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The Heartstone Saga

Page 11

by Archibald Bradford

  But there was a limit; Nameless had no desire to hurt her, and with his gift he was able to gauge when they reached that point.

  They hadn’t yet.

  “My Ophie, I’m going to fuck you even harder now.”

  “P-Please.” She whimpered.

  To the casual observer it might seem she was begging him to stop, but in reality it was quite the opposite.

  With the constant cool water flowing so near to them, he was actually a bit chilly now, so he ramped up his thrusting, to the point that the sound of his pelvis impacting her rear-end was a near constant staccato beat.

  Ophelia barely managed to keep her breath, so turned on by Nameless’s bold and aggressive treatment of her.

  Always though, at the back of both of their minds, was that love he had showed her earlier, and at the memory of it, she ran right over the edge.

  He felt her inner muscles squeezing and massaging his cock spastically when she came, but he’d made her a promise and didn’t slow down.

  She thrashed against him, her breasts dragging against the wet tiles and her wings half-way spreading as she cried out again and again, each breath driven from her by his thrusting cock.

  He was breathing pretty heavily himself, but being young and vigorous he had no problem keeping at it, right up until he felt himself reaching that special point.

  “Here it comes baby, I’m going to cum in your ass!”

  She was unable to say anything, still panting as she rode the high of her orgasm, but her head nodded against the tiles.

  He grunted as he pulled out of her pussy, his hand immediately jerking his cock hard as he nuzzled his head against her pucker.

  The first powerful jet of his cum striking the sensitive spot made her cry out again, her pussy convulsing, already missing his thickness.

  With his cum to help lubricate it, he pressed hard against her, using his thumb as Erica had taught him to overcome the tight muscular ring and force his head inside.

  More cum spurted forth as he groaned, pressing only the first inch of himself into her.

  It wasn’t something they had tried before, and so he went as gently as his passions would allow, but what he hadn’t counted on was Ophelia.

  She was so caught up in her own pleasure that she shifted her hips backwards slightly, causing him to let out a hoarse grunt as his cock slid another two inches inside her cushioned warmth.

  Her mouth fell open and her eyes widened at the sudden invasion, and together they cried out when another pulse of his cum flooded inside her.

  Working himself in short jerks, Nameless’s grip on her hips left red marks in her flesh as his orgasm ran its course.

  His whole body relaxed when it was over, the tip of his cock was still lodged inside of her.

  “Are you alright baby?” He asked.

  She couldn’t answer right away, still convulsing somewhat from the powerful orgasm.

  Eventually she nodded and cautiously pushed off of the wall to stand up straight, standing on her tippy toes so that his cock didn’t penetrate any deeper.

  Reading her intentions, Nameless bent his knees slightly so that he could slip free of her.

  “I am alright, my darling. Thank you for being careful about it.” She turned in the stall and kissed him soundly; “I’m afraid I’m not the glutton for punishment that Erica is!”

  She turned the knob for the shower to increase the heat slightly and the two of them took it in turns to wash away their sweat and his cum.

  “Was that... okay?” He pressed as his hands washed her breasts with the same reverence that he always had at her naked form; “We’ve never done it before.”

  “It was a fair bit more than just ‘okay’, dearheart! It was just what I needed, and I would certainly welcome it again. Though I’m fairly certain Erica is going to pout quite tremendously at having missed out on our first time of it!”

  As they stepped out of the shower, he reached out and gave her bare ass one last hearty squeeze.

  “We’ll give her a special performance at some point.”

  Chapter 12:


  While Nameless and Ophelia were canoodling in the shower, Milly was trying her very hardest to kill Nina.

  She didn’t appear to be having much luck: the Gigas repelling all of her assaults, her black hammer swatting aside Milly’s black spear as the implacable giant sought to end the bout.

  It ended, but not how she was expecting.

