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Page 8

by Lamar Rutherford

  Almost instantly, he regretted waking her. She immediately started talking and barely took a breath in between sentences.

  Pele thought to himself, Wow, how did I miss the incessant chatter last night? And how do I get it to stop? He rubbed his temples. The chatter and his hangover were not a good mix. He gave up trying to interrupt her and instead started to get ready, hoping she would notice. As he was prepping in the bathroom, she said something about how excited she was for the wedding. He froze. His eyes wide open, a look of horror on his face in the mirror.

  Scarlet continued, completely oblivious to his reaction, “I can't believe my best friend Ellie was lab partners in school with your best friend's fiancé, Sophie. What a small world. It was so nice of you to invite me!” she exclaimed enthusiastically.

  Pele's face was now an ashen shade of white. Oh no! Did I really invite her? What was I thinking? Clearly, I wasn't. How am I going to get out of this now? His mind was spinning with options.

  “So happy to hear you're excited,” he managed to almost squeak out in response. Then, “Sorry to hurry you, but I've got to run to the lab. Do you mind if I order you an Uber to take you home? I would normally drive you, but I'm really late.” he continued.

  Scarlet looking horrified that she had been inconsiderate, “Oh yes, of course. So sorry. Sometimes I talk too much when I’m nervous. Not that you make me nervous. It’s just that I don’t know you very well. I'll just go on and on unless someone gives me a reason to stop. But we can't make you late for your doctor work, now can we?” she giggled and started to hurriedly collect her clothes, continuing to chatter as she went.

  Pele got many more details on the evening before the Uber finally arrived, including several compliments about what a gentleman he was! Buying drinks for her friends all night. He groaned to himself. I can’t wait to see THAT bill!

  The Uber pulled up outside his place in La Jolla Shores. His landlords had converted their garage into the two-story guesthouse he lived in. It was small, but cozy, with a private entrance. He considered its best feature to be its location; only a few blocks from the beach, and very close to UCSD’s hospital, where he performed most of his surgeries.

  Before Scarlet jumped in the car, she turned to him, “I’m really excited about the wedding. Would you like to come and watch the rehearsal for the play; I’m in this Friday? It’s just at a small local theater, but it’s a really great show.”

  “Oh sorry, I can’t. Maybe another time? I’ll call you.” Pele answered almost too quickly, secretly hoping he didn’t have her number.

  “Great. Look forward to hearing from you,” she replied hesitantly, a little unsure now.

  “Okay, I gotta run.” He leaned over and gave her a light kiss on her forehead, which seemed to give her a little hope. She gave him a warm smile as the Uber pulled away.

  Pele headed back to his place and flopped on his couch. How had he so badly botched things with Keece, and ended up asking this girl to the wedding? He hated to admit it, but he really missed Keece. Why was he so infatuated with a girl he’d never even dated?

  Later that morning, he met Cole and another friend, Shane, for a surf session. They met by Scripps Pier, so Pele could easily walk over from his place.

  “Hey lover boy, how was the night? Or maybe I should ask, how’s your head?” asked Cole with a big knowing grin, enjoying giving Pele grief for the previous night’s antics.

  “Thanks, my head is better, now that I’ve sent Scarlet home. That girl can definitely talk!” answered Pele.

  Shane, their tall, lanky friend, chimed in, “Oh do tell? Sounds like it was quite a night. And who’s Scarlet? I thought you were all hot for Keece?”

  Pele rolled his eyes, shaking his head slowly. “I’ll fill you in later. Let’s just say I could use a few good waves.”

  They dove into the surf, paddling out against the strong surging current, duck diving through the waves. In between sets, they sat on their boards, waiting for the next good one. The sets were far apart that day, so they had plenty of time to catch up.

  Pele gave the rundown on the prior evening, partially from his own dim recollection and partially from Scarlet’s recounting. As he was winding up the story, Shane turned and paddled hard for a wave.

  Pele continued to Cole, “Okay, you want to hear the worst part?”

  Cole looked concerned, but was also smirking, “Uh oh.”

  Pele went on in anguish. “I invited her to Radi’s wedding.”

  Cole’s eyebrows shot up, genuinely surprised, but also secretly amused. It sounded like an evening with Scarlet might be just what Pele needed. And inviting Scarlet to the wedding was certainly a way to send Keece a message that Pele had other options. Cole responded with feigned concern, “Oh no. How did that happen?”

  Pele shaking his head. “I don’t know. I have a very vague recollection of it, but there was no question she remembered. I guess she’s good friends with Sophie’s friend and college lab partner, Ellie.”

  “I think I met Ellie,” replied Cole. “Nice enough, kinda quiet like Sophie.”

  Pele continued without acknowledging Cole’s recollection of Ellie, clearly more concerned about his own predicament. “So, I guess we made the connection that we both knew people attending the wedding, and I must have asked her if she wanted to go.”

  Cole continuing to feign sympathy. “Oh. Well, you’re not goin’ with Keece, so maybe it's a good thing? Now you’ve got a hot date.”

  Pele getting more upset, answered, “Oi! Based on this morning, I think it might be a terrible idea. She did not stop talking from the moment she woke up. You know how I hate chics that chatter incessantly!”

