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Silent Secrets

Page 17

by Nikki Bolvair

  My eyes met the road once more, and I answered my own question. “I want her to know she’s not alone. That she’s loved. That we’re not going anywhere and neither is she.”

  “Ours,” Kayden and Linc said at the same time. “She is ours,” Kayden repeated.

  I nodded in agreement. “Yes, she is.”


  “Faith,” someone whispered, but I didn’t want to wake up. Lips kissed mine, and I curled my arms around their neck, trying to hang on to that warm and safe feeling.

  I didn’t dream or sleepwalk, but I felt myself moving. The steady beat of walking jostled me slightly as tight arms kept me close to a heated body. I squeezed my eyes tight and ignored Kayden’s prompting to wake up while I tried to figure out where we were headed. Kayden stepped up onto what I assumed was a curb, then I heard doors swoosh open and felt cool air drift across us when we entered. I was suddenly curious enough to peek out of one eye. I was just in time to pass through what seemed to be a lobby. It had an elegant stoned fireplace and classy cushioned high-back chairs situated around a beautiful off white marble coffee table. I opened my other eye and glanced around... where were we?

  I turned my head to peer up at Kayden, who had his own head turned off to the side, listening to Lincoln talking.

  “Room 602. Supposedly, they gave our room away by accident but upgraded us to the honeymoon suite.” Kayden chuckled, and I couldn’t help the grin that stretched across my cheeks.

  “We’ll have to text Tyler when we get up there.”

  My smile turned into a frown as I snuggled into Kayden. “Where’s Tyler?”

  Kayden’s gait lost its rhythm when he heard me speak, and Lincoln’s eyes drifted to my face and softened. “He’s parking the SUV.”

  “Oh,” I murmured, shutting my eyes once again as we stepped into the elevator. My stomach dipped as it ascended to the sixth level.

  Lincoln rushed ahead to one of the two doors that were in the hallway and inserted the key card that opened the door. When we moved inside, I pushed at Kayden's chest, urging him to put me down as I took in the space.

  My breath caught as my feet touched the floor. I took in the room. There was a large bed lined with a lot of pillows. On either sides of the bed there were two end tables and a desk was situated against the wall. A large plasma TV dominated the right side of the room. Overall, the space was impressive and roomy. As I walked over toward French doors that led out to a balcony, I stopped short, looking through an opening that led into a sitting room.

  “This...this place is big for a hotel room,” I muttered, skipping the balcony for the sitting room which had another awesome TV.

  A little spark of surprise flickered at how fancy the place was, but it died as concern grew. How were they able to afford it all?

  I turned around to ask just that, and saw the McGuire brothers had worried faces. They had crowded around outside the entrance to the sitting area, watching.

  They tensed their muscles, as if they expected me to break down at any moment. I gave them a small smile, trying to ease their worries. Didn't they know I knew what they were doing?

  I didn't say anything, and they parted the way, letting me back into the main room. I brushed my hand against Lincoln’s, and he grabbed it, holding on.

  I glanced briefly over to the balcony to find a view of green, rolling hills that reminded me we weren't far away from Denton County. But at least we were far enough away for me to feel safe.

  I had thought that Denton County would no longer feel safe to me, would no longer feel like home. I guessed it hadn’t for a while. Not since Brady took me away. I pressed my lips. Now that the court thing was over, and I had time to think, I wondered how long Brady had known that it was his wife there that night? How long had he kept it a secret from me? Had he let me suffer as I spent years tearing myself inside and out, wondering if it had been me.

  Lincoln took me over to the bed and laid me down before curling his body around my own. Kayden went to grab the remote to turn on the TV as Tyler kneeled onto the bed and slid down in front of me, taking my head into his hands to give me a sweet kiss. I tilted my lips up for better traction, sinking into his silent declaration of love and allowing him to soothe my worries away. Lincoln's arms tightened around my stomach, giving me the comfort I desperately needed. Tears prickled my eyelids when Tyler lifted his lips, resting them on my forehead for a brief kiss.

