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Loving the Cowboy

Page 6

by J. P. Bowie

  “Three years too long.”

  “Tim, we’ll have to take it slow. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t. I have plenty lube. You’re a big boy, but we’ll manage.” He tugged Ryan over to the bed and pushed him onto it then climbed on top of him, kissing him from his groin to his lips, lingering over his navel and nipples and driving Ryan slowly out of his mind.

  He wrapped his arms around Tim and rolled him onto his back without breaking their kiss. Tim encircled Ryan’s torso with his legs and raised his hips in invitation. Ryan lifted Tim’s legs higher and pushed his face into Tim’s butt crack, once again using his tongue and lips to give Tim what he hoped would be the rimming of his life. From the cries and moans of ecstasy, it sounded like he was getting the job done just fine. Tim writhed under him, clutching alternately at the bottom sheet and Ryan’s shoulders.

  “Oh, my God, Ryan, yeah…oh shit, that feels amazing,” he babbled, adding some stuff Ryan couldn’t quite hear with his face buried past his ears between Tim’s legs and butt cheeks.

  Whatever it is he’s sayin’ is fine with me. I could do this for hours if he’d let me…

  Tim scrabbled inside his bedside drawer and pulled out a condom along with a bottle of lube. He loved Ryan rimming him, but he wanted more, and Ryan’s cock was going to provide just that. “Ryan, fuck me please. I need you to fuck me.”

  Ryan raised his head and grinned. “Well, seen’ as how you said please.”

  He took the condom wrapper and tore it open while Tim used the lube to get himself ready. He squirted some on Ryan’s sheathed cock and slid his hand up and down the throbbing length.

  “This is going to feel so good,” he murmured and guided Ryan’s cock to his opening, arching himself to accept Ryan’s prodigious shaft.

  “I’ll go easy to start,” Ryan whispered and leaned down so he could kiss Tim’s mouth.

  Tim held his breath at the first nudge of Ryan’s cockhead followed by a sharp pain when he was breached. He exhaled, his eyes riveted on Ryan’s when the big man pushed forward.

  “Tell me,” Ryan whispered close to Tim’s ear. “Tell me how it feels. Am I hurting you?”

  “A little, but keep going. I know it’ll feel good in a moment or two.” It took a little longer than a moment or two, but Tim wanted this enough to put the pain behind him. When Ryan pulled back some, Tim pushed himself onto Ryan’s pulsing cock, and Oh shit, yeah, that hurts, but Ryan was all the way in, and Tim rocked on the hot length and Ryan slightly increased the tempo of their rhythm, still moving inside Tim with a measured care.

  Tim watched Ryan’s forehead crease. He was being too careful and Tim wanted him to really enjoy this. He arched his hips upward and met Ryan’s thrusts full on.

  “That’s it, Ryan, feels good, babe, just go deeper inside me. Want to feel you all the way in there.”

  Ryan picked up on their quickening motion and started slamming into Tim, their rasping breath and the sound of their bodies slapping together in a feverish passion filling the otherwise quiet room. Tim wound his arms around Ryan’s neck and pulled him down for another soul-searing kiss that threatened to blow Tim’s mind into a million bits. He clung to Ryan and breathed into his mouth, sucking on his tongue and riding the bigger man with cries and moans of ecstasy. Ryan burrowed a hand between their sweat-slicked torsos and gripped Tim’s erection, pumping it in time to their now feverish rhythm.

  This is so incredible, Tim exulted. He was going to come, and he wanted it to last maybe forever, but when Ryan’s strong grip on his almost painfully throbbing cock brought him to the edge, he flew willingly into oblivion, his cry of release echoed by Ryan’s startled shout as he too climaxed, shooting so hard into the condom that his body juddered and spasmed in Tim’s arms.

  Ryan didn’t want to collapse on top of Tim, but the guy was holding him so tight, arms and legs wound around him, and he was murmuring, “Lie over me. I want to feel your weight on me.” So Ryan lowered himself onto Tim’s body, sticky with sweat and semen, and Tim clenched his ass around the base of Ryan’s cock, getting some more shudders from him. He smiled into Tim’s eyes.

  “That was by far the best sex I’ve had in a coon’s age.”

