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The Heartstone Saga

Page 2

by Archibald Bradford

  “Well played.”

  She stopped her adorable gloating for a second and her look turned apprehensive.

  “You didn’t, um, you didn’t let me win did you?”

  The vulnerability in her widened eyes tugged firmly at his heartstrings.

  “No, I’m just not very good at cards I guess.”

  Her smile returned as he watched her. Her ears were perked up and her tail swished behind her, poking over the edge of her flimsy and well-worn shorts. Even if he hadn’t been able to sense her emotions, her sense of achievement was palpable.

  His own mood darkened slightly as he considered the fact that the pile of seeds was probably one of the few things she had ever won in her life.

  The scant clothing she wore spoke of a life of sex, but the way she kept her ears low and her eyes on the floor when he first entered the room spoke of abuse.

  Never a good combination.

  “Hey! We agreed! No frowning tonight!” She popped a couple of seeds in her mouth and chewed while leveling an accusing look at him.

  His good humour returned as he ran his hand through his long hair before adjusted his loose ponytail.

  The Katje wasn’t one to question the fashion choices of her customers, but she still thought that he had a very... unique, hairstyle: most of his hair was tied back save for an odd little braid that started with his cowlick and ran down the side of his face.

  “Sorry, just thinking of a friend.” He replied.

  Whatever his hair was like, the narrow shouldered yet lean and toned man was the most interesting customer the young Katje had ever met.

  She munched away at her sunflower seeds for a moment; he had emptied the bag on the table for them to use in lieu of coins, she had never eaten them before and now she absolutely loved them.

  “Is this friend… a girl?”

  The leading nature of her question was painfully obvious.


  “So, is she your girl… friend?” Her heart was in her eyes when she asked.

  “Something like that.” He murmured.

  Once again he could read her, in this case her obvious disappointment.

  “I don’t get it, if you have a girlfriend, why are you here?”

  “Why indeed.” He breathed, one finger pushing his tiny pile around in front of him absently as he considered the monster girl before him.

  She had been introduced as Jasmine, though he doubted that was her real name. The fur of her ears and tail was a lovely light grey, nearly white in some parts. A large piece of her left ear was missing, the edges jagged as if torn off, and there was a corresponding scar over her left eye, the pupil milky white.

  She quickly became self conscious under the scrutiny of his mud coloured eyes, looking away and popping some more seeds in her mouth while pulling her bangs down over her blinded eye.

  “You know, you are the first um, customer, I’ve ever had that didn’t want to… you know.” Her head tilted to the narrow mattress in the corner of the room.


  “Yeah, and definitely the first to ever play cards with me.”

  Her eyes flicked up to him again, and then back down as he felt a nervous flutter come from the stone in his pocket.

  “So I have to ask, w-why would you rent my heartstone, and for a whole night even! If you didn’t want to have sex with me?”

  “Why do you think I did?” He countered slyly in a bid to keep things light between them.

  “I-I don’t know, I’m k-kind of afraid to know now.” Her voice trailed off to a broken whisper and there was a visible tremor in her lower lip by the time she finished.

  Immediately he regretted his teasing.

  He stood up, not missing her flinch at his abrupt movement, then rounded the table and knelt down, bringing his head lower than hers while at the same time reaching out to lift her chin with one finger.

  “I told you, remember? You are safe with me, safer now than you have ever been in your life.”

  “Okay.” Her voice was still little more than a breathy whisper.

  He nodded at the weak smile his words elicited from her.

  “You don’t believe me, and that’s okay, I’ll just keep saying it until you do. So chin up little sister, and let’s see how long it takes for you to win the rest of my seeds!”

  Her enthusiasm returned at his cheeky tone and she began to gather up the cards on the table.

  Sadly before they could continue their game a meaty fist pounded on the door twice and Leland Brown entered without waiting on a response.

  “Young master! I see you and my Jasmine have yet to find the mattress! You need anything? Anything at all? Please don’t hesitate.” He rubbed his hands together greedily, clearly eager to make off with more of the small man’s coin.

  Jasmine all but folded in on herself at the sudden presence of her owner, while the wiry man scowled at the rude interruption.

  “I already paid you for everything that I need: the girl for the night, with no interruptions. So unless you are here to return my bits, get out.” He snapped.

  For such a small man, his tone was surprisingly commanding and Leland actually stammered an apology, backing out of the door with an awkward half bow.

  Once the door was shut again the little man turned to Jasmine, and was irritated to see her trembling once more.

  “Sorry about that, shall we?” He gestured towards the cards, but it quickly became apparent that she didn’t want to play anymore.

  “Why d-did you pay for me? What do you want with me?” She whispered, her glistening eyes staring at the floor.

  He let out a heavy breath at the sight of the stressful tears streaming down her cheeks and decided that honesty was the best way forwards.

  “To keep you safe.”

  Her face turned back up to his, and there was a long pause as she weighed the simple sincerity of his answer, until eventually confusion replaced her fear.


  A sudden crashing sound came from outside the ramshackle building and several male voices shouting in alarm while Jasmine jumped at the sudden noise.

  The man nodded, his lips tight with determination.

