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Page 8

by Lynn Hagen

  “But you just argued that you were standing right there and heard every word we said.” Drake gave him a shit-eating grin. “Did you hear what we whispered?”

  “You’re an ass.” Edward growled when Drake laughed.

  “He’s definitely an ass,” Casey agreed. “But I love him anyway.”

  Edward rolled his eyes when the two started kissing. He focused his attention back on Phoenyx, who was now staring at him from across the room.

  Fuck being relegated to stay with the other mates. Edward stormed across the room, wanting to know what was being discussed. Only, when he drew closer, all eyes were on him, and that made Edward want to take a step back.

  Until Phoenyx held his arm out and Edward slid into his side, eating up the comfort and safety he felt just being near his mate.

  And horny.

  God, he was always horny around Phoenyx. Even after everything that had just happened, if Phoenyx pulled him into a room, Edward would willingly go.

  The tallest guy, with dark hair and whiskey-colored eyes, cocked his head and looked Edward over. He’d learned the man’s name was Panahasi, and although the guy bled intimidation and terror, there was a kindness to his eyes that didn’t make Edward want to run.

  “How’re you feeling?”

  That question again? Ugh. “Fine, much better than when I first got here.”

  Phoenyx’s arm tightened around him, pulling Edward closer to his side. Edward slid his arms around Phoenyx, holding on, while still trying to seem manly enough to be around these men.

  “We’re trying to figure out what was sent after you. I’ve never heard of such a creature before,” Panahasi said. “Phoenyx said an unseelie might’ve sent it.”

  Edward nodded, though he didn’t elaborate. He was already embarrassed enough that he’d gone to a loan shark when it was clear he was dealing with wealthy men. Panahasi’s penthouse was simply amazing, and Phoenyx’s apartment had been gorgeous. They all wore clothes that looked as though they cost more than Edward made in a year.

  Panahasi wore faded jeans and a gray V-neck sweater that looked as if it had been made of the softest material. Phoenyx had on black jeans that earlier had been pressed, before he’d tossed them aside so they could have sex, and again, his shirt was made of soft material, too.

  Even if their clothing weren’t expensive, they sure as hell looked like it.

  And Phoenyx had waved off the amount Edward owed Lyle, as if it was pennies on the dollar.

  “Hi.” One of the men standing there stuck out his hand and Edward shook it, his hand swallowed by the immense size. “I’m Deandre.”

  Aside from Panahasi, Deandre was the largest in the room. There was also a knife sheathed at his side, but there was also the same kind of sadness in his eyes that Phoenyx had had when they first met.

  The other guy stuck his hand out, and Edward shook it. “I’m Donnchadh. You can call me either Donny or the Irish version, which is Duncan.”

  Don-cha. That was how he’d said it.

  The guy was also tall, muscular, with a head full of pretty dreads. His smile was almost charming, if he didn’t have a look in his dark eyes that said he could turn on a dime and kill someone without breaking a sweat.

  “Duncan?” Deandre frowned. “Since when in the hell do you go by Duncan? You’re the farthest thing from Irish that I’ve ever seen.”

  “Since I’m meeting a sexy guy who’s gonna have a problem pronouncing my name. Besides, I’ve started asking everyone to call me Duncan. And I am Irish. Just because my skin is dark doesn’t mean I’m not Irish.”

  Deandre snorted. “You never asked me to call you that, and you’ll never convince me that you’re Irish. That’s never come up until now.”

  “That’s because you don’t count, and I don’t give a shit what you think,” Duncan…Donny…whatever…said.

  Edward was going to stick with the name Donny.

  “We’re trying to track Lyle down now.” Panahasi’s deep, smooth voice pulled Edward’s attention. “He must be masking himself because I can’t sense him anywhere.”

  “You can sense someone’s presence?” Edward hadn’t meant to sound so fanboy, but damn, that would be a neat trick, especially if Edward wanted to know where someone was.

  Then again, he didn’t have any friends, so that power would be useless.

  “I sealed that realm,” Panahasi went on saying. “I don’t know how those tricky fairies keep getting out. I’m going to have to put a more powerful spell over the fae realm.”

