Thunder (Desert Phantoms MC Book 1)

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Thunder (Desert Phantoms MC Book 1) Page 14

by Verlene Landon

  If only you’d kept it in your head and out of your mouth.

  She definitely did not want to be waiting on a woman who was a manipulative cunt from her past. One she felt she owed for some twisted reason. Well, not so much anymore, but when it came to the Fordhams, Andy had always had trouble standing up for herself.

  Not anymore. She would tell her in no uncertain terms they were through. There would be no introduction to the clubs or check-ins or coffees. None of that.

  The sound of the front door opening grabbed her attention. Only one other person had a key and knew the alarm code, so she wasn’t worried.

  “Hey chica, had some free time and thought I’d come catch up on some busy work. Don’t mind me… where’s your client?”

  “She’s running a bit behind. No big deal, I just thought I’d busy myself drawing some flash for the, ‘Hey, we’re in Vegas so let’s get some ink,’ crowd.”

  “Cool. I’m going to go dive in. Holler if—” Ripley’s words were cut short by her phone. She didn’t even answer, just looked at the screen before announcing.

  “Can you reschedule, I need to jet. You can lock up and I’ll get Styx to see you home.”

  The thought of ditching Tracey was sublime, but that meant she’d have to see her again and Andy wanted to make a clean cut. Needed to get her out of her life once and for all.

  It appeared she also needed to put some distance between her and the Phantoms if she was to get over Thunder.

  “If you’re only here to catch up on paperwork, then why do you need me to reschedule and Styx to escort me home? Thunder put you up to this, didn’t he?”

  The thought of him being protective made her heart flutter until she remembered what Granite said.

  “You’re under our protection, sweetheart. That doesn’t depend on your relationship status with Thunder or any other brother. You feel me?”

  The flutters stopped.

  “Busted. But I’d do it whether or not the Phantoms called in a favor. You’re under our protection, just like you are theirs. Consider yourself double fucking blessed and leave it at that.” Ripley’s smile was disarming. It was sweet and wholesome looking compared to her leather and ink. Andy knew she was a badass bitch in a little package.

  “My client is a friend from back in the day.”

  Ripley seemed unsure. Andy needed her to say yes, so she said words that tasted like battery acid on her tongue.

  “We were practically sisters, so it’s all good. How about if I call Styx as soon as I finish up and promise not to leave without her?”

  Andy had to get her to agree. She could not let Tracey linger in her life a second longer. She didn’t plan on inking her to begin with, which Ripley would notice if she hadn’t got distracted on her phone. Her room wasn’t set up for a client.

  “Ripley, I’m not above begging. Please. Thunder and I aren’t going to work out, so I don’t plan on sticking around the Phantoms. I just need to get through the next few days while they lock everyone up without losing my heart.” Few people knew a lot about Ripley’s private life, including Andy. But she knew she’d recently went through a nasty breakup. Andy was not above using that to her advantage.

  “Okay, but the second you sani-wrap your friend, you call Styx. Set the silent alarm and wait inside.” Ripley fiddled with her phone, then looked at Andy expectantly. Andy’s phone rang once, then stopped. “That’s Styx, just hit last number redial and she’ll be on her way.”

  Andy breathed a sigh of relief that she convinced Ripley to let her stay. Just as Ripley was leaving, there was a banging at the door. Tracey had finally arrived.

  Tracey looked like a wet turd when Andy opened the door. Her face morphed as Ripley headed toward them. “Hi, my friends call me T. You must be Ripley.”

  Andy bit her lip to keep from laughing when Ripley ignored her hand and looked at her like she was something she stepped in.

  “We aren’t friends, so I don’t give a fuck what they call you. If you know who I am, then why the hell are you approaching me like you know me.”

  They weren’t questions, not the way Ripley spoke. Ripley’d turned her attention back to Andy, ignoring a now pouting Tracey. “You sure you’re good?”

  Tracey looked like she was going to respond. Andy knew Ripley would kick her ass out if she didn’t shut the fuck up.

