Pragmatic Thinking and Learning
Page 35
Presentation Design and
Notepad, 63
Delivery (Reynolds), 15
Pressure, 208–212
Dreyfus model of, 30–32
Problem solving, 13, 33, 104, 197
vs. experts, 27–29, 40
image streaming, 107–108
Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya
mode for, 59
Road rage, 147
see also Image streaming
Role-playing, 89
Procrastination, 228
Rothman, Johanna, 89, 163
Proficiency, 34–36
Rubber ducking, 191
Rule of Three, 229
awareness in, 207
code patterns and, 115
errors and bugs in, 14
failure permitted zones and, 211
Scaffolding, 216
interruptions and, 243–248
Schmidt, Peter, 120
learning and, 15
Screencast, 190
multitasking and productivity,
The Sea of Cortez (Steinbeck), 54
organizing tasks, 241
Seance, 94
pair, 96
Selection, 80
problem solving and, 13
Self-awareness, 253, 258
safely, 201
Self-serving bias, 126
version control and, 202
Senge, Peter, 18
Prophet, 141
Sense tuning, 234
Proposals, 174
Sensing, 144
Pólya, George, 198
Sensory Input, 85–89
Sewing machine invention, 105, 106f
Shakespeare, William, 120
Sheep dip, 156, 157f
Questions, reading and, 178
Shu Ha Ri, 48
QuickSilver, 240, 241
Silent Generation, 138
Single-task interfaces, 240
Situational feedback, 205
Random juxtaposition, 100
Reading deliberately, 177–179
acquisition of, 25, 29–38, 41f
Recipes, for novices, 30, 31f
distribution of, 41, 42f
Recite, reading and, 178
learning, 15
Relevance, goal-setting and, 161
most important, 15
Resistance, 109
SMART goals, 159–164
Responsibility, 46–48
Software design, 14
Resumption lag, 248
Review, reading and, 178
Spacing vs. cramming, 180
Rewards, 145
Spatial cueing, 182
Rich mode, 59
Specificity, in goal-setting, 160
characteristics, 69f, 73f, 67–75
Sperry, Roger W., 68
encouraging, 104–115
Split-brain studies, 68, 69f
exercise for, 92
SQ3R, 177–179, 185
insight and, 63–66
Steinbeck, John, 54
memory and, 59–63
Sternberg, Robert, 171
pattern matching and, 80–82
Stone, Linda, 245
pressure and, 209
Strauss, William, 140, 142f
rise of, 75–80
Study groups, 175
synchronization of, 92–103
SuperMemo, 180
tapping into, 87–92
Survey, reading and, 178
Richardson, Jared, 186
Symblic reduction fallacy, 128
Rising, Linda, 89
Synthesis, 74
Rituals, 167
System metaphor, 101
Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya
Visual learners, 168f, 169, 170f
Tactile enhancement, 86
Visual voicemail, 64
Teachers, 43
Voice memos, 64
Teaching, 191–192
von Oech, Roger, 118
Temperaments, see Personality
Terry, Clark, 48
Wade, Derek, 189
Test-driven learning, 180
Walking, 111
Think!, 240
Weinberg, Jerry, 207, 210
Thinking vs. feeling, 145
Weir, Charles, 125
Thomas, Dave, 35, 117, 164
Wetware, defined, 13, 17
Time, 165, 220
Timed-boxed, goals and, 162
A Whack on the Side of the Head
Tool trap, 51–53
(von Oech), 118
Whack, mental, 117
see Learning
Triarchic theory, 171
Whack, oracular, 119
White, T.H., 119
A Whole New Mind: Moving from the
Information Age to the
Uncertainty, 133
Conceptual Age, 70, 76
Unit testing, 202
Wikis, 232f, 233f, 235f, 231–238
Unix wizard, 27f
WikiWord, 232
Unmaskable interruptions, 247
Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things:
“Unskilled and Unaware of It: How
What Categories Reveal About
Difficulties in Recognizing
the Mind (Lakoff), 99
One’s Own Incompetence Lead
Work environment, 48–50
to Inflated Self-Assessments”
Work to rule, 40
Kruger & Dunning, 38, 42
Workspaces, 251f, 251
Wozniak, Piotr, 180
Wright, Steven, 103
Values, 136
Writing, 111, 184, 188
Version control, 202
Writing workspace, 251
Vipassana meditation, 223
Virtual desktop switcher, 250
Virtual mailboxes, 238
Vision, 159
Youngman, Henny, 103
Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya
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Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya