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The Heartstone Saga

Page 31

by Archibald Bradford

  “You recently bonded to Special Operator Miranda Holt…” He trailed off in a mumble as he read the details.

  As he read his frown dissipated, and soon his eyes even widened slightly in surprise.

  When he turned back to her, he was actually smiling slightly.

  “We were briefed about that mess in Algrade. I’m sorry you ended up in that situation and good on you for getting out of it again.” He congratulated, but his look turned measuring as he took in her nervous posture; “But that and this are very different things. Are you sure you’re ready to join the academy? We’re not going to go easy on you just because of who you’re bonded too.”

  She swallowed, and with a concerted effort forced her pierced ears to straighten from her head.

  “I’ve always wanted to serve the Aegis, sir. But now I just want to help my bond-mate.”

  He clucked his tongue, again measuring her resolve.

  Finally he jerked his chin down in a quick nod.

  “Alright then. My name is Instructor Kavanaugh. You won’t get to meet me yet though.” He turned and pointed towards a nearby entrance; “Through that door, then up the stairs on the right. That’s where the secretary is for legacy intakes.”

  She smiled brightly, having determined that the big man was, in his own gruff way, a nice guy.

  Rebecca was eager to get started though, so she immediately turned to go where he told her.


  She got about three two steps before he took the wind from her sails again.

  “Cadet!” He barked, again causing her to jump as she turned to face him; “You’ll need this.”

  He held up the letter beside one raised eyebrow.

  Once more the blush returned to her face as she took it from him.

  “Thanks.” She mumbled again.

  Kavanaugh watched as she entered the building, mentally comparing the jumpy and uncertain girl that he’d just met with the courageous one he’d heard about in the Algrade briefing.

  Finally he shook his head and resolved to get on with his day: legacy or not, she’d just have to prove herself like any other cadet.


  While Rebecca was joining the Aegis, one of its most senior members was coping with how its role in the world needed to change.

  Booker rounded the last corner as he headed back towards the council chamber after a short break for lunch; it felt like all he did these days was attend meetings, but after what Volka had said in the last one they had a major decision to make.

  Juni his Undine bond-mate was at his side, she’d sought him out after feeling his anxiety from his encounter with Volka.

  “I’ll admit the Dominar caught me off guard. But I think I also have to admit that she’s right.” He was saying.

  With Nameless’s help the water elemental had overcome her fear of fire, and though she still cherished the comfort of her gourd she much preferred being at Booker’s side now that she did not fear being out of it.

  Especially now that there was no one to carry it around anymore; Tiana had apologized to her profusely about it, but Juni didn’t resent her choice.

  “Right about what?”

  He paused at the door to the council chamber, shaking his head slowly as his hand moved to the handle.

  “About war. The entire time I’ve served the Aegis, every step of the way, the path forwards was clear.” He shook his head as he pulled the door open; “It wasn’t always easy but-”

  Whatever he was about to say was forgotten in the face of what awaited him in the room.

  Margaret Bloom was staring at him, her eyes and mouth wide and her scarred face slack. She was held aloft by an enormous spear, impaling her from behind, her cane lying useless next to her swaying feet.

  A moment after Booker opened the door the spear was jerked out of his oldest friend’s back, causing her body to collapse to the floor to join those of the rest of the council.

  Her killer turned to him, and he knew her well.

  His Amazon was skinnier than he remembered. Leaner. With a black band of Chimera blood smeared across her face to accompany the pools of ink that were now her eyes.

  But there was no mistake that it was her.

  “Yana.” He gasped hoarsely in recognition.

  She had drawn her spear back, intent on killing him too, but the utterance of her name gave her pause.

  Booker needed it.

  The shock of Margaret’s death was enough to drive out everything else as he tried to reconcile what his eyes told him to be true with what his heart told him could not be true.

  “Master! Get back from her!”

  Juni’s shriek pulled him back into the present moment where he belonged just in time to duck below the Tenebrae’s thrust.

  Booker and Yana had trained together for thirty years. He was an extremely talented hand-to-hand combatant to begin with, and having her to practice with honed him into a terrifying monster amongst men.

  Yet he was not a real monster.

  He defeated Yana exactly one time, and that was only because she was arrogant and he was reckless enough to sacrifice an eye to do so.

  And he was also much younger then.

  So the older and wiser Booker slammed the door to the council shut and braced himself against it, a temporary barricade between him and the Amazon as his mind scrambled for the means to save her.

  His eyes locked on his Undine’s fearful face.

  “Juni! Get word to Armstrong! We need his-”

  The door jerked hard against him as the Tenebrae within snarled at them, knocking him to the floor of the corridor and driving the air from his lungs.

  Yana’s next kick took it down entirely, Booker’s efforts barely buying them a few seconds.

  But it was long enough, because she wasn’t the only monster girl in the corridor.

  Every pipe on that floor of the Bastion suddenly burst as an Undine called for water.


  Nameless and his family regrouped at their apartment so that he could finally eat lunch, and so that Nina could eat a second lunch, but after Volka returned from meeting with the council they had a lot to talk about.