  Tim laughed, his chest jiggling against Ryan’s. “I haven’t heard that expression either—also not in a coon’s age.”

  “It’s said they live forever,” Ryan said solemnly.

  “So that was the best sex you’ve had in forever?” Tim didn’t look like he believed him.

  ”Yep, the best in forever. How about you?”

  “Well, there was this hombre in Tucson, but now, when I think about it, he comes in a close second.”

  “What about your ex?”

  “Oh, you know about him?”

  “Seth told me.”

  “Of course he did. The eyes and the ears of the world…and the mouth.”

  “Did you see him when you were up there in Reno?”

  “Ryan.” Tim tapped him on the nose. “The last thing I want to talk about when your dick is still in my ass, is my ex-asshole-boyfriend. Got that?”

  “Yes sir. I got that.”

  “However, I will say this. Compared to him in the sack, you are a god. Okay?”

  “Good to know.” He shifted and pulled gently out of Tim. “I have to get rid of this thing.”

  “I hope you’re talking about the condom and not the thing it’s attached to.”

  Ryan chuckled. “No, I wanna keep the thing it’s attached to.” He rolled off the bed and went into the bathroom. He came back a few moments later with a washcloth for Tim’s abs and chest. He washed him slowly, leaning down now and then to lick at Tim’s nipples or nuzzle his throat while Tim stroked Ryan’s back and massaged his neck.

  “Like a beer or somethin’?” Tim asked. “I have a couple in the fridge over there.”

  “Yeah, I am a bit thirsty.”

  “All that hard work you put in, tiger.” Tim got off the bed and padded over to the fridge, coming back with two bottles of Miller Lite. “This is nice,” he said, handing Ryan his beer then sliding back into bed alongside him.

  Chapter Seven

  They clinked bottles then took long, healthy swallows of the cold brews. Tim put a leg over Ryan’s and scooted closer. “So now that we’ve had sex a couple of times and somehow I feel like there’s more coming my way…how ’bout if you tell me the story of your life. You seem to know some of mine, so it’s only fair, right?”

  Ryan gazed at him for such a length of time that Tim began to think he was never going to hear one word out of the wrangler.

  “Did I ask the wrong question? If you’d rather not say, I understand. After all, it’s nobody’s business but yours, and—”

  “You’re a gabby guy, ain’tcha?”

  Tim glared. “Okay, you got what you wanted, now you’re into insulting me?” He started to roll off the bed, but Ryan grabbed him by the arm and hauled him back in. He put his bottle on the nightstand, took Tim’s and placed it alongside his then threw his own arm around Tim’s shoulders and pulled him in tight against his body.

  “Don’t be mad,” he murmured in Tim’s ear then kissed it. “There’s maybe just some things you don’t wanna hear about me. I don’t want to start what we have between us by having you look differently at me.”

  “How bad can it be?’ Tim turned his head to look at Ryan. “Royce wouldn’t’ve hired you if you have some kind of hinky stuff in your past. Or did you not mention it?”

  Ryan snorted. “You know they run background checks on anyone they’re thinking of hiring. So if I’d done a stint in Billings jailhouse, for instance, it would’ve shown, right?”

  “Right.” Tim sank farther down against Ryan’s hard, warm body. “Sorry. And if you don’t want to tell me, I’m okay with it.”

  “I appreciate that.” Ryan kissed Tim’s temple. “I will tell you…it’s just that after such a great time we’ve spent together, I don’t want to dampen the atmosphere or
put you out of the mood for some more…you know…”

  Tim chuckled. “Sex?”

  “Yeah, though with you it feels more than just that.”

  “What d’you mean?” Tim twisted his neck so he could look up at Ryan.

  “I don’t really know how to express it, but when I said it was the best ever, I truly meant it.”

  “That’s nice,” Tim mumbled. He had a sudden feeling of discomfort. It was too soon to be talking about the ‘best ever’, and Tim didn’t want to venture into the dangerous territory of commitments. Been there, done that, and seein’ Abe again made me glad I’m single. He had to admit that Ryan was a very different kind of man from Abe, but even so, he didn’t want to give him the wrong idea. That he was ready to pledge undying love just because they’d had the best sex ever. It had been terrific, but it was still just sex. He cursed himself when he felt Ryan tense and withdraw slightly.

