ll ask around, but you do realize that if this gets out…you’re opening Pandora’s Box. Every girl that’s had drunken sex with a frat guy is going to start claiming rape. We may be horny jerks sometimes, but I would never force myself on a girl. Never ever…this is going to ruin our house’s reputation if it gets out,” Riley groaned as he stood from the couch and headed in the direction of his room.


  Grace sighed as she looked back down at her phone.

  SuperNerd: I wanna help you…please call me…

  “What’s up?” Hannah asked as she sat down beside Grace on the couch. “You keep staring at that thing like it’s going to give some kind of answer.”

  “It’s Justin…he wants to find Greg and beat him up or something,” she groaned and let her head fall back against the back of the couch.

  “Good, I’m glad,” Hannah gave a quick nod.

  “What?” Grace’s head shot up. “No! I want to forget about this…forget about him. Justin needs to let it go. Besides…it’s not like we can be together now anyway,” Grace’s lower lip began to tremble as she thought about not having Justin in her life.

  “Why do you say that? Did he say he didn’t want to be a part of your life anymore?” Hannah wrinkled her forehead.

  “No…but after what I told him…why would he want to be?” Grace pinched her eyes shut to stop the flow of tears.

  “Oh honey…he wants to be with you. He wouldn’t have stayed here all night taking care of you if he didn’t,” Hannah reached over and wrapped Grace in a tight hug. “Let him help you…please? Trust me…you need this.”

  Grace nodded and picked her phone up again to text Justin back. Before she could finish the message, there was a knock at the door. Grace wrinkled her brow as Hannah stood to get the door. When she opened it, there stood Justin on the other side with an armful of books.

  “What are you doing here?” Grace asked as she stood from the couch.

  “I called him,” Hannah shrugged and grimaced. “Please don’t be mad…we want to help you.”

  Grace nodded as Justin came in and hung his coat on the back of a chair. He moved over to sit on the couch, and placed the stack of books on the coffee table in front of them.

  “I’m heading out to the bakery down the street to look at wedding cakes. I’ll be back late,” Hannah waved as she headed out the door.

  “Wedding cakes? I thought her family lived in Boston?” Justin mumbled to himself but loud enough that Grace could hear him.

  “They do, but she’s getting married in the Hamptons. Her dad is loaded. She could get married anywhere she wanted to,” Grace shrugged. “What’s all this for?” she pointed at the books on the table.

  “This is so I can help you,” Justin sighed as he picked up a notebook and flipped it open where he’d taken several pages of notes. “I want you to know that first of all, anything you tell me is only between us. This is just like the real deal. I’m your attorney and I can’t give out information without your approval. Do you understand?” he turned to look her right in the eyes. “I’m going to do my best to get this guy, Grace…but you have to tell me everything.”

  Grace nodded, “But I didn’t report it when it happened. Isn’t that bad?”

  “It can be…but I’m working on finding some witnesses,” Justin sighed. “Someone has to have seen something. Nobody is that good.”

  “So... what do I need to do?” Grace’s lip quivered as she fought to hold herself together.

  “Relax baby…none of this changes anything between us…you know that, right?” Justin put down the notebook and turned to face Grace. “You could never tell me anything that would change the way I feel about you,” he trailed a finger down her cheek and gripped her chin, pulling her gaze to his. He leaned in and softly pecked her lips before pulling back. “I know that I don’t express myself very well, but you mean the world me.”

  Grace nodded and smiled a watery smile, “Me too. I just don’t know how you could be with someone that…someone who…” she fought to hold on.

  “Someone that what?” Justin pulled her into his arms and pushed her head down on his shoulder. “Grace…you didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t feel any different about you than I did yesterday, or the day before that, or the day before that.”

  “Do you really mean that?” she sobbed. “You’re not just saying it?”

  Justin shifted so he could pull her head up and look her right in eyes, “Gracelynn Matthews…I’m falling in love with you.”

  “Oh Justin,” the tears began to steam down her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight hug.

  After several minutes of silence, Grace shifted away from Justin and dried her eyes. As she began to recount all the events that led up to that horrible night, Justin sat quietly, and took notes at a lightning pace. He knew that if he could convince his firm to take this case, she’d have to retell this story hundreds of times, but he wanted once to be enough with him.

  When she got to the part about Greg’s father being a big time lawyer, Justin’s hand paused and his head snapped up to attention. “Wait…did you say Neely?”

  “Yeah,” Grace swallowed and took in Justin’s grim expression. “Is there something wrong with that?”

