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Silent Secrets

Page 15

by Nikki Bolvair

  “This is Vic Manto’s compound,” I whispered, remembering the conversation I had with Raina about Tucker's grandfather.

  Eyes flashed to mine through the rearview mirror. “My uncle.”

  Shock ripped through my system as I realized all those whisperings and all those assumptions about his family were correct. Tucker had connections. So where were Brady and Sarah?

  I didn't have to wait long to find out. We parked in front of a building, and I got out. I saw a big, burly man with tight leather pants, wearing a leather jacket that said ‘press.’ There was no need for guesswork on who this was once I noticed the same jet black hair and green eyes that I associated with Tucker. This was his uncle.

  “Nephew,” he greeted with a nod. “Get your ass over here, boy.”

  Tucker chuckled as both of them embraced in a manly one armed hug that consisted of a few hard pats on the back that made me wince. Vic Manto let go of Tucker and reached out just to shake my hand. “I hear you're in some trouble and that Mama Manto has dubbed you one of her own. You have my protection, and my resources here. I have a lawyer on standby to speak with you tomorrow, and your folks are already inside. But, know this,” his rough voice dipped down deeper in more of a threat. His eyes narrowed. “If you once cross my family, you will know pain like no other. It doesn't matter if you're a girl or not. Keep your mouth shut about what you see here.”

  My heart skipped. Vic Manto scared me more than prison. I nodded and answered, “Yes, sir.”

  A smile played on his lips. “Good.” He nodded and then dragged me into a hug, patting my back just as hard as he had done to Tucker. He let me go and pointed to Mr. White. “That warning goes for you too.”

  Mr. White nodded calmly as if this were an everyday occurrence. “I understand.”

  I had to say I felt like I was Alice in Wonderland headed down a dark, black hole, not knowing where I was going to end up. How many more secrets were hidden?

  When we went inside, my heart leapt for joy when I saw Sarah there, tears in her eyes. “Faith!” she cried, rushing over and taking me into her arms. “I was so scared. We didn't know what to do. They wouldn't let Brady or I see you. Then these guys showed up and brought us here. I feel so bad...”—she pulled back, cupping my face as she sniffed—“I'm so sorry. We didn't mean to leave you, but they said they could get you out. We didn't know what to do.”

  “I thought you’d left to me too,” I told her honestly. “I assumed you had left me.”

  “Oh, honey, we would have never done that. We are going to get to the bottom of this. We have to.” I pulled away as Brady came up next to her, and I didn't hesitate to throw my arms around him.

  “I was so scared,” I whispered to him, not wanting Sarah to hear. “I felt so lost.”

  “Faith,” his voice wavered, “you're stuck with us, kiddo. Let's bring Detective Yasmin down.”

  I pulled back, wiping my eyes and agreeing. “Do the McGuire boys know? Are they coming?”

  Brady looked grim. “They know. They’re coming. I’m just not sure if they’ll make it for the preliminary hearing. I hope”—he clutched my shoulders tightly—“I hope that there won't be anything else after the hearing. That everything will be taken care of. Vic Manto assured us something along those lines might happen. If it does, I am willing to let the McGuire brothers take you home.”

  “I'd like that.”

  I turned to Mr. White. He was the only one I couldn't figure out. I knew why Tucker had done what he had done and stepped in. I definitely knew that Brady and Sarah didn't leave me, but why did Mr. White step in? What was it that made him do what he did?

  He stood a little ways away, hands in his pockets, studying the exchange that Brady, Sarah and I had.

  “Why?” I asked him. “Why did you step in? How did you know?”

  He gave a grim smile and stepped forward. “Faith, there’s something I need to tell you.”

  I froze. I almost had all I could take for one day. He pulled his hand out of his pocket, rubbing the back of his neck, and then glanced to the side. His mouth moved into a deep frown as he sighed.

  “Faith, I’m your uncle. Your mom's brother.”

  I jerked back into Brady, and his hand shot out to steady me. “You're wrong,” I voiced with such conviction. “My mother's brother is dead.”

