“Sam,” I said, crossing my arms.
He stopped pacing and looked at me, he was a few paces away but I could see something overcome his face. It was sort of like anger and ferocity.
He suddenly jogged over to me and picked me up before kissing me roughly. He always did this when something bad was going to happen, but this time instead of unmoving and waiting for his mood to dissolve, I kissed him back. My fingers knotted in his brown hair and when I tried to breathe, it was like gasping for air, except he was my air and I couldn't live without it. He started squeezing me tighter and it sent a thrill through me, making me pull him closer, I wanted his warmth to enclose me. It felt like I was becoming apart of him and vice-versa. He started to slow but his lips still lingered on mine, I could feel his amazing breath on my tongue and it was like being intoxicated. I opened my eyes and found his light green eyes were open too.
“What?” I asked, my lips moving against his.
“I'm not strong enough.” He put me down slowly and sat down on the ground, putting his head in his hands.
I sat down next to him and tried to pull his hands away from his face. “Sam,” I said after I knew he wouldn't budge. “I'm sorry if I did something wrong,” I said, giving up and facing forward.
I felt his hand on mine and I looked at him, he was sitting up straight as he looked at me.
“It's not your fault,” he said quietly. “It's mine. I should have never done this to you.”
I shook my head. “Sam, no. Every time something goes wrong you blame yourself. You are one of the strongest people I know,” I said, standing up. “And I'll tell you something. I'm glad you met me, I'm glad all this happened. And you know why, because you're here with me now,” I said, my voice agitated.
He had his head in his hands again and was shaking his head. “If I wasn't here, you would be safe,” he said sadly, still not looking at me.
This was infuriating me. I knelt down beside him and grabbed his chin roughly so he would look at me. “You listen to me Samuel Archer. I don't care that you're over 100yrs old, I don't care that you have thousands of enemies. I haven't left you now and I don't plan to either. I will still love you when you're 100, 000 years old and have millions of enemies, no matter what,” I said angrily.
Now I was pissed and on the edge of snapping. Every time!
“Layla, you mean too much to me,” he said, his eyes suddenly looking ancient.
I took a deep breath to calm myself and loosened my hold on his face, instead I put my hands on his shoulders. “I know, but Sam, if you truly love me you will let this go and stop worrying. Stop doing this to yourself. You saved me from myself, from the world, and that's enough for me. I would go to hell and back for you because of everything you have done for me, so please… Stop this,” I said softly, trying to keep his gaze.
He didn't say anything but I had to try to take this pain from him, it hurt me to see him like this. He was a strong person, so strong, and every time he did this; blamed himself... hed tear himself apart.
“Sam, please promise me? Just this once, please,” I asked, my eyes forceful.
He finally met my eyes and nodded in agreement. I sighed and hugged his head to my chest as I could feel his arms pull me closer to him. “I can't lose you,” he mumbled into my shirt. “I wouldn't survive.”
“You've got me forever,” I whispered, closing my eyes.
We had walked back inside and were sitting quietly on the piano stool with Sam playing a quiet hum on the keys. I was looking at his hand that he had pulled the glass out of but had refused to let me heal. I would have to do it when he doesn't notice or least expects it.
“Do you think after this we will be okay?” I asked, looking up at his face.
“Of course we will be okay,” he said with a small smile.
“I hope so,” I said, pressing some keys gently.
“Do you want to know something?” he asked slyly, the corner of his mouth pulled up.
“What?” I asked, clueless.
“When I'm without you, I cease to exist. I want you to have everything you want,” he said gently.
I smiled kindly and took a deep breath. “Thank you.”
“For what?” he asked, confusion sweeping across his face.
“For you,” I quoted him, wrapping my arms around his waist.
He placed his muscled arms around me gently, stroking my back lightly. “Do you want to stay for dinner?”
“Ah, okay. Are you sure?” I asked, confused.
“Yes, you are practically family. Come on, let's go call your father,” he said, getting up.
I sighed but got up, taking his hand and walking to the kitchen with him. I pushed out energy towards the cuts on his hand and he didnt notice, luckily. Hunter and Jane were there when we entered, sitting down quietly at the table, staring at each other silently.
“Hey guys,” I said.
“Hey Lays,” they both said back inattentively.
“Is everything okay?” I asked, taking in their silence.
I had stopped moving and so had Sam.
Something was wrong.
“Hunter?” Sam asked.
“Jane?” I asked.
Neither one of them answered, it was kind of scaring me.
“Okay, if you aren't going to tell us I'll just have to go ask Elane,” I said, already bolting for the doorway.
“Layla, wait,” Jane said, coming alive all of a sudden.
I heard her stand up and say Hunters name.
“Go Layla!” Sam called from the kitchen, so I didn't turn back.
“Sam, no,” I heard Hunter say before I ran out of hearing range.
I ran through the living room and took the stairs two at a time, rushing to find Elane. I tripped once on the stairs, almost toppling back down, but I caught myself on the rail. I hoped she was in her room or I was doomed by the forces of Jane and Hunter.
“Elane!” I yelled, running through the hallway.