  While Milly appeared off-balance from a failed counter, Nina moved in for the kill, but the Minotaur surprised her by twisting down, demonstrating more agility than a cow had any right to, and lashing out with one hoof, catching the Gigas hard in the stomach and even managing to knock the wind out of her.

  The giant stumbled back from the hit, her hand on her gut and mouth agape.

  Seeing her obvious discomfort, Milly was quick to move closer, concern on her face; getting knocked around a bit during training was normal, but it usually went the other way.

  Nina shook her head at the cow’s worry as she straightened up again, already more or less recovered from the surprising blow.

  “Did- did you just kick me?” She demanded incredulously.

  “No!” Milly replied, looking a little guilty; “I punched you... with my foot.”

  Nina rubbed at her abdomen and nodded her head in understanding.

  “Whatever you did, I felt it. I might even have a bruise from that. Well done.”

  Given how durable Nina was, it was high praise.

  “Um. Thank you.” Milly smiled uncertainly.

  In response the red-skinned girl tilted down and lunged forwards, as she often did when she thought that her student had dropped her guard, but was surprised again when the Minotaur actually rolled over her back.

  A solid thwack from Milly’s spear across Nina’s tushy told everyone watching that it was her win.

  A first.

  Nina’s eyes were wide as saucers when she turned to face her bond-sister.

  “What the hell was that?!”

  “What? You’ve hit my butt before-”

  “Not that!” The Gigas corrected impatiently; “That move! I didn’t teach you that!”

  Milly shrugged, a bit uncomfortable at seeing her bond-sister so flustered.

  “No, um, Myrina did. I’ve been trying to incorporate the Saenga and Brael fighting styles together. I’m not very good at either of them yet though. At least, not compared to someone like Yana.”

  A voice called out then, pulling their attention away from each other.

  “Do not compare yourself to our warleader, Milly!”

  Tiana and a handful of other Brael girls were smiling wide, having strode into the training grounds in time to witness the tail end of the practice bout.

  “And know that even Yana could not best Nina alone.”

  “Let’s not get carried away.” Nina said; “My cow spanked me, she didn’t really best me.”

  Milly stuck her tongue out at her, then turned to embrace the Amazons, having not seen them in a while.

  Tiana rubbed at her back, their breasts pressing together as she heartily kissed her on the cheek and accepted a couple of familiar licks in kind.

  “Volka told us we could find you here. I am glad to see you keeping up with your training! Well, one of you at least.”

  All eyes looked to Erica.

  The Katje had been dozing in the sun on one of the benches nearby, Milly’s hat providing shade for her face. It was far too hot for training in her humble opinion, but she woke from the familiar voices of the Amazons.

  Rolling onto all fours on the bench she arched her back and gave a feline stretch, her claws audibly cricking into the wood of the bench as she did.

  An arguably inappropriate pose, given that it left her ass jutting into the air, her purple panties exposed as her shirt fell up her torso.

  Not that anyone was arguing.

  “Mwaaah!” Her tongue curled out in a yawn; “Hey
girls, nice to see you! Who’s gunna scratch my belly?”

  Once she finished her stretch she rolled over onto her back again, Milly’s hat falling away as she did, her black ears turning this was and that to better here the laughter of the Brael Amazons.

  “Scratch your belly? Sit on your face is more like! Who sleeps in a space meant for training?” Tiana challenged.

  Unapologetic, Erica closed her eyes in the sunlight, her tail swishing back and forth beside the bench.

  “Too hot, gotta sleep to stay cool.”

  The Amazon reached down and massaged at her tummy under her shirt, an indulgent smirk on her face as she felt the cat’s purr vibrate through her sun-warmed skin.

  “Would that someone had a bucket, they could cool you off!” She teased.

  “Hmm? Nooo.” Erica pouted her lips out drowsily; “Mmmm so comfy.”

  Getting a napping Katje to move was an exercise in futility. Only when it was too hot, as it had been in the Sansee Wastes, would she pass up the chance for a good bask in the sun.

