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The Heartstone Saga

Page 26

by Archibald Bradford

  Erica snorted.

  “Because that statement wasn’t weird at all.”

  She was lying on her stomach on one of the couches, Ophelia replacing Nina’s crude splint on her tail with a proper one, the cat having already drank some of Milly’s milk to help mend the fracture.

  Everyone in the room was watching Nameless now, waiting for him to articulate a response, but when he was unable to, his angel did.

  “It... is for the best, husband.” Volka said quietly; “The world needs more men and women like you in it.”

  “Yeah, but-” He finally sputtered, gesturing somewhat wildly at Cordelia; “I mean, we know each other!”

  The baker dipped her head in acknowledgment of the issue, but remained undeterred.

  “We do. So you know that if I have your baby, they’ll be taken care of.” Her chin lifted with confidence and her eyes brimmed with sincerity; “I’ll be a good mother Nameless. I swear on my bond. And any child of yours would be good too, because so are you.”

  Her face was still flushed, but her determination was plain to see.

  “And I will do everything in my power to keep the child safe. So there is that as well.” Oldeera proclaimed; “He or she will be safer than any infant ever to walk this world. Safe and loved.”

  Nameless’s eyes stung as a lump formed in his throat, unable to refute either girl’s words.

  But there was still the other thing.

  “Cordelia, you know we’d have to... you and I, sex I mean.” He gestured awkwardly between them again.

  Her mouth fell open as she gasped, eyes wide with mock surprise.

  “We would?!”

  Nina let out a short laugh at her faux reaction as Nameless turned a bit pink.

  Giving him a break, Cordelia abandoned her joke quickly.

  “Yes, I am aware of the mechanics of it. More than you are, I bet. Here, let’s both draw a diagram of the reproductive system, someone time us.”

  “Okay dearheart, I think you are getting off topic.” Ophelia interrupted tartly, the perceptive Flutterby seeing through her attitude; “And I’m afraid that you won’t be able to keep deflecting his concerns with humour.”

  Cordelia looked at her and drew in a breath, but instead of saying anything she instead let it out all at once, her cheeks billowing.

  After a moment, she tried again.

  “Nameless. You are the best man I have ever met. And I know this is selfish of me to ask, but please... I-I want to have a baby. I’ve always wanted to have a baby. And I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have one with.”

  Silence filled the hive at the honest weight of Cordelia’s words, her wide and hopeful hazel eyes locked on his.

  The moment stretched out, the brunette’s determination unwavering.

  “Let’s do it.” Milly broke the deadlock with a firm nod; “We knew this was coming, and Cordelia is a friend.”

  She earned a few surprised looks, but no one commented on her acquiescence.

  “I... agree dearheart.” Ophelia said as she pulled away from her patient to put her arm around Milly’s waist.

  Volka’s stance had already been made clear, and with Escrya absent it fell to Nina and Erica.

  And since Erica was already biting her lip and ogling Oldeera’s cleavage, her opinion didn’t need to be spoken.

  As for the Gigas... she just shrugged.

  “Why are we still standing around for?”

  “Wait, you mean- now?” Nameless asked.

  “Her pussy is here, your cock is here. Good a time as any.” The red girl insisted.

  “You don’t want to talk about this?” He said in a stage whisper.

  The tiny giant rolled her eyes and gave him a painful pinch on the ass.

  “We talked. All that’s left is the doing. So do.”

  Volka lifted a hand to forestall her however.

  “There is something to discuss.”

  “There is?” Erica said as she tore her gaze away from Oldeera’s tits.

  Sore tail or not, the rising sexual tension was having an effect on the frisky kitty.

  The Valkyrie nodded.

  “As our husband pointed out, he and Cordelia know each other. So whether they want to or not, there will be affection here. And yes, no small amount of awkwardness.”

  “Where are you taking us with this golden lady?” Cordelia asked.

  “Nowhere sinister, just a recommendation to perhaps make the situation easier.”

