The Hidden Revelations: First Light

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The Hidden Revelations: First Light Page 42

by Koriana Coles

  She laughed a little. “And you wouldn't know what sort of training I had to do in London.”

  I laughed too. “Was it nice in London?”

  “Truthfully, I didn't get to see it. I was always inside this place with a view of water. I think I may have got a glimpse of it once on my way out,” Rosetta said lightly.

  “View of water?” I asked, confused.

  “Yeah, it might sound weird, but I mean it was like I was under the river or something.”

  I shrugged. “So you're a tormenter?” I asked conversationally.

  “Yeah, well I'd fall into the category of a mind bender. What are you?”

  “Umm, I'm an absorber and healer,” I answered.

  “Really?” she asked, surprised.

  “Yeah, I only just discovered it not long ago and now I'm getting better at using it.”

  “Ahh,” she replied with a nod of her head.

  “So did you meet the Supernatural council members?” I asked curiously.

  “Yeah, it was sort of scary at first, but when they helped train me after a while I found they were really nice,” she told me.

  “Do you know their names?” I asked.

  I hadn't moved from my chair but I was leaning forward eagerly.

  “Umm, there's Anew and his wife Athenia. Eon and his wife Casandra. Heric and his wife Ferra, and Beowa; the head council member. And I don't know the seer, scroll writer or the two generals names. I thought it was weird at first, but people like us are actually Greek orientated,” she said, counting each council member on her fingers.

  “Oh, well that would have been interesting... Soo, you're okay with me now though, right?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she said with a smile.

  “Good. And I'm sure if we became friends when you wanted to kill me, then I don't doubt that we'll definitely become friends when you don't want to kill me,” I assured her with a smile.

  “Thanks,” she said softly.

  “So…” I said slowly.

  It was quiet and it started getting a teensy bit awkward in the big room. “Umm, you and Sam ay?”

  “Ah, yeah. I mean it's like we were meant to be,” I said casually.

  “That's so awesome. I wish I had someone who cared about me the way Sam cares about you,” she said in awe.

  “Yeah, he can be a little over-protective but it's what makes him, him,” I said with a little smile.

  “I see the way he looks at you, how protective he is. It's so adorable,” she complimented.

  “I know, but well all find someone someday,” I said quietly.

  “I hope so, it will suck to live my life alone,” she said with a little laugh.

  I laughed too. “Yeah, I can't imagine a life without Sam, it's hard to even be away from him.”

  “Now that's true love,” she said after a minute of silence.

  It was getting awkward again and I couldn't make eye contact with her. “Um, did you know we age only once every 50 years when we stop ageing normally?” I asked randomly.

  “Ah yeah. I'm sort of still confused with that concept but Peter told me it was various from being to being. When you stop ageing normally is your bodys choice, you know when you've started ageing Supernaturally, then yeah... that's basically all I got.”

  We both laughed and the sounds echoed through the room. I still couldn't believe that after all the time I had spent with her, the times I slept over her house, she was plotting to kill me all along. Hopefully now all that has changed for the better good.

  “Um, do you wanna go and look for the others?” I suggested, after I had run out of things to say.

  “Ah… yeah. Sure,” she said, getting up.

  We both got up and walked out the door together but quite a fair distance apart. As we were walking I was remembering my memories of when we use to be friends, or so I thought. The first day I came to high school she was my first friend, closely followed by many others, but I guess things change.

  “So what happened while I was gone?” Rosetta asked, snapping me out of my reverie.

  “Huh, um... did you know Megan and Luke were going out?” I asked, trying to wrack my brain for something.

  To tell the truth I hadn't actually noticed much things happening at school, so there wasnt much else I could tell.

  “Really? Oh yeah, I remember that. Anything else?” she asked curiously.

  I didn't think she was actually curious, I think she just wanted me to keep talking and make it less awkward.

  “Oh, a couple of girls and I went and watched a movie a couple of months ago. And Venessa really is going out with Robbie who recently died his hair blonde,” I said.

  “No way!” Rosetta said, completely shocked.

  I looked at her face and smiled.

  “Yeah, I caught them making out behind a dumpster when we went out to watch the movie,” I said, starting to laugh at the memory, but I didn't mention to her that I was being chased by a Dark defender.

  She started laughing too, and just as we walked into the living room. We saw James sitting on the couch along with Sam and Fredric. I smiled kindly at Rosetta and walked over to Sam, plopping down in his already open arms. He didn't hesitate in wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer either. I heard him take a deep breath near my ear and I sighed. I buried my face in his soft brown hair and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “Well I can see things here are pretty much wrapped up,” James said, clasping his hands together.

  “Umm,” I murmured, pulling back and looking at Sams face.

  He was slightly smiling and he started stroking the side of my face with his thumb. “I told you we would be okay,” he murmured softly.

  “I know,” I said back.

  We stared at each others face for a while, the only noises in the room were the TV.

  “Do you want to go upstairs to get away from this?” Sam asked after a while of just sitting on the couch with James, Rosetta and Fredric.

  “Umm,” was all I answered.