  Pulling away, he shot me a comforting smile before his face morphed into surprise as Kayden tossed him the remote.

  “Relax. Find something to watch, and I’ll deal with getting dinner and figuring out tomorrow.”

  “I vote for Chinese,” Tyler voiced as he picked up the remote that had landed on the bed between us.

  “I’m fine with that,” Lincoln agreed. “But make sure tomorrow is planned, Kayden. We’ll need it.” Tyler grunted in agreement as he surfed the channels.

  Kayden’s eyes shot to mine. He gave me an encouraging smile before he glanced back to his brothers and held up his phone. “Personal phone book right here! All the choices fit for a king who’s searching for the perfect day with his queen.” He glanced back to me, wiggling his brows before he headed out the door, causing a tiny grin to slip across my lips. Kayden was a goof.

  Tyler settled on a show, and the three of us watched it for a bit. I felt Lincoln’s arm around my waist start to loosen as his breathing evened out. It didn’t take him long to conk out. I studied Tyler who had sat up to lean against the headboard while his hand stroked my hair, and I wondered what was going through his head. Tyler had worn jeans, and for the past minute, my fingertips had been drawing circles on them, causing them to turn ultra-sensitive due to the repetitive movement and roughness of the material.

  My thoughts were still swirling inside of me as if a tornado had picked my life up and torn it apart, only to drop pieces of it in different places, leaving me as I desperately trying to put them back together. To put me back together. Even though I had taken the news well, I was still in shock about everything that had happened.



  I slipped out the door and headed back down to the lobby where I stood in front of a rack with a load of fliers, each in their own slot, offering information on the different attractions and activities in the area. My brothers and I wanted to plan a relaxing day with Faith. A day that would dismiss all the worries and stress of what had happened. We had the following day planned at a cabin retreat up in the high country with the promise of a hot springs nearby. It was just tomorrow that had us searching for a distraction until then.

  A green flier caught my eye, and I tugged it out, peeking at the information written. I put it back when I saw the picture of a cave on the front. Hiking into a cavern with Faith and my brothers wasn’t my idea of relaxing. Maybe a distraction but not really the right kind.

  I picked up a blue flier, saw the word ‘spa,’ and figured that we couldn’t go wrong with one of those, even if it meant we guys would have to endure it. Opening it up, I located the number and gave them a ring as I headed out toward the SUV to get some Chinese food.

  “Spas and More, how can I help you?” the cheery voice answered.

  “Yeah, I wanted to, um, schedule an appointment for tomorrow. Is that possible?”

  “Sure! We have some openings, sir. What were you looking to reserve?”

  I was so out of my fucking element that I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. “Girl shit.” Pause. “You know,” I urged, struggling to gain back some ground. “Things girls like to get done.”

  “Oh—OH,” the lady said weirdly. “Testing the waters, hm?”

  “What?” I barked, shocked. “Nonono. I’m not like—” but she kept talking.

  “So facial first, pedicure second, then the waxing. Do you want”—her voice dipped low—“the goodies waxed too?” I froze, shocked.

  “What?” came my outraged, strangled reply. My blood pressure was going to hit the roof. �
�Wax my... NO!”

  I slammed my vehicle into park outside the nearest place that could possibly have fortune cookies and awesome Chinese food, then venomously corrected her again. “Hell no! Do guys really do that? Shit, that’s crazy talk. My hairy balls are staying. This is for my girlfriend.” I paused, waiting for her to say something but was met with silence. Then a click.

  “Hello?” Nothing. I glanced to my phone and saw that she had hung up. So much for that. I sighed then shuddered. Waxing the goods? Ouch. No. Fucking. Way.



  My mood was still dark the next day on our drive to a cabin, but I kept the same forced smile on my face. I wanted to feel happy. I told myself I should feel relieved, but even knowing that Sarah saved me and Brady didn't know anything until that night they went on vacation, I still felt grief. Brady never took me in as an obligation, because he didn't know, but Sarah might have. And that thought hurt the most. More than her keeping the secret of killing my father.