  Tiana chuckled, but left her in peace with one final scratch of her stomach.

  “Anyways, Milly, your training. Well done. It took a great many of us to subdue Nina. I’m sure that if you were there at the time, your help would have been invaluable.”

  Nina’s face twisted with displeasure, not at all liking the thought of her and Milly meeting when the Gigas was still a Tenebrae.

  But soon she was tapping her chin in thought.

  “You make a good point actually, Tiana.” She admitted eventually as she measured the Brael girls; “You and your sisters did beat me once.”

  The Amazon leader shrugged noncommittally, not wishing to give offense.

  “That wasn’t really you Nina. But why do you bring it up?”

  The Gigas bent at the waist and touched her toes, stretching out her muscles as they talked.

  “Because one of the things I need to work on is how to fight a mob without killing them, by all accounts that’s what Evadne has.” She came out of her stretch and gave Tiana a little nod of acknowledgment; “Since you and your girls took me down once, you’re probably the only ones qualified.”

  Tiana frowned.

  “We meant only to stop by for a greeting. Volka is keeping us quite busy.”

  “Now who’s shirking their training?” The Gigas countered, still stretching; “Volka won’t mind if I borrow you. And it will give you a chance to see if Milly is up to snuff as well.”

  “There are only six of us here. And we had help from the Dryads when we bested you before, not to mention we had Yana.” Riya, one of the other Brael Amazons, observed.

  As a warrior, she was intrigued with the prospect of a rematch with the powerful Gigas, but at the same time she had to be realistic.

  If Nina held nothing back and fought them for real, she and her sisters would likely all perish; to have a chance against a giant, the Amazons would need numbers.

  Recognizing her objections, Nina was quick to find a way around them.

  “Yeah, but I was also a Tenebrae, all out of control and shit. And this time-” She moved to the side of the ring and let her hammer fall to the ground with a heavy thump; “You’ll have a different advantage.”

  The vast majority of her strength lived in her hammer, without it she wasn’t much stronger than Milly.

  To best her before, the Amazons had to pry her fingers off of it one at a time while the Dryads kept her pinned with their magic.

  A breathless silence settled on that part of the training grounds, the few other monster girls and humans in them pausing in their practice to observe.

  Tiana and Riya, the strongest amongst the Brael girls aside from Yana, shared a quick look.

  There was really only one thing to be done; never ones to back down from a challenge, the Amazons cast their spears to the side in a unified clatter.

  Roused again from her nap, Erica watched with some concern, her tail swishing in agitation.

  “Whoa, is that actually happening?” She called out to Milly, likewise watching breathlessly.

  “I guess it is.”

  “You should come sit with me then lover, because you are way too close.”

  The Minotaur cleared the field, not wanting to get caught up in something that was very likely to prove extremely violent.

  Strolling back into the center of the circle of dirt, Nina tilted her head to one side to crack her neck, before interlacing her fingers and likewise cracking her knuckles.

  “Don’t stop coming at me until I tell you, or until I can’t tell you.” The Gigas ordered, all kidding aside as she focused.

  Tiana nodded and made several gestures at her sisters to get them in position all around the tiny red girl.

  “As you wish. We will not hold back, so neither should you.”

  Nina snorted.

  “Fat chance of-”

  One of the Amazons behind her let out a harsh cry and kicked her between the shoulder-blades, immediately pitching her forwards and to the ground.

  Though she wasn’t expecting it, the tiny red girl managed to turn the sudden momentum into a roll, absorbing the worst of the blow.

  When she was back on her feet she was beset on all sides.

  The Amazons moved with purpose to contain her, but Nina drew on all of her experience in the arenas to evade them; she bit, she slapped, she punched and she squirmed, struggling free of their grasping arms and even diving between their legs like a greased piglet to delay the inevitability of her capture.

  It took the blonde haired warriors almost four minutes to corral her, by the end of which not a one of them wasn’t sporting a nasty bruise somewhere from the giant’s tiny fists.

