What a New Year's Eve
Page 22
“Do you think I would miss cookie baking day?” Victor declared, removing his coat to hang in the mud room then returning to see what all he needed to do.
“Of course not.”
Two hours into it and many dozens of cookies later, a knock sounded on the front door. Maren went to answer it, hoping it wasn’t one of the gifts she bought for him. A man from Fed Ex stood there.
“Maren Wilson?”
“For you. Merry Christmas.”
She took the hardcover envelope from him. Looking at it found it didn’t have a return address. Closing the door, she returned to the kitchen while she opened it. She came to a fast stop, her mouth hanging open with disbelief. Her eyes narrowed as one by one she withdrew eight by ten glossies of a scantily clad blond on Victor’s bed. A few she was obviously naked with only the blanket barely shielding her. Belinda and Victor silently watched her. Without speaking, she handed him the envelope and walked into another room.
Victor began looking at them, then to Belinda as she leaned nearer. They looked at each other and then back.
“What is this?” Belinda wondered.
“It’s my bedroom with a person I know but never did. How the hell did she get in my home?” he wondered.
“I don’t know but I think you need to talk to Maren and be careful.”
He went to the garbage can, tearing them in pieces before tossing them. Rubbing his hands down his thighs, he took cautious steps to locate Maren. I hope she isn’t crying, he thought. He found her standing near the fireplace in the living room with arms crossed and a stern expression. Her eyes rolled to him and remained as he approached.
“I didn’t..” he began, waiting to see the lower lip quiver and tears fill her eyes but didn’t see that. He continued, “I know her but never did anything with her. Her mother and mine are best friends and have always thought we should be together.” He stopped at the thoughtful expression on her face.
“I believe you, Victor, because why would you take photos of a woman in your bedroom and then send them to me. Now I can see your mother pulling such a stunt.”
Relieved, Victor opened his arms embracing Maren as she went into them to wrap her arms around his waist. His cheek laid on her shoulder. Never had a woman made him feel this fantastic, feel so alive.
“I need to have a stern talk with mother,” he growled.
“I agree but she won’t bother me with her shenanigans.”
“That’s good because you have no worries. Hey, let’s take a short drive.” He suggested.
“But I have cookies ready to bake.” She said, looking at him but still held in his arms. She didn’t see Belinda entering the room. She didn’t see her smile and give Victor a thumbs up who returned it behind her back.
“I can handle cookies for a while. Go on.” She urged.
They drove the short drive to the business section of the town. She kept looking at him and the shitty, mischievous grin he had on his lips.
“Tell me. What is on your mind?” She coerced.
“I know that your birthday is in a few days. I got something for you.” He briefly explained.
“You have to take me to it instead of bringing it to me? And besides, I don’t expect any gifts.”
He gave her a credulous look. “It is your birthday, that’s why they call them birthday gifts.”
“I have you. That’s more than enough.” She watched as they parked around the corner of her parents business and wondered why he chooses to park here. She waited for him to walk around the car to open the door for her. He held out his bent arm as she slipped her hand in the crook.
“I’m still going to have a fast talk with the mother. I don’t know what has gotten into her. She always ignores what I do. Or, perhaps it’s who you are. She asked me if you come from wealth and if your family is prestigious.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Not if you come from having that beat into your brain from rich friends. My parents lead an open lifestyle. If one has an affair that’s fine as long as you return home. Then the other would have an affair and life goes on. They both had affairs as long as I could understand what was going on.”
“That’s sad to grow up like that. I can understand now why you enjoyed Thanksgiving. Hey, I was told about what you did.”
“Now what did I do?”
She giggled, “Bought food for the food bank, even for Thanksgiving and you never told me!” Maren scolded, receiving a shrug from him.
“It wasn’t anything.”
“Just think of who you helped out.”
“I guess so. Well, here we are.”
They stopped walking. Maren looked at him and around them.
“We’re on the sidewalk.”
“Look up, gorgeous.”
Tipping her head back her hands covered her mouth with what she saw. Stunned, no more like in total shock at what she looked at. A huge sign hung above the building she wanted. She looked at him and back at the sign.
“Maren’s Vintage and Steampunk Boutique? What is this?” She gasped, looking at him.
He withdrew a set of keys from the pocket of his coat and placed in her hand. “Happy Birthday.”
“No! no, no. I can’t accept..”
“Would you stop right now.”
“But I can’t. I just can’t.”