  The look in her eyes said she was second-guessing her decision. “I know Granite is worried, but I’m—” Ripley cut her off with a sharp look from her to Tracey. Damn. Rule number: whatever Lexi had said it was. Do not talk about the club with outsiders, ever. “I’ll stay safe, promise.”

  Ripley nodded once, then brushed past Tracey without a backward glance. Tracey stumbled and winced like she was in a lot of pain, but Andy didn’t give a shit.

  “So, that’s the infamous Ripley, president of the Devil’s Handmaidens?” Tracey scoffed. “She didn’t seem like all that to me. I could take her with one hand tied behind my back.”

  “You could try.” Andy breathed in a barely audible tone.

  “You know, you used to not be such a bitch back when my brother and I were teaching you manners.”

  Shocked was an understatement, Andy was pissed. She knew, somewhere deep down, she’d always known that Tracey never saved her. She was just as bad as Justin, if not worse. At that time, though, she’d needed someone to give her that push, and she allowed Tracey to pretend to fill the role she needed filled. Is that why she always felt she owed Tracey? Maybe a little bit.

  It was over. Andy wouldn’t let Tracey manipulate her anymore. Any debt owed was paid.

  “You mean back when I didn’t have a backbone? Yeah, most people don’t like it when others grow out of the role they assigned them.” The look of confusion on Tracey’s face had her almost not elaborate. But she wasn’t saying the words for Tracey’s sake, she was saying them for herself.

  She reached for her phone and texted ready to the last number that called her. Now she couldn’t chicken out. It would take Styx a little around ten minutes to arrive. She’d be blunt and efficient, cutting Tracey out of her life for good. By the time Styx showed, Andy could go home and cry over Thunder while eating a pint of Rocky Road ice cream and drinking a bottle or two of cheap Chardonnay. Then, she’d get over him. The old Andy wouldn’t pine away for some guy, so the new Andy wouldn’t either.

  “Yeah, I grew a backbone and neither you, nor Justin wanted that. Nope. You wanted me under his thumb as much as he did.”

  Tracey crowded her a little. She was smiling and calm. Not affronted by Andy’s words at all. It was a look she now recognized for what it was. “Really? Is that what you think of me? Then why did I tell you he was cheating? Why did I tell you about his kids? And why did I encourage you to stand up for yourself? The only reason you can even say those hurtful things right now is because of me.”

  That was it. Now she was really fucking pissed. She had played into Tracey’s plan all the way.

  “You’ve got some fucking nerve. It took me years, hell, some I’m just now figuring it out, but it’s all falling into place. You wanted me to bend to please him, and by extension, you. So, at first, you tore me down little by little, by helping me improve to keep him from straying. How am I doing so far?”

  Tracey didn’t say a word, just crossed her arms over her chest and waited. Almost like she enjoyed hearing how clever she was.

  “That’s what I thought. After that, for reasons I can’t put my finger on yet, you wanted to hurt Justin. You knew me leaving would be that ultimate smack in his face. A blow to his pride. Plus, without my income, he’d actually have to work for a living.”

  In that moment, Tracey’s normally guarded expression became somewhat transparent.

  “You were also playing the long game, weren’t you? You kept me on the board in case you ever needed me. And lo and fucking behold, here you are, trying to get in with the Phantoms and looking to use my roommate to do it.”

  Tracey had a gun pointed at her
before the last word left her mouth. “Fuck your roommate. I don’t need an introduction now. Wanna know why? Because you’re right, I played the long game, and now it’s paying off in spades. I’ve got an old lady, and that will get me more than an introduction. That gives me power.”

  “I’m not an old lady,” Andy squeaked out carefully, so she didn’t get shot.

  “That bastard was fucking you in that alley. Both of you screaming like banshees. I may not know much about biker gangs, but I know they don’t fuck whores on their bikes. So, now, you’re going to call that man of yours and get him over here.”

  Information was flooding her brain. Andy had to slow her breathing and thoughts to figure a way out of this. Tracey was in the alley?

  “You shot Thunder.” Her voice held a combination of rage and disbelief.

