Meant to Be

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Meant to Be Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  He knew this was a onetime, one off, one night stand and yet he wanted to be Nik’s everything, his lover for a lifetime. The more he tried to figure himself out and his raging desires, the more he sunk into the arms of the man he wanted more than his next breath. Nik let go and took his hand away and stared down into Walker’s eyes.

  Nik did the unthinkable at that moment when Walker thought he would leave him hanging and head for the door. Instead Nik dropped to his knees and pulled Walker’s cock out of his pants, it was sensitive to the point of pain but it was a wonderful pain. He took Walker’s cock between his lips and swallowed him down to the root, holding Walker by the hips in order to control his thrusts.

  Walker dropped his head back and rolled it back and forth on his shoulders taking in the sensation building and sending his senses into a tailspin. It was so startling and so fucking fantastic that he just lost himself in the feeling and stopped thinking. This was Nik Hadden on his knees, sucking him off but it felt more like he was servicing the big gorgeous man rather than the reverse. Even on his knees, this man was in control, he was the boss.

  Nik couldn’t help himself and he decided not to try. This was Walker, his beloved and if he wanted to satisfy his love then nothing would stop him. The taste of Walker in his mouth was pure erotica in the flesh so tantalizing and so innocent and all his. He moved his hands to cup Walker’s round little ass and started a hard rhythm that he knew would have Walker on the edge in record time. He heard the moans and they went straight to his ego, inflating it to grand proportions. He looked forward to a lifetime of those exquisite sounds.

  He felt Walker stiffen and he let his fang graze the large vein on the underside of Walker’s hard cock and took a taste. Walker cried out and came with a vengeance. Stream after stream of seed filled Nik’s mouth and he took it all marveling at the invigorating effect it had upon him. This was to be a journey of discovery that he would cherish and devour for the rest of their lives. The experience with his beloved was at once beautiful and erotic, lustful and yet loving and it filled every void in his heart and mind. Nik would never lose him, never let him go.

  Walker couldn’t believe it, one minute he was teetering and trying to hold on and the next he was coming so hard it left him exhausted. He tried to settle and get his bearings as he watched Nik lick him clean and tuck him back inside his pants. Nik stood and straightened Walker’s clothing and then kissed him, hard like he would never get enough. Tasting himself on Nik’s tongue caused his spent cock to jerk back to life. This was unreal.

  “You fascinate me Walker.” Nik whispered in that husky tone that made Walker want to drop his pants and go for another round. He searched Walker’s face and must have found what he was looking for because he smiled and pulled him in for an affectionate hug. He put his arm over Walker’s shoulders and turned him towards the door.

  “Let’s go have breakfast before I strip you naked and go for round two.” He must have been reading Walker’s mind. Walker smiled and nodded, still a bit overcome by it all but still completely on board for whatever Nik suggested.

  Walker grabbed his jacket on the way out the door. “Where are we going? Should I wear a button up? Is this t-shirt and jeans going to cut it?” He was suddenly nervous and rambling and it made Nik chuckle.

  “You are perfectly fine just as you are. We’re going to my restaurant downtown where the chef is making us both a delightful meal.” Nik said it casually and ushered Walker to his car. The driver opened their door and then secured it after them.

  “Nice car, smooth ride.” Walker commented with open appreciation.

  “Thank you, I usually have all my vehicles serviced at the dealership or by my own mechanics, but I may have to look into a service contract with the Garage.” Nik took Walker’s hand and raised it to his lips. “You are a treasure, Walker Hall.”

  “I’d stick with the dealership and your own people, we don’t have the expertise or experience for a high-end vehicle like this one. Vehicles like this don’t come to the Garage.” Walker hated to turn away a customer, but it would be ridiculous to pretend.

  “I respect your honesty, but I’m sure you’re more talented than you give yourself credit.” Nik answered. The hand that had been holding his slid along the back of the seat and was now rubbing his upper arm. Walker didn’t know what to think. He was flattered and eager to see where this went but the scared and vulnerable part of him recoiled at the likelihood of being dumped sooner rather than later.

