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Take It All Off

Page 19

by Weston Parker

  I squeezed her hand. “I don’t know him, but I doubt he thinks about it that way.”

  “He doesn’t.” She smiled. “Kyle didn’t even want me to repay him. He said it was an investment in my future and he was happy to make it.”

  “He sounds like a great guy.” I had definitely gained some respect for this brother of hers. Not only for having raised her by himself but for supporting her dreams as well. “I’d like to meet him sometime.”

  Addy chuckled. “Maybe we can set up a video call, but let’s give it some time. There’s no need to rush the family introductions after what happened tonight.”

  “Whenever you’re ready,” I agreed. “But somehow, I think the worst of the introductions are behind us. It can’t really get much worse than that.”

  She groaned and covered her face with her free hand, shifting the cup of ice cream so she wouldn’t smear it all over herself. “Did you really have to go and say that? Jeez. Have you ever heard the word jinx?”

  I laughed. “I’ve heard it. I just don’t believe in it.”

  “But you believe in the twin superstition?” Her eyebrows rose.

  “Hell, no.” I shook my head. “Mama’s been peddling that to us since we were kids, but neither of us buy into it.”

  “Good to know.” She bumped her shoulder into mine. “So, your mom hates me. What now?”

  “Now we go back to my place, if you want to,” I said. “We get into pajamas, put on a movie, and forget it ever happened?”

  “Sounds good to me.” Addy grinned, then glanced down at the lights reflected on the smooth surface of the water. “I’m sorry she doesn’t like me. I know it’s going to make things hard on you.”

  “Hey.” I turned and caught her chin between my fingers, waiting until she looked up into my eyes. “It’s not your fault, Pasticcino. You did great. I’ve never seen my mother like that before, but you held your own and kept your ground. I admire you for it.”

  She smiled and tilted her head back a little farther. When her lips parted, I dropped my gaze to them before dragging it back up to hers. Leaning down, I brushed my lips against hers in the slightest whisper of a kiss.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed, and a soft sound escaped her. “Let’s go get in those pajamas. I’ve done enough todaying for today.”

  The drive back to my house was spent in comfortable silence. My hand lay in hers on her leg, and her head rested back against the leather seat.

  “I just realized I don’t have any pajamas to change into,” she said when we finally walked into my kitchen.

  Walking up to her until we were so close that our chests brushed together, I looped my fingers together at the nape of her neck. I lowered my head to hers and brushed my lips against her ear to whisper, “There are things I can think of that we can do that don’t require pajamas. If you’re interested.”

  Chapter 28


  My breath caught in my lungs as Marco brought his strong fingers to my neck and waited until I met his eyes. They were dark with lust, and the sides of his mouth pulled up into a slow smile. “What do you say?”

  “I say that sounds like an excellent idea,” I mumbled. Being this close to Marco was as intoxicating as always, despite what I’d recently learned about the kind of person he’d come from.

  Feeling his lips on mine and his body against mine was like magic. It filtered out all the bad, unpleasant things that had happened tonight and refocused my attention on the only thing that really mattered.


  “Thank God,” he growled as he dropped his hands to grip my hips and licked the shell of my ear. “You still want me.”

  “Was that ever in question?” I moaned, melting into him. “Nothing could ever make me not want you.”

  He walked us backward until I could feel the hard, cold wall pressed up against my back. One of his hands wound around my waist, his fingers flexing on my hip. Then his mouth crashed down onto mine in a kiss that made my thoughts scatter and my veins catch fire.

  This—us—was all that had ever mattered to me. Not just the sex but just being with him. Aldo, Elena, and even Marco himself had gotten into my head with the warnings about his mother, but it seemed like he wasn’t about to submit to her wishes after all.

  His hands skimmed up my side from my hip to my shoulder. He slid his fingers over the strap of my dress and toyed with it.

  Marco’s touch did things to me nothing else could. From the way he was reacting to our fervent kisses, I was willing to bet he felt the same way. When we were together like this, it felt like nothing could come between us.

