Trust me, my love

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Trust me, my love Page 11

by Emma Quinn

  “Yes, I tire quickly these days. Thank you both for coming to see me.”

  Emily stepped behind the desk and hugged Father. He embraced her with his left arm. “Thank you again for your kindness and your caring, Emily.” He smiled up at them as they left the room.

  I had never been prouder of my father than I was in that few short moments. He had admitted to being wrong, and he had made amends in the only ways he could. The old him would have brushed off the firing of two good employees and never given it another thought. He would have said something like, the world’s a tough place, so I guess they had better toughen up.

  I just wish it had not taken a life-threatening and life-altering event to change him.




  aving been not romantically involved with Dylan over the last few months was my choice. I thought it wise not to set Dylan on too many paths at once. I would still be there after he settled matters with the interim-CEO position and got things straightened out with his father’s health. We just didn’t talk about our relationship during those few months.

  I still loved him. Possibly more than I had before. I was so proud of the way he handled himself during his father’s illness. I told him often, too. But I made sure to keep a certain distance between us.

  Also, I didn’t want to cling to a love that only I felt. I had to be sure he felt the same way. If he were not in love with me, he would soon have another girlfriend. That was my logic as far as that goes. But he surprised me and didn’t acquire another woman. His social media sites went silent, and the pictures of him and his cousins were the last posts.

  When his father gave me a check, I was shocked to my soul. I had never dreamed he would do that. The amount was downright scandalous, and I had a hard time coming to terms with it. To say the least, my tuition for the remainder of my university time was paid for and then some. I shouldn’t have to worry about needing anything for school.

  Giving Daddy’s job back is what I thought we were most likely going for. Or, maybe, a severance check to make up for firing him so abruptly and coldly. A promotion didn’t enter either of our minds.

  It seemed to me that Dylan and Philip had undergone monumental changes in attitude and behavior since Philip’s stroke. In a way, I guess they both matured and learned valuable lessons about what really counts in life.

  Finally, a week after our meeting with Mr. Rochester, Dylan called to ask me to dinner. I accepted.

  He picked me up at seven, and we went to a nice smaller restaurant where I knew some of the staff. I was pleased.

  Over dinner, Dylan looked at me as if he had never seen me before. He devoured me with his eyes. It sent pleasant tingles over my entire body, but it suppressed my appetite. I had missed him so much. It was as if I were living only half a life without him. I knew I never wanted to be without him ever again. But there was still my schooling to consider. I had spent too much time, money, effort, blood, sweat and tears to risk my education. If he loved me truly, though, I knew he would be there after I graduated.

  “Emily, would you go to my mother’s wedding with me early next month? I would love for the two of you to finally meet.” His smile was sweet, his eyes loving.

  “I think that would be very nice. I’d like to meet her and thank her for having such an adorable and wonderful son.” I grinned impishly, feeling playful.

  “Oh, I’m adorable now, eh?” He laughed. “You know guys would rather be called sexy, irresistible, hot, or gorgeous, right?”

  “But you’re not guys, are you? You’re Dylan Rochester, and I say you are adorable…among other things.”

  “And would any of those other things, would you call me CEO?” Dylan grinned and sat back in his seat proudly.

  “What? Seriously? How did that happen?” Shocked again, I waited for his reply.

  “Dad retired the day he promoted your father. He also said that I shouldn’t give your job back under any circumstances. Not even if you begged.” He grinned, clearly not telling me everything.

  “Okay, but why?”

  “He said you were to be taken care of as if you were his daughter. Anything and everything you need will be paid for.” He sat forward and rested his elbows on the table.

  “Oh, I don’t think so. I’ve worked through college for this long. I’ll continue to work, and if he won’t let me back at the warehouse, I’ll just work somewhere else,” I countered stubbornly.

  Sighing, he rolled his eyes. “I told him you were as stubborn as he was. He said I should kidnap you and not let you out of my sight except to go to school if you refused.”