  Mr. White shook his head and gave a deep sighed. “Did she tell you that?”

  My brows furrowed. Why did it matter who told me? “No. Pappy did,” I answered him reluctantly.

  “Figures. Dad and I, we were always at odds," he stated directly. “Your mom was only a few years younger and still devoted to our parents. When I fell in love with my wife, my dad, Pappy, he refused to believe me. Said I was too young to know what love was. He didn’t approve of her. I left. Told my sister that I was dead to them.”

  His hand trembled as he shoved it back into his pocket. “Years later, Diana, your mother, found me. My parents, your grandparents, had passed, and she wanted to reconnect.” He smiled. “The two of us met up and talked for hours, about everything, it seemed. We talked about you and your brother. My kids. She wanted to meet my wife, and for me meet her husband. The four of us hit it off. It felt good to be accepted again, to have my family back. We wanted you kids to meet, but my wife was hesitant. I don't know why. We left with a promise that I would call your mother after my wife and I talked it over.

  “On the short drive home, I managed to convince my wife that our kids could only benefit from this. I remember when she shook her head, saying I was right, and she was just being overly cautious.

  “I called her, your mother, but she didn't answer, so I immediately texted her instead. I had no idea the consequences that one text would have caused. I didn't think she would pick up her phone to look at a text if she didn't answer it for a phone call.”

  My heart raced as I realized what he was talking about.

  “The next day, she called me to say that her son had died, and she wanted no contact.”

  My lips parted with the barest whisper, and I was frozen at what he told me. “Where were you... when I need you the most? After?”

  His head dropped as his hand pinched the bridge of his nose. “You have to understand...”

  “Where were you?!” I yelled, my whole body trembling. The only comfort I received came from Brady’s hand on my shoulder.

  Mr. White lifted his head as guilt shone in his eyes. “I- they told me you were troubled. I couldn’t do it. I told them no. I already had one out of control daughter. I couldn’t take on another.”

  After a moment, I chose my words carefully. “How did you end up in the same town as us? Was it a coincidence?”

  He shook his head and grimaced. “No. I lived in Denton County, but I moved after the McGuires, even though I never realized it at the time, to northern New York. A lot of jobs had opened up there. After I said I couldn't take you, I still received updates. None of it good, except for Tom Brady. He took you under his wing. I took a risk. Talked to a few people who created a job up here for him. With the choice to work with his best friend and the price of housing being lower, it would be an easy transition. The real risk was whether they would bring you with them or leave you behind. I’d hoped that the bond he had with you was strong enough that he would. Everything else after that was pure chance. After I met you, I knew those reports were wrong. I was ashamed. You were resilient and wanted to better yourself. I’m so sorry, Faith. For everything.”

  Brady gave me a quick squeeze on my shoulder before he spoke, “This has been a lot for us today, Henry. Maybe it's time to let this all sink in and see how we’re all doing tomorrow.”

  Brady guided me toward a bedroom, and I never looked back. Would anything ever be the same again?

  Chapter 11

  Brady led me to a room with a queen bed and an air mattress on the floor. I guessed the three of us were bunking together.

  “I guess this building only has so many rooms, and Mr. Manto thoug
ht we’d like to stay together,” Sarah stated softly.

  I nodded, keeping mute. Talia recorded me because she was blackmailed; Detective Yasmin was out for my blood; and Mr. White was my uncle.

  I threw myself onto the air mattress, wincing when a bit of the anklet clanged against my ankle bone. I was going for a blunt approach when I spoke next.

  “Look, Brady, Sarah...” I sighed, glancing over to them. “I had a lot to deal with today, and the option of mind-numbing sleep is really looking good right now. I'm sorry about your aunt, and I'm sorry about this whole mess. You two don't deserve to go through this.”

  “That's enough,” Brady broke in gruffly, but Sarah stopped him with a hand on his arm before taking over.

  “Faith, you don't deserve to go through this.” Her voice trembled as she tried to tame the obvious emotion she’d kept at bay. She knelt down beside the edge of the air mattress and touched my shoulder. “You’re a good person. A great friend. A wonderful big sister.”