  When he broke the kiss, heat blazed in his golden-brown eyes. His voice was rough and commanding as he ordered me to turn around. I obeyed. I wanted to do everything he wanted from me, so long as he didn’t want to stop doing exactly what we were doing.

  Marco and I had some things to work out. There was no denying that what had happened this evening had changed things. Through no fault of our own, our budding relationship had been catapulted to a new level. One where we would have to fight for what we wanted if what we wanted was each other.

  But I didn’t want to think about that right now. I didn’t want to wonder about the future or whether his mother would ever accept us. I just wanted to lose myself in the pleasure of being with him. Especially if it could be the last time. There was no telling what the morning would bring—if he would relent under the pressure his mother would surely place on him.

  Stuffing all my thoughts about work and doubts into a lockbox inside my head, I focused only on the sound of him undoing my zipper. My insides clenched with anticipation, and my back arched. The movement made my breasts push against the cool brick. My nipples hardened against the cold surface, making me moan my appreciation.

  I wanted him so damn badly, every part of him. The feel of his hard body pressed against my back, the smell of his masculine, expensive scent enveloping me.

  His hands lightly caressed my shoulders as he slid the straps of my dress off them, causing the fabric to slide down and pool at my waist, pinned between us by his hips. Fingers dropping and trailing lower until they skimmed my panties under the dress, he hooked them into the elastic and stepped back to pull the material free.

  My underwear and dress fell to my feet, and I kicked it away, sending my low-slung heels after the clothes. His fingers dug into my flesh as he explored every bare inch of my skin. My lower back, my belly, my hipbones, my ass, my thighs. His touches were light and teasing.

  They drove me to the brink of insanity.

  Needing to encourage him, I arched my back again, but this time, I pushed my ass into his crotch. He whipped me around to face him, his expression intense. My knees threatened to buckle under the weight of the need I saw there.

  “Take me, Marco,” I murmured. “Show me you still want me, too.”

  He groaned, then moved to pin me against the wall with his body. The heat and weight of him against me felt so good that I lost control of my eyelids as they closed.

  His fingertips grazed my skin again. I shuddered as his fiery mouth found my neck and he kissed his way to my ear, sucking at a sensitive spot below it. He didn’t stop there, kissing a path past my jaw and to my lips.

  When he reached them, he whispered, “I feel the same way you do, Adaline. Nothing could ever make me not want you.”

  Thoughts about Elena’s warnings slipped into my mind. “You sure about that?”

  He smirked, reaching around his waist to take my hand from his back. He brought it forward and pressed it over the front of his slacks. He was so fucking hard that I moaned out loud and my hips bucked forward of their own volition.

  “Does that feel like there’s anything I’m not sure about?” he murmured against my lips before his took off on another flaming path of their own. “We’re still new, and I’m not making any promises, but what we have is only between us. It’s over when we say it’s over and not a minute before.”

  I rolled my hi
ps again, rubbing my aching pussy against him, but it wasn’t enough. Marco was intent on taking this slowly, as if he was savoring it, but I was impatient. I needed to lose myself in him.

  I nipped at his jaw, but he only chuckled darkly in response.

  Sliding a hand up my thigh, he moaned and caught my lower lip with his thumb. “Don’t rush me tonight, Pasticcino. You want me to show you how much I want you. Let me show you.”

  I nodded, staring at him as he dragged his thumb over my lip. He pushed the digit into my mouth. I closed it around him and pressed my tongue to the pad, swirling it around his finger as if it were the tip of his cock.

  A low, husky moan fell from his lips, and his head dropped to my shoulder. Giving Marco head was one of my favorite things to do. It was crazy, but the guy was so responsive and he got so loud and passionate that I couldn’t help it.

  While I was considering dropping to my knees to replace his thumb with his cock, he drew his finger out of my mouth and lifted his head to kiss along the column of my throat. He unhooked my bra deftly, and the last piece covering me fell to the floor.

