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Off Limits: Playboys of New York Series

Page 20

by Low, JA

  Rolling my eyes, I continue into the living room, crashing against the armchair, and slowly start taking my whore boots off.

  “You look thoroughly fucked.” Emma smiles at me.

  “I most certainly have been.”

  Emma bursts out laughing. “It’s nice to see you back to your normal self again.”

  “He makes me happy,” I confess to her. Honestly, I want to shout it from the rooftops.

  “I know. I can see it. He’s a keeper, Chlo. He’s a good guy.” Emma’s confession surprises me.

  “I think he’s the one,” I blurt out the turmoil that’s been swirling around in my mind.

  Emma’s eyes widen, and her face lights up. “Wow. That’s big.”

  “He told me tonight he can see us in the suburbs with a dog, white picket fence, and kids running around.”

  “Holy shit,” Emma gasps. “What do you think about that?”

  “I want it, too. I never thought I did, especially not with Walker, but with Noah…” I let the words fall away.

  “You love him,” Emma states.

  “Yeah. I think we both love each other. It’s fast, though, right?”

  “You’re talking to the wrong person.” Emma throws her hands up. “But as long as you’re both on the same page, then that’s all that matters.”

  “Are you and Anderson on the same page?” I question her now it’s just the two of us.

  “Yeah, we are. Otherwise, it won’t work.”

  “How does it work? You two living together.”

  “We’re both very sexual people. We like exploring things outside of what normal society thinks a couple should.” I’m intrigued. “We’re both too busy to focus on a relationship. Most people are needy when they’re in one. You have to consider their needs when you’re barely able to look after your own.” I get that. “I’m so focused on growing my business, I don’t have time to maintain a boyfriend. I have time for pleasure, and that’s about it. Hence, why I am up at one in the morning working my butt off.”

  Shit, I had no idea she’s working such long hours.

  “You have to look after yourself, too. Otherwise, you will burn out,” I warn her.

  “I know.” She rolls her eyes. “That’s why this thing with Anderson works. If we are both home at the same time and need a release, we do it. If I’m busy or he’s busy, or not even in the same city, then we go and have discreet fun at the club.”

  “Are you jealous?”

  Emma scoffs. “No. There’s no feelings. We’re roommates. Friends even.”

  “But you sleep together.”

  “Sweetie. I can tell the difference between love and sex. You and the others, you are having sex because you’re trying to find the one. Me, I am having sex because I need the release to continue working. I don’t have time for man drama. So, simple, mutually satisfying, discreet fun.” When she puts it like that, I get it. “But do I like coming home to Anderson’s gorgeous penthouse where we have a chef on call, cleaners, masseuse, practically anything I want at a touch of a button. That part’s pretty cool.”

  “You said you liked coming home to him earlier.”

  “I’ve been by myself since I was fifteen. You know my family situation. So, coming home to someone who has thought about your needs, without you even having to tell them, is enjoyable. It’s nice to have a conversation with someone who understands business and can point me in the right direction. Who has the right connections.”

  “Like a mentor?”

  “Yeah. He’s my business mentor. Most nights, he runs through my business from the accounts to my social media. He’s a brilliant man. Don’t tell him I said that, he’s cocky as hell as it is.”

  “A year is a long time, though,” I warn her.

  “Trust me, Chlo. I’ve got this.” She sounds so confident, maybe she’s right. I don’t understand it, but that’s because I wouldn’t be okay with a relationship like that. Em’s happy, and that’s the most important thing.

  “Well, I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks, babe.” She smiles.

  “Now, are you going to tell me more about The Paradise Club?” Emma bursts out laughing.

  * * *

  “I think telling EJ in a public place is a good idea.” Anderson chuckles in the back of the limousine, teasing Noah, who looks a little green, if I’m being honest. I convinced Emma and Anderson to double with us. There’s safety in numbers.

  “We can tell him that we’re married first. It might soften the blow,” Emma suggests. “That’s what friends are for.”

  “Maybe that’s a good idea,” Noah tells me.