  “Oh, did he now? I just bet he did.” We both laughed at the obvious joke.

  “He honestly only wants you to finish school without a worry in the world. He’s sure you’re going to be a top surgeon someday, and it’s his way of showing his gratitude. He said any other way would just come off as being a creepy old man.” He snorted laughter again.

  “Right.” I joined his laughter again. It was nice to laugh with him again. “Since it means so much to you both, I’ll take it under consideration.”

  He nodded, the laughter fading. “Emily?”

  “Dylan?” I grinned at him.

  “I love you. You know that, right?” The earnestness in his face and words took me by surprise.

  Momentarily, I regained my composure. “I love you, too, Dylan. And I have for a long time now.”

  He stood and leaned down, kissing me hard. “I’ve waited a lifetime to hear you say that.” He kissed me again. “Tell me again.”

  “I love you, Dylan.” My voice was trembling and breathy.

  He kissed me again before taking his seat. “Would you accompany me to the house for some…uh…” He thought, grinned, and finished with, “for a nightcap?”

  Already fantasizing about being in his arms again, I nodded, laughing. “So, that’s what they’re calling it these days, huh?”

  Standing, he dropped the money on the table for the check and the tip, took my hand and started walking. “Miss Shandon, I will call it whatever you want me to call it.”

  We laughed all the way to the car. He parked at his house, and I was happy that we weren’t going to his father’s McMansion on the hill. Not that I was ashamed, I simply didn’t want to see the knowing look in his eye as I entered or left. Some things are private, and I like to keep them that way.

  The sex was stellar. Spending the night in his arms was even better.

  The next morning, I left early, feeling more complete than I had in months. I’m not one to propagate looking to others for happiness, but when you find the right one, you’ll just know. It will be a soul changing experience to be with them. I do believe in soul mates, and Dylan Rochester is mine.




  everal times throughout the next month, I awoke to the early morning sunlight filtering through the curtains at Dylan’s house. It was a marvelous time in my life. Finally fulfilled, I was content. Busy, but very content.

  We were happy together, and we got along so well during that time. All couples have their ups and downs, but we had been on an up for so long that I wondered when, or if, we would ever experience a down.

  The time drew close to go to his mother’s wedding. I was nervous for the entire week beforehand. I worried whether I would fit in with his family, if my clothes were right, if my attitude was right, I worried I would not live up to her standards for her only son. Mothers are notoriously picky about who they want their children to be with romantically. I knew this from my own mother.

  He told me stories about her house and her life that made me self-conscious. Apparently, she was rich in her own right. She came from old money, as they say. Her third great-grandfather had migrated to the US without a dime to his name. He had moved to California early in the state’s history, and he made a fortune in gold. Later years saw her grandfather making billions in the movie industry, among other lucrative bus
inesses that dealt with celebrities. So, the family fortune flowed to her father, and then to her as an only child.

  Other than owning high-end real estate all over California and in a few European countries, she owned a lavish mansion in Beverly Glen, California that would rival Mr. Rochester’s here in Carlsbad.

  “So, you’re telling me that rubbing elbows with celebrities is hereditary?” I laughed.

  He nodded. “Maybe so. But those days are behind me now, and I can’t say I miss them too much.” He rolled to his side and pulled me close.

  It was Saturday and I didn’t have classes, so I snuggled into his embrace, relishing the closeness, the manliness of him wrapped around me. “You don’t say.”

  “Nope.” He nuzzled my ear. “I have all I want right here.” He kissed my neck.

  Soon the petting turned to foreplay. It was awesome to start the day with sex. It just seemed to make everything brighter, happier, and more memorable. And, I admit, I liked sex with Dylan.

  Later in the day, I asked more questions about Mila and the wedding. He answered them, indulging me. I picked out a shop and we went in to buy my dress. He sat patiently as I tried them on and modeled them for him. If there was even a hint of distaste in his eyes, I would pick another dress.