  The ache building between my legs became painful. I squeezed my thighs together for some relief but abandoned the plan to take him into my mouth. I needed him in a place much lower than that.

  Kissing a line down my neck and along my collarbones, he bent his knees to plant a kiss on my chest. My hands flew up and into his hair as he sucked a nipple into his warm, wet mouth. He flicked it with his tongue before doing the same with the other breast.

  My breathing got heavier. Ragged.

  But I wasn’t alone. Marco kept making lusty noises in the back of his throat, and his chest was heaving as well. I didn’t want to rush him, especially not after he’d told me why he was taking things so slowly, but I was going to embarrass myself if he didn’t hurry.

  Wonder if he would consider it if I dropped to my knees and begged.

  “Marco. Please.” I hadn’t dropped yet, but I would if that was what it took.

  His palm cupped my mound. “You’re so wet. Do you want me inside you?” His voice was breathy, his breathing labored against my ear.

  “Yes,” I breathed. “Please.”

  His lips sank to mine as my hands danced over his taut stomach. When I slid my hands under his shirt, his skin was warm under my palms, and his toned muscles jumped under my touch.

  My legs shook as his hands skimmed up my thighs again. “I’ll kick you in the shin if you stop again.”

  “How about if I just put these inside you for now?” Lips curving into a smirk, his fingers skimmed my sex. “Would that be acceptable?”

  I hummed my agreement. “For now.”

  His hand was steady as he stroked my clit. I dug my fingers into the hard planes of his stomach as his touched and teased my slit.

  I spread my legs to give him better access. It seemed to do the trick because he dipped a finger inside me and I nearly collapsed.

  “Yeah, that’s acceptable,” I managed to bite out between pants. I dropped my head back and my eyes screwed shut. “God, that feels so good.”

  “I won’t stop,” he said, answering my unspoken plea. The heavy, firm weight of his body pressed me against the wall and kept me from falling as my legs grew weak. His fingers moved faster, deeper.

  His mouth smashed back into mine, his kisses aggressive. Tension pulsed between my legs. I was so close, so damn close I could already feel those licks of exquisite pleasure lapping at my insides.

  Marco gave me exactly what I needed when I needed it. “Come for me, Addy. I want to feel you soak my hand.”

  I gasped, as surprised and turned on as always with the filth that came out of his mouth so smoothly. With his next stroke, I let go. Pleasure ripped through me and I cried out his name as I rode the waves of bliss to heaven.

  He kept me pressed against the wall with his hips and stroked me through it, his voice little more than a breathy moan against my lips. “I love seeing that.”

  “I love feeling it,” I whispered my reply through dry lips once I recovered the ability to speak. “I want to feel it again and again but not alone.”

  “Can you stand?” He steadied me on my feet, waited until he was sure I wasn’t about to fall over, and then took my hand.

  He led me over to the couch, leaving me only to draw his curtains shut. Producing a foil packet from his wallet before he tossed it across the room, he stuck it between his teeth and shoved his pants off to expose his fully erect cock.

  I sucked in a breath as he rolled the latex protection on slowly between strong fingers. He was so fucking beautiful like this, so sexy that my skin burst out in tingles. With his lids heavy, his chest rising and falling fast, and his gloriously hard cock standing proud, he reached back behind the nape of his neck and pulled his shirt off.

  Kicking off his shoes as he lowered himself over me, he braced a forearm against the backrest of the couch and I helped him remove his pants the rest of the way down. “We’re not going as slow as I had hoped.”

  “And yet we’re still going much too slow.” I lifted my hips to graze against him, and both of us trembled at the contact.

  Marco smirked and nipped my lower lip. “You’re so impatient.”

  “You’re too patient.” He moved his hands to my ass, gripping it in a tight hold. “Don’t you dare make me wait any longer.”

  “You think I’m patient?” He dragged his tip through my wetness and released a shuddering breath. “I’ve never wanted anyone this much in my entire fucking life. Wrap your legs around me.”