  Once she brought them up to speed, the Valkyrie took Nameless’s hand in hers.

  “I am sorry Husband, if my behaviour today puts you in an awkward position.”

  He squeezed her palm with his fingers, then shook his head and once again opened his heart to show her nothing but love and support.

  “You do what you need to do baby, and I’ll have your back no matter what. I didn’t join the Aegis for the sexy uniform. I joined because I thought it would be the best way to help. If a better way comes along, I have no problem losing the duds.”

  “But what of your oath?”

  “When I spoke the Aegis covenant it wasn’t to swear allegiance to an organization, it was a promise to uphold the words themselves. And as far as I am concerned no one knows what that should mean better than the angel who was there when they came up with them. Besides, I doubt they’re going to kick me out just because my bond-mate gave them a stern talking-to.”

  “One they deserved.” Nina threw in as she finished the last of the little sandwiches that Ophelia had made for them.

  Milly nodded firmly in agreement.

  “Honestly, it sounds like that Booker guy got a little big for his britches today, calling you in like that!” She noted indignantly.

  Ophelia tittered into her hand while Erica groaned.

  “Milly! You don’t have to talk and act like you’re wearing your hat all the time!”

  They all shared a bit of mirth, but it was short lived as they dwelled on the sudden uncertainty of their career paths.

  “It would be a shame to have wasted all of that training.” Ophelia suggested.

  “All that matters is that Evadne gets dead.” Nina disagreed; “After that, you lot can ditch the uniforms and the duties and we can all go back to Kettering.”

stretched her arm out and hugged the Gigas from the side.

  “You don’t like it here in the city? There is certainly more culture to take in!”

  “The shower here sucks.” Nina shot back; “And if by ‘culture’ you mean those fuck-heads at that party, I’ll pass. Besides, we had a lot of great sex in Kettering.”

  Not for the first time, Nina’s straightforward attitude helped them overcome any uncertainty, and they finished their meal without any more debate.

  “Can we talk about a certain pissy Troglodyte now?” Erica suggested; “Because I reeeally wanna.”

  Nameless sighed and shook his head.

  “Yeah, I’m still… taking in the fact that I have a sister who doesn’t seem to like me very much.”

  Volka rested her hand on his thigh and squeezed.

  “I regret that I could not be there to help smooth things over for you.” She lamented.

  “Give her time dearheart.” Ophelia suggested kindly; “I’m sure she will open up eventually, even without a Valkyrie forcing her to!”

  Milly hummed in agreement and opened her mouth to speak, but as the Flutterby stood to clear their plates they all heard and felt a faint rumble from outside, and she grabbed Milly’s shoulder to steady herself, cutting off whatever the Minotaur was about to say.

  “Oh my! Is it an earthquake?”

  The shaking ended quickly, and they looked around, puzzled.

  Then the light coming through the large bank of windows dimmed noticeably, and Volka frowned at the change, getting up from her seat and looking out to see if there were storm clouds rolling in.

  “Thunder perhaps.” She mumbled.

  But she soon knew otherwise.

  A black figure hung in the skies outside, twenty yards away from their apartment windows.

  Shadows were dripping off of Evadne as she met the Valkyrie’s gaze and smiled to reveal venom covered fangs.

  Volka’s eyes widened and she darted back to the table to take up her shield, only to immediately toss it into Nameless’s arms.

  “Everyone get to the door!” She yelled as the figure outside cast both hands forwards with murderous intent.

  A broad beam of pure night burst from her palms and came down the center of the building, colliding with the Valkyrie’s form as she folded her wings around herself, her glowing aura spreading out to match the darkness in place of her shield.

  Meanwhile Nina flipped the dining table on its side in response to her warning, nearly severing Nameless’s toes, and used it to plow him and the other girls towards their broken door and the relative safety of the well-built stairwell just beyond it.

  A second later half of the building collapsed and the Valkyrie and Gigas disappearing from view.

  Chapter 35:


  In a little cafe near the edge of a small grassy park in Garland, Grace the Katje was enjoying a rich cup of coffee while her adopted daughter Mishka was eating a jelly sandwich from the middle like only a child would.

  The cat-girl smiled indulgently as she watched the Dormaus obliviously smearing sticky red goop on either side of her mouth. Rather than making a fuss over her by assaulting her face with a napkin though, she let her eat in peace.

  Noticing her attention, Mishka paused and swallowed, then titled her head to one side.

  “What?” She demanded in a defensive whine.

  Grace sniffed, her smile widening.

  “Nothing. Enjoying your sandwich?”

  “It’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten!” Mishka nodded enthusiastically, but then she grew suspicious of the cat’s continued smirk; “Why, what’s it made of?”

  “Girls that don’t obey their Katje mothers.” Grace said absently.

  She winced though when Mishka’s mouth fell open to reveal a chewed up mouthful as she gawked at her.

  “Wow! Really?!”

  Thinking that she perhaps made a mistake Grace was about to correct her, but then Mishka’s face became incredibly smug as she stared at her sandwich.