  “Spit it out.” Nina demanded with an impatient huff.

  “Simple. I believe, in this case at least, it would be best if we all participated. To help mitigate any awkward feelings.”

  Silence fell upon the room again, though that was partly because Oldeera bit her lip to stay silent.

  The Hornet Queen already had every intention of participating, as did her hive.

  Cordelia slowly shook her head.

  “If you weren’t an angel I would assume you were just angling to start an orgy.” She looked to all of his bond-mates as she continued; “You sure you lot don’t want us to just... get it over with? I mean, why complicate things?”

  Ophelia sighed and drifted over to the young baker.

  “That’s the point dearheart. Things already are complicated. And as has yet to be pointed out, it’s not always a one-and-done scenario. It can take several... sessions, for a human to get pregnant.”

  “You can say bone. They might have to bone more than once.” Nina sniffed and looked at her nails, still largely indifferent.

  She knew who her man belonged to.

  But Nameless shook his head, his blush mostly gone as he had to address the harsh truth of the matter.

  “Evadne hunted the Empaths to near extinction once already.” He said seriously; “Which means that no one outside this room can know. No one.”

  Cordelia was right there with him, nodding her head as he spoke: not soon would she forget the dark monster that attacked her Hornets in the woods of Kettering.

  “No one does. Not even Christine has a clue that we’ve been thinking about this. And we already have a story in place when- sorry, if I get pregnant, to throw her off.”

  “You’ve thought this through.” Milly observed.

  “We have. One of the biggest obstacles to my relationship with Oldeera was my desire for kids. Like an idiot, I got it into my head that I had to choose one over the other.”

  The two Hornets still looming behind her hugged her tight as she spoke, but she didn’t get distracted.

  “I’ve always known I would be a mom. Ever since I was a little girl. I said that already, but I just wanted to make that clear. My whole life has been building up to this. And I would do anything to keep my child safe, including lying to everyone I love.”

  Volka pursed her lips as her eyes narrowed.

  “How many children, exactly, were you planning on having?”

  Cordelia blushed at the higher-angel’s attention, but she was quick to answer the question.

  “Minimum two. I want them to grow up like I did with my sisters. Besides, one cute baby for all of my Hornets to spoil? They’d grow up to be a total shit.”

  The Valkyrie smiled at her humour, dipping her head slightly in acceptance.

  “Even if you were to get pregnant by my husband, the child would only have about a one in three chance of being born an Empath.”

  “I would love them either way.” The baker replied immediately.

  “Of course. But the more children you have with him, the better. If you are willing of course.

  “Can’t we just start with one?” Erica whined, eager to get things moving; “Isn’t that how humans work? One at a time?”

  Cordelia laughed, the release doing wonders for her nerves.

  “Yeah, usually. You were born in a litter I take it?”

  The Katje shrugged.

  “Couldn’t tell you. I didn’t have much of a childhood.”

  The smile fell off of the brunette’s face
and her expression grew concerned, but Erica waved it off.

  “Look all this talk about kids is sort of ruining the fun part about you two making them. Are we doing this or what? Because, far as I can tell, no one here is a stranger to group sex. And even though my tail smarts like crazy right now, I am all kinds of curious about your bond-mates.”

  Still lying on her belly, her eyes trailed up the body of one of the Hornets near her.

  Then all eyes turned to Nameless, as he had yet to actually agree.

  With a sigh he shook his head as he looked to Volka.

  “I kind of want to talk about this privately before diving in. But I suppose keeping everything out in the open is probably best.” He turned to face the anxious baker and her hive of Hornets; “You will make a good mother Cordelia, I would never doubt that. And I guess in the end, that’s all that matters.”

  She sniffed and wiped at a sudden tear on her cheek when the heady realization that her lifelong dream of motherhood was to become a reality.

  “Thank you.” She had to take a second to clear more tears from her face, but once she did she smiled so warmly and sincerely that it took Nameless’s breath away.

