Trust me, my love

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Trust me, my love Page 12

by Emma Quinn

  “Ms. Crowder, thank you for inviting me to your wedding. You are gorgeous, by the way. I’m sorry if that’s out of line, but I just had to tell you that you look beautiful.” I was at ease with her instantly. Far from the reaction I had so worried I would have in her presence.

  “Thank you, Emily, but please, call me Mila. I won’t be Mila Crowder for much longer anyway.” She laughed and it lit her face and eyes, doubling her beauty. She motioned for me to come with her. “Let’s sit and chat for a while, eh?”

  “Sure.” I followed her to a set of cushioned and very comfortable lounging chairs. Dylan remained where he stood. I looked at him questioningly.

  “Mom, I’m going to go downstairs and find Uncle Rob and let you two get acquainted.” Dylan backed toward the doors.

  She turned and twiddled her fingers at him. “All right, dear. Thank you.” She turned to me. “So, you simply must tell me all about yourself, Emily. Dylan couldn’t stop talking about you even when we were at my engagement party. I feel like I already know you.” She laughed again.

  We talked for an hour straight. We laughed and I was amazed at how easy she was to talk to and be around. In that respect, she reminded me of Mama.

  Sighing, she sat back. “You know, I’m really impressed with how much my son has matured recently. He’s really taken a hold on his life, straightened himself out, and he’s become the man I always thought he could be.” She leaned forward and patted my knee with her long, elegant fingers. “I’m sure it’s all thanks to you, dear. I can see why he loves you so much. You are a gem, and I believe he has chosen very well indeed.”

  I think I blushed all the way to my toes. “Thank you, Mila. And, thank you for having such a wonderful and adorable son. I love him sincerely. With all my heart, I love him. He’s the best thing that’s happened to me.”

  Smiling, she looked out the window. “Ah, young love. It is always the strongest, wildest, and purest love you’ll experience.” Her voice had taken on a dreamy quality.

  “You sound as if you know from experience.” I didn’t have anyone to talk to about love, and commitments and other ‘girl topics’ since Mama passed.

  She chuckled lightly. She could even make a chuckle sound elegant. Nodding, she turned to me again. “Yes, I speak from experience.”

  “Mr. Rochester?” I hoped I wasn’t overstepping any boundaries.

  “Yes, the devilishly handsome Mr. Rochester, indeed. Mama and Papa were thrilled when I brought him home to meet them. Everybody loved him. He was so enigmatic, bringing life to any room he entered with his charisma and his charm.” She shook her head, still smiling. “Oh, his charms were many and greatly powerful. I fell hard and fast for Mr. Rochester.” She fell silent and her expression turned stormy for a few seconds.

  Fearing I had brought up difficult memories, I squirmed in my seat, wondering why I had to always ask questions when I should keep my mouth shut. Her visage cleared again, and she seemed to come back to the present.

  “Mila, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

  “Oh, no, dear. It wasn’t you. I was just thinking of imparting some kind of wisdom to you about working through the tough times that will inevitably fall your way. They always come in a relationship. Just think of them as growing pains, honey. They’re unpleasant while they’re happening, but worth the effort to struggle through.” She nodded as if that was what she had to say.

  Nodding, I wanted to tell her that Dylan and I hadn’t had a tough time yet. Then I remembered our breakup over the party pictures and thought better of it. We had been through a tough patch. But we were back together and better than before. She was right. The rough time had brought Dylan and I closer, strengthened our relationship.

  “See. There it was. I saw it just cross your face. You understand what I’m saying.” Her green eyes lit with a smile.

  “Yes, I think so. But how do you know if it’s just a rough time or if it’s and ending time?”

  “What an odd question for someone so young and so in love. Are you two having troubles?” She sat forward, concern etching her clear features.

  “Oh, no! Well, not now. We worked through it and we’re together again.” There I went sticking my foot in my mouth. I clamped my mouth shut and stared at her with a sort of horror in my mind. Had Dylan told her about the breakup? Had he wanted her to know?

  “Well, I’m glad to hear it, but what happened, if you don’t mind my asking?” Her brow wrinkled.

  “It was me. I overreacted to something…oh, okay, I’ll just tell you. I’m no good at tiptoeing through the tulips. I saw pictures of Dylan with other girls and drinking champagne and I immediately thought he was cheating on me, so I dumped him. Then Mr. Rochester had a stroke, and we didn’t work through it until his father was better.”

  After a moment, her brow unfurled, and a knowing look settled on her face. “It was the pictures from my engagement party, eh?”

  Laughing nervously, I nodded. “I told you I overreacted. I feel bad for it now, but I didn’t know what to think then.”

  “It’s okay. We are women. Women sometimes do overreact. It’s easier when the relationship is new, and you are just getting to know one another. Now, if that happens again in, say, five years…” she looked sharply at me, “you let me know and I’ll set him straight.” She winked and brandished a fist in the air.

  I guffawed. Just thinking of that fine-boned, elegant hand ever hitting anyone in anger was hilarious. “I don’t think I ever have to worry about it again. I know Dylan’s heart pretty well already, and he would never do anything to intentionally hurt me.”

  “Good. Good. I’m happy to hear that. All I know is that you have wrought a dramatic change in his life, and it’s been for the good.” She looked at a clock. “Well, it is about time to prepare for the wedding.” She stood and we walked to the door together. “Remember all I told you about young love. It’s not so passionate and headstrong when you’re older.” She pulled a funny face.

  “I will. Thank you again. And congratulations on your big day. I wish you all the luck and wild, crazy, headstrong-ness you can handle.” I hugged her.

  She tweaked my chin when we parted. “You are a good woman, Emily. Persevere in your passion to become a surgeon. You and Dylan will make a powerhouse couple if ever there was one. May the world be your oyster.”

  Upon leaving her room, or rather her suite of rooms, I felt lighter, happier, and more sure of myself. I wandered downstairs and found Dylan talking with a group of men. It was time to get our suitcases and get ready. I didn’t want to be rushed.

  After short introductions, he agreed, and we went to one of the guesthouses to dress. “I thought a little privacy might be nice.” He motioned to include the house.

  Snorting laughter, I rolled my eyes. “Like there would not be plenty of privacy in the big house? Please, that place is enormous.” I laughed, still amazed at its size.




  he wedding was a masterpiece in motion. Mother definitely had talent at planning big events. I was happy that she and Emily had hit it off so well. Emily was calm and joyous throughout the wedding and the after-party. I wanted to give her a wedding day that would rival Mother’s, show her off to the entire world, and yell from the rooftops that she was the love of my life.

  I didn’t know how she would feel about all that, so I kept my fantasy to myself.

  The day after the wedding, we left to go back home and to get back into our normal routines. Emily seemed invigorated since talking with my mother. Maybe it was just nice for her to have another mother-figure to talk to about whatever elusive things women talk about when men are out of the room. I don’t know, but it was nice to see that she had regained her old joie de vivre.

  The days turned to weeks turned to months, and before long, Emily’s graduation was looming right in front of us. She didn’t know it, but I had an enormous surprise for her after graduation. I had taken to spoiling her as often as she
would allow, but she never let me do it enough.

  She didn’t want to become spoiled and pampered was her reasoning. I countered by telling her that she could never become spoiled, but I seriously wanted to try. She always laughed me off and told me I was a goof.

  Rochester Industries prospered and times were good. My father’s health improved, and his speech cleared immensely. I had talked of my plan with him, and at other times, with Mother. They both agreed to help make it a memorable occasion while keeping my secret for months on end.

  Emily and Mother talked often on the phone. She loved my family and they loved her. My life couldn’t have been fuller or more fulfilling. Well, there was one thing that would have made it better…



  raduation was a big deal. No, who am I kidding? Graduation was a massive deal for me. I was so excited and nervous, I thought I would puke before the ceremony. Dylan, his father, and his mother, along with her husband all stood with Daddy.

  As I crossed the stage and took up my diploma, and heard the dean giving my GPA, and other credentials, I felt like I was in a dream. I turned to Daddy and waved the diploma at him. I could see his pride and feel his love across the room.

  Dylan put his fingers between his lips and whistled loudly and then pumped a hand in the air as he yelled, “I love you, Emily!”

  This was met with laughter and applause as I exited the stage.

  After the ceremony, he ran to me and swept me up into his arms, swinging me around. “I’m so happy for you, Em! How’s it feel to graduate finally?” He beamed with pride…and something else I couldn’t quite place.

  “Excellent. I didn’t think today would ever get here, but here it is.” I brandished the diploma again, giggling.

  Daddy hugged me tight. “I’m so proud of you. Your mother is, too, you know.” A tear slipped down his cheek, and I hugged him tighter and nodded.

  “So, Dylan has planned this little party to celebrate, honey. We’re all going to be there along with a few other people. I’m just going to follow behind you two.” Daddy smiled and winked at Dylan.

  “What? A party?” No one had mentioned a celebratory party. “And what was that wink about, Daddy?” I turned to glance at Dylan who rolled his eyes to the side to avoid making eye contact with me.

  “He’ll drive you there now. It’s going to be a night to remember, honey.” Daddy’s smile turned to a mischievous grin and he turned to leave.

  Dylan took my hand. “He’s right, you know. A night to remember.” He kept his eyes straight ahead.

  “All right, I’ll play along, but if someone puts a crème pie in my face in public, I’m not responsible for my reaction.” I giggled as he hurried me out the side door.

  His parents took turns congratulating me quickly and giving me hugs outside the car. Dylan finally stepped in and opened my door. “Come on everybody, you act like you’re not going to see her in thirty minutes again.” He gave his mom a raised-eyebrow look, and she nodded.

  “Oh, of course, dear. We’ll see you there, Emily.” She patted my arm as Will guided her to their car.

  We arrived at Mr. Rochester’s place, and the front lawn sported two huge white canopies. Underneath were tables and chairs. The smell of food drifted to me as I stepped out of the car.

  “Dylan! This is not a small party.” I looked to my clothes self-consciously.

  He shook his head and took my arm. “Nope, not at all. Don’t worry about your clothes or your hair or your makeup.” He stopped just shy of the canopies where dozens of people milled about. He kissed me. “Follow me, please.”