  I wanted to be happy. Because I knew I should. Why get hung up on whether Sarah originally reached out to me to 'save face' or because she worried about me, not her secret.

  Kayden parked the SUV in front of a log cabin surrounded by pine trees and announced that 'we were here.'

  I stepped out of the vehicle and took in the cabin in the overcast dusk lighting as storm clouds drew over the setting sun.

  As the guys grabbed our bags, I stood there by the car as a cool wind brushed past me, making my hair fly across my left shoulder.

  The guys put our bags inside and turned on lights. That was when the first raindrop fell, followed by another. The pitter-patter sound on my head and the coolness of the rain as the droplets slid across my arms drove me to do something crazy. I closed my eyes and danced to the sound of thunder in my turmoiled soul, and the beat of love that I held within my heart, and I soared.

  In my mind of course. Not like, for reals for reals.

  “Baby?” I heard Tyler call out, and I opened my eyes, finding the three of them standing, dry, unlike crazy person me, who was wet. They were looking at me like I’d lost my mind. I dropped my hands to my side, embarrassed for the briefest moment, then ran over and grabbed Tyler's hand and tugged him out in the storm with me. He grinned a devilish grin as he took me in his arms, and we danced. His eyes were bright, happy. I giggled when he spun me around, only to be caught by Lincoln who picked up where Tyler had left off. He then spun me off towards Kayden, who caught me easily. These guys, they’d do anything thing for me. Anything.

  So would Sarah. I knew it. No matter what her intentions were in the beginning, I knew deep down she would, and had, risked everything for me. Just like a mother should. Tears flowed and the same thought came back to me.

  Tyler. Kayden. Lincoln. They were my world. They pushed back when I pushed away. They comforted me when I needed it. They made me laugh, cry and love. They were my world. And I wanted them to be mine.

  I leaned in, kissed Kayden, then whispered the words I wished him to hear against his lips. “I love you.”

  His eyes lit up, and he took my lips once again, “I love you too, My Queen.”

  I melted.

  Our kisses became heated as he guided us back towards the cabin, and before I knew it, that night was the first of many long and awesomely pleasurable nights that only they could give me. I was in love.

  Home was where your roots grow. You just had to plant the seeds and nurture them. And I loved how my McGuire guys nurtured me.


  Two years later

  “Faith! Faith!” Bates called out before I heard the heavy sound of the thudding of feet on the stairs. “Yeah, buddy?” I answered, glancing away from homework to find him huffing at my bedroom door. I took in his scrawny legs, covered with Band-Aids from his recent attempt to skateboard off a ramp, and his blinding smile. He looked happy.

  He hurried over to my side, grabbing my hand. “Mom and Dad said we can go to Denny’s Pond today! Tyler and Kayden are already there, but Lincoln's here! Can I please ride in the car with you and Lincoln? I promise to buckle up,” he pleaded, his eyes anxious.

  I got up and let myself be pulled out of my bedroom as curiosity won out. Tyler and Kayden had said nothing about going to Uncle Denny’s.

  “Come on! It’s going to be fun! Dad is in charge of the hot dogs and Grandma Betty is bringing cake...” Bates lost me on the cake. I was totally confused over what was going on.

  I stopped walking down the stairs, staying put and not moving. Bates halted and turned when he realized I wasn’t moving. “What?”

  I could hear movement all around the house, but Bates currently held my attention. I raised a brow. “Cake? By any chance is this a... party?”

  Bates's eyes got wide. “Uh, can I ride with you?”

  My eyes narrowed. “Bates?”

  He panicked, dropping my hand before sprinting the rest of the way down the stairs, yelling, “I’m the keeper of secrets! You won't break me!”

  I ran after him. “Bates!”

  He shot out the front door, still calling out, “Ahhh! She’s after me! She’s after me!” He ran across the street and right into the McGuire’s house. I followed, only to be stopped by Lincoln. The secret keeper had escaped.