  My head shot up at that. Oh no! Bates and Sonya!

  Sarah nodded. “You’re a victim. And that woman,” she stated with so much scorn, “for some reason, has decided to make your life miserable, and Tom and I are not going to stand for it.”

  “Sarah,” Brady warned.

  Sarah whipped toward him. “No, Tom. This has to stop.”

  “I know, honey. And we will fight this to the bitter end, but let's just get through today and worry about tomorrow when it comes, okay? Let's see what our options are.”

  Her shoulders slumped, and she leaned in to hug me. “We love you, Faith. We’re here till the end.” She released me and got up.

  I had taken her hand before she started to walk away. “Thanks, Sarah. I-I love you too.” She smiled.

  Dropping my hand, she announced, “I’m going to get ready for bed.” Then she proceeded to grab her things from a bag at the end of the bed before giving Tom a kiss and heading out the door toward the bathroom. Brady hadn’t moved.

  When she was gone, he spoke, “What did Yasmin say to you in there? Did she threaten you?”

  My chapped lips parted. “It doesn't matter what she said,” I told him, my gaze not wavering from his brown leather shoe as I zoned out. It was a defensive mechanism. Too much had gone on for one day, and I was trying to cope the best way I could. “It’s not true. Just promise me, Brady”—my eyes now met his saddened ones—“that when this is over, she’ll leave us alone.”

  His gaze grew fierce before he began speaking. “I promise. I told you to make friends, Faith, and you did. I told you to tell me if you were less than fine, and we’re working on that. I told you not to hit, and I’m taking that back. I want you to tighten up your fists, Faith, and fight. Fight back with all you have, and don’t back down.” He moved then until he was kneeling down in front of me, his eyes fierce. “You are not alone in this, and we’re going to make sure that everything is going to be fine.”

  A sob escaped my trembling lips before I clamped them closed and nodded. “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  He leaned in and kissed my forehead. “That’s my girl. Now go to sleep. We get into fighting mode tomorrow.”

  I went to sleep that night wishing Hotshot was beside me knowing that after all that had happened, my nightmares were once again going to visit me.

  I was right. The ink black tentacles of fear reached for me once again as I slept, bringing me back to that same night. Everything happened the same way it usually did, except whereas before my nightmare had been in black and white, that night I relived it in vivid color. It replayed once again, colors swirling, so much red. Then at the hazy end, I finally caught the one clue that would piece all the secrets together. My mind refused to believe it, but looking back, it was plain to see. It could’ve only happened that way.

  My heart hammered erratically in my chest as I woke up, a gasp on the edge of my lips.

  Memories faded, they wouldn’t regain; the truth would be mine.

  I remembered.

  I knew who was there with me that night, and I had no idea how I felt about it.


  That morning, I avoided everyone as best I could. I kept thinking over and over that my assumptions about who was there that night were wrong, but glancing over their way, I knew it had to be true. They saved me, but now they were keeping quiet. Why? Why let me think the worst and hold onto all the guilt? Why not speak up? I looked away when the lawyer who had come earlier said something, trying to gain my attention, and I nodded. Maybe there was a reason. Maybe it was my turn to protect them.

  While the lawyer was gathering up her stuff, she spoke again. “This is only the preliminary hearing. They won't decide on your guilt or anything tomorrow, but we might shake down Detective Yasmin’s case using what you told me about her.” I nodded once again, still feeling down.

  “Look,” she stated, “I know you’re nervous and scared, but I’m a damn good lawyer. That's what Vic Manto pays me for. You’re his family now”—she gave me a killer smile—“and no one crosses Victor. Let's give this detective some of her own medicine. It’s about time she knows she can’t mess with a Manto.”

  My lips parted with shock. “But I'm not a Manto.”

  The lawyer’s grin widened as she shouldered her bag, “As of today at eleven am, you’ve been adopted. Courtesy of Grandma Betty.”