  “Well,” he huffed. “We’ve just got our work cut out for us…that’s all. Richard Neely of Neely, Davenport, and Smith is one of the top defense lawyers in the New York. His win/loss ratio is unbelievable. If Greg is his son, which it sounds like he is, I’m sure his firm will represent him. We’re gonna be in for a fight,” Justin glanced over at Grace. “Can you handle that?”

  “What do you mean?” Grace gasped.

  “I mean…are you going to be able to sit up on the stand in front of the court, and probably Greg, and tell them what he did to you?” Justin’s eyes softened as he watched Grace’s back go ramrod straight.

  She gave a re
solute nod and then looked over at him, “Yes. He’s controlled me for too long. I can do this.” She slumped down and whispered to herself several more times, “I can do this.”

  Chapter 13

  After staying up into the late hours of the night recounting every painful detail, Grace had finally fallen asleep. She didn’t realize how much better she would feel until after she finally purged her brain of all the memories.

  Justin had fought most of the night to keep his emotions in check. He was so angry and frustrated with the entire situation that he wasn’t really sure how to cope. Part of him wanted to find Greg in a dark alley and beat the shit out of him. Another part, the more sensible part, wanted to fight it out in court. He wanted to prove that justice could be served, and he would, in fact, be able to deliver a guilty verdict. He wanted to be there when a judge slammed the gavel down after reading a guilty verdict. He wanted to watch Greg get carted off to prison where some dude named Tiny would put him in his place. He couldn’t help but grin at that thought. He wanted to be there to hold Grace and tell her that everything was going to be fine. That he had put that scum where he couldn’t bother anyone else ever again.

  After making sure that Grace was going to be all right, Justin headed back to his apartment. He knew it would be hours before he’d be able to sleep. He was too wired, and he needed to find a way to burn off some energy.

  “I’m going out tonight, if you want to join me?” Riley called as Justin walked in the door.

  “Going where exactly?” Justin countered.

  “The house,” Riley grimaced as he waited for a reaction, and then added, “but I’ll go to the gym with you if you’d rather.”

  “I’m not setting foot in that house until I get some answers,” Justin bit out, “but the gym doesn’t sound half bad. I’m going to go change and then we can head out.”

  As he began to head to his room, his phone buzzed in his pocket.

  SoccerStar: Where’d you go? I woke up and you were gone…

  SuperNerd: Home…you need to rest…

  SoccerStar: I could rest better if you were here…

  SuperNerd: Heading to the gym…need to work some things out…

  SoccerStar: Can you come over when you’re done?

  SuperNerd: It’s really late Grace…are you sure?

  SoccerStar: Yes…I’m sure…you said things wouldn’t change…are you having second thoughts?

  Justin recoiled as he read her last text. Did she really think that he didn’t want to be with her? If he had things his way, he’d never leave her side. Knowing that he needed to work out his aggression, he kept his plans to hit the gym, but decided he would go back to her place when he was done.

  SuperNerd: I’ll come over after but it’s gonna be late…

  SoccerStar: I’ll be waiting…<3

  A small smile began to form as he glanced back down at the heart she’d sent him. He shook his head as he walked into his bedroom and began pulling his dress clothes from his body. He was in so deep with her. He wasn’t just falling in love, he was drowning…and he didn’t have a life raft.


  “So…what do you want to work on?” Riley glanced over at Justin. “Speed bag? Weights? What?”

  “Weights,” Justin gave a huff along with a quick nod.

  The two men made their way over to the rack of free weights and began placing them on an empty bar.

  “I’ll spot you,” Riley grinned as he watched Justin add more weight than he’d seen him lift in months. “Dude! Don’t kill yourself.”

  Justin glared at Riley, “You haven’t been coming with me for a while. Don’t underestimate me.”

  Riley put his hands up in a defensive pose, “What are you up to, then?”

  “Two fifty on a good day. I’m tired tonight, though, so I’m stopping at two twenty,” he grunted as he moved around and positioned himself under the bar with his back flat on the bench. “Don’t you dare drop this on me.”

  “Gees dude, get your panties out of a twist. I’m here to help you,” Riley shook his head.

  After taking several turns, Justin and Riley moved on to the speed bag. Justin used to train daily during his swimming days. Being back in a weight room was exhilarating and lifted his mood considerably. With midnight closing in on them, both men decided to leave, each going their separate ways. Justin had promised to bring Grace by their place so Riley could officially meet her, and Riley had promised to dig around at the frat house.


  Once back at Grace’s apartment, Justin asked to borrow a towel so he could take a quick shower. He had foregone taking one at the gym, so he could get back to her place more quickly. He was tired and worn down from his workout, but it was much needed. Now he felt like he could finally relax and perhaps even get a little sleep.

  “Justin?” Grace tapped lightly on the bathroom door.

  “Yeah?” he called.

  “Will you stay with me tonight?” she asked shyly.