Releasing a weary sigh, he grasped her by the hand and proceeded to unlock the door to lead her inside. Going to an electric box to a back room he flicked on the main switch to light up the interior. He returned to find Maren standing where he left her, in the middle of the room. He paused watching her and smiled. Her mouth was opened as she did a small turn, taking it all in. From the original wood and glass display cases to the jewelry, the mannequins dressed in their finery.
She squealed when she spotted the Steampunk section. Walking to it, her hand lovingly traced over one of the many huge trunks used to show off the clothes and hats. Then to the jewelry, the belts, vests, underdress. Stopping, her head slowly shook as she turned to find Victor taking slow steps nearer.
“How?” She asked with tears glistening her eyes. “When?”
“I told you I’ve been busy with an extra project. Belinda helped me. Remember our talk? Consider me as an investor in your business.”
“Belinda helped? How did she keep this a secret? Oh, shit.” She squeaked. Holding her arms out she took him in a long hug as he picked her up and swung her around before placing her feet back on the floor.
She began to wander around again, taking in everything again. “I don’t know what to say!”
“There’s a first,” he teased watching her lower lip protruding. “Maren, don’t even start.”
She took a seat on a tall stool behind the cash register.
“Does it bother you that I can do this? That I can give you things?”
“It intimidates me a little bit. I don’t want you to waste all of your money,” she complained, blinking back a tear.
“Don’t worry. I have enough coming in that would more than cover this. And guess what, your grand opening is tomorrow. I’ve been through the applicants for jobs. You have ten people hired.”
Her eyes widened with the news. “I have men still in town to hang the banners on the windows. There have been ads in the local papers too. Haven’t you seen them?”
“No. I can’t believe that I haven’t. Shit, I’m still in shock. Total amazement that you managed to pull this off with me working in the next building!”
“Guess I’ll be keeping you on your toes,” he chuckled.
“I guess,” she repeated doing another circle while looking at everything.
“We can come back later but we need to get those cookies made.”
Victor and Belinda and she returned to go over spreadsheets, move displays around and redecorate to suit Maren. Victor scheduled the new hires to come in to meet the boss and have a meeting. He remained standing in the back of the room
as Maren conducted her first meeting. He was astonished by her marketing skills and foresight as she discussed the items she wanted to be done by the workers. Discussed their individual job description for the times they would work and etc.
“If during the times you are to work in the steampunk area, would anyone be interested in dressing the part or remain with the same dress code in the vintage and other areas?”
One young lady raised her hand until Maren nodded at her. “I think that I would like that. I never heard of it until I applied to work here.” The others nodded.
“It can be something I’ll think about for sure. It just came to my mind,” Maren replied. “I’ll see those scheduled to work tomorrow. Have a good night.”
“I am so nervous and excited,” Maren announced to Belinda and her mother.
“This is just beautiful. You guys did a great job decorating,” Teresa marveled as she walked around looking at the inventory.
“Little did Maren realize but she was helping me decorate as she described to me her vision if she had her own business,” Victor explained.
“I just love you,” Maren gushed. “I also appreciate you, all of you.”
“My little baby running her own business,” Teresa said, her eyes glistening.
“Now I see where you get that,” Victor murmured in Maren’s ear.
They were in the Boutique doing the final touches before officially opening. Maren counted out the money for the two cash registers before doing another walk through the store primping the vintage dresses. Her chest rose and fell with a deep breath. “I am so nervous. What if no one shows up?”
“People will stop in. It’s a shopping day after the stores were closed on Monday.” Teresa reminded, hoping to calm her jitters.
Maren had no need to be concerned. A lot of customers entered and many items were sold. She swore her jaw would freeze from the smile she wore as she greeted everyone. Often she helped the ladies look for a new outfit. Many were curious about the steampunk line of clothing and questioned the styles.
“It’s an eclectic mixture of Victorian clothing era and steam engines. Follow me to the jewelry and see the watches, even the necklaces have what appears to be gears along with a flower attached. Many people do wear these clothes daily, to jobs. Many people also are involved in the Renaissance era. They wear them to Renaissance fairs where they may sell items and dress the theme. To put it bluntly, it is Victorian wear into the future.”
“Oh, that does sound interesting.”
“Would you like to try on an outfit?”
“Yes, come on Sally, let's try something.”