  He got up off the couch with me still in his arms without the slightest sign of struggle. No matter what he would say, he is the most amazing person to me.

  He set me on the ground slowly, then he took my hand in his and we made our way slowly up the stairs, putting aside our superstition of the staircase. We walked up the hallway and through to the upstairs living room, towards his bedroom. I bargained with myself that every moment I spent with Sam I would be grateful. I would make sure to remember every minute no matter how insignificant it was. In my little time of knowing this world I found out the hard way that you have to be grateful for everything you have, because you could lose it all within the blink of an eye.

  He opened his door for me and I walked in first, with him following me closely. I went over to the abnormally large bedroom window and sat on the ledge, looking out towards the backyard forest. I probably would have sat on the veranda but it was just too cold out there today.

  “Do you want to know something?” I asked, my voice sounded different to myself in a way.

  It was quiet in his room, the only sounds were of the wind and muffled wildlife noises outside.

  “Anything,” he said with a sly smile, sitting down next to me.

  “I've never been happier in my life. Even though all the bad stuff has happened, I couldn't be happier because... I'm with you,” I said, moving closer to him because that was the complete truth.

  He put his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder.

  “I could not have been happy without you in my life either, you are my life,” he answered, kissing my cheek. “How are your scars?” he asked sadly with a sigh.

  “They're good, I can't even feel them anymore,” I said, trying to relieve him.

  It wasn't all a lie, I really couldn't feel them that much anymore.

  “Do you mind if I have a look?” he asked.

  “Um, sure,” I said nervously.

  I stood up and turned around so my back wa
s facing him. I felt him peel the back of my shirt away from the scars so he could get a good look at them. Then I felt the warmth of his fingers lightly skim my back and I shivered, before he let the shirt go. I turned around and faced him so he was standing in front of me now. He was looking out the huge window, a glum expression staining his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck while his arms automatically encircled me.

  I thought it was very funny how Sam and I were very tall. Sam was just taller than Peter, making him the tallest in the house. Hunter, Fredric and James were around my height and I was shorter than Sam. And Elane, Jane and Summer were all just shorter than us.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he said after a minute.

  I looked at him confused, snapping out of my height thinking. “Surprise?” I asked suspiciously, pulling back.

  “Yes, surprise,” he confirmed.

  “Okay, are you gonna tell me?”

  “No. I am going to show you,” he simply answered, looking back at me angelically.

  He pulled me over to his bed and he jumped up on it, pulling me up onto the bed too. We walked over to the middle of the bed before Sam plopped down and I sat down next to him. I was completely oblivious, I didnt have the faintest idea to what he had in store for me. He took both my hands in his and looked into my eyes, his brown hair shining his honey red colour again.

  “How about we just spend some time together… maybe watching a movie?” he said with a little smile.

  I looked at him warily. “What do you have planned Samuel Archer?” I asked quietly.

  I felt a thrill sensation run through me when he smiled my smile.

  All of a sudden his irises turned black and the plasma screen TV in the corner of the room turned on. A movie started playing.

  “You were serious?” I asked, looking back at him in shock.

  All the pillows at the head of the bed flew towards us rapidly and stopped just behind us, and Sam laid back on them. I laid back on the cloud soft pillows as well, keeping my eyes on Sam like his were on me. I heard the movie start but I just couldnt quite care less. His hand was next to his face and I put one of my hands in his.

  “We're going to be okay for a while, right?” I asked him.

  “I would never let anything or anyone hurt you,” he simply answered.

  A familiar song One week by Barenaked ladies started playing and I had to tare my eyes away from Sam to look out of curiosity. It was 10 things I hate about you; my favourite movie of all time.

  I looked back at Sam and he was smiling.

  “You planned this,” I accused.

  “Of course,” he said.

  I moved closer to him and put my arm around his waist, resting my head on his chest.

  “I love you,” I said, closing my eyes peacefully and listening to his steady breathing.

  “As I love you,” he answered.

  I could hear the movie play so I turned to watch, but I still had my head on his chest.

  “You know you dont have to watch this,” I said after the movie had really begun.

  “It's quite alright, I probably wont pay attention to the movie,” he said, smiling wickedly.

  Throughout the movie I could hardly concentrate because Sam kept doing little things like brushing my hair back, or breathing on the back of my neck. We were up to the part where they were throwing paint balloons at each other and I suddenly felt Sams hand slyly slide from my waist to my thigh. My heart rate sped up and I turned to look at him; he wasn't watching me, but he was completely oblivious to what he was doing.

  “Are you right there?” I asked shakily.

  He smiled breathtakingly as his eyes flashed to mine and I felt his warm hand slide slowly back up to my waist.

  “I'm good. How are you?” he asked.

  I forgot I wasn't breathing and gasped out. He smiled and I looked at him cynically.

  “What?” he asked innocently.

  “You know what,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

  He chuckled and moved his head in towards mine. “You know I was thinking...” he started saying.

  “You never stop,” I said.

  He looked at me and smiled slightly but continued. “Maybe… you know, if you want to... we could go out,” he said slowly, sounding nervous.