  “Am I comin’ on too strong?”

  “Uh…yeah…just a bit, but it’s good, really, Ryan. I’m just a little wary of getting in too deep too quick. I hope you understand.”

  “Of course.” He sat up and smiled at Tim. “I better get going. Early start tomorrow, right?”

  “I guess, but you don’t have to go, Ryan.”

  “Yeah, I do.” He dropped a kiss on Tim’s forehead. “I’ll see you in the mornin’, I expect.” He slipped off the bed and pulled his jeans on.


  “G’night, Tim. Sleep good.” And with that he was gone, closing the door quietly behind him.

  Tim flopped back onto the mattress. “Tim, you are one stupid ass.” For a moment he was tempted to get dressed and go knock on Ryan’s door, but… Hold on, he was the one that got huffy so damned quick. I told him he didn’t have to go, but there he went, full of righteous indignation. Maybe it’d be good to put some space between us for a while. If he’s really that interested in having the best sex ever, again, he knows where I am.

  * * * *

  Ryan woke from a restless, dream-filled sleep and immediately remembered the sad ending to what he had considered the best night of his life. He wondered if it would have ended the same way had he answered Tim’s questions about his past, or if he hadn’t pushed the ‘best sex ever’ part of their conversation so forcefully. Could he help it if it was the truth? Not even Holden had turned him on the way Tim did…and that was definitely saying something. Holden Cummings, champion rough rider, had stormed into Ryan’s life five years ago and turned it upside down, and yet, through all the wild nights they’d spent together, none of them could compare with what he’d shared with Tim.

  Ryan knew why. Although sex with Holden had been sometimes terrific, it had never, at least for Ryan, held that same element of passion combined with tenderness he’d experienced with Tim. And when he thought about why that should be, it was the simple fact that Holden had never touched his heart the way that Tim did. It was too bad the young wrangler hadn’t shared that particular sensation with him.

  Sighing, he rolled off his bed and headed for the bathroom. A long shower might manage to wash away the disappointment of how their evening together had ended. It didn’t, but after he’d dressed, ready for the day ahead, he did at least feel somewhat refreshed. After all, it wasn’t as if he and Tim had fallen out, not really. And maybe he shouldn’t have left so abruptly. Darned bull-headed reaction to Tim’s wariness, that was what it had been.

  He stepped out of his room and inhaled the intoxicating aroma of strong coffee. Bless Maria, she always had it brewed and ready for them every morning. He hesitated when he caught sight of the men standing around the coffee urn in the common room. Stu, Bob and Tim, all talking it up this early in the morning. He wasn’t much for lively conversation first thing, or until he’d downed at least two cups of coffee. Stu turned and saw him standing there like a doofus.

  “’Mornin’, Ryan. Coffee’s up.”

  “So I see, or smell, rather.” He walked toward them, acknowledging Stu and Bob’s good mornings. Tim downed the last of his coffee and headed for the door.

  “See you guys out there.”

  Well, shit. So that’s the way he’s going to play it. The ignoring game, the averted eyes, all that crap. Well, I ain’t gonna put up with that bullshit all day, that’s for sure. Tim’s warning about getting too close to each other in the workplace rankled in his mind. But there was no need for him to act that way. He’s only going to add to the tension by giving me the cold shoulder.

  “You okay?” Stu was staring at him.

  “Yeah, just tryin’ to work somethin’ out that’s buggin’ me.”

  “What exactly?” Bob asked.

  “Oh, nuthin’ of any interest.”

  “Who’re you with this mornin’?” Stu asked, helping him avoid Bob’s curious gaze.

  “Not sure. Guess I better get out there and find Parker.”

  “Me too. We have a couple of newbies, so maybe we’re with them.”

  When they left the bunkhouse, Ryan zeroed in on Tim talking with Parker. Tim was shaking his head and Parker was frowning.

  What the hell?

  “Mornin’, Boss,” he and Stu said almost in unison.

  “Mornin’.” Parker gave Ryan a long look then turned to Stu. “You and Tim are with the new guests, Bruce and Kenny. They’ll meet you in the stable at eight. This is their first time around horses, so start them off with getting to know their rides.”

