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The Wife He Needs (Mills & Boon Desire) (Westmoreland Legacy: The Outlaws, Book 1)

Page 4

by Brenda Jackson

  “Late is fine with me, too,” Garth said. “I’ll let you unpack. If you’re not too tired in an hour or so, I’d like to give you a tour of the place.”


  He walked out, leaving her alone. Sighing deeply, she strolled to the window. How many times had she dreamed of this very scenario? To be alone with Garth on some remote island. In her dream it had been a lovers’ tryst. One she had hoped for, longed for, for years.

  A few minutes later she was unpacking, when her phone rang. She smiled when she saw it was Simone Brinkley, her best friend from college. “Simone, thanks for calling me back.”

  “No problem. Have you left Santa Cruz and headed my way?”

  “There’s been a change in plans. I won’t be coming to LA just yet. Garth invited me to join him at the château for two weeks,” Regan said, placing the phone on speaker so she could talk while putting her clothes away.

  “Why would he do that? When we spoke yesterday you suspected he was meeting some woman for a romantic rendezvous.”

  “I still believe that was the plan, but for some reason, she didn’t show up.”

  “The woman was a no-show and he invited you to stay with him instead?”

  Regan began hanging her new outfits in the closet. “It’s not like that, Simone. He’s my boss.”

  “A boss you happen to be in love with. How can you do it, Regan?”

  She opened one of the dresser drawers to place her lingerie inside. “How can I do what?”

  “How can you love Garth the way you do and yet be okay that he only asked you to spend time with him because some woman didn’t turn up?”

  “Again, Simone, it’s not that way. Garth has no idea how I feel about him, and I’m not taking any woman’s place. At least not in the way you’re insinuating. He doesn’t see me that way. To him I’m his employee. He was merely kind enough to invite me to the château to enjoy myself. Not to enjoy him.”

  “But you love him.”

  Regan drew in a deep breath. “Yes, but my feelings for Garth are something I have to deal with. Eventually I’ll fall out of love with him.”

  “So far you haven’t, and it’s been how many years now, Regan? When we were at UCLA, he was all you ever talked about, and whether you’ll admit it or not, I know he’s the reason you left LA to return to Fairbanks. Who in their right mind leaves sunny California to go back to icy Alaska?”

  Simone was right: Garth was the reason she’d gone back. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It should matter.” Simone paused and then said, “Umm...”

  Regan frowned. “What is that ‘umm’ for?”

  “I’m thinking.”

  Regan knew when it came to Simone, that could be dangerous. As much as she loved her best friend, she refused to let Simone pull her into any shenanigans, and with Simone there could be plenty. As the only child of a single mother, Simone had been raised to believe that she could get anything she wanted if she worked hard and went after it.

  “Please don’t think, Simone. I’ve got this.”

  “No, you don’t have this. If you did, you would have Garth Outlaw right where you want him.”


  “No, Regan, this might be your only opportunity to go after the one thing you want. The two of you being at the château together is perfect. If I were you, I would seduce the hell out of him. What do you have to lose?”

  Regan rolled her eyes. “My job, for one. Are you trying to get me fired?”

  “He won’t fire you and you know it. You mean too much to him.”

  “I wish,” Regan said, in a whisper.

  “Then make it happen, Regan. All it will take is for you to give Garth a hint that you’re interested. You’re beautiful, smart and intelligent. Who wouldn’t want to fall in love with you?”

  Regan drew in a deep breath. “You’re saying that because you’re my best friend.”

  “No, I honestly believe in your abilities more than you do. You want Garth, and being there with him affords you the perfect opportunity to get him. If you don’t go after what you want now, it might be lost to you forever.”

  Regan shook her head. “I feel sorry for the man you set your sights on. Once you decide he’s yours, he won’t stand a chance.”

  The sound of Simone’s laughter came through the phone. “Not sure such a man is out there. But if there is, then damn right, I intend to go after him.”


  Garth stood on the screened-in deck, thinking what a beautiful day it was for mid-October. The weather was perfect, unlike how he knew it would be back home in Fairbanks.

  A few minutes ago he had spoken to Jess, who had called to let Garth know he’d returned to Washington. Jess had left Alaska right before what forecasters predicted was the start of the cold season, which was beginning a month earlier than normal.

  Garth’s gaze moved across the vast amount of land surrounding the château. The view was breathtaking. As far as he could see, there were lush green lands, mountains or ocean. A sense of peace settled over him. It had a lot to do with the view in front of him, and he knew, deep down, it had a lot to do with Regan being here with him.

  She hadn’t said much while they’d shared lunch, which he’d found odd, since they talked frequently during flights. But he realized they held different conversations then because of their roles. Now they were on equal footing.

  He’d finally gotten her to open up by introducing topics they were both familiar with. Like her father and his siblings. He’d enjoyed strolling down memory lane and they’d had quite a few laughs. They’d even talked about Bart and how he still refused to accept the Westmorelands as their kin. By the end of lunch, he’d begun feeling almost that same comfort level he was certain his siblings felt with her.

  “I hope I didn’t take too long to unpack, Garth.”