  Justin knew that she was vulnerable tonight. He knew that he should tell her no, for the simple fact that he didn’t want her to feel pressured to tell him any more. He didn’t think there was anything left to tell, but Grace was constantly surprising him.

  He released a breath before responding, “Sure…if that’s what you want.”

  The hope that Grace was feeling over the fact that Justin had come back, and the fact that he’d told her he was falling in love with her, was dashed as quickly as it had appeared. He didn’t seem too excited over the fact that she had asked him to stay. Didn’t he want to stay? Didn’t he want to be with her? Maybe he did just say those things. Maybe he didn’t really mean it. Maybe he just felt sorry for her. She dropped her shoulders in a defeated sigh as she turned and made her way into her room. Justin would figure out where she went, he was a smart man.

  After changing into a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top, Grace sat down on the edge of the bed to wait for Justin to make an appearance. He was sleeping on the couch, at least that’s what she was planning on telling him. He’d slept on top of the covers last night and snuggled with her, comforting her until morning. It felt nice, and she longed to do it again, but after he opened up to her about his feelings it made her question whether or not it was a good idea. Before she could think on the idea any more, Justin sauntered over to the doorway and gripped it on both sides. He was standing there taking in her troubled appearance with only a blue towel tied around his hips. Small rivulets of water still trickled down his chest and abs from where it was dripping from his hair. He had put his glasses back on, and they were slightly fogged. He cleared his throat and waited for Grace to look up.

  When she heard him, her head snapped up to attention. As she took in his appearance, a small lump formed in her throat. She couldn’t help the feelings that were battling inside her at the moment. Desire to take in every inch of lean muscle that covered his body. Shame for feeling that way when she thought of herself as damaged goods. Fear that she would send the wrong message to him.

  A shiver ran up her spine as she blushed, and looked away. Justin grinned as he watched her, before turning and heading back down the hall toward the living room. Grace wrinkled her forehead, and then bounced up off the bed and trotted after him.

  “Where are you going?” she called in the direction of his back.

  Justin didn’t answer as he leaned over his bag and began to dig through it. He smiled victoriously as he found what he was looking for, a pair of athletic shorts and a white under shirt. When Grace saw what he had in his hands, she flushed with embarrassment. How could she have chased after him when all he was doing was trying to get dressed? Justin grinned as he leaned down and stepped into the shorts. He was still wearing the towel as he pulled the shorts up under it. Once they were in place, he unfolded the towel and pulled it away.

  He rubbed his chest where the water was still gathering from his wet hair as he chuckled, “Its magic.”

  “I’ll say,” Grace sh
ook her head. “Could you put a shirt on now?”

  Justin grinned and pulled the undershirt on, “That better?”

  “Much,” she sighed as she turned to walk back down the hall.

  “Hey wait!” Justin called after her. “Can I at least get a pillow?”

  When he appeared back in her doorway, she was sitting back on her bed. Her hands were knotted in her lap, and she was digging her toes into the plush rug by her bed.

  “Can I get a pillow for the couch?” he asked again.

  “Is that really where you want to sleep?” Grace glanced up through her lashes. “I mean…wouldn’t you rather have a bed?”

  Justin swallowed, “Umm, yeah I would, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “I know,” Grace nodded and continued to look at the floor. “You can do like last night and stay on top. I’m ok with that,” she glanced up and offered a shy smile. “I just feel safer in your arms…like nothing bad can happen to me. I haven’t felt that way in a long time. I want to feel safe and loved again.”

  By now Justin was no longer immobile as he began to rush across the room and gather her in his arms. He couldn’t believe how open she was being with him. How honest and vulnerable she was. He moved to sit beside her and wrapped her in a tight embrace as he leaned over and placed a soft kiss to her forehead.

  “I’m going to protect you, Grace. As long as I’m around you’re not going to have to worry about this anymore. I may not be able to go back and change what happened to you, but I promise that this won’t happen in the future. Do you hear me? You’re safe with me. I’m going to do everything I can to make you feel loved and safe,” he cupped the back of her head and pulled it to rest on his chest.

  Grace sighed as she relaxed in his embrace. This was the safest and most relaxed she’d felt in months – no, make that, years. Greg had taken so much from her since that night. Even though the actual act only took minutes, the reverberations had been unending. Hundreds of hours of sleepless nights, countless nice guys that weren’t given a chance, a career as a pro-soccer star, a scholarship that she’d worked so hard to earn, the list went on. Tonight, she was going to start taking it all back. Greg was not going to take away anything else from her. After the purging of the sorrow from her heart the last several days to this wonderful man, she was going to move on. Now she could finally be the woman Justin deserved, one that was going to fight back.


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