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Blue Love : Blue Valley High — Senior Year

Page 32

by Mj Fields

After my shower, I put on Lucas’s black boxer briefs under my nightgown. Then I put on a black, knee-length robe, knowing Dad will prefer that to just the nightgown.

  When I walk out, Lucas isn’t sitting on the couch, but when I go to get a drink, I see through the window. He’s outside, on the phone.

  He smiles as he hangs up and walks back in.

  I’m sure I look at him with concern, because he says, “Dad, and all is well.”

  “Good.” I smile then grab my Physics book off the counter. “Do you have homework?”

  “No, but I should probably do some studying. I need to try to beat your brother out of his valedictorian spot.” Lucas winks.

  “Good luck with that.” I laugh as I head into the living room and sit on the couch.

  He sits down on the other side. I catch him looking at my thigh. He clearly sees his boxers.

  “Nice, huh? Surprisingly comfortable. I like them.”

  “I like you in them,” he whispers then grabs a pillow from the back of the couch, sets it on his lap, and clenches his teeth.

  I can’t help but laugh.

  He shakes his head and whispers, “Killing. Me.”

  I wake to him taking my book off my lap. “Hey, baby, it’s time to go to bed.”

  “Okay.” I stretch and get up.

  He walks me into my room and kisses me as we stand in front of my bed. Then he presses his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes, and unties my robe. He slips it off my shoulders, lifts my nightgown, and smiles at the boxer briefs. Then he kisses me again.

  “Damn,” he whispers before walking backward out the door.

  I hear him walk down the stairs and clear his throat. “Mr. Ross, I’m going to bed now. Thank you for all this.”

  “Lucas, we all need help now and then. You’re a good kid; it’s not a problem. Now get up there so I can set those alarms or Maggie will have my hide.”

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Opening the door, I expect the alarm to go off. When it doesn’t, I suspect Dad has already tuned it off.

  I hurry down the stairs, grab the crockpot from the pantry, set it on the counter, and then plug it in. Then I pull the pork roast from the fridge, unwrap it, and rinse it. I pour a little bit of vegetable oil in the bottom of the crockpot, then some apple cider vinegar and chicken broth in a bowl and stir it up. I drop the roast in the crockpot, dump two bottles of barbecue sauce on top, and then dump the mixing bowl of ingredients in. Placing the top on the crockpot, I finally set the temperature to low.

  “And dinner is done.” I smile as I walk to the sink to wash it out and clean it then hit the shower before anyone else wakes up and gets there first.

  When I step out of the shower, I realize I forgot to grab a towel. After wringing out my hair, I step out and carefully walk across the tile to the clean clothes basket of towels and … I slip.

  More accurately, I slip as Lucas walks in, and he catches me. Of course he catches me.

  “Forget to lock the door, baby?” he asks, completely unaware that his big old hand is on my boob. “I’m not looking.”

  “No, but I guess we don’t have to wait till Friday,” I whisper, looking down.

  “Fuuuck,” he hisses. “Christ, Tessa.” Yet, he’s not moving.

  I reach out with my foot and grab a towel with my toes, dragging it over before grabbing it and covering myself.

  He still doesn’t move.

  “Good morning, Lucas.”

  He slowly opens one eye and starts to pull his hand away. I place my hand over his and hold it there.

  “Good morning, Tessa.”

  Eyes glued to his, I move my hand, causing his to move, and he slowly caresses my breast as he kisses me softly, over and over again.

  When I hear movement coming from above me, I step away when they begin to come down the stairs and Lucas heads to the door.

  “I’ll go out. You stay.” I grab my robe and throw it on, then kiss him quickly.

  The entire time I dress, my heart is beating a mile a minute, thinking about how amazing his hand felt on me.

  Lucas and I pass each other on the stairs, not even making eye contact.

  I head to the kitchen and pull down some glasses before setting them on the table and hurrying to the fridge, where I grab the orange juice and fill all five.