  Was it foolish to carry on and get himself too deep emotionally with this guy? He met him last night, of course they had astounding sex, but they just met less than twenty-four hours ago. The connection was there, he could feel it and by the looks of it, so could Nik. What did it mean and really, how could they build any kind of union considering how different they were? All these concerns were valid but not a one was enough to stop Walker from following Nik.

  Their lives were on opposite ends of the social spectrum with a big gaping void in between. There were no connecting points to build on. The more Walker thought the more his fear of rejection began to take over.

  Nik felt a distance begin to grow between them. Walker became quieter and tense as the drive to breakfast progressed. Nik moved his hand from Walker’s upper arm and idly began to massage the area on his neck that held Nik’s mark. In a matter of a few moments, Walker was leaning into him and responding deliciously.

  “Why does that mark feel so good when it is touched? Walker’s voice was soft and dreamy.

  “It feels good when you or I touch it, no one else.” Nik clarified and he continued to stroke the area with his fingertips.

  “But why?”

  Nik wasn’t sure if this was the best time to begin this discussion, but it was as good a time as any. He turned Walker to face him and looked into his eyes. “This mark is the connecting point between you and me. It is the beginning of our bond that will endure and intensify.”

  He understood that Walker was confused by his explanation so went further. “I am not all that I appear to be Walker. What do you know about me?” He wanted to see if Walker had knowledge that he could build upon.

  Walker gave a thoughtful expression before he began. “I know you’re an important man in this city. You and your people have quite a few business interests here, clubs, restaurants, retail stores, but The Imperial Club is your main interest and it is where you and a lot of your people live. You’ve never been married, no family apart from one cousin, Josef McQueen. You weren’t born here and no one is certain when you came to town but it was a long time ago. There weren’t any really clear photographs of you. Everything was blurry or someone stepped in front of you or you turned away, it was odd.”

  Nik gave him a subtle side eye as he asked, “Did you do an internet search on me last night?”

  Walker offered a guilty grin and nodded.

  “I’m flattered.” Nik drew him in for a quick kiss on his lips and then drew back. “All of my people live at the Imperial except for those on assignment elsewhere. I have holdings in other areas, but it is true that the Imperial is our home base, for now.” Nik paused for a moment before continuing. “There is a lot more to me and my people than meets the eye, a lot more than the public is aware of.”

  Nik thought that cryptic statement would spawn many a question, but instead Walker stayed silent and watching. He was about to go into more detail when his intercom buzzed. “Yes Ellis?” He answered.

  “We have some trouble outside the restaurant, Master Hadden. It’s being contained but they may get in your way as you enter.”

  “Then we will get them out of the way.” Nik responded

  “Yes, sir.”

  Walker couldn’t hold back, he had to ask. “What sort of trouble are we walking into?” Nik gave him a reassuring look and told him not to worry all was in hand. He said it with such confidence that Walker believed him and relaxed until they stopped and got out of the car and were greeted by a group of men. These guys we
re rough and he recognized several from last night outside the club. They weren’t there to chat, they were there to mess with Nik Hadden.

  Nik got out of the car and made to push Walker back inside but Walker resisted. “I’m not going to hide in the car while you face these guys. I’m not fragile, I can handle myself.” Nik looked at him not with indulgence but with pride and it made Walker straighten and stand a little taller.

  “Thank you, Walker, and I never thought you fragile, but I do consider you precious.” Walker held his ground as Nik turned back to regard the thugs walking towards them. Ellis was standing beside Nik and both seemed surprisingly unconcerned. The thug with the signature leather jacket and shaved head was the first to speak.

  “Mr. Massey asked us to give you a message.” He spat out.

  “And what would that be?” Nik asked, his tone bored and dismissive.