  “Yeah, well, shit happens. Maybe if they stayed out of my business, I would’ve stayed out of theirs. It’s too late for that now.”

  Andy was reeling. What kind of business was Tracey in that the Phantoms had any connection to?

  “Now, be a good little bitch and call that man of yours and get him over here.”

  “You fucking shot him, you crazy cunt. He can’t very well just pop over.” She had to stall until Styx could show up. Then maybe they could work together or something. Andy wasn’t good under pressure. The cage was fine, she planned ahead of time and got in that perfect mental space, but a gun in the face? She was surprised, and now she was also rattled.

  “He’s not fatal. I heard the cavalry ride in on their steel horses before I left. Heard you talking to him and him talking back. He can take one of their cars, don’t give a shit how, just get him here.”

  Andy pulled her phone from her pocket and punched Granite’s number instead.

  “Yeah,” he answered.

  “Thunder, honey?”

  “Andy, you in trouble?”

  “Of course.”

  “Speaker. Now!” Tracey ground out and came closer, placing the gun against her stomach.

  “Hey, babe. I’m busy so I’m gonna put you on speaker and set my phone down.” She punched the button and held the phone away from her face but tilted so Tracey could hear better but not see the screen.

  “No problem, sweetheart. Are you almost done with your client?”

  “She was a no-show. I’m just cleaning up since she was my one… and only appointment on the schedule. I was hoping you could come by and well, I know you’re not one hundred percent, but I kinda have the fantasy about fucking around on my chair. What do you say? Come on down to Horns and get lucky?” Andy tried to put space and emphasis on the words she and one without being obvious. She’d have no way of knowing if she were successful or not.

  “Fuck yeah, babe. I’ll be there in twenty.”

  “Cool. I’ll call Styx and tell her not to come, that you got me.” She hoped he knew to warn her or call her off. “Make it ten and I’ll be naked and waiting. I’ll leave the back door unlocked.”

  “Deal. Leaving the door unlocked sounds unsafe. Be careful.” She understood what Granite meant. Be safe and let him handle it.

  Andy pocketed her phone. “Now what?”

  Before Tracey could answer, pipes cut through the night. It was too late, Styx was almost there.

  Tracey grabbed her own phone and made a call. “Bob, intercept the dyke on the bike. Disarm her and get her in here.”



  Granite stormed through the clubhouse barking orders.

  “Blast, Taps. Get the shield packed and ready. We roll in five.” The shield? Shit, if Granite was rolling out their armored SUV, something was going down. Too bad he couldn’t be a part of it. He could use the distraction and the outlet.

  “On it, Prez,” both brothers answered before they strode away.

  Trixie made herself scarce as soon as he started talking business. The club girls, the ones who wore property patches, knew when to step. If they didn’t, they didn’t last long. When shit was going down, the president couldn’t take his time clearing the room. They needed to clear themselves.

  “Pound, I need you to watch the house.” Granite gave a pointed look at Thunder. Sure, he had to stay behind, but it wasn’t like he needed a fucking sitter. “You and Priest… keep those here, safe and inside.” Pound grabbed the stool next to him.

  Okay, now he was being downright cryptic. Sure, the weak spots here who needed protection, but why say it like that? Thunder was getting a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  “Trip, I need you on Thunder’s sled.”

  Thunder went to stand when Pound put his hand on his good shoulder, keeping him seated. “What the hell, Prez?”

  Granite walked around the bar where just moments before, Trixie stood, and poured two shots.

  “Drink.” They each downed their shot. “Andy called in a nine one one to me just minutes ago.”

  “What did she say? Is she hurt?” He tried to stand again, but Pound held strong.

  “Prez, we’ve got to get going.”

  “Not we.” He turned to Trip. “I want you to pull around back. They’re expecting Thunder to come that way in about ten minutes. We’ll roll in the front, take out the threats while they’re waiting for you to walk in the unlocked back door.”

  Trip nodded and held out his hands to Thunder for the keys.