  I grab a dozen eggs and breakfast sausage. Then I grab the milk, turn on the stove, and place two pans on the burners. I empty two boxes of sausage into one cast iron pan, scramble up the eggs with some milk, spray the pan with oil and, while I wait for it to heat, I grab bread and pop four slices in the toaster. Then I pull plates out from the cupboard and set the table.

  Lucas walks in, looking so damn hot, freshly showered, and asks, “Do you ever relax and let anyone else help you out around here?”

  I point the spatula at a chair. “Have a seat, Mr. Links. I told you that I want to take care of you.”

  “And what if I wanna take care of you?”

  “Oh, you will.” I giggle as I turn back to the frying pan.

  And just as it seems it will always be, Kendall and Jake bound into the kitchen.

  “I’m starving,” Jake says, sitting down.

  I laugh because Jake is always starving. “Good morning, Jake. Good morning, Kendall.”

  Kendall walks over and hugs me. “I’ll do toast.”

  “Sounds good.”

  After we eat, I pack lunches, and just in time, too.

  “The bus,” Kendall yells as she runs out.

  “Have a good day,” I yell to them.

  “Gotta stop at the store and grab some gum,” Alex says as he stands. “You two ready?”

  “Shit, what about Jade?” I ask.

  “Tommy’s got her.”

  I hurry to Jade in the parking lot, and we walk in together. The boys aren’t far behind.

  Lucas walks with Tommy to his locker and doesn’t even bother going to his. I don’t blame him since I have now witnessed the letters that fall out of it a couple times now, and I see how pissed he gets.

  “So, how’s married life?” Jade asks.

  “Just like Dad said.” I laugh, and so does she.

  From behind, I hear, “Hello again, Tessa.” Lucas grabs my hand, turns me, and pulls me in for a kiss.

  After the kiss, I step back and smile. “Hello again to you, too.” I look around and see how people are looking at me, and I don’t like it. I’m sure they’re confused. Hell, I would be, too.


  I turn back to Lucas. “I want to kind of keep it quiet that you’re living with us. Is that okay?”

  “Sure, but why?” Lucas asks.

  Sadi walks by and hisses, “Whore.”

  “That’s why.”

  Lucas shrugs. “If that’s what you want, okay. But maybe it would shut her up.”

  “I seriously doubt that.”

  “Sorry, Tessa.”

  I lean in and give him one more kiss before we head to class.

  The next two days fly by—school, practice, home, and kissing whenever we can. We are never far from each other, and every time I look at him, he’s looking at me.

  I don’t have to wonder if he loves me; he shows me and tells me he does all the time, and I give him the same.

  On Wednesday, I stay with Mom, and we honestly have a nice time. We go out to dinner, just the two of us, for the first time ever, and talk about school, hockey, and Lucas. I avoid any talk of Doctor Feel Good, not wanting to know about that part of Mom’s life.

  We also talk about the upcoming week. On Saturday, my team is going to sectionals, and Alex and Lucas have a game the same day. Mom plans on coming to my game, and Dad will take Kendall and Jake to Alex’s. Friday is the only day that is left wide open.

  And when I’m about to go to bed, Mom’s phone rings.

  She holds it out. “I’m sure it’s for you.”

  When I take it, she stands. “I’m going to shower.”

  I nod to her and answer, “H

  “Hope everything is going all right, baby. I miss you.” He chuckles. “Okay, so I miss your cooking.”

  “Ha, ha, ha, silly boy. Is that how it’s going to be after just three days? I’m not sure this is going to work. All your expectations are exhausting.”

  “Tessa, you know I was joking, right?” he asks, completely serious.

  “Thus, the silly boy.”

  “I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too,” I whisper.

  “Sweet dreams, baby.”

  Thursday morning, I ride the bus to school, something I haven’t done since Alex got his license, but like I told Alex, it would be silly for them to pick me up.

  I sit with one of the girls from my team, a sophomore named Katrina.

  “Are you dating Lucas Links still?” she asks.

  “Yes.” I nod.

  “Everyone from our old school was in awe of him. He’s pretty good-looking, but the way he treated girls sucked,” Katrina says, “He’s different with you. I think he really likes you.”