  “Stop it, guys. My brother isn’t that bad.” The whole car erupts with laughter. “Really? You think he’s going to freak out?”

  “I’m putting a hundred on that he punches Noah.” Anderson chuckles.

  Panic slides over my body. They won’t come to blows, will they?

  “You’re such a dick,” Noah growls at Anderson, which makes him laugh harder. Maybe we should start with the news that Anderson and Emma are married first. Then move onto us.

  We eventually arrive at EJ’s restaurant, and Stella is waiting for us.

  “I thought the private room would be better for tonight.” She gives me a wink.

  Yes, especially if my brother’s going to lose his mind over us.

  Noah grabs my hand, and we weave in and out between the tables. Stella shows us to the private dining room, and we take our seats.

  “Welcome, team,” EJ booms into the dining room like a grenade.

  He shakes the all guys’ hands, gives me a kiss on the head, and kisses Emma’s cheek. Once the pleasantries are over, he sits with a thud then slaps the table making everyone jump. “How the hell is everyone? It’s been ages since I’ve seen you all.”

  “Emma and Anderson got married,” I blurt out quickly before the waitress has a moment to pour us some drinks.

  Emma looks over at me, giving me a smirk.

  “What the fuck!” EJ’s voice raises. “How the hell did that happen?” He looks between them. “Never thought I’d see the day you’d settle down, Ando, my man. Guess it’s just you and me left for the ladies, hey Noah?” EJ turns to Noah.

  “Um… er…” Noah’s speechless for a couple of moments.

  “No. Don’t tell me you’re seeing someone? Oh, for fuck’s sake. She must have a magic pussy to tame you, too.”

  I choke on my water.

  Anderson bursts out laughing, and Emma joins him.

  Stella gasps, and Noah’s stunned silent.

  “Actually…” Noah starts. My brother’s attention momentarily distracted by the beautiful waitress pouring the drinks. Noah decides to wait until she’s finished and leaves the room.

  “It’s me. I’m the magic pussy,” I blurt out before Noah even gets a chance to soften the blow.

  EJ chokes on his beer. “What the fuck did you just say?” His eyes widen, his face has turned red, and his hand looks like it’s about to crush the beer glass he’s holding.

  “Noah and I are dating.”

  “Like fuck you are.” EJ’s chair slides out, and he stands up, his furious glare is directed firmly at Noah. “I told you if you touched my sister, I would fucking kill you.” He points his finger at Noah.

  “I know. I tried to stay away, but I couldn’t… I love her, man.” The room falls silent.

  Turning, I look at Noah, my heart skipping a billion beats. “I love him, too.”

  Noah’s eyes meet mine. “Yeah.” He gives me a cocky grin.

  “Yeah. You and Frank.” Noah’s eyes widen at the private joke between us, then he smirks.

  “Who the fuck is Frank?” EJ roars.

  “Our dog,” Noah tells him.

  “You have a fucking dog, too? Next, you’ll be telling me you live together.”

  “We kind of do.” EJ rakes his hands through his hair. I think he might be having a heart attack.

  “And you’re fucking married.” Pointi
ng at Anderson, who holds up his hands and shrugs his shoulders. “Have I stepped into the fucking Twilight Zone.”

  “EJ.” Standing, I walk over to my very confused brother. “Noah means a lot to me, and I know it’s going to take you time to accept us, but we’re in it for the long haul.”

  “You are?” He looks over at Noah.

  “The whole nine yards, man. I’m done.”

  “Fuck.” Raking his hands through his hair again. “Fuck me. I never… I just… you love him?” I nod my head in agreement.

  “And you love her?” He looks over at Noah.

  “With my heart and soul.”

  Oh my God, I’m so giddy with excitement. Stella lets out an “aw” beside us.

  “You break her heart, I break your fucking neck.” He points to Noah.

  “I won’t,” he tells him confidently.

  “You sure you want him?” EJ asks.


  “Fine. I guess.” EJ gives me a hug and sits down, but I can tell he’s slightly confused. “And you two are in love as well?” His attention now on Anderson and Emma.