  I hooked my ankles around his hips and positioned our bodies, keeping my eyes on his. His cock nudged at my entrance. Pausing there, he twined our fingers together before he thrust forward.

  We both breathed out sighs of relief as he drove himself into me with powerful motions of his hips. His breaths came out in gasps, and my hands went to the back of his neck as I drew him closer and kissed him.

  Fuck, he felt good.

  Marco’s steady motions continued, and a groan ripped from his throat. “You feel so fucking good.”

  “It’s like you read my mind,” I moaned. Kissing me hungrily when his lips came back to mine, he thrust into me again, moving harder and faster until everything he was doing was perfect.

  I arched my hips to press my clit against his pubic bone, losing myself to everything but the pleasure building deep inside me once more. My fingers tightened on his skin as the desperation to touch him everywhere all at once overcame me. His hands did the same, roaming, exploring, pinching, and grazing until every nerve was primed.

  Marco groaned in a way that sounded almost feral, definitely getting close to the edge. “Fuck, Addy. I can’t—I need—”

  Hearing the same desperation as I felt in his voice sent shock waves of need through me. The obvious sound of his imminent pleasure pushed me right to the edge with him. With his next deep stroke, I stopped trying to fight against it and came again.

  A large hand knotted in the hair at the nape of my neck as he surrendered to his own release.

  “Addy.” He let out a loud moan before I felt his cock pulse inside me. As he emptied himself, he buried his head in the crook of my neck, hips bucking as his muscles quivered with mine.

  When both of our bodies relaxed, he pressed his lips to my shoulder as we waited for our breathing to return to normal. He propped himself up on his forearms and pulled his head back to look at me.

  “Want to do the pajama and movie thing now? I have a comfortable shirt you could borrow if you want it, but I’d be perfectly happy if you stay naked.”

  My limbs were still a little shaky, but I managed to give him a weak shove. “I’ll take the shirt, thanks. If I don’t, we’ll never get around to watching the movie.”

  “Good point.” He dropped a kiss on the tip of my nose, his muscles stretching as he pushed himself off of me. “Let’s go take a shower and get some snacks. We can pick a movie when we come back.”

  I nodde
d my agreement and followed him to his gigantic en-suite bathroom. Showering together turned out to be as tempting as I’d predicted would happen if we stayed naked.

  By the time I stumbled out of the stall, we’d each had another orgasm. I felt like I’d been made of jello, but I managed to get into the shirt he offered.

  Marco towel dried his hair before pulling on a pair of drawstring pants. As he looked over at me sprawled out on his bed, wearing his shirt, his eyes darkened again.

  I shook my head, laughing as I patted the spot beside me. “You cannot possibly be ready to go again.”

  He shrugged. “I’m always ready to go again with you, but we can take a break if you need it.”

  “I was promised a movie and snacks.” I sat up, inclining my head at the flatscreen TV mounted on his wall. “Do you think we can watch here? I’m not sure how much longer I’m going to be able to stay awake.”

  He nodded, coming over to kiss my eyelids before pressing a sweet kiss to my mouth. “I’ll go get the snacks. You line up a movie.”

  Grabbing a sleek black remote from his nightstand, he tossed it into my lap and left the room. I smiled to myself as I got comfortable in the bed, climbing underneath the comforter as I pressed the power button.

  The screen lit up while I fluffed some pillows behind my back and flicked on the lamp beside me. I scrolled through the movies he had on offer, narrowed down our choices to a shortlist, and waited for him to return.

  A few minutes later, he came strolling back in, his arms laden with an assortment of snacks. He spread them out like a picnic on his bed before joining me in it.

  We debated the shortlist and settled on a movie neither of us had seen, but I didn’t play it yet. I turned to face him instead. He’d turned off the main light when he’d come in and saw the lamp on.

  His chiseled features were shadowed in the low light, but I needed to get a question off my chest. “Does it bother you that I grew up without parents?”

  “What do you mean?” He frowned.


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