  Fae realm? Just how many freaking realms were there?

  “Until then, if you’re comfortable with the idea,” Panahasi said, “I think it best you stay in the demon realm with Phoenyx.”

  “I can’t.” Edward jerked away from Phoenyx. He instantly missed the warmth of his mate’s body, but Edward had to let the demon leader know how imperative it was that he return to the human realm. “My grandmother lives in Brac Village. She’s eighty-one and depends on me to look after her.”

  Edward wasn’t going to be trapped here when his grandmother needed him. In fact, he wanted to check on her, had wanted to do that after his shower, but sex and that gross creature had stopped him.

  “I’ll check on her,” Panahasi offered.

  “You’ll scare the crap out of her,” Edward said. “No offense, but you’re freakishly tall and have an intimidating look about you.”

  “He’s the sweetest guy.” Casey hurried over and threw his arms around Panahasi. “He’ll do anything for a mate.” Casey furrowed his brows. “Well, almost anything.”

  The wolf shifter’s ringing endorsement wasn’t going to sway Edward. His grandmother would have a heart attack if Panahasi walked into her home.

  “She won’t even see me.” Panahasi curled his arms around Casey. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  “No.” Edward shook his head. “I need to see her. I need to talk to her. She’s…” He crossed his arms and turned his head away from everyone. “She’s the most important person in the world to me.”

  “Then you’ll have plenty of company,” Deandre said. “We’ll stay outside and keep an eye on things while you visit with her.”

  “You’d do that?” Edward wasn’t sure what to say. He’d never had anyone in his corner before, no one willing to fight for him, if it even came down to that.

  “You’re one of us now.” Deandre winked. “We protect our own.”

  Edward looked up at Phoenyx who was staring down at him with something close to adoration in his jade-green eyes.

  “Oh my god. Kiss him already,” Drake said. He crossed the room, pulled Casey from Panahasi’s arms, and dragged him down the hallway.

  Panahasi looked at Phoenyx. “First sign of trouble, call me. I’ll be there to help. Until then, I think my mates need…hell, you know damn well what they need.”

  The demon leader went down the hallway as Phoenyx, Donny, and Deandre left the penthouse, Edward in tow.

  * * * *

  Edward didn’t think he’d ever get used to the time difference. They’d gone to the demon realm roughly around nine last night, and now, just outside his grandmother’s house, the sky was already getting light, indicating that it was the crack of dawn.

  But that wasn’t what blew Edward’s mind. Nothing could’ve prepared him for seeing his elderly grandmother sitting in her rocker on the front porch, wearing nothing but her bra and underwear.

  Holy crap! He could’ve gone his entire life without seeing that. He spun, glaring at the three men behind him. “Close your damn eyes. You better not take one look at her.”

  “I can promise you that I’m not looking,” Donny said. “But I would like to get her inside.”

  “I’ll go get a blanket to wrap around her.” Edward started toward the house, but Phoenyx grabbed his arms.

  “I need to check out the inside.” He pulled Edward toward Deandre and Donny. “Keep an eye on him.”

  “You’re gonna stop bossing me around. I’m
more inclined to listen to you if you use some manners.”

  Phoenyx’s glare scored into Edward. It was terrifying the way his mate looked at him, but Edward thrust his shoulders back and matched the hard look, though he doubted he could do it as well as Phoenyx.

  “This is priceless,” Deandre said. “I think you’ve met your match, Red.”

  Phoenyx turned his scowl toward Deandre. “Just fucking watch him.”

  “Manners.” Deandre reiterated Edward’s demand. “Say please.”

  Phoenyx flipped Deandre off before he stalked into the house.

  “Why is he so moody?” Edward asked no one in particular.

  Deandre sighed as Donny went toward the back of the house. “I’m not gonna give you the scoop on him, but just so you know, every demon warrior has a bloody, violent past. Thousands of years ago we were taken from the slums where we lived for training. We cut our teeth on brutality and abuse.”

  “How long ago?” Edward’s head started to spin. “Did you say thousands?”