  “Hell, no,” Emma adds quickly, while Anderson agrees.

  “Then why the fuck are you two married?”

  Anderson launches into the whole story about how they ended up married.

  After the initial shock, EJ eventually settles down and the night ends up going really well.

  “You love me. You want to kiss me,” I tease Noah while everyone’s busy in conversation.

  “You know I want to do so much more than that. But your brother’s sitting across from us, and it would be totally inappropriate to say all the things I want to do to you.” My legs squirm with desire as his words direct heat right between them.

  “Do you think it would be rude if we left early?”

  Noah chuckles against the rim of his glass. “I think we’d give your brother a heart attack.”

  He’s probably right.

  Eventually, the night wraps up. We’re waiting outside for our limousine to arrive. My arms are wrapped around Noah. He kisses the top of my head as he talks to Anderson.

  “Seriously?” EJ steps outside with us. “You two make me sick.” But he says it with a smile. “Okay, I see it now, but I’m still pissed that you went behind my back and hooked up with my sister,” he tells Noah. “But I know you’re a good guy, and I guess I’d rather her be with you than some punk-ass hipster.”

  Noah laughs. “Thanks. I think.” They shake hands.

  “I’ll still kill you if you fuck this up.”

  That warning’s very serious, so I untangle myself from Noah and reach out for EJ.

  “Enough with the big brother bullshit,” I warn him. “I love you. I’m happy, and that’s all that matters.”

  He looks down at me. “I’ll always be here for you. No matter what, okay?”

  I know he will be.



  It’s been a couple of weeks since dinner with my brother, and Noah and I are going from strength to strength. We’ve been flat out getting everything ready for today, which is the opening of The Hamptons Estate. We’re kicking off the summer with a Friday night white party, and due to the exclusivity of the event, it’s been the hottest ticket. Our advertising has gone viral, and we’ve sold all memberships for the summer season, which has blown the boys away. Not much else to do now except to maintain the best service in line with The Stone Group’s ethos.

  “Are you ready?” inquires Camryn, the event planner and the woman who is married to the sex club owner. I have so many questions, but I’m not meant to know about the club’s existence, so no questions will be asked.

  “I think so.” Looking out over everything the boys have worked so hard on, it’s come together. “And thank you so much for organizing everything, it looks so beautiful.”

  “My pleasure, it’s what I do.” Camryn smiles at me. “It’s such a beautiful venue and what an idea… a member-only hotel. This is what the elites of The Hamptons need. Ridiculously rich people are always trying to find something that their friends don’t have or can get. It’s that one-upmanship that they thrive on.” What a compliment. “I also heard that you’re dating Noah?” My stomach sinks. How the hell does she know this? “Judging by the panic on your face, it’s not common knowledge,” she states.

  “Um… no. I was trying to keep the two separate. Didn’t want people to think I was given favoritism or anything.”

  “I totally get it.” She gives me a warm smile. “I married my boss.”

  Wow! I had no idea.

  Hang on—she married her boss.

  I thought her husband ran elite sex clubs.

  Does she work at them too?

  “You really need to work on your poker face, I can see your mind ticking over.” Oh shit. “Plus, I know Anderson has a big mouth. If he wasn’t one of my husband’s friends, I would be kicking his ass to the curb. Anderson’s so annoying that you just have to love him.” I totally get what she means. “All I’m saying is people talk either way. You shouldn’t let the small percentage of haters stop you from being yourself. People thought I slept my way into Nate’s life, that I used him and his connections to help my business. My business was booming way before he came along, and it still would have been booming if we hadn’t gotten together.” I like her. “Hope I’m not overstepping here. It’s totally unprofessional.” She gives me a warm smile.

  “No. Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

  “Also. Former womanizers can reform for the right woman.” She rubs her stomach giving it a pat.

  “No. Are you?” She nods her head and smiles. “Oh my God, congratulations.” I reach out and give her a hug.