  “Haha! You girls didn’t behave, so now I’m eating you!” She opened wide and took another enormous bite.

  Grace burst out laughing, she couldn’t help it, but Mishka was too preoccupied with chewing to notice.

  But then everything changed when the whole building shook as an enormous blue skinned monster girl crashed through the wall with a terrifying roar, knocking them to the floor along with their table and chairs.

  Ears flat and ringing from the sudden noise, Grace lay in shock on the floor for several seconds, not even able to hear the screams as the eleven foot tall Ogre roared and lay waste to the place, one of the walls collapsing and the roof slumping down as it lost the support.

  Coughing from the dust, the Katje came to her senses and pulled the table out of her way in her haste to get to Mishka, checking the shocked Dormaus for injuries with both hands.


  The child blinked several times as she gingerly sat up on the floor, all the while her mother was frantically patted her all over.

  “I’m okay.” The mouse complained blearily.

  Not understanding what had just happened at all, she was more bemused than afraid; looking around at the changed landscape of the little cafe, her eyes drifting upwards to the ceiling, now much closer to them and creaking worriedly.

  Mishka didn’t have time to dwell on the structural integrity of the place though, as a moment later she met the gaze of their server, picking himself up off the floor.

  And therefore witnesses the massive blue arm as it punched through the ceiling and ripped him out of the ruined cafe, though mercifully she didn’t see what came next as the Ogre threw him with terrific force to splatter against the building across the street.

  The Katje pulled her adopted daughter close.

  “Mishka! We need to get out of here!” She whispered urgently; “You can’t freeze up on me baby okay?!”


  As a Dormaus her instinctual reaction to danger was to feign death so convincingly as to fool just about anyone.

  But to do so when the building was collapsing and an Ogre was throwing a tantrum just outside would no doubt prove fatal.

  Accompanied by screams and shouts of alarm from the street, the two of them picked their way out of the building, having to get out through a broken section of the wall.

  “Be careful of the glass.” Grace extended her hand and helped to pull the mouse through a narrow opening that used to be a window; “We need to keep moving baby. Alright, stay close to me and don’t-”

  She was interrupted by a squeak from Mishka as she felt her daughter go rigid against her hip, the girl having seen something she hadn’t.

  The roaring of the Ogre had gone silent.

  Grace felt the impending threat in her neck and shoulders, her tail likewise puffing up from the anxiety of it as she slowly turned her head...

  The massive blue girl was now staring at them with her black eyes, panting from her rampage as she considered the pair.

  A predator, waiting on its prey to flee.

  “Move. Mishka move!” Grace said in a strangled hiss as she pushed at her daughter.

  But the girl wasn’t moving, and she looked down to see her frozen face: the terrified mouse’s instincts had overridden everything, even her mother’s orders.

  Moments later Grace’s pleas for her daughter to wake up were drowned out by the Ogre’s roar as it charged them.

  The Katje sobbed out in fear and threw her body over Mishka’s unmoving form in a last desperate attempt to protect her, her eyes closing tight as she waited for death.

  There was pain, but not as much as she was expecting; just a sharp pinch in her upper arm.

  Then a lilting voice sounded right beside her.

  “Pretty cat. Thank you for helping me demonstrate how the blood of a protector is supposed to work.”


  Nameless and most of his girls scrambled down the stairs to get
free of the partially destroyed apartment building, his mind already searching for Volka and Nina’s.

  With the Valkyrie’s shield in his arms and the giant’s bracelet on his wrist it wasn’t hard to reach them.

  Nina was basically indestructible and Volka had wrapped herself in a protection spell a moment before Evadne attacked, so she too had only minor injuries from the collapsing building, but they were both pinned under it.

  That didn’t stop Nameless and the other girls from frantically digging at the rubble though, the urge to free them too strong to ignore.

  Never mind us! Get to the bastion Husband! You must raise the alarm!

  But Nameless still hesitated, so Nina threw in her two cents.

  We’re fine! Now move your ass you puny fuckwit!

  Her mental roar was enough to calm his panic, and to hurt his feelings more than a little. He paused long enough to share a helpless look with the other girls.

  “I’ll stay here and begin triage.” Ophelia told him firmly; “Get out of here dearheart!”

  There were many injured people in the street from the collapsed building, and the trained medic was already helping a dazed man with a head injury to sit down.

  Leaving Nina and Volka was one thing, but the vulnerable Flutterby...

  He felt a tug as Erica took her claw off of his belt, then slapped him on the ass.

  “I’ll protect her, get moving already dummy!”

  Nameless choked down the lump in his throat as he did what was necessary.

  “Stay safe.” He ordered them before he and Milly turned away.

  “You too dearheart!” Ophelia called after his fleeing back.

  To separate like this during a crisis felt unnatural, but it was necessary.

  And they all knew that if Evadne clapped her eyes on Nameless again, it would mean the end of him.

  So he and Milly sprinted through the streets, past panicked and confused people coming out of their homes and businesses to see what all the commotion was about.


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