  Stu nodded and he and Tim took off. Tim had not once looked Ryan’s way. Parker asked, “So what’s with you and Tim?”

  “Looked like he was telling you what his problem was.”

  “He said you and he had a difference of opinion and he needed time to cool off. I had you and him scheduled for the newbies, but he asked if Stu could partner him.”

  Ryan nodded. “I see. What would you like me to do instead, Boss?”

  “Clint’ll be here in a few, so you and him can take Ralph and Andy out on the trail. They’ve been here a couple of days, so they should be ready.”


  “Is this thing with you and Tim something I should be worried about?”

  “I hope not. Maybe once I get a chance to talk to him, we can iron things out between us.”

  “You guys seemed to be getting along real well. Mind if I ask what the difference of opinion was about?”

  “He didn’t tell you?”

  “No, but if it’s too personal, you don’t have to tell me.”

  “I’d like to talk to Tim first, if you don’t mind,” Ryan said.

  Parker nodded. “Well, I don’t like to pry, as you know. Something that Royce rags me about, constantly. Long as it doesn’t affect your work here at the ranch, I’ll let you guys fix it…sooner better than later, is all.”

  “Thanks, Boss.” Sooner better than later is what I want, too. Let’s just hope young Tim agrees.

  * * * *

  Two days later and the ‘sooner’ looked like it wasn’t going to happen. Ryan just didn’t seem able to catch Tim on his own. If he wasn’t gabbing with the guests, he was with Jordan or Stu and Seth, or Clint and Bob, or a member of the house staff. It was obvious he was doing his best to avoid Ryan, and on the third day of this horse-pucky, he’d had enough. After the horses were bedded down and all the chores were all taken care of, he marched up to Tim’s room and knocked none too quietly on the door. When he got no reply, he knocked again.

  “He went out,” Bob told him after looking at him from his doorway. “With Stu. Said they were going into the city.”

  “Oh, thanks, Bob.”

  “You guys need to settle whatever has got hairs up your asses,” Bob said. “You could cut the tension between you two with a knife.” He disappeared into his room before Ryan could reply.

  Well, isn’t that a bitch? Looks like everybody knows, and no doubt Parker will be saying something about it before too long. Shit. Everything Tim didn’t want to happen, but said it would.

  He knocked on B
ob’s door. “Hey, Bob, they happen to say where they were goin’ in Sacramento?”

  “Well, the favorite bar is Spurs and Chaps, so likely that’s where they’ll be. It’s right off the highway at State Avenue.” He grinned at Ryan. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks,” Ryan muttered. Spurs and Chaps. Has to be a gay bar with that name. He grimaced. Haven’t been in one of those in a coon’s— Shit! He wouldn’t be able to use that expression again without thinking of Tim.

  * * * *

  “So what’s goin’ on with you and Ryan?” Stu raised his voice to be heard over the general din in the bar as he handed Tim a pint glass of beer.

  “What d’you mean?”

  “Come on. You guys were thick as thieves the last few weeks, and now the air between you is like poison gas.”

  “Hardly. You have a wild imagination, Stu.” Tim took a long swallow of his drink.

  “Not imagination. You don’t talk to him, you don’t look at him, you don’t sit anywheres near him in the diner. So what is it? He let you down?”

  “Let me down?” Tim chuckled without humor. “What does that even mean? There was nothing between us to let down. We had a difference of opinion that’s all.”

  “Hmm, not sure I believe you, but if you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t bug you.” Stu chugged his beer before adding, “But just so you know, I’ve seen Parker watching the both of you from time to time.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ve had a word with him. Told him there was nothing to it.” He stopped talking and stared wide-eyed when a big blond dude wrapped his arms around Stu and nuzzled his neck.

  “Oh, hi, Jake.” Stu didn’t even turn around, just pushed himself into the guy’s nuzzling. “Jake, this is my buddy from the ranch. Tim, meet Jake Amhurst. He’s my current beau.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Tim said.

  “Likewise.” Jake pushed a hand out from behind Stu for Tim to shake.

  “You want a beer?” Stu asked him.

  “After a dance or two.” Jake lifted Stu off his feet and headed for the dance floor.


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