  “Thank you. I’ve just gone over the three-month mark. It’s been hell. But I wouldn’t change it for the world. The way Noah looks at you is the same way Nate looks at me. He’s a man totally gone.” I had no idea she noticed. “I Googled you.” Oh, no. “I went through something very similar.”

  “Really?” Who the hell would cheat on her?

  “I planned my boyfriend’s engagement party to another woman?” I choke on the gulp of water I chose at the wrong time to take. “I know, right?” She smiles. “Such a dick. Anyway, a lot of shit went down before Nate and I could get our happy ever after. Just know the gossips and trolls will leave you alone, eventually,” she reiterates.

  “They’re the worst.” It’s nice talking to someone who actually understands something, not many people can.

  “They are. It’s hard when they infiltrate your new life. I get why you haven’t gone public with Noah. Self-preservation.” She’s right. Noah’s very high profile, and after the disaster that was Walker and all his fans, I don’t want to have to deal with Noah Stone’s groupies. “But honestly, they will be there whether it’s now or in a year’s time.” That’s very true. “Maybe it‘s the hormones, but I want everyone to be in love and happy,” she says giddily.

  I give her a hug taking in everything she’s said.

  “You can call me anytime, too. You’ve got my number.”

  That’s so sweet of her.

  “We should have you around for a barbecue one Sunday. I’ve got my LA friends coming to visit soon, you’d love them. They’re crazy.”

  “Sounds great.” I’m genuinely surprised.

  “Okay. Go kick butt. I have shit to finish. People to yell at.”

  This makes me laugh as I watch her strut off in her heels.

  She’s way too cool.

  * * *

  “Hey.” Noah wraps his arms around me as I stare out toward the ocean as the sun sets. The night has been so successful, the paparazzi are out in force with so many beautiful people enjoying themselves. “You did it.” Noah nuzzles into my neck.

  “Yeah, we did it.”

  Noah turns me around in his arms, his hands clasp my face. “No. You did it. This was your idea. You turned a normal hotel opening into the hottest ticket this summer. You took our
business to a whole other level, Chloe.” Tears well in my eyes. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said. “Don’t cry, baby.” He kisses my tears away.

  “I’m ready.”

  The sudden change of topic throws him. “Ready for what?” he asks cautiously.

  “Ready to stop hiding us.” His eyes widen. “I’m ready to let people at work know we’re together, especially now that the hotel is launched.”

  “Really?” He picks me up and spins me around. “So, that means we can hold hands as we walk the red carpet at events?” I nod. “That I can kiss you at work?” I raise a brow at him. “Okay, still keeping it professional.” He smiles.

  The tension in my body begins to seep away. Camryn’s right, people are going to talk no matter what. I shouldn’t hide what Noah and I have because of some stupid, immature trolls.

  “We going to make it Facebook official then?”

  “Guess so.” He pulls out his phone and takes a selfie with the sun setting behind us. It’s the first one of us as a couple.

  “#shesallmine @Chloe_JonesNYC” Noah grins as he posts it to Instagram.

  Not going to lie, there’s slight anxiety bubbling beneath the surface waiting for the fallout to happen. Waiting for the trolls to find my Instagram account, which is private, but still, somehow, they will find a way to get into it like they have before.

  “What a brilliant day. Hotel launch. Hot couple launch, and start of summer.” Noah’s giddy or maybe he’s slightly tipsy.

  * * *

  “Go around the block again, please,” Noah tells our driver as we pass our home, and the crowd of paparazzi run after us.

  “How the?”

  “They’re vultures. You know that.” Wrapping my arms around myself, it takes me back to a bad time in my life.

  “I didn’t think they would actually care.”

  “You’re dating one of the ‘playboy twins of New York.’” He tries to lighten the mood. “But honestly, I’m surprised, too.” He opens his phone which he’s had switched off for most of the weekend. We spent it relaxing in The Hamptons after working so hard on the project. As soon as he turns his phone back on, the device buzzes to life, and he looks over at me concerned. This isn’t good. Noah gives the driver directions to one of his hotels. Thankfully, we’re able to use the back entrance.


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