  “Hey!” His arms came around me, caging me in. His crystal eyes twinkled. “You’re going nowhere fast.”

  “What?!” I huffed.

  “Thanks, Lincoln!” Bates called from somewhere in their house.

  I smacked Linc’s shoulder. “What is this I hear about cake?”

  “Don’t freak out but... it’s a party,” Lincoln said with mock terror.

  I snorted. “I knew that. For who? And why didn’t I know about it?”

  “Not for you if that’s what you’re asking. We’re going out to eat.”

  My brows rose. “We are?”

  He gave me a quick peck. “Yes, Sweetcheeks, we are.” Then he shooed me out of his house. “Put on that dress we bought you,” he commanded.

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t wear dresses, Linc. You know that.”

  “Please," he added.

  I huffed. “That just means I have to shave my legs.”

  He laughed then leaned in and whispered, “I know damn well you don’t have any hair on your legs or anywhere else for that matter.”

  I blushed, remembering the night before. “Yeah, well...”

  “Go put on the dress, Faith. You know you’ll like it.” Then he shut his front door, leaving me outside pouting.

  “What on earth are they up to?” I murmured, heading back to my house to look in my closet for the only dress I owned.

  We were going to a restaurant, not Uncle Denny’s farm. It didn’t take me long to get changed, and before too long, we were at the restaurant. A fancy restaurant.

  I glanced across the room toward Brady. His eyes shone brightly. I then looked to Sarah, who gave me a loving smile. Lastly, I looked at Bates and Sonya. They had become my whole world since I’d fought to keep them. Grandma Betty, who would do just about anything for me, was also there, along with Tucker. He appeared to be physically ill as he looked glanced over at my boys. My gaze moved across to those McGuire brothers who had won my heart. Finally I looked at Hotshot. He had been the first to win my love after so much sorrow and pain.

  Standing there in that restaurant, wearing a dress in public for the first time, I realized that they were my family. They were my home. Home wasn’t a place for me to discover. It’s was where my heart was. And mine was right there with them.

  The three McGuire brothers knelt. “We’ve asked you this question once before,” Tyler started, his eyes shining.

  “But you asked us to wait, telling us that the next time we asked, the answer we wanted would be given,” Kayden stated grinning like a cocky bastard.

  “So we ask you again to take pity on our hearts, and let us guard yours. We love you Faith Iris Daniels. Will you marry us?” He opened a small velvet b
ox containing a stunning ring. I gasped.

  “It’s Manto, you assholes!” Tucker yelled from the crowed with a grin.

  The years had brought some peace between our families, but I still struggled to refrain my boys from moving menacingly towards Tucker.

  “They adopted me,” I reminded them, trying to calm them down. When I knew there was no longer a chance of bloodshed, I yelled out, “YES! YES, I’ll marry you!”

  People clapped and cheered as I was suddenly twirled up into Kayden’s arms and thoroughly kissed before I was passed around to the other two. Tyler was last, and in between kisses he said, “I love you. Our roots were planted right.”

  I smiled. They were. From the very beginning. I leaned over to the table and raised my glass. I spoke, my voice trembling, “To new beginnings. To taking it one day at a time. All for love.”

  “Here, here,” voices echoed.

  I looked over lovingly at my guys when Kayden toasted, “To changing her last name!”

  People laughed.

  Tyler let me go and grabbed a glass as I stood next to Lincoln, “To growing roots, and a life with the Tyler Mishaps!”

  I laughed.

  Lincoln whispered in my ear, “To love,” then swept me away into a dance, and all I could think about was how lucky I was to have all of them.

  The world was no longer my playground. I was going to be a wife, a mother someday, and grow a family. Now the world was going to be my children's playground as long as their imaginations let them. Let innocence remain and the beauty of life fill my soul.

  I was finally at peace. My canvas was complete. And it was now time to start a new one.

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