  Once the poignant moment had passed, there was only one thing left.

  Nameless turned to Oldeera as he extended one hand towards the bright yellow heartstone set in the crown on Cordelia’s head.

  “May I?” He was asking the voluptuous Hornet as much as he was her queen.

  It wasn’t a small request, and he knew that, but he was an Empath, if they wanted this from him, then he needed to know that Oldeera was truly okay with it.

  She smiled and dipped her chin in assent.

  “It’s alright honey, I trust you. If I’d had my way, before I met Cordelia it would have been your crown.”

  “Are you trying to make me jealous?” The brunette pouted.

  Nameless gently pressed one finger against the Hornet Queen’s heartstone, closing his eyes as he felt what she felt.

  Given that the last queen whose mind he entered had been a Tenebrae, he was a bit anxious, but although Oldeera’s mind was multi-faceted, the structure was far different from Avita’s.

  And there certainly wasn’t any of Evadne’s reckless hatred.

  Instead there was love and a sort of wistful acceptance; Oldeera was glad that her bond-mate was getting what she so badly wanted, even if it wasn’t from her.

  Needing to be absolutely clear about it, he sent an earnest plea to the Hornet their shared mind.

  Oldeera, if Cordelia has a child I hope that you will think of it as yours, more than it is mine. I don’t know what the future holds for me, and so I can’t promise that I will be around to help her raise it. In fact a certain distance between us would probably be safer. But you will be there, won’t you?

  She drew in a shuddering breath, her heart swelling as much as her massive breasts as she smiled at him again, this time with tears standing in her eyes.

  The thought she sent back at him carried with it every bit of the regal authority that she wielded, if rarely displayed so directly.

  On the strength of my bond. On the lives of my sweetlings, and upon my very name. I swear to you, Valkyrja-datta, I will love and protect your child as my own.

  Though it was a bit unusual for someone other than an Amazon to call him by the title, with the palpable weight of her sincerity in his thoughts he needed no further convincing.

  “And who knows.” Oldeera declared casually for everyone to hear; “Maybe I will want to bear a daughter as well someday.”

  Having missed the important part of the conversation, Cordelia whipped around to face her bond-mate.

  “What? What just happened?”

  Nameless was glad that she turned away from him, as it gave him a chance to school his features after the Hornet made her little joke.

  Except that they both knew she wasn’t joking.

  “Someday, Queen Oldeera.” Volka promised, the only one in the room privy to their mental conversation; “You have our word.”

  Despite having six bond-mates, Nameless, and by extension his girls, had been fairly traditional in the sense that they largely stayed within the bounds of the seven of them.

  There was Kar of course, and later Escrya before she bonded, but they had been outliers.

  After all, when Queen Oldeera had first introduced herself to Nameless he had the chance to bed her and her entire hive, but at the time it was unthinkable to him.

  Though he had been through a lot in his life, Nameless was still only twenty one, and he was aware of that fact.

  His emotional maturity stemmed largely from his empathic abilities combined with the overwhelming drive to see to the needs of his bond-mates before his own.

  While Nameless absorbed the weight of Volka’s promise to her, the queen bowed regally towards the Dominar, then clapped her hands together.

  “My sweets! We have distinguished guests! Ones who are currently wearing far too many clothes for my tastes!” She bit her lip to hide a wicked grin; “Show them the hospitality of a Hornet hive!”

  A rising crescendo of buzzing wings answered the queen’s call to arms.

  Chapter 29:

  Royal Welcome

  Erica looked around at the swarm of monster girls, rapidly stripping off their armour in accordance with their queen’s command.

  “Dibs!” She suddenly called out when her eyes found Oldeera; “I call dibs!”

  The Hornet Queen’s antennae waggled as she gave her a questioning look.

  “Dibs on what, honey?”

  The Katje’s pointed deliberately at her massive breasts.

  “Dibs on those! Because I have met few women whose tits were as big as Milly’s and I want you two to smoosh me between them!”