  “That would be what I was waiting for.” As the noise increased, he flipped the table towards the door, scattering sunflower seeds everywhere as Jasmine’s tail puffed up and she let out a startled yowl; “Get behind this Jasmine, keep your head low. And please remember, you are safe now.”

  With that he picked up the cloth wrapped object that he had set by his chair and quickly vaulted in front of the table, placing himself between her and the door while simultaneously pulling a hidden canister from his belt.

  A thumping noise came down the hall and the fat man burst into the room again.

  “It’s the Aegis! Quickly! Give me her stone! Jasmine we’re leaving!”

  The young Katje, now huddled behind the table, peeked over the edge but didn’t move.

  The wiry man had her heartstone so she had to do what he said, and he had told her to get behind the table, but if she ignored Leland’s orders…

  “Not tonight, tonight she is staying with me.” Her mysterious customer announced.

  His voice was so steady that she almost believed him.

  But Leland was too big, and had such a nasty temper when people didn’t do as he asked.

  Sure enough a hateful sneer spread across his face.

  “Are you stupid boy?! You think that I’ll let you steal her just ‘cause we’re in the middle of a raid?! Give me her heart!”

  The terrified Katje whimpered and covered her ears but was unable to look away.

  Leland stomped forwards, pulling a familiar barbed cudgel from his belt. She knew the cruel weapon all too well, as it cost her part of her ear and the use of her eye.

  With speed that belied his size he lunged forwards and brought the cudgel down with all his strength.

  But the little man was ready, bringing up the cloth covered object and blockin
g his heavier opponent’s blow.

  As the cudgel struck, the cloth was burned away by a blazing golden light and the object was revealed to be a brilliant heater shield, the force of the light exploding outwards and sending Leland careening back to land heavily by the door.

  Stunned beyond words, Jasmine looked at the one who stood between her and the owner who had beaten and abused her for the last three years.

  He moved to loom over the fat man before speaking with authority.

  “Leland Brown, you are bound by law. Try to get up and I will have to hurt you. So please. Try.”

  Sadly the fat man wasn’t conscious anymore, so he couldn’t try anything.

  Jasmine worked her tongue over her lips, and then dared to speak.

  “Wh-who are you?”

  His canister unneeded, the man stowed it back on his belt and knelt down to roughly search Leland for any other weapons, the fat man’s cudgel now no more than a charred stub in his limp hand.

  Once satisfied he stood up again.

  “I am Aegis Operator Third Class William Armstrong.”

  After he spoke he threw her a reassuring look over his shoulder and his gaze held her in place; she was awed to see that his eyes were now a radiant gold, and for the first time since she was a kitten she actually did feel safe.

  He winked at her then.

  “But you can call me Nameless.”

  Chapter 2:


  As the pair exited the building the young Katje was still in awe of the Aegis operative holding her tight to his side protectively.

  Immediately after tying up Leland he dipped his hand in his pocket and handed her heartstone back to her.

  It was the first time she’d been allowed to touch the copper coloured jewel since she was eight years old.

  She held it clenched so tight her knuckles were white.

  The second thing he did was wrap her in a blanket from his bag to preserve her modesty. It was warm.

  “You did all of this... just to save me?”

  “Not exactly Jasmine. We didn’t know how many girls were held here so several of us were sent in undercover to keep you safe until the raid began.”



  “My name. It’s Neru, only Leland and-” She swallowed; “Only they ever call me Jasmine.”

  “Neru, I like it. Jasmine never really fit.” He said with a warm chuckle.

  “Are you really with the Aegis?” She murmured, her hands bunched under the fabric and cradling the downy wool to her neck.

  She felt tiny in his arms despite being nearly the same height.

  “Yeah. Well, technically I’m still on probation.”

  His eyes was constantly moving as they spoke, scanning the area for danger as he guided her away from the ramshackle whore-house.

  The crude building was tucked away on the edge of a clearing in the middle of a dense forest; if one didn’t know how to find it then one never would, which is how the people that ran it had stayed in business for so long.

  It was organized chaos outside, a few small fires burned and several naked men, as well as a few women, were on their knees with their hands behind their heads while a mixed bag of monster girls and people in Aegis uniforms kept a wary eye on them, the girls menacing them any time they so much as twitched.

  All of the activity had the nervous Katje’s tail flicking repeatedly in agitation.

  A woman in the ubiquitous grey uniform approached them, flanked by a Wolfen on one side and an Amazon carrying a Gripau on her back on the other.

  “Namel- shit. Armstrong, report.” Her voice was authoritative and gravelly, but warm.

  “Aegis Holt.” He saluted in greeting; “One perp, a Leland Brown, is tied up on the second floor, back right room. He’s very excited to meet you.”

  “You left him there?” She frowned.

  “Unconscious, very unconscious actually. Besides, my priority was to get Neru out.” He replied.

  She gave him long enough of a glare to make him start to doubt himself before her eyes flicked to the frightened Katje and she smiled slightly.

  “Right, we’ll talk later. Don’t get cocky just cuz she let you borrow her shield, eh kid? Come on girls, let’s go and say hi to our new friend Leland.”