  His eyes were different somehow. I couldn’t determine what was going on, but something told me it was not just a simple celebratory party for my graduation.

  He walked to a small cleared area at the other side of the canopies where there was a microphone and unlit lights strung across a metal frame overhead. The frame extended down on each side of us. In the dim light, I couldn’t make out the shape of the lights.

  Dylan tapped the microphone and the feedback buzzed loudly, drawing everybody’s attention. “Hey folks, if I could get your attention please. I would like to introduce to you Dr. Emily Shandon. Nice round of applause for all her hard work and perseverance.” He rallied the crowd to a booming, echoing applause and then quieted them.

  All of a sudden, he dropped to one knee in front of me, grinning up, he produced a small black box from his pocket. Just then, the lights turned on, and the crowd oohed and ahhed. I looked up to see the lighted shape of wedding bells, two doves, and roses that trailed to the ground on either side.

  My heart skipped a beat as I looked back to Dylan who had flipped the box open to reveal an engagement ring with a diamond roughly the size of a Volkswagen on it.

  “Emily, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?”

  This time, Daddy whistled and clapped from a few yards away.

  “Yes, Dylan. Yes, I’ll marry you and be the happiest woman in the world.” Tears ran unchecked down my cheeks as he slid the ring on my finger.

  Standing, we kissed. It was the first kiss of the rest of our lives.


  Extract from the book:

  It’s my turn to Love you

  Emma Quinn



  High school, end of the school year.

  “ O

  h, my God, I can’t even believe how cute Freddie is!” my best friend, Lisa, declared with the bright shining eyes of someone in the first throes of love.

  At least, I assumed that was what that look was. It wasn’t something that I had ever seen in real life before. Only in movies, or in my imagination when I was secretly reading romance novels.

  “Look at these flowers.”

  I forced a smile on my face, even if it was hard for me to make myself appear happy. It wasn’t that I didn’t want Lisa to find someone that made her happy, of course, I wanted that for my best friend. I had never seen her so bright and shining before, it was lovely to see… but I couldn’t stop the bitter snake of jealousy from coursing through my body. I was utterly consumed by the green-eyed monster and I couldn’t swallow it down.

  I guess I always assumed that me and Lisa were in the same boat. That we were too geeky to be noticed by the guys at high school and that we would bloom when we hit college later on in life. That was always the excuse that I gave myself when another year passed and I hadn’t even been kissed, never mind anything else, while all of the other people in our school class progressed and explored one another, we remained behind everyone, stuck in time.

  But now, Lisa had been kissed. She had done more as well. She had nabbed a really cool and sweet guy who made her feel incredibly special, while I was the only one left behind.

  Never before had I felt so young and inexperienced. Never before had I felt so lost.

  “That’s really great.” I wasn’t about to dampen Lisa’s happiness with my own misery. No way. That was my problem, nothing to do with her. “He is so good to you.”

  “I know, I know,” she swooned. “And I’m so glad that Freddie is going to a college nearby when he graduates. I wouldn’t be able to cope with him. And I really don’t want for us to end up as one of those statistics who can’t weather college. I think we can do it. I believe in us.”

  I didn’t want to disagree with her, even if I wasn’t totally sure that they could survive. It didn’t seem right to slap my opinion in there anyway. I wasn’t exactly the expert in love. My only romantic feelings had never been reciprocated and they were so embarrassing that I didn’t want to talk about them anymore. Lisa had heard me moan about this enough…

  “Oh!” She stared at me as if she could read what I was thinking even without me saying it. “Not that I think distance and college has to destroy anything. If you’re feelings are strong enough. Which of course, you know, yours are. Or at least they would be if you were a c

  I rolled my eyes and snorted with laughter. A bitter laughter that didn’t exactly come out as I wanted it to. “There isn’t ever going to be any kind of worry about that, is there? Because Adam is with Sexy Giselle and they will probably be going to college together.”

  I wanted to sound blasé as I declared that, but it definitely didn’t come across. But it was hard for me to discuss anything to do with Adam and his girlfriend. It hurt my heart to think of him giving any of himself to anyone else other than me.

  Once upon a time, only six months ago, me, Adam, and Lisa were the three musketeers. Me and Lisa because of our friendship formed in school and Adam because he was her next door neighbor. It had always been the three of us for years. It didn’t even matter that he was a year older than us, we shared interests in movies, books, TV shows, and fun, so our friendship could survive so much. I loved our little gang. We were friends for life and helped each other through everything. Family dramas, school disputes with other people, any upset…

  Of course, the friendship was something different for me as well, because it didn’t take long for me to fall head over heels for Adam. I didn’t notice it coming, I wasn’t totally sure when it started, but before I knew it, I was thinking about him all the time. Every minute of the day was utterly consumed by him. So much so that I had to confess it to Lisa.

  Then we spent a lot of time talking about how we were meant to be and how the moment would come when me and him would end up together in a happy ever after. Lisa didn’t even mind, she was just happy for us and encouraged us to get together. Even more so when she started hanging out with Freddie and that rapidly took a romantic turn…


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