Victor had been watching her in her natural habitat of customer service. She looked so calm and her exuberance flowed, drawing the customers to her. He remained quiet, helping at the register. He about laughed out when the two ladies emerged wearing the steampunk dresses and listening to their laughter and complimenting the clothes. His brows rose at how good they looked and he wondered what Maren would look like in hers.
The day was long but worth it. The doors closed at eight in the evening. Maren released a long yawn. Her employees left, Belinda and her mother were back and forth between the two stores all day, just checking, they said. She followed Victor to her office where they began to count the receipts and balance the drawer.
“Nice haul,” he complimented.
“It is, isn’t it. I know it won’t always be like this but once word gets out about the products that I have, I’m sure others will be drawn in.”
“I’m sure it will. It’s tough to start a business in the dead of winter but being the week of Christmas, I’m sure a lot of gifts were bought too and we’ll get a website built to help sell.”
“I am exhausted and too tired to eat. I just want a long bath or shower and get in bed.” Adding a long yawn seemed to fuel her words. Victor’s arm wrapped around her waist to draw her near as he sat at her desk.
“Are you happy?” He wondered, grinning as she laid her arm around his shoulder.
“I am so happy.” She answered through another yawn.
“Let’s get you home. Another day to face tomorrow.”
Victor stayed with her the first night of the opening. She took a long shower and crawled into the snowmen flannel pajamas and crawled right into bed. Wearing only his boxers, he followed and before he had his arm draped over her waist he heard the soft even breathing from her.
Her boutique kept her busy and before she knew it Christmas Eve was upon her and panic set in. She decided to close the shop at one and on Christmas day and as usual, it would be closed on Mondays. She still hadn’t gotten all of the gifts wrapped. At least she has the foresight to get the table set with folded napkins on top of the plates the crystal candlesticks with red taper candles. The ivory runner decorated with mistletoe emphasized the depression glassware of white on red placemats.
Having the table set a day earlier helped her out as now she sat on the floor of her bedroom semi-buried in an array of colorful paper and sparkling ribbons. She had her parents gifts wrapped and stacked in one pile, her brother and wife and Ted’s in another stack. Belinda even got a few. So, at the moment she was studying the items she purchased for Victor. Taking extra care in wrapping them all she finally could say that she was finished with that part of the celebration.
It took her four trips but she got all of the gifts down via the dumbwaiters and strategically placed beneath and around her tree. Hands on hips, she stepped back and smiled.
“It’s beautiful,” she said to Mr. Whiskers who was exploring the ribbons on the gifts. “Don’t worry, you have a couple in there too.” She laughed.
Lifting her nose, she inhaled the aroma of the turkey cooking and hoped it turned out.
“We’re here!”
Spinning towards the dining room, she hurried to the kitchen where her mother called out.
“Merry Christmas!” Maren happily replied helping her mother and father with the armloads of gifts and a basket carrying side dishes. “More food?”
“Every year,” her father grumbled as he set the basket on the counter top. “Smells good,” he added, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Rick, Nan, and Ted are right behind us and so is Belinda.”
“Thank you. Put the gifts under the tree. I love having a full house.”
“Maren the table is just beautiful! I love the greenery intertwined through the chandeliers too!” Teresa exclaimed as she entered the kitchen.
“Victor did those all for me. He should be here soon.”
The door opened as the rest of her family entered all hugging and greeting each other. She removed Ted’s coat as he reached for her. She took him into her loving arms and held him to her as she spun a circle getting a squealing laugh from him.
“My Ted. I have missed you,” she muttered, pressing kisses on his chubby cheeks. His hands patted her head bringing laughter from him. “What the,” she ended seeing a Santa hat entering behind the mini-mob.
“Merry Christmas everyone!” Victor called out carrying two large striped bags of presents. “Where do these go?”
A chorus of merry voices returned the greeting among laughter as the white puff ball at the end of his red Santa hat bounced as he spoke.
“Follow me,” Maren laughed, trying to take a bag from his grip.
“I’ll carry them,” he declined, lifting his arm higher. They walked from the room to the tree. “The house looks and smells wonderful.” He set the bags down behind the tree to keep her from tempting to snoop. After slipping from his coat he swept her into his arms, pulling her against him. His hand around her waist the other at her neck, he bent to take her lips in a long kiss.
Maren wrapped her arms around his waist, returning his kiss with pent-up passion. He eased away.
“How long has it been since we’ve been together?” He murmured, refusing to release her.
“Two weeks. You’