  “What? I thought you were over the whole boyfriend and girlfriend titles?” I said with a confused smile.

  “No, I mean go out, as in a restaurant or something,” he elaborated.

  I get it now. “Oh... I suppose, should we go tell the others?”

  “No, um... just the two of us,” he said. My brain still paused and he looked at me worriedly. “We dont have to, it was just an errant thought,” he rushed out.

  I shook my head. “No, no, no. Just the two of us sounds good, the question just caught me off guard,” I reassured him. “You're too cute.”

  He smiled blindingly and leaned forwards, until his warm smooth lips touched mine. I had to try to concentrate on breathing while he was with me like this, it was very difficult. I felt his resistance and he stopped. He pulled back and his eyes were black and his face was hard.

  “What is it?” I whispered, my heart was beating so loud you could hear it in the quiet room.

  “Somethings wrong,” he said, standing on up on the bed in an instant.

  He pulled me up and we walked off the bed with me glued to his side. We briskly walked through the house to the downstairs living room and into the office. Everyone was there, crowding around Peters desk, all looking to the one spot. I looked up at Sam and his face was sculptured, but his arms were wrapped around me like an anaconda.

  “They've called,” Sam said darkly.

  Everyone turned and faced us, horror marked on their faces. I shuddered and couldnt stop it, I felt like I was going to vomit. I knew this was coming sooner or later, but why couldnt it be later, I wasnt prepared for it now, all I wanted was a little longer.

  “What do we have to do?” I asked in a small voice.

  “They want Thora back, and we have agreed to return her to them on one condition,” Peter said, walking around Elane and Fredric.

  “When?” Sam asked, automatically tightening his hold on me even more.

  “Wednesday at dusk, the clearing on the outskirts,” James said coldly.

  “Will we be ready?” Summer asked, looking up at Peter.

  “We have no choice my dear, we will have to be,” Peter said back unhappily.

  Summer looked around at all of us nervously. “Should we notify Thora?”

  “I'll do it,” Sam volunteered instantly.

  Something wasnt right in his voice, it was like he was hiding something.

  “Samuel, no,” Peter said.

  “What?” Sam asked innocently.

  “We know you want revenge for what pain she inflicted on Layla. But son, hurting her would make you no better,” Peter said, coming over to Sam and placing a hand on his shoulder.

  Sam sighed and looked over at me, his face saddened. “You may be right Peter... but I have done worse.”

  “I know, but look at who you are now. Don't ruin that.”

  Sam nodded, his face still reflecting anger.

  I was a little confused but I think maybe Sam wanted to hurt Thora back for what pain she caused me, though Peter was right. If Sam did that he would be no better than her.

  “Peter, do you think they might try to plan something?” James asked, still a statue.

  Peter shook his head and turned to face his other son. “No, it is too risky for them, they know we will not kill her, but we could do our job and turn her in. They won't risk that.”

  It was quiet in the house, no noises except for the muffled wind and clock ticking.

  “How are we going to prepare?” Jane finally asked.

  I saw she was clinging to Hunters side like I was to Sams; it was cute.

  “There is nothing else left to prepare, all we have to do is brace ourselves,” Peter said.

  Sam had s
napped, he let go of me and stormed out of the room. I heard a smash come from glass being shattered and a thud before James disappeared and it went quiet throughout the house. I didnt move, I was still in shock, it felt like my side had been electrocuted when Sam left it. Why didn't anything ever last?

  I heard murmurs from the next room and Sam and James walked back in. Sam walked straight over to my side, his face was calm and he took me in his arms again. I inspected him and his right hand was bleeding with little shards of clear glass in them. I couldn't help but frown. Windows around here must get smashed a lot.

  “We shall go talk to Thora. Elane, James, call on our old friends again,” Peter said, all of a sudden walking out of the room slowly with Summer by his side.

  It was just us teenagers in the office, and none of us were exactly thrilled by the situation.

  “Well, if there's nothing left but to brace ourselves, we should brace ourselves good,” James said motivationally.

  “Are you alright Samuel?” Jane asked.

  “I'm fine,” he answered, taking a deep breath.

  “Okay, let us go prepare our own way then,” Elane suggested.

  Sam nodded and he started pulling me over to the doorway without a word. “Maybe later,” he called over his shoulder.

  “Where are we going?” I asked after a minute of silence.

  He didnt answer, he just kept heading towards the back door.

  I felt the cold rush around me as we walked out into the late afternoon but I kept walking with Sam, I trusted him completely. He finally came to a stop inside the warm pool house, his face had so many emotions running across it, I couldnt keep track.

  “What's wrong?” I finally asked gently.

  He looked at me, his face tortured. “I'm not going to lose you again,” he said, his voice breaking once.

  My eyes widened, I knew what he was about to say. “No, no, no. You're not leaving me behind,” I said.

  “No? I promised I wouldn't right?” he asked a bit agitated, his facial expression was twisted in pain and anger.

  They were his worst emotions when mixed together, he became very irrational.

  “Right,” I confirmed.

  “What I am trying to say is…” he trailed off and started pacing the area, his hands running through both sides of his hair, frustrated.


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