  The heated look she gave the voluptuous queen was enough to make her shudder, while Milly blushed and bit her lip to hide a coy smile as her eyes trailed over Oldeera’s chest.

  Erica wasn’t the only one curious about the Hornet’s massive assets.

  Watching the conversation play out, Cordelia blinked several times at the overt overture towards her bond-mate from the Katje.

  “Wow, okay, so I guess we’re starting?

  Nameless was in front of her, and he reached out to offer her his hand.

  “We’re in your hive, so I’ll follow your lead.” He promised.

  She swallowed, but shuddered as the arousal in the room filled the air with potent musk; her bond-mates were helping his out of their clothes, even Nina had set her hammer down as she disappeared in a crowd of obedient Hornets.

  She accepted his proffered hand in hers.

  “Yeah, we’re definitely starting.” Cordelia repeated more firmly; “I want my kids to be conceived with love, even if we can never tell them it was during an orgy!”

  “Why not?” Nina said as she stroked her hand down one of the Hornets’ thighs; “Seems like that would be something for them to brag about.”

  Cordelia didn’t answer, too distracted by what was happening all around them.

  Milly and Oldeera had removed their tops and were running their hands down each other’s arms, shyly exploring while Erica stood next to them drooling at the sight of their exposed breasts.

  “Can we...” Cordelia began, then shook her head; “Never mind.”

  Instead she enlisted the help of two of her girls to pull her apron dress over her head until she stood naked before the fully clothed and somewhat gobsmacked Nameless.

  “Wow, C-Cordelia, you are really-”

  Whatever he intended to say next was forgotten when she dropped to her knees and with shaking fingers began to undo his uniform pants.

  Feeling a twinge of jealousy from nearby, he looked up to see Ophelia watching him along with Volka.

  Though in the heat of the moment, when Cordelia finished pulling his cock free of his pants, he couldn’t say exactly who the feeling was coming from.

  And when the brunette took the flaccid head
of his cock in her mouth, he forgot all about it.

  It was the first time he’d ever gotten a blowjob from a human and there was something different about it, though he had trouble putting his finger on exactly what it was.

  As he looked down at the top of her head, where a few strands of her hair had come free from the neat bun at the nape of her neck, the whole thing just felt strangely... real.

  For Cordelia the feeling of his cock against her tongue, the growing fullness in her mouth as it hardened, and the taste of his flesh... all together it was an itch she didn’t realize she even had, finally being scratched.

  She’d only come to appreciate the female form recently, and before that she was all about the dick; though the dick she was all about at the time was attached to an even bigger dick, her ex-boyfriend Brandon Dixon.

  But Nameless’s cock was different: for one thing it was thicker, and for another she genuinely cared about him, so she stretched out her jaw to take more of his erection between her lips than she ever had before, her tongue cradling his shaft as she bobbed against his pelvis.

  This was the man who intended to father her a child, he deserved the very best that she had to give.

  Meanwhile, Ophelia had turned away from the show and was getting to know the members of the hive around her, reaching out to touch the lean forms of the athletic Hornets.

  And Erica was getting her wish; her purring muffled by four massive breasts all around her head, content even with the dull pain still radiating from her damaged tail.

  Over her head, Oldeera and Milly were trading sweet little kisses, the Minotaur still shy.

  Nearby Volka was acting completely wanton.

  She had more life experience than anyone in the room and that was before spending a thousand years trapped in her shield underground, so she knew the importance of embracing a good thing.

  She also knew how much fun it was to be an active participant in an orgy.

  As such she had a mob of Hornets all around her, her aura filling the room with love and hope even as they filled her pussy, ass, and mouth with their fingers and tongues, worshipping her just as Escrya had.

  “This is so weird and hot.” Nina complained as she slipped her hand further up between the Hornet’s legs and began to finger her; “A large part of me wants to kill all these bitches pawing at my angel and going after my man, but another part wants to see them drown in his spunk.”


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