  “Mr. Massey doesn’t like anyone trying to make a fool out of him.” The large bald guy took a couple steps closer in an attempt to intimidate but was abruptly halted in his approach by a fist to his face. Nik hit him so hard and so fast that he was crumbling to the ground before anyone realized what had happened.

  The others made to rush forward but Nik raised his left hand palm towards them and they all stopped. Not like it was their choice to do so but like they were frozen. They couldn’t move and the fear and confusion was clear in their eyes.

  Nik looked at them and spoke in a language unfamiliar. Although it was foreign, it seemed to settle into your mind. When he finished, he lowered his hand and the men began to move but still a little confused. “Go and take your unconscious friend with you.”

  The guys gathered up their friend and moved away cautiously at first and then quickly got into their cars and drove off. Nik then turned to Ellis.

  “Increase the security at all of our holdings in Pittsburgh. I don’t think we’ve heard the last of Ed Massey.” Ellis nodded and got back into the car as Nik then turned to Walker and gave him his arm. “Shall we.” He motioned towards the front door of the restaurant.

  “Sounds good.” Walker replied as he took his arm. “You do know that I’m going to ask you a million questions once we get seated.” Nik just smiled.


  Nik’s explanation of the encounter with Ed Massey’s thugs was almost more confusing than the act itself. He referred to powers that were impossible and to beings that were myth and in the end Walker wasn’t certain what he believed. He believed Nik because, but there was no explaining why he believed Nik. Everything the guy said, settled in Walker’s brain as truth, but with that said he did not understand a fucking thing.

  They ate and they talked and then he brought Walker home because Walker asked him to. Walker needed time to think. So much had been revealed, how was he to acclimate it all into his life and his thinking of the world? It was something out of his childhood magical thinking, but it was real?

  Nik explained who he and his people really were. The word vampire came out slowly and heaped with explanation and understanding. He approached the subject so carefully that at first Walker thought he was talking about a physical illness, something serious. When he finally came out with vampire coven and the fact that he was the leader or rather master of this coven, Walker was on an outrageous information overload. This overload was compounded when Walker’s position was made clear.

  Nik told him that he was his beloved, a cherished individual in the vampire culture. He was destined to be with Nik because Fate had deemed it so. Nik had claimed him by biting him and spilling inside of him. It was a ritual of sorts and they were now bonded, they were one. Walker’s head was spinning, he needed this man, he needed this man to be real and sane.

  He explained all the new sensitivities and need to be near one another, but Walker found himself shutting down when the truth of what was being said hit him. Nik wasn’t crazy, he wasn’t drugged and this wasn’t a nightmare, the connection was real, Walker could feel it. The connection that told him Nik was telling the truth and he was exactly who he said he was.

  Walker had asked to go home at that point. He needed time to think.


  Nik paced his office consumed with worry. Driving Walker home and dropping him off was the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life. It tore him apart to see his beloved walk away from him. Did his need to get the truth out immediately alienate his beloved? Did Walker think he was a lunatic? Damn, he should have waited.

  He swore Walker to secrecy and then showed him his fangs and his ability to extend and retract them at will. He demonstrated their mental and emotional connection proving the legitimacy of their bond. “I answered every one of his fucking questions truthfully and in detail.” He said to the empty room. “Why did he want to go home? Why did he leave me?”

  “He was probably just overwhelmed.” Josef’s voice came from the doorway where he stood observing his Master. “Give him a little time and then . . .”

  “And then, what?” He was exasperated.

  “And then, don’t take no for an answer. Inundate him with love, loyalty, every good thing this life and you have to offer. Make him yours completely.” Josef sat down and Nik continued to pace as he contemplated Josef’s plan.

  “He’s already mine.”

  “You claimed him?”

  “Yesterday after we left the VIP room.” Nik grinned as Josef threw back his head and laughed.

  “He will not stay away long. The bonding scar must be throbbing like a bitch right now. He’ll be back.” Josef assured.