  He turned and immediately felt a sense of déjà vu. Seeing her now renewed the feelings he’d been overpowered by that night at the charity ball. Granted, she wasn’t wearing a full-length gown today, but she’d changed out of her jeans and into a long, flowing skirt and billowy blouse. She looked downright sexy; her outfit was a total turn-on.

  Instead of answering her question, he asked one of his own, stating the obvious. “You changed clothes?”

  She smiled and he felt his gut clench. He knew he had to regain control of his senses or he would lose them totally. “Yes, I decided to wear as many of my new outfits as I could—the ones I bought today, as well as those I brought with me. You like this one?” she asked, twirling around.

  He nodded. “Yes, you look nice.”

  Her smile seemed to brighten. “Thanks. Are you ready to give me a tour of the place?”

  “Sure,” he said, moving toward her. She had also taken a shower. He knew because her scent of jasmine was even more vibrant.

  “We’ll start at the front and work our way to the back,” he said, leading her to the front door.

  “All right.”

  From there he covered the massive living room and dining area, as well as a spacious eat-in kitchen. There were two sections to the house, east and west. He would be on the east wing and she would be on the west. In the middle was a colossal family room flanked by two Greek pillars. A huge stone fireplace took up one wall. On the opposite wall were floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked a mountainous waterway. There was also a screened-in patio with a pool and hot tub.

  Garth noticed that what had excited her more than anything was the piano that sat in the middle of the living room. He recalled both she and Charm had taken lessons, but Regan had been the one who’d taken those classes seriously. He’d heard her play before and knew she was gifted. He wasn’t surprised, since her mother had also been a gifted pianist. It then dawned on him how many things Regan was capable of doing well.

  “Thanks agai
n for inviting me to join you.”

  He smiled over at her. “No problem. It’s important to me that you enjoy yourself.”

  She lifted a brow. “Oh, why?”

  There was no way he could tell her what Charm had shared with him about that job offer from Harold Anders, so he said, “It can’t be easy flying me all over the place. And this year has been an extremely busy one. I appreciate all you’ve done.”

  What he’d said was true. The company had brought on a number of new clients, which had required flying all over the country for negotiations. Once Bart retired, Garth had begun expanding globally. Sloan was put in charge of international sales and Maverick’s job was overseeing the company’s expansion into states like Texas, Florida and the Carolinas, for starters. Cash was Garth’s right-hand man in the Alaska office, and Charm...well, they were still trying to figure out exactly what her duties were. For now, they involved anything that made her feel useful, and she seemed to be satisfied with that.

  And because he didn’t want Regan to assume her being here was nothing more than a job perk, he added, “Let me add that my appreciation for you goes beyond your duties to the company, Regan. I would not have issued this sort of invitation to any other employee. I consider our relationship special, mainly because of our family history and friendship. You are someone I trust explicitly.”

  “Thank you, Garth.”

  There was a quiet moment between them. Too quiet. He wasn’t sure if she felt the sexual chemistry flowing between them, but he certainly did. He felt it to the point he took a step back so he could stay in control and not do anything he would later regret. He checked his watch. “Paulo will be here in a minute.”


  “Yes, he’s the chef I told you about. He’s on call for the entire two weeks. Because I enjoy cooking, I intend to whip up a few meals for us on my own.”

  “Like your pancakes?”

  Garth chuckled. “Yes, like my pancakes.”

  During her teen years, when she would spend the weekend with Charm, he had cooked breakfast for everyone. Roberta, who’d been the Outlaws’ cook for years, had made use of him in the kitchen when he’d been a kid and gotten underfoot. As a result, he’d discovered that cooking was something he liked, and he had a few signature dishes. After Roberta died, Bart had hired Maddie to take her place, but she wasn’t Roberta in the kitchen. So on Maddie’s off days Garth had enjoyed feeding his family.

  After the tour of the outdoors, they returned to the kitchen to find Paulo had arrived. Introductions were made, and when Regan began speaking to the man in his native tongue, Garth recalled that like him, she was fluent in several languages.

  Garth knew Paulo was in his fifties, married, the father of five kids and one grandchild. He had come highly recommended from Garth’s cousin Jared Westmoreland. Jared, an attorney living in Atlanta, had brought his wife, Dana, to Santa Cruz last year for their wedding anniversary.

  While Paulo was telling them what he would be preparing for dinner, Garth noticed Regan licking her lips. Need sprang to life in the pit of his stomach.

  He needed to get a grip.

  “I have several activities planned for the next two weeks, but don’t let me tire you out. If at any time you prefer doing your own thing, just let me know.”

  “Okay, I will.”

  He glanced at a clock on the wall and saw they had a couple of hours before dinner. “I have an idea,” he said.


  “I haven’t heard you play piano in years. What do I have to do to get my own private recital?”

  She smiled up at him in a way that warmed his insides. “Just ask. I would love to play something for you, Garth.”

  Regan ended up playing several pieces for him. Each time she finished one and glanced over at him, the look on his face made her insides tingle. It was obvious he liked listening to her play. And she liked looking at him.