  “I think he does, too.”

  We chat about the upcoming game, which is definitely a better conversation than I anticipated after she led with Lucas.

  When the bus pulls to a stop, Lucas is standing there with a sign that has my name on it, like he’s a chauffeur waiting for me.

  “Okay, I seriously think he likes you.” She laughs as we step off the bus.

  “Good morning, Tessa Ross.”

  “Good morning.”

  “May I take your bag, ma’am?” Lucas asks seriously.

  I laugh, toss my bag at him, and raise my nose in the air as I walk past him. “Of course you can, but do keep up.”

  He grabs my hand, turns me around, and sees me grinning.

  “You snubbing me?” Lucas asks before kissing me.

  I kiss him back with a little tongue then slowly pull away. “Never. You taste too good.”

  “S’mores?” Lucas asks.

  “Absolutely.” I kiss him again.

  Coach V walks by and clears his throat loudly. We laugh and walk into school, hand in hand.

  Lucas is standing against a black SUV when I walk out of school after practice.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, looking at a brand-new and obviously expensive vehicle.

  “Dad decided to trade my car in for this one. Nice, huh?”

  “Yeah, I’d say so.” I shake my head disapprovingly.

  He opens the passenger door for me and takes my bag. “You don’t like it?”

  “No, it’s awesome, but if I got high and wrecked a car, my butt would be walking.” I slide in.

  Laughing, he walks around and opens the driver’s door. He tosses my bag in the back then slides in. “Yes, stellar parenting—rewarding me for bad behavior. No wonder I’m a screw-up.”

  I reach over and squeeze his hand. “Don’t talk about yourself like that. Let’s take it for a spin.”

  It has four-wheel drive, a moon roof, and three row seating; the first two with captain’s chairs. It’s brand new and fully loaded. When he got it, he said there was a bow on the steering wheel with a note that read, “Thank you, son.”

  “Do you think he’s thanking me for getting all smoked-up and driving?” Lucas laughs.

  “No, I think he may finally be seeing the real you. You deserve this.” My eyes heat up and, typical me—well, Tessa the senior—I change the tone of the conversation. “Hey, do the seats recline all the way?”

  “I like the way you think, baby. Let’s get out of here and find out.” Lucas starts the SUV and peels out.

  I play with the radio and stop when I hear the song “When I See You Smile.” I grab his hand and sing to him as he drives.

  “Sober and singing to me?” He grins as he raises my hand and kisses it.

  I decide to take the spotlight off my singing by finding out if these seats do actually recline.

  They do!

  Then I take his hand, kiss it, and place it on my breast, smiling as I watch Lucas now become … uncomfortable. His nostrils flare, and his jaw twitches as he keeps his eyes on the road, and one hand on my boob.

  In no time, he pulls over on a dirt road that leads to one of Dad’s fields, and my heart begins racing even faster than it already was, and that’s seriously fast. He parks the car, leans over the console, and kisses me, and not soft, but hard. With his other hand, he grips the back of my head and pulls me up, kissing me deeper. I moan as he plunges his tongue into my mouth, enjoying the sensations caused by our physical connection. The way he makes me feel is amazing.

  Breasts heavy, aching for more pressure, I arch my back, pressing into him, and he squeezes my nipples, causing me to burn harder, causing my breaths to become more difficult to catch.

  Lucas pulls back and watches my face as he rolls my nipples between his finger and his thumb. He watches my face for my reaction to his touch, and I whimper his name and open my mouth, begging for his kiss.

  “Baby, you are fucking gorgeous,” he groans.

  I close my eyes and bite down hard on my lower lip as I feel his breath against my cheek before he kisses it.

  And then … his phone rings.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” he growls as he sits up.

  My eyes flutter open, and I watch as he adjusts his erection and flips open his phone. “This is Lucas.”

  I can’t help but giggle at the way he answers—all businesslike.

  I wait as he listens to whoever is on the other end of the call.