I saw as I rounded the corner, Elane stumble out of her room. As I got closer I saw her eyes were in the back of her head, I could only see the white of her eye balls.
“Elane!” I shouted in concern this time, running over to her and catching her as she fell.
“Layla,” she whispered.
“I'm here Elane. What's wrong? What do you see?” I asked out of her.
We were both on the floor in the upstairs living room and I wasn't sure how long we would have until Jane and Hunter caught up with me.
“Jane... Hunter... child,” she whispered, starting to shake.
“Elane, come back to me,” I called softly, stroking the side of her face.
This was the part I hated about her sixth sense. I was never sure if she would come out of her trances.
She stopped shaking and her eyes closed, just to flutter open a minute later and reveal her light baby blue eyes.
“Layla, Jane may be with child,” Elane said in shock.
“What?” I asked, confused, helping her sit up.
“Jane may be with child,” Elane said again in horror.
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I asked, looking into her angelic fair face.
“I do not know, but I don't feel so well,” she said, and come to think of it she kind of looked pale too.
“What's wrong?” I asked her, putting my hand on her shoulder.
“I had to see how they made the baby,” she said, dry-reaching.
She put one hand over her mouth and the other on her stomach.
“Eww, come on.” Then I remembered that Elane could only see the future, and this had already happened so how was it possible?
I got up and helped her rush to the bathroom, we made it just in time before she vomited in her bathroom sink.
I turned my head away. “Elane how did you see this, it has already happened right?” I asked, puzzled.
“I don't know. I think I have developed my sense more,” she said, stunned.
She vomited into th
e sink again and I turned away with my hand cupped over my nose. I didn't feel like vomiting too.
“Have you eaten a lot of oatmeal lately?” I joked to Elane.
“Ha, ha,” she said slowly and unenthusiastically.
“Are you sure about Jane and Hunter?” I asked slowly, patting Elanes back.
“I think, I'm not sure. She could be, that's what they have to find out,” Elane explained, washing her face and drying it with a towel.
“That's weird how you saw into the past,” I said, still shocked. “Well, actually the whole sixth sense thing is weird so...”
“I didn't see myself being an aunty, but I did see myself in the same house when they were…” she trailed off and vomited in the sink again and I instantly knew what she meant.
“Do we tell them that we know, or keep it a secret? What, Elane?” I asked confused, patting her back.
“Hmm, we should keep it between us until theyre ready to tell us,” she said, washing her face again and drying it.
“Alright, but it might be tough lying to Jane,” I pointed out.
“Not to worry, I have a feeling she will be discussing it with us very soon,” Elane said, brushing her teeth.
“Alright,” I said, looking at myself in the mirror.
I looked like I had changed so much since I last looked at myself, which wasnt that long ago. My hair was the same and so was my body, it was my face. It looked like I had been through so much in so little time, and truthfully I had been through a lot, more than any other normal human would have to in their lifetime.
“I'll tell you one thing though Lays,” Elane said, looping her arm through mine and pulling me towards the doorway.
“I am never going to be able to look at my sister or Hunter the same again,” she said, shuddering all of a sudden.
“It was that disturbing huh?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said, her eyes wide, nodding her head.
We walked down the stairs, and all of a sudden saw Sam was jogging towards us, and I could see Jane and Hunter a fair distance behind him.
“Run,” he said grabbing Elane and me by the arms and hauling us back up the stairs.
“Whoa… Sam… gonna trip,” I said, almost losing my footing.
He quickly scooped me up over his shoulder and Elane on his other shoulder.
“Sam, what's going on?” Elane asked, her voice sounding shaky from his running.
“They're coming to get us,” he responded, his voice shaky from running.
He sprinted down the hallway, I could see the white walls pass us, then he flew through a door and dropped us on the bed before quickly running back and locking his bedroom door.
Elane looked at me and I looked back at her, before we both looked at Sam confused. His back was against the door and Hunter and Jane were bashing against the other side.
“Guys we can explain,” I heard Jane say.
“Just open the door,” Hunter said.
“What are we going to do?” I asked Elane and Sam.
Why were we even running from them, they wouldn't actually hurt us, theyre family.
“Sam, let them in,” I said bravely.
He looked at me, eyes wide. “Really? Coz they are kind of angry.”
I nodded my head and looked at Elane, she nodded at me, understanding my expression and reasoning, then we both looked back at Sam.
“Alright,” he said, his eyes turning black.
He walked over to us and sat down next to me, taking my hands in his. The thrashing stopped and the lock clicked open, then the door swung open slowly to reveal Hunter and Jane standing outside the door with their arms folded. I gulped but kept my grip on Sam. It was going to be fine, as long as we kept out of their business.
Jane walked forward, closely followed by Hunter, their faces expressionless. My heart rate sped up as they got closer and closer. I expected them to erupt any second so I braced myself for their fury.