  Every so often she would find him staring at her. The first time, the sight of him had made her breath catch on a surge of yearning so abrupt it felt like pain. She had to force her fingers to keep moving.

  The look had made her wonder if he was thinking of the woman who had not shown up here. How long had he known her? How had they met? She guessed the relationship was serious, since he’d insinuated he was thinking of settling down.

  He stood and clapped when her final musical piece came to an end. “That was great, Regan.”

  “Thanks. That’s how I wind down, by playing my piano.” He knew about the Steinway Grand piano that she’d bought a couple of years ago.

  “I wish Charm had kept up those lessons, but her heart wasn’t in them.”

  She nodded. “No, it wasn’t.” There was no need to tell him why Charm’s heart wasn’t in it. At the time, Charm’s heart had been into Dylan Emanuel. Dylan, then a seventeen-year-old from Memphis, had won a summer scholarship to attend the University of Alaska’s Fairbanks Summer Music Academy. That was where Charm and Dylan had met. One of the instructors teaching Dylan that summer had also been Regan and Charm’s piano teacher.

  Garth had been away in the military at the time, and when Bart found out about the budding romance, he’d wasted no time putting an end to what he’d called utter teenage nonsense. He thought Charm was too young to consider herself in love with anyone, and that Dylan wouldn’t ever amount to anything. Regan wondered if Bart thought that now, since Dylan, with several Grammys under his belt, was being lauded as one of the greatest jazz guitarists of all time.

  Regan stood and glanced at her watch. “Goodness, I’ve been playing for over an hour.”

  “No problem. Paulo texted to let me know dinner was ready.”

  “Why didn’t you say something? I would have stopped playing.”

  He smiled. “And that’s why I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want you to stop. I loved hearing you play, and listening to music relaxes me.”

  She knew that. While in flight he would request all types of music, but he liked jazz and rhythm and blues the best. “I’ll go wash up for dinner.”

  “Okay, and I’ll do the same.”

  She headed toward the west wing, where her bedroom was located. As tempted as she was, she didn’t look back over her shoulder. But why did she have a feeling he was still standing there looking at her?

  When she reached her bedroom, she closed the door behind her and leaned against it. As she drew in a deep breath, a low moan escaped her lips. Garth Outlaw had no idea how sexy he looked sitting there with his head thrown back, his long legs stretched out in front of him, his eyes closed while listening to her play.

  And then there had been those times when she’d glanced over at him to find him staring at her. Whenever their gazes met, she had fought hard to make her fingers not miss a note. Why had he stared at her that way? What had he been thinking? Maybe he was looking at her, but not thinking about her. Perhaps he’d been thinking of the woman who wasn’t here. Longing for her. Wishing Regan was her.

  Simone’s insinuation that Garth had invited Regan here to take the woman’s place came to mind and she pushed it away. She refused to even consider that as a possibility. But what if it was true? She shook her head, refusing to go there. Just like he trusted her, she trusted him.

  But she recalled one of her ex-boyfriends once telling her that sex to some men was like an itch. For some, it didn’t matter which woman did the scratching.

  She was about to go to the bathroom to freshen up when she heard the sound of voices not far from her bedroom window. She moved toward it, staying back so she couldn’t be seen. Garth was outside talking to Paulo, thanking him for preparing dinner and letting him know he would be doing all the cooking tomorrow.

  Garth stood and watched Paulo get into his car and leave, but he didn’t move to come back inside. Instead, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and stared out at
the long driveway that bordered the beautiful grasslands. He appeared to be deep in thought, and she wondered if he was again thinking about her, the woman who hadn’t shown up.

  As she continued to watch him, she could no longer deny the intense desire she felt for him. Desire she had no right to feel, but felt anyway. It was the same with the love she’d harbored for years.

  Her breath caught when suddenly he looked at her window. She was certain he couldn’t see her, but had he detected her presence? The window was open, but she hadn’t made a sound. She was sure of that. Yet he stared into the open window as if he was staring straight at her. Like he knew she was staring right back at him. She was conscious of everything about him. It felt like every part of her body was burning inside.

  How was she supposed to share dinner with him and keep him from detecting her attraction to him? Granted, she’d done it for years, but this felt different. She was in his space and he was in hers in a way they’d never shared space before. There was no way she could sit across from him at dinner when the mere sight of him made her heart do handsprings in her chest.

  She slowly backed away from the window. It was only then that she released a deep breath. A part of her wanted to go tell him she preferred staying at the hotel. But what would she say if he were to ask why?

  Regan knew she had to make it through these two weeks without giving anything away. After that, it would be business as usual. He would be her boss and she would be his pilot, and nothing more.


  Garth knew the moment Regan had moved away from the window. He hadn’t seen her, but he had known she was there. Her scent had given her away. He had looked toward the window, yet she hadn’t said or done anything to give away her presence. Why? Why had she stayed hidden from him?

  He remembered when she’d glanced up and caught him staring at her while she played the piano. Instead of looking away, she’d held his gaze while she continued playing. Intense heat had curled his insides as their gazes connected, held, locked. On top of that, he’d felt his body’s most primal urges kick in, reminding him just how long he’d been without a woman. Too long.


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