  “We are on our way. Thanks, Alex.” He closes the phone, ending the call, and looks at me. “We okay, baby?”

  “We’re perfect. But it’s still not Friday.” I giggle.

  “I love you, Tessa.”

  “Love you, too.” I sigh as I pull down my shirt and adjust the seat.

  Smiling, he puts the car in gear, turns around, and pulls out onto the road.

  “Are the girls still mad at me?”

  I nod once. “Yes.”


  “They’re upset because you stopped.”

  I swear his voice squeaks when he says, “I had, too.”

  I laugh as his face begins to turn red. “Lucas Links, are you embarrassed?”

  “Yeah, and what the hell is up with that?”

  Pulling into the farmhouse, holding hands, we see Dad and the kids standing out by the fire pit, grilling dinner. Lucas parks his brand-new SUV, hops out, runs to the passenger side, and opens the door for me.

  Dad yells over, “Lucas, that yours?”

  “Yes, Dad, it’s punishment for his reckless behavior,” I quip, answering for Lucas.

  Dad looks at us, and then back at Lucas disapprovingly.

  “I know it’s not right. Your daughter graciously pointed that out to me.” Lucas gives a weak smile.

  “Glad to hear she listens.” Dad nods.

  “She doesn’t just listen; she teaches me,” Lucas says.

  I head inside to get washed up for dinner.

  When dinner is finished and the kids are all set for the next day, I head out to sit on the porch and put on my headphones. I’m set to perform for my voice class in two weeks and have not practiced. We had to choose a song from a Broadway play. I picked a song from Dream Girls—“Hard to Say Goodbye, My Love.”

  I softly sing through the audition song a few times softly, because repetition is the way I learn.

  Completely focused, I only look up when I hear Lucas chuckle. I look over my shoulder and see him sitting on the steps with a book in his hand.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “That song, that’s never going to happen to us. We will make it. I promise you that.”

  My heart warms, and I think to myself how lucky I am to have someone like him.

  Standing, I set down my sheet music, walk over, and sit behind him, wrapping my arms around him.

  “Oh hey, baby. I didn’t see you there,” he jokes, and I squeeze him tighter. “Y
ou’re distracting. Can’t you see I am trying to get some studying in?”

  I rub my hands up his hard abs and chest and kiss the back of his neck as his head falls to the side and rests on his shoulder. I lick his neck then give it a nip.

  “Tessa, you need to stop.”

  “I can’t wait until next Friday,” I whisper in his ear then lick his neck again below the same spot. I grab one of his hands and bring it to my mouth, gently sucking on his finger. I bravely reach down and begin to rub his thigh, waiting to feel him harden and lengthen under his pants. When he does, I begin to stroke him.

  He hisses, “Fuck, baby.”

  I move my hand faster, and his head falls back, resting beside mine. He exhales against my cheek before kissing it as his mouth then falls open and he lets out a groan. I love the way he sounds when I touch him. It makes me burn with want to touch him even more.

  I rub my hand up his abs then down, pushing it between his hot hard and heated skin, in the waistband of his jeans. I wrap my hand around his hard, velvety-feeling erection and, as if I have done it a million times, I begin to stroke him.

  “Oh God, baby,” he groans. “Please don’t stop. I’m so fucking close.”

  I feel him jerk in my hand and hot liquid spills over my fingers. He holds his breath for a few moments then slowly releases it with a groan.

  I pull my hand out, rubbing the sticky liquid against his skin and stand, telling him, “Good thing you have a book to carry in front of you.”

  Stepping around him, I look down and see his eyes are heavy and filled with lust. I wink and begin to walk away, feeling victorious.

  “You caused a mess.” Lucas closes his eyes and smiles. “I like this game, but before it’s over, I assure you I’ll be the one who wins.”

  I watch as he stands with a book in front of him, steps to me, and kisses my cheek.

  “Go in ahead of me and give me a minute to calm the chaos you caused.”

  I am sitting on the couch, reading, when he comes out of the bathroom from his shower. I can’t help but grin, and he gives me a wink.


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