  Each of Nina’s limbs was held by two of them, spreading her out to hang in the air, only then did she admit defeat.

  “Not bad!” She barked, her exposed naval hollowing with each heavy breath; “Now let’s do it again!”

  They did, and then another time after that.

  While they were at it, Erica went back to sleep and Milly resumed her own training, working through the forms that the Amazons had taught her with her black spear.

  In the middle of working through one of the more intricate routines she sensed someone behind her and hard-won instincts from constant Nina-ambushes made her spin in place and thrust the padded end at them.

  She stumbled backwards in surprise though when her weapon rebounded off of Volka’s glowing shield.

  “A fine strike, my sister!” The Valkyrie complimented; “Though remind me not to hug you from behind anymore!”

  Milly blushed at the mishap.

  “I’ve seen what happens to people you sneak up on.” She countered with a bit of a sulk; “Which is it this time? A mean note? Or is it ice?”

  Volka clutched at her heart dramatically, eyes closed as if mortally wounded.

  “Ah! Such distrust! Though fair.” She moved closer, her eyes warm; “Actually, today it is merely a kiss.”

  Milly pout melted away as they shared a tender embrace, though it was marred slightly by Nina swearing at the Amazons doing their best to stomp her into the dirt.

  “You bitches need to try harder! I didn’t even feel that!” She roared.

  The Valkyrie and the Minotaur broke apart to watch them, but soon returned their attention to each other, sitting together on the end of the bench where Erica was napping.

  “You have grown to be quite skilled with Kar’s weapon.” Volka offered; “She would be proud of you.”

  Milly smiled sadly, but shook her head as she looked down at the spear lying across her lap.

  “I just wish it wasn’t black now. I sometimes feel like I let her down by dirtying her mother’s weapon like this.”

  “Any Amazon would consider the blood of such a foe-” Volka began.

  “I know! I do, it’s just a feeling I get sometimes.”

  One of the angel’s wings wrapped around the Minotaur’s shoulders, a loving blanket of soft f
eathers that made her feel as secure and protected as her shield would.

  “Milly, precious Milly... Of all of the Minotaurs that I have known, from any of the herds that followed my people into battle, you are amongst the most gentle and kind.”

  Naturally Milly blushed deeply at the blatant and even extravagant praise.

  “Gosh, I mean. I’m not that special.”

  But Volka’s fingers found her lips as her other arm encircled her waist.

  “You are. You really are. Life has taken much from you, as it has from all of us, yet you still hang on to hope where others would have long since succumbed to despair.”

  Her golden eyes, so full of passion and life, held the Minotaur’s baby blues for a long time.

  “Some people would say I’m naive.” Milly mumbled as she finally turned her head away, embarrassed.

  “Some people are buttheads.” Volka declared bluntly, her winged helmet turning side to side slowly as she shook her head; “Hope is our greatest asset in the face of adversity. The most precious thing needed for life to thrive instead of merely continue.”

  As she spoke the Dominar unwittingly released some of her aura, filling the breast of her bond-sister with the very thing she described, to the point that Milly had to take long and deep breaths to keep herself from crying at the joy of it.

  While it was true that Milly the Minotaur was a creature as kind and gentle as Volka described, even her devotion and love towards Nameless and her bond-sisters paled in comparison to what the Valkyrie felt towards the entire world.

  And through the bond they shared with him, Milly knew it.

  But instead of being intimidated or even envious of the angel’s love, it inspired her, inspired her to do more, just as it did Nameless.

  With one last deep breath Milly leaned in and pressed their lips together again, both hands cupping Volka’s face.

  “Thank you, sister.” She whispered with a sniffle once they parted.

  Then she stood and moved towards the Amazons with a fire in her belly.

  Her break was over.

  Tiana was out of breath after she and her sisters managed to corral Nina again, this time it had taken them much longer than the previous attempts, the Gigas learning from her mistakes and exploiting their weaknesses.


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