  Cole’s mention of Keece only made Pele more miserable.

  Cole, secretly enjoying Pele’s pain, but hoping Pele did not cancel on Scarlet. The whole scene sounded like it would be very entertaining. “Ah, cut her a little slack. She was probably just nervous. I mean, can you blame her? Waking up next to a hot stud like you.”

  Pele scoffed sarcastically. “Right! I don't think that was the issue!” Then continued hopefully, “Do you think I can get out of it? I’ve tried to figure out something. I can’t not go to the wedding. And, if I tell her I’m not going and then go, she’ll know because Ellie will tell her. If I uninvite her, Ellie is sure to tell Sophie, who will then probably hate me.”

  Cole, relieved that Pele seemed to have no good way out, reinforced Pele’s concerns. “Yeah, you can’t do that. You can’t upset Sophie on her special day. You should give her a chance. You certainly seemed to be enjoying her company last night. Maybe she just had a bad morning.” Then he added with an impish grin, “Besides, if it’s too bad, you can always ditch her at the wedding. You know, you’re gonna have lots of responsibilities as a groomsman!”

  Pele smirking at Cole’s suggestion. “I did think of that. But then I realized we’ll be sitting at the head table together. A little tough to dodge her then.”

  Cole replied with a wicked grin, “Well, at least you won’t have to worry about carrying on a conversation!”

  Pele turned to paddle for a wave, yelling over his shoulder sarcastically, “Great! By-the-way, I hope a shark eats you!”

  Cole laughed and followed him, chasing the next wave.

  After paddling out again, they picked up the conversation where they left off.

  “It’s not all bad,” reiterated Cole, still trying to support the Scarlet plan. “She’s hot, nice enough, and at least you’ll have a date. And, ya never know, you could dig her, at least until you sleep with her!”

  Pele splashed him. “Yah right. Easy for you to say! With Radi and I occupied, you’ll have the field to yourself! Or did you finally manage to work up the hutzpah to ask the illusive attorney to go? Isn’t the case finally over?”

  Cole looked dejected. “Yah, the case ended last month. And I asked, but I’m still getting shut down.”

  Pele surprised by this, but trying to lighten Cole’s spirits, teased him, “
No? Why not? How can she possibly resist such a handsome devil like you!?”

  Cole laughed, throwing his hands up in surprise. “Right?! My sentiments exactly!” Then with a more perplexed look, “Actually I haven’t got a freakin’ clue what’s up, but we do have a friend in common, so I’m lobbying her for more intel. I should just blow it off, but then, you know, Radi might kill me. Does Scarlet have any friends?” he added with a wicked grin.

  Pele laughed, happy to see his friend was bouncing back to better spirits. “I’m sure she does, but they’re probably pretty quiet! Kind of a requirement for hanging around her!”

  Pele was unable to make it to polo over the next two weeks for several reasons; a military conference, the bachelor party in Vegas, and then the wedding. He was surprised how much he still missed catching up with Keece. He could not seem to keep her off his mind. He had grown accustomed to their frequent chats and felt a bit at a loss without being able to share his everyday events with her. He saw that she called once, he texted back to her that he was in Vegas. She replied, “No worries.” As much as he wanted to catch up with her, he still could not shake how upset he’d felt after their last interaction, so he let it go.

  Chapter 10

  Pele and Scarlet pulled up to Scripps Seaside Forum for the wedding right as Cole stepped out of his jeep, handing it off to the valet. The backdrop was spectacular. San Diego’s summers extended long into the fall, so only a few leaves on the sparse trees had changed colors; most were still flush with green. The pier stretched out into the sparkling ocean in front of them, white foamy waves regularly crashing ashore, surfers dotted the horizon.

  As they greeted each other Cole commented, “Doesn’t get a much better than this for a wedding.”

  “Just what the doctor ordered!” joked Pele. “So, where are we supposed to be?”

  Cole shrugged. “Maybe helping Radi?” Neither Cole nor Pele were the ones who were typically on top of the details socially. That was always Radi’s role. Left to their own devices, it was a wonder they got anywhere they were supposed to be.

  “Oh, I think he could use lots of help,” replied Pele, tapping the flask in his jacket pocket.

  “Ahh, yes, excellent point. I am prepared to give lots of help as well, “Cole added as he tapped his own flask. The flasks were actually groomsmen gifts from Radi. Radi knew his friends well.

  Ellie spotted them and came up to greet Scarlet as they walked towards the entrance. Pele, noting the opportunity to slip away, asked, “Do you ladies mind if we excuse ourselves? We have some very important groomsmen duties to attend to.”

  “Not at all,” replied Ellie, wrapping her arm around her good friend Scarlet. “Scarlet, let’s go see if we can find our own beverages. We don’t want to get too far behind the boys!”

  Scarlet giggled and off they went, Scarlet already diving into her chattering conversation.

  Cole looking sideways at Pele with a smirk. “Nice! And especially nice Scarlet has friends in the house!” He high-fived Pele as they turned away.

  Pele laughed, clearly relieved to hand her off for a bit. “I hear ya. Hopefully, a few drinks will calm down the nervous chatter!”

  “Yah, good luck with that!” replied Cole. “Shall we find the Radman before he accuses us of shirking our duties? And, how are things with the lovely Scarlet?” asked Cole. “Think you’ll take her out again?”

  “We’ll see how tonight goes,” Pele replied cautiously. “I’d give it a strong, doubtful maybe. The ride here was definitely a monologue…and not mine. I’ll also admit part of the problem is Keece. I know it's over with her, or never really started, but I still have her on the brain.”

  “Have you talked to Keece?” Cole asked.

  “No, why?” Pele responded, a little dejectedly, but curious about Cole’s serious tone.

  “I heard from Sam that Luca took a bad digger,” replied Cole. Sam was one of the other players in their beginner sessions.

  Pele, genuinely concerned, “Really?! Oh no! That’s probably why she called last weekend. I didn’t call her back. What happened? Is he okay?”

  “I guess he busted his arm pretty bad,” responded Cole. “Had to have surgery. A plate and six pins, but he’s okay now, just recovering. The horse apparently stepped on his arm when he fell. Not so good for his career. He’s out for at least six weeks.”

  Pele was clearly bummed. “Oh man. I feel terrible for not calling her back. It was while we were in Vegas. I sent her a text telling her we were out of town. All she said was, “No worries.” I should have called.”

  “Oh, yah, bummer. She probably could’ve used your advice. Always good to help a maiden in distress,” Cole added with a cheesy grin.

  Pele, his eyes twinkling at Cole’s jest, replied, “Yah, I can’t believe I blew that one. Don’t tell Radi. Even though I don’t think there’s any more hope with her, he’ll still accuse me of trying to undermine the whole experiment!” They both laughed, knowing Pele was right.

  Cole added, “Hopefully, Radi’s more worried about his own romantic future at the moment!”

  Pele, shaking his head in amazement, commented sincerely, “I can’t believe one of us is actually getting married as part of this hairbrained scheme. You know I worry Radi might be doing this for the wrong reasons. He’s always been so into the experiment.” Before Cole could respond, Pele went on a little wistfully, “I know I met Keece because of CodeY, but you know that really had nothing to do with how I felt about her. She could have been a complete spaz, had a weak heart, and a runny nose, and I think I still would have been totally into her.”

  Cole laughed, then replied in a measured tone, “Could Radi be right? Do you think it is easier to fall for someone who’s a good match.” He’d recently finally managed to persuade the lovely Ava to go on a date with him. He’d only been on one date, so he had not invited her to the wedding, but he was clearly smitten with her. He continued, “I think Ava might fit the match criteria and I’m certainly into her, although, don’t tell Radi, but I haven’t actually done the testing yet.”

  Pele, thinking about some of the weddings he’d attended over the last several years, “Well, we’ve certainly seen friends marry for crazier reasons!”

  Cole nodded in agreement. “Ain’t that the truth.”

  Cole continued, “Hey, how’s the government gig treating you these days. You worried at all about the increasing military scuffles, especially in South America? Seems to be getting more active.”

  Pele answered gravely, “Between you and me, my work relates to weaponry, so it’s definitely having an impact. They just doubled the funding for the project, which should be good news. Unfortunately, the work is complicated, so I’m not sure doubling the funding will help us get anything out the door faster, but we’re trying. We’re definitely feeling the heat, so to speak.”

  Cole impressed that his friend might actually have an impact on world safety, replied, “Wow. That’s pretty rad to be part of that. Would they ever send you into a battle or any kind of conflict?”

  Pele answered with a wicked grin, “You can’t get rid of me that easily!” Then he continued, “I’m not sorry to say it’s actually very unlikely. I’d either have to officially enlist or be a part of the convicts-to-war program. Neither of which I intend to do or be a part of!” he added emphatically. “Besides, they like to keep us brainy types in the white coats well protected behind lab doors.”

  Cole feigning confusion, “Clearly, they don’t know how unimportant you are!”

  Pele slugged him lightheartedly right as they found, mostly by luck, the groom’s dressing area.

  They walked in just as Radi was asking his brother if his tie looked straight.

  Pele, not one to miss an opportunity, jumped in, “The tie looks straight, but your head is definitely crooked.”

  “I think he’s on to something. Here let me fix that,” Cole said as he reached to adjust Radi’s head.

  Radi ducked away, protecting his carefully c
oifed hair and briskly blocking Cole’s arm. Laughing, “Who invited you two?!”

  Cole quipped warmly in response, “Not only did you invite us, you made us dress up like matching monkeys!”

  Radi smiled broadly, happy to have his best friends there for support. “I knew better than to trust you two to dress yourselves. I’ve seen your wardrobes—board shorts or white coats. I can only imagine what you’d have worn if I’d left it up to you!”

  They all laughed and continued to banter, making sure Radi had a few shots to loosen him up for the imminent ceremony.

  Suddenly Radi tensed, seeing his father enter the room. It was no secret Radi’s father was concerned Radi might be making a mistake. Trying to be supportive he patted Radi’s arm and said, “Enjoy the day son. Hopefully all will go well for the two of you.”


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