  “No fucking way. I am not letting you ride in my place to get hurt or get my girl killed. Prez, don’t leave me out. This is Andy we’re talking about.” He was willing to beg. “Please, Wes. I can’t.” The last four words were said with as much sincerity as he’d ever spoken with in his life. They meant everything. She meant everything.

  “Look, Nick. You’re in no shape to help your girl. You’ll only distract us, and her. We don’t know who has her or how many or shit. I think maybe just one female from the way she emphasized her words, but I’m not counting on that. She could’ve just been nervous. All I know is she reached out, called me Thunder, and had to go to speaker. She’s still at Horns and spun a tale for those listening to get you there.”

  When Granite’s words penetrated his brain, he almost lost the contents of his stomach.

  “They’re using her to get to me?” Looking around the room, each brothers’ face held sympathy. They felt his pain, but Granite didn’t sugarcoat it.

  “It would seem so, but they could just want you to get to the club. We don’t know yet. But it doesn’t matter who or why. We’ll get your girl back and they’ll answer for their actions.”

  Granite turned to the rest of his brothers, the ones he tapped for the mission. “We go in silent, except Trip. I already called Ripley and got the code to unlock the front door. Styx is already at Horns, probably inside by now. Called her when she was pulling up to escort Andy home. Watch for her. They probably disarmed her. We’ll go in front as soon as Trip dismounts in the back. Goal, rescue the girls, take whoever it is alive. Check ‘em into the Hotel.”

  Granite’s words soothed a minuscule part of Thunder’s soul. They wouldn’t walk away from Hotel California. Whoever they were, they deserved it for touching Andy. Thunder couldn’t lose her. Especially not before he even really had her.

  “Prez, I’m begging you. Take me. I’ll stay in the shield. She won’t even know I’m there. I can’t follow your orders to stay here. I’ll knock Pound’s ass out and follow if you don’t take me. It’s safer for all concerned if I go. You can keep an eye on me and Pound will be here holding down the fort.”

  “I’m going to fucking regret this, I know I am, but I also know your stubborn ass isn’t staying behind. Fine. Get in the shield, shut the fuck up and follow orders. If you don’t, I’ll have Taps knock your ass out and leave you in a smelly dumpster behind a Chinese restaurant along the way.”

  Thunder didn’t say another word, just handed over his keys and strode outside to get in the armored SUV.

  The drive wasn’t long, but it seemed infinite. His mind was rolling through all the ways t
his situation could go sideways.

  “Prez?” When Granite shifted his attention slightly to Thunder, he swallowed the lump in his throat. “Thank you.”

  An almost imperceptible nod was his answer. Thunder knew Granite understood, but he was getting in the right mindset not to fuck up, so Thunder turned away and watched the yellow line pass as they drove.

  When they were a few blocks out, Granite turned off and parked out of sight of Horns & Halo. Trip rolled in behind them. He dismounted and came to the open window.

  “Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to roll up closer in the shield, make a pass and see if we can see any activity through the front windows. We’ll relay that back to Trip ASAP. Then we’ll flip around and parallel on the same side, just back far enough that we can’t be seen from inside at any angle. That’ll leave the shield close enough to load up Andy.” Thunder noticed his hesitation and the look he gave him. “In whatever shape she may be in.”

  Thunder hated the thoughts those words brought to his mind, but Granite was practical and thorough. He was grateful for that.

  “Plus, we don’t know what kind of firepower they may or may not have, and that’ll give us somewhere to hunker down and cover our asses if it turns into a firefight.” Granite looked around and Thunder knew exactly what was going through his mind. The same thing going through all of theirs. Collateral damage. They hated the thought of civilians getting hurt.

  Luckily, most of the businesses along that stretch were closed up tight for the night or vacant. Horns didn’t have the most desirable of addresses in Vegas. Ripley preferred it. She’d actually moved there on purpose. She still made money off the tourists, but she wasn’t about that being her bread and butter.

  “We clear?” Everyone made a sound of agreement. “Okay, we are heading down now. Trip, wait for my signal, then head to the back. Maybe rev it a few times to get their attention. Announce your arrival, so to speak. That’s when we’ll come in through the front. Keep your head on a swivel for crossfire.”


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