23. Last Dance
I didn't get the wrath I expected from Hunter and Jane. Instead, Hunter ended up taking a walk with Sam, and Jane cried her little heart out to Elane and I. It was heartbreaking to see her that way, she was so scared knowing that she may have a child growing inside her. She told me that when we stop ageing that we females become more sensitive to males, and I was embarrassed to know what that meant. So I tried not to keep that in my mind for too long. Sam and I had always stopped ourselves from becoming too carried away as it was, and when I stop ageing it might get more difficult.
What didn't make sense to me was that Jane was older than all of us, why would she be scared? I wondered if Hunter and Fredric had stopped ageing already? Hmm... they probably have because they had their abilities. That didn't matter though, I let Jane cry on my shoulder, and so did Elane. We were just trying to comfort her in any way possible. By the time Summer and Peter arrived back home we had decided not to speak a word of it until it was for sure, we were still uncertain. Dad had also let me stay willingly because he was staying at a motel for a delivery, so I was set.
We all sat down for dinner silently, Sam sitting next to me, James next to Fredric, Jane next to Hunter, Summer on the other side of James, Elane at the end of the table and Peter at the head of the table.
“We will call on the covens this time. We are very proud of the way you handled difficult situations while we were away. But I think its time we talk to them,” Peter said after a few minutes of silence. “Though I know you are all capable of taking care of yourselves by now.”
“But yes, we are so very proud of what you did, you all accepted it very maturely,” Summer added.
I had to admit, I felt better when I saw Summer and Peters familiar faces. It provided me with an extra sense of security. Its not that I didn't feel safe when they were gone, it was because they were parents.
“We did not handle it so well, the Warrigal still got away,” Elane said glumly.
I looked up from my food and over at her. She was just pushing her food around on her plate. How could Peter and Summer not know something was up with us, we were all acting differently until James tried to cheer us all up.
“Are we going to have a game of footy after dinner?” he asked cheerfully.
Everyone was looking at him strangely but he didnt seem to mind.
“James, I don't know,” Hunter said unsure.
“Come on Hunter, are you scared I'll beat you?” he asked, trying to fire Hunter up.
Hunter grinned and looked at Fredric who had a smirk on his face. “You're on. Who is playing?” Hunter asked gamely.
James smiled triumphantly. “Well, who's in first of all?”
I looked at Sam and he was smirking while looking at me.
“I'm in,” Elane said from the head of the table.
“Me too,” Sam added.
“Same here,” I said.
We were all smiling at each other, even Peter and Summer were smiling. Dear James, the one who could always take our minds away from anything.
“I'm in,” Jane said.
“And I shall join too. Summer you can be referee dear,” Peter said.
“Alright,” James said, chewing his food. “Captains?”
“I think it should be James and Hunter, since they're the ones that started this,” I suggested, chewing some savoury lamb.
“Umm, that is true,” Elane agreed.
“James and Hunter, you are the captains,” Peter decided.
We all laughed because it was an even match, they were both strong in different aspects and it would be a mystery to guessing who would win.
“Alright, well choose team members outside,” James said, scoffing his food down.
I looked over at Hunter and he was scarfing his food down too. Oh no, it looked like they were going to be very competitive.
The rest of us ate our food with dignity and then we all went to go get dressed appropriately for the game. I went upstairs with Elane and Jane, we walked into Janes huge w
alk in wardrobe and found some warms clothes for outside. I ended up in a long pair of black track pants with a stripe down the side of each leg, and a Grey thick woolly jacket, all of which were borrowed from Jane. When I was dressed I walked to Sams room, inside of me it felt like I missed him, even though he was still in the same house. I knocked on the door and it opened for me and I stepped into his huge lit room.
“Sam,” I called slowly, dawdling into his room.
He walked out of the bathroom and was pulling a shirt over his head just before I caught a glimpse of his power mark on his chest. Oh how his chest was smooth and rock hard, sometimes making me stutter. Especially when I could feel the fine hairs on his chest that thinned out as they ran further down his stomach and continued... Oh god I had to stop myself there, too much Sam overload would cause me to keep him to myself.
I smiled and stopped walking. I would never be able to get over the shock of his perfection.
“What?” he asked in his music soft voice, walking over to me slowly.
I shook my head and looked at the floor. “You're just... perfect.”
He came and put his arms around my waist, he looked excited about the footy game and that made me half smile. I still wasnt sure about how I would play exactly, but I guess I would see soon enough, after everyones stomachs settled.
“I am very far from perfect, I was never perfect enough for anyone,” he said with a slight smile.
“You're perfect enough for me.”
He kissed my forehead slowly. “Are you sure you want to play?” Sam asked me after a minute, moving my fringe away from my eyes.
“Yeah, it's uneven without me,” I said with a smile.
“Okay, but if you've had enough... tell me,” he said, looking into my eyes.
“Good,” he said, kissing the top of my head.
He pulled me in and I sighed, it felt so good to feel the warmth and feel of his body against mine. I always felt safe when I was with him.
We went downstairs and I looked around but couldnt see anybody, until I heard James booming voice come from the backdoor through the kitchen.
“You're excited, arent you?” I asked Sam because he was practically shaking with excitement.
The Hidden Revelations: First Light Page 43