  “I have Lando watching him. I don’t like the neighborhood where he lives, some bad elements reside there. I’ll give him space but I won’t compromise his safety.” Nik finally took a seat behind his desk. “I’ll wait for a couple of days, maybe. If he doesn’t come back to me on his own, I will pursue.” He raised his eyes to capture Josef with a steely stare. “Nothing will stop me from bringing him home, where he belongs.”

  “Good plan, and in the meantime, try to relax. Lando will take good care of him.” Josef straightened in his chair and leaned forward. “Now, for the practical matters at hand.”

  Josef explained the surveillance of Massey’s business interests and the increased security measures at all Hadden Coven concerns.

  “He’s attempting to interfere with our suppliers, but all of our suppliers are Coven affiliated so he’s not been successful.” Josef added.

  “Terminate his supply channels, all of them.” Nik was ending Ed Massey’s influence and his position in this town. “His attack on our business sets us up to do the same. No one will blink an eye as we take him down.” Nik had been waiting for just such an opportunity to finish Ed Massey. He couldn’t out right destroy him without some blowback and possible investigations coming his way. Now he was simply retaliating, all’s fair in business.

  Josef gave an evil smile. “Perfect.”


  Walker spent the night wondering as to his sanity and the morning wondering how he was going to work without having slept. The day went slow, so slow he thought he’d entered a time warp which didn’t sound half as crazy as it should have, but finally it was five o’clock and he was finishing up. As he approached his car an old but cared for Trailblazer, Stanley walked up beside him.

  “We need to talk Walker.” He stated and took Walker by the upper arm and steered him over to Stanley’s new, red Kia. “Get in.” He demanded in a please get in sort of way. Walker took a shop rag from his back pocket and spread it on the seat before getting in. The interior was just too perfect for his greasy ass.

  They drove in silence until Stanley pulled into a vacant parking lot on the edge of town proper near the State Park. He killed the engine and then turned in his seat to regard Walker with a grave expression in the depths of his gray eyes.

  “Master Hadden told you everything.” That statement had Walker nearly swallowing his tongue. It was at that moment that he recalled Stanley referring to Nik as Master Hadden during the
ir previous conversation and to Josef as his Second.

  “How do you know all of this?” Walker was suspicious and was suddenly awash with the feeling of being had. Walker tilted his head to the side and asked his question again.

  “As you know, we moved here when I was a couple of months old. My parents came here because our old coven in Freeport had disbanded and the few that remained wanted to be on their own. My parents preferred the protection of a coven and coven master so my Dad petitioned Master Hadden for acceptance. Stanley dropped his fangs and then retracted them.” Stanley never took his eyes off Walker’s. He was serious.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Who we are is a highly guarded secret. The punishment for sharing this secret is harsh and can range from banishment to death. It’s not something we talk about.” Stanley seemed so much older and less flighty as he spoke about his life and his culture. So many things Walker had never known or even suspected. Stanley had a whole other secret life apart from him and that kind of hurt.

  “If I could have told you, I would have.” Stanley seemed to understand what Walker was feeling.

  “I get it, you have to stay safe and keep your people safe.” Walker tried to be understanding.

  A big smile suddenly spread across Stanley’s face. “But now you know, now we can share everything. Now we are truly brothers.” Stanley reached for Walker but Walker put up a hand halting him.

  “Just a minute.” Walker began massaging the middle of his forehead with his fingers. “Tell me what a beloved is.”

  “A soul mate, predestined lover, Fate chosen partner for life. In my culture, you get only one true beloved and you recognize them by scent first and then corroborate that with a taste. The bond is something magical and connects the two on a soul level.” Stanley gave the information easily and with a bit of a dreamy look in his eyes.

  “You’re Master Hadden’s beloved. He recognized you the night I brought you to the party at The Imperial Club. He has waited for you for a very long time.” Stanley got the dreamy look again. “Every vampire dreams of the day they will meet their beloved. It is so much more than just love and caring, it goes deep into your soul.”


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