  Before they left however there was a commotion to one said as a man came stumbling out of the side entrance of the building: he was desperately trying to pull his pants up but his efforts were greatly hindered by a very angry Katje wrapped around his head and shoulders.

  “There is no fucking way I would let you do that to me you nasty piece of shit!”

  Neru’s jaw dropped even as the half-naked pervert collapsed underneath the weight of the enraged cat while a Minotaur wearing a wide-brimmed hat directed a long black spear at him to ensure he didn’t get up again.

  Miranda raised her eyebrow and gave Nameless a pointed look, before shaking her head and moving into the building, her bond-mates smirking at her side.

  Neru’s rescuer coughed nervously and looked a little embarrassed while she watched the whole exchange with wide eyes.

  He shook off his discomfort quickly though.

  “Come on, there’s some people I want you to meet.”


  He smiled at her and she noticed his eyes were brown again.

  “My friends.”

  With that he brushed past several wild looking Amazons, more than one of which nodded their heads and murmured respectful greetings at him.

  “What does that word mean, Valkyrja...datta?”

  He heaved a sigh.

  “It means I did something really stupid once.”

  “Perhaps, but if you hadn’t than at least two of us would not be here.”

  A gloriously armoured woman stalked out from the middle of the hastily erected tents that the Aegis had set up as temporary housing for the rescued girls; at least twenty monsters were being guided into them by various Aegis operatives.

  But Neru hardly noticed as her eyes boggled at the impossibility of the angel standing before her.

  Nameless fought down a smirk at the poor cat’s reaction.

  “Yeah, that’s the usual response. Neru this is Volka, my wife.” As he spoke he handed the armoured woman the shield; “Thanks for the backup, it worked like a charm.”

  “That’s because it was a charm, a simple protection spell, powered by our bond and meant to return any blow fourfold.” The golden being turned from him to face the thunderstruck Katje in his arms; “Hello Neru, I am glad to see that my shield kept you both safe this night.”

  “But all the Valkyrie are gone!” The cat blurted, then winced and swallowed; “Sorry.”

  Volka’s face twisted into a mockery of surprise.

  “What?! Where did they go? Nobody told ME we were leaving!”

  Nameless rolled his eyes as his bond-mate cursed out her long dead kin and waved her arms about dramatically for a few moments.

  Almost as if she were attempting to dispel the expression of awe from the Katje’s face.

  It didn’t work, instead the younger monster found herself confronted with an angel who seemed just slightly touched in the head.

  Volka eventually gave up her little game and chuckled at the continued pole-axed look on Neru’s face.

  “Yes, my sisters are all gone, but they will return one day. Perhaps someday soon, if my husband gives me a daughter, eh? We do have a fantastic amount of sex.”

  She nudged at Nameless, whose cheeks turned a little pink.

  A moment later she took a golden feather and with practiced movements rebraided it into the hair hanging down the side of his face.

  Having gotten over her shock, the Katje soon picked up that the jovial atmosphere between the two of them was forced.

  They were playing it up for her benefit, presumably to help keep her calm.

  Neru was still puzzling over it when a tiny red skinned girl wielding a giant hammer stomped up to th
em and abruptly grabbed Nameless by the groin and gave a healthy squeeze.

  “Hey babe, what took you so long?”

  “I was waiting for you.” He bent down and kissed her upturned lips by way of greeting.

  She sniffed.

  “Volka wouldn’t let me storm the place, something about wanting to take the fuckers alive.”

  “I do believe that is how our justice system works.”

  “Meh.” Nina shrugged; “My way is quicker.”

  The dazed Katje continued to watch on as the tiny girl snapped a silver bangle around his wrist, her ruby red heartstone set in its ornate surface.

  Together with Volka and Nina, Nameless walked Neru into one of the tents, the young monster girl still trying to come to grips with her newfound freedom and the bizarre collection of monster girls around her that had made it possible.

  “And this is where I leave you.” He quickly moved to reassure her as her mouth fell open: “Don’t worry, this is Ophelia. She’s going to look after you until we get our marching orders. I’ll check in on you later, for now I have to deliver my report.”

  Neru swallowed her objections as she took in the Flutterby with the black trimmed violet wings and kindly smile.

  “Hello dearheart. Let’s get you comfortable for now. Are you hurt anywhere? Any cuts or bruises I should know about?”

  She shook her head as she was guided inside and directed onto a cot.

  “That’s good to know, and how about… this?”

  The Flutterby known as Ophelia reached out and delicately stroked her hand over the Katje’s tattered ear, her fingers tracing her hair back so that her blinded eye was exposed.

  The younger monster’s first instinct was to flinch away, but the canny woman sensed it and began to massage her ear instead.

  It felt… nice, and Neru couldn’t help but start to purr, if only faintly.

  “Um, it’s fine, it happened a long time ago.”

  The mature woman settled on the cot beside her and put one arm over her shoulders.

  “Dearheart, it is many things, and fine definitely isn’t one of them. But we can talk about all of that later, for now you’ve had a bit of an exciting night, are you hungry? Thirsty?”

  Once again Neru’s first instinct was to shake her head to the negative, but those violet eyes were so earnest that she felt the need to be honest.


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