  “Ah, I see Phoenyx didn’t get around to telling you that part,” Deandre said. “You’ll live as long as we do.” He leaned forward and whispered the rest. “We’re immortal.”

  “No. No. No.” Edward shook his head as he waved his hands. “You’re not laying that on me right now. I have more pressing problems.”

  “I think your grandma wants to go for a walk.”

  Edward spun around and squeaked. His grandmother shuffled toward him, using her cane as she grew close. Her golden eyes studied Deandre, and then she gave a toothless smile. “My hip is acting up again, Doctor. Those pills you gave me aren’t working anymore.”

  Edward’s heart clenched. He recalled a time when she used to play music from her era and dance around the kitchen, sometimes pulling Edward into her arms.

  That was how he’d learned to dance, to laugh so hard tears sprang in his eyes, and how much he realized he loved her. She used to cook up a storm, teaching him all her recipes, and passed on her fountain of wisdom, though most of the time Edward still made his fair share of mistakes.

  They used to sit on the porch in the evenings, just talking for hours, his grandmother telling him about her youth, the crazy things she’d done and how she’d lost her husband early on in their marriage to a terrible car accident.

  Edward had never known his grandfather, but from the stories she’d told, he would’ve loved to have met him. She didn’t even have any pictures of Hubert, because she said it hurt too badly to look at him and miss what could’ve been.

  Edward had never known his own father. He’d never been in the picture, and his mother had died giving birth to him. It ached whenever he thought of her, but you really couldn’t miss a person you didn’t even know.

  And now Estelle needed twenty-four-hour care, care Edward couldn’t afford to give her. He’d love nothing more than to put her in a reputable nursing home, like the one Brac Village had, but the costs were too high for him.

  “Which hip hurts you?” Deandre asked with a tender tone, as if he really cared.

  She tapped her left one. “Aches all the time now.”

  Deandre looked at Edward. “I can have Phoenyx give her a tear. It won’t stop her aging, but it’ll help with any pain she’s having.”

  A hard, burning lump formed in Edward’s throat. Tears prickled his eyes as he nodded. “I’d really appreciate that.”

  It hurt his heart to know his grandmother was in any kind of pain. Edward would do anything to take that away from her.

  Phoenyx emerged from the house with not only a blanket but a glass of tea in his hand. He gave Edward the glass, curled the blanket around her, and lifted her off her feet, carrying her inside.

  “He’s got a good heart, Edward. You just have to look past the moments he’s afraid to show it.”

  So far Phoenyx had been amazing, but Edward knew that couldn’t go on all the time. Someone with that kind of past was bound to show it once in a while.

  They went inside, and Edward handed back the glass of tea. Phoenyx got to one knee. “I’m your doctor, Estelle. Drink this and you should feel better.”

  Edward didn’t like the lie, but Estelle had stared at Phoenyx with a touch of fear in her eyes, but once he’d said he was her doctor, she’d visibly relaxed.

  “Tea?” She stared at the glass. “How can tea help?”

  “It has some healing components in it.”

  Had Phoenyx dropped a tear into her drink? That was what it had sounded like. Edward watched with bated breath as she drank a few sips, paused, and took a few more. She did that until the small glass was empty.

  Phoenyx took the glass and set it aside then helped her lie down on the couch, covering her with the blanket. “Get some rest, hon. You should start to feel better soon.”

  His grandmother patted Phoenyx’s hand. “Thank you so much.”

  There was tenderness on Phoenyx’s face that touched Edward’s heart. To see him care so much about her, to help take care of her, Edward fell in love with the warrior in that moment.

  He definitely had a good heart, and Edward wanted to take away all the bad memories Phoenyx carried around with him. He knew he couldn’t do that, but making sure the guy knew how much he loved him would go a very long way in helping to heal him.

  Chapter Nine

  Phoenyx wasn’t sure why he’d snapped at Edward, but he felt like a dick for doing it. His mate’s only concern had been his grandmother, and because Phoenyx was afraid someone could’ve been lurking inside the house, he’d gotten testy.

  “Dude, you wanna take her with us?” Deandre whispered out of earshot of Edward. “That way you’ll be home and won’t be so fucking bitchy toward your mate.”

  Phoenyx curled his lip. “I don’t need the reminder that I was an ass.”

  “You sure as fuck didn’t apologize to him, either. I’m gonna go help Donny with his perimeter watch. I’m sorry, Duncan. Though I’m not important enough to call him that. Get your shit together before we take this outside.”

  Deandre walked out as Edward came from the kitchen, carrying a tray with mugs. “Where’d Deandre go? I made some coffee for everyone.”

  “He went outside so I could apologize for acting like a jerk.” Phoenyx took the tray from Edward and set it aside. He rubbed his neck and turned toward his mate, who was looking up at him with a weird look in his eyes. “What?”

  “I get it.” Edward stuffed his hands into his front pockets. “Stress can turn anyone into a bear, and considering this is all my fault, I’m sorry for yelling at you.”

  Phoenyx was taken aback. He’d acted like an ass and Edward was apologizing? That wasn’t right on so many different levels. “How about we both lost our cool and call it even?”

  Edward’s smile made the sun rise and set in Phoenyx’s heart. Little did Edward know that he could do just about anything and get away with it. There wasn’t much Phoenyx wouldn’t forgive.

  “I want to go check on my house,” Edward said. “I need to see how bad the damage is.”

  “No way.” Phoenyx wasn’t budging on that. For all he knew, that thing might still be lurking around, manifesting with Edward’s presence. They’d barely made it out of there the first time.

  When he’d seen Edward’s burns, heard those soul-crushing screams, knowing he hadn’t protected his mate… Phoenyx’s chest squeezed tight. He couldn’t go through that again.

  “I need to see what I can salvage,” Edward begged. “I need to see if I’m homeless.”

  Phoenyx saw in his mate’s eyes that this was important to him. An attempt to hold on to something familiar, and damn if he didn’t know what that felt like.

  When Phoenyx had been taken from Remtin for his training, plucked from the only place he’d ever known—no matter how horrific it had been—and dropped into Serenity City—no matter how beautiful it was—he’d felt displaced. He’d even considered going back because he wasn’t a big fan of drastic changes.

  It had been
Donnchadh who’d stuck by his side, helped him through his darkest hours, had stopped Phoenyx from returning to that wretched city and ruining the most important thing to ever happen to him.

  His duty to protect the city he’d grown to love and keep the monsters where they belonged.

  That was still his sworn duty, but his first priority had shifted. Edward was his number-one concern now. It was hard to put into words just how much the male meant to him, the unconceivable loss he would suffer if anything ever happened to his Golden Eyes.

  “Let’s make sure your grandmother is okay, and then we’ll take Donnchadh and Deandre with us.”

  It looked as though he was budging. Agh! He was already turning into a sucker for his mate, because one stricken look from Edward had Phoenyx going against his gut instinct just to make the male smile.

  Just to see the happiness on his handsome face.

  “It sounds as if the redhead is in love with you.”

  They both turned at the sound of Estelle’s voice. Phoenyx grinned when she sat up, keeping the cover draped over her bosom. What he hadn’t told Edward was the fact that she might regain her facilities. He hadn’t been sure since he’d never used his tears on someone with dementia. Though he hadn’t a doubt the pain in her hip, and any other joint pain, would be gone.

  She would still grow old and, one day, die, but he’d given her a better quality of life. Anyone who’d sacrificed for his mate deserved no less.

  “How do you feel, Grandma?” Edward eyed her cautiously, as if he was afraid to believe she felt better. There was also a deep blush to Edward’s cheeks, clearly ignoring her comment about Phoenyx being in love with Edward, which was true.

  She sat there, her gray brows furrowed, as she lifted her arms and moved them around. She stood and swayed her hips. “Well, I’ll be damned. No pain.” Her honey-colored eyes lit up. “No aches or pinching, either, and I haven’t thought this clearly in a while.”

  “Don’t join any marathons.” Phoenyx winked, though she could probably finish one now.


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