  “What?! Like legally?” said a shocked Sarah.

  “Yes,” came the reply.

  “But there's all sorts of requirements you have to go through to do that!” Brady stated in disbelief. “And you didn’t even ask her!”

  “When Grandma Betty told Faith she was family, she meant it. And to answer your question,” the lawyer said delicately, “the Mantos have a lot of pull in the system, and it was the only way to protect you. To protect Faith.” She finished her last sentence softly, glancing my way.

  “So, Faith... Manto?” I asked uncertainly, not entirely comfortable with the change. But if it was to protect me, then I was all for it. “That's my name now?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  I mulled it over before a thought came to me. For the first time since before I got arrested, a true smile came out. “So, I’m like Tucker's sister?”

  The lawyer became thoughtful. “No. Not really. Since Grandma Betty adopted you, you’re more like his aunt.”

  My smile widened, my dark mood lifting even more. “I can deal with that, but betcha Tucker’s not going to like it.”

  “Like what?” Tucker asked, barreling through the door with Grandma Betty and Van not far behind. I tensed, briefly wondering where Talia was, but I relaxed once I realized she wasn’t with them.

  Grandma Betty enclosed me into her warm hug, still smelling of cookies. “She’s not here, child,” she whispered in my ear, “and it’s ok to be mad at her.”

  I gripped her, lowering my head to her shoulder and fighting back tears. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  She patted my head, and I stayed there for a moment longer before pulling away and blinking back my emotions. “Do they know?”

  Grandma Betty glanced over shoulder and frowned for a brief second before giving me her attention once again with a mischievous smile. “That you’re family? Yes. The other part I thought I'd leave for you to announce.”

  I laughed, then leaned my head to the side staring at the two guys who by default were now my nephews and declared, “You can call me Auntie Faith.”

  Shock registered before understanding dawned on the two of them, and Tucker thundered, “Hell. No.”

  He turned to his grandmother and pointed as Van started to laugh. “You did this,” Tucker said. “You did this because you knew I was interested in her!”

  Grandma Betty shook her head. “Tucker Lee Manto! No, I did not!” she scolded. “I did this because I wanted to. Because Robert White never stepped up, because the Bradys were too polite to do so, because that child is strong and she needs a family who can protect her. So, boy, you rein in that nonsense and
respect your elders, or I'm liable to send your uncle after you.”

  “Yes, Ma’am, but there's no way in hell I’m calling her Auntie.”

  “I second that,” Van stated with a hand raised and an amused look.

  I pouted. “Why not?”

  “Because you will always be Rella to me,” Tucker answered.

  “I’m ok with Rella.” Van nodded.

  Tucker shoved Van, and Van laughed. “What?”

  I shook my head. I had people who loved me. I had people who cared. I wasn’t alone anymore.

  Home, Home, Home.

  Would I ever have one again?

  I had traveled place to place like unwanted change.

  I was no longer unwanted because I had been stolen. I grinned. The best kind of stolen.


  When the day of the court hearing finally came, I was nervous. Even though I knew who was there with me that night, I never said a word. I couldn’t. It would just cause more problems than we already had.

  As we all walked in, I didn't glance at the other table. I wanted to ignore Detective Yasmin. All of us—Brady, Sarah, and our Lawyer among a sprinkle of several tough Mantos—that showed up for support sat on the opposite side of the courtroom. I glanced back toward the court doors before they closed and almost cried when I saw the McGuire crew. Tyler, Kayden and Lincoln, all dressed to impress. Each one caught my eye, and I saw their love for me shining through as they each gave me an encouraging smile. I turned toward the front as the doors closed, and Sarah took my hand, giving my frozen fingers a squeeze of support. I couldn’t imagine what she and Brady were feeling. What kind of risk were they taking choosing to be here with me instead of going home to welcome Bates and Sonya to their new home? I had to protect them.

  I felt a nudge on my shoulder, and a folded piece of paper appeared there. Taking the note with my name on it, I unfolded the worn folded edges of what looked like a thousand folds made by nervous hands and read the written words.


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