  Finally, dressed in a yellow and tan number in a light, summery fabric that seemed to float on the breeze, I saw the look in his eyes that I had been waiting for.

  He smiled and nodded, giving a low whistle. “That dress is definitely a keeper. Whether you wear it to the wedding or not, I like it.”

  Feeling as if I had just won the lottery, I took the dress, and the accessories that went with it. A little tan clutch and matching short-heeled shoes. We took it back to his place and I hung it proudly on the hook over his closet door.

  “You’re not going to leave it here, are you?” He made his eyes big.

  Giggling, I nodded. “Yeah, silly. I’ll pack it with your suit so it’s all in one case.”

  He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “But what if my other girlfriend takes a liking to it?”

  I swatted him playfully. “You wouldn’t dare wear that on a date with someone else, honey, the yellow doesn’t complement your pretty jade green eyes.” I put my hands on the sides of his face and laughed as I tiptoed to kiss him.

  “You’re right. You’re always right. I have terrible fashion sense.” He laughed heartily.

  It was the times like that I loved most, I think. To be able to laugh so un-self-consciously with each other bolstered our relationship.

  By the time we left for the wedding, we were practically inseparable. It was difficult to distance myself from him once my classes were over for the day. I wanted to run to him and kiss him and tell him how much I loved him. Some days, I had to take a step back and reconfirm my resolve to keep school a strict priority. I only had a year left, after all.

  He drove us to Beverly Glen. The ride was long, but the scenery was gorgeous. I had seldom been farther than San Diego to the south and San Clemente State Beach to the north. When we entered Beverly Glen, I know I looked like a tourist with my mouth hanging open and my eyes roving the scenery.

  Mila’s house was, as Dylan had told me, a sprawling mansion in the middle of a lush green backdrop. The landscaping was perfect and framed the home in a way that showcased its warmer, homier side instead of just how large and grand it was.

  One of the three guesthouses was larger than Daddy’s house. The other two were, in my opinion, still much too large to be for temporary guests. I couldn’t imagine who would rather stay in a guesthouse than the main house, and surely there was plenty of room to board visitors inside it.

  Giving me time to compose myself, Dylan thoughtfully took me on a winding path that led to the backyard where the wedding would take place. Long pews had been arranged for the guests, and the best I could estimate was that there would be close to a hundred people.

  “How many people will be here, Dylan?” My nerves jangled at the prospect of a large crowd of people I didn’t know.

  “Seventy to a hundred. Will’s family is quite large, too. Mother’s expecting a good turnout. She hired three photographers for the event and the best restaurant in California to cater it.” He saw my distress and laughed, pulling me closer to his side. “Stop worrying. I don’t know half the people on Mom’s side and none on Will’s side. You’ll be fine. You are perfect and she will love you.”

  Somehow that didn’t ease my nerves much. What if he was wrong? “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am. Now, it’s time to go meet my mother.” He fished out his cellphone and dialed a number, waited for an answer, and announced our arrival. “She said we are to come through the side door and straight to her room. She can’t wait to meet you.” He grinned as excitedly as a toddler on Christmas morning.

  He led me toward the side door where a small group of people milled about and chatted easily, laughing with each other. I supposed they were waiting for the wedding to start. Turned out it was part of the catering crew on a break while they waited on the tables to be set up.

  I whispered to Dylan as we entered the house, “Where is the food going to be set up?” I wanted to know whether to plan on being outdoors or indoors. I don’t like to eat in front of people, or in open-air places where I feel as if I’m in a spotlight. I prefer to eat in a dim setting removed from the main crowd.

  “You don’t have to whisper, you know,” he whispered, grinning like an imp. “Over here in the largest room would be my guess.” He pointed and headed in that direction.

  The room was reminiscent of a royal castle’s ballroom. It seemed impossibly long and wide, decorated in red and trimmed with gold. Tapestries that had surely been passed down through countless generations hung on the enormous walls, huge chandeliers hung from the ceiling, suspended on golden chains and adorned with teardrop crystals, portraits from forgotten eras covered walls, and the long, dark wooden tables had been polished to a high sheen. My heart fluttered at all the wealth in that room alone. I couldn’t fathom inheriting so much.

  “This is absolutely stunning, Dylan. I had no idea…” I let my voice trail off. It was overwhelming. I felt as if I had been dropped into a fairytale.

  He chuckled. “It’s a lot, granted. It’s also old. And I mean, like really, really old.”

  I nodded. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it all. Dylan’s father was rich, Dylan was rich, but I had no inkling that his mother was equally rich. That meant Dylan stood to inherit two fortunes. That made the fact that he wanted to be with me even sweeter and more profound. If anyone had told me that someone so rich would want to be with someone who had struggled her way through medical school, I would have scoffed and called that person crazy.

  As we moved away from the hall and toward the wide side stairs, I wondered what the main entrance looked like. More portraits, some old, but most seeming to be from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, lined the wall as we ascended. I could see the resemblance to Dylan in quite a few of the faces. Especially the ones with similar eyes. Those piercing green eyes were hard to miss.

  He stopped on the landing, smiling. “All right. Here we go. Ready to meet my mother?”

  I shook my head and then immediately nodded, my own smile stretching wider. Not only did he want to be with me, I was so important to him that he brought me to meet his mother. I couldn’t question his feelings at that moment; I knew he loved me with a wild, crazy, and deep love just as I loved him. My heart overflowed with love and joy.

  Two large, ornate doors stood before us. I marveled at the intricate designs. The doors were works of art, not simple, utilitarian panels as doors were in most houses. Just as he raised his hand to the door, I stopped him.

  “How’s my hair? Are my clothes okay? Do I look like I just rode in a car for over two hours?” I fluffed my hair and patted my face.

  He laughed and put a hand on either side of my face. “Emily, you are amazing, and you look perfect. Stop. Just relax
. Trust me, she’s nothing like you’d think from seeing the house. You’ll be surprised at how down to earth she is, how easygoing and kind. So, stop worrying.” He kissed me, and the tension in my body eased.

  “All right. I’m ready.”

  He opened the door on the left and stepped inside. I followed closely. I stood in an honest to god antechamber. In ancient times, this would have been where the lady’s maid would have stood as she awaited her orders, and where she would have allowed or refused guests to enter. It would also have been where the lady would have taken company instead of allowing them into her bedchamber. At least, I thought I was correct on the history. Either way, I had never seen an antechamber to a bedroom, and thought they had disappeared hundreds of years ago.

  Apparently, I had been wrong. It was a whimsical touch, in my opinion, and it added a bit of grace and grandeur to the place that no amount of artwork could have done.

  “Mother? I’m here.” Dylan stepped through the next set of doors slowly.

  A very feminine voice replied. “Dylan! Lovely, lovely. I’m so happy you made it. I was so afraid with your father’s health and all that you wouldn’t get to come.”

  I stood inside the antechamber a moment longer, calming my nerves.

  They embraced quickly, and then she stepped around him and our eyes met. She exclaimed with one hand to her mouth. “Oh, honey! Emily, please come in. I’ve been waiting to meet you!” She embraced me as soon as I stepped through the doorway.

  Smiling broadly, she held me at arms’ length. I could immediately see where Dylan had gotten most of his looks. And those gorgeous green eyes. Hers were rimmed with lush, long, naturally black lashes just like Dylan’s, only hers had a more feminine slant at the inner corners. Her jet-black hair was long and thick, straight and shiny. It fell nearly to her waist.

  I was struck by her beauty and had to consciously make myself not gawk at her. Statuesque, she stood back letting her gaze travel over me appreciatively. Her hair caught the sunlight from the large windows. Blue shimmers appeared throughout her hair as she moved. She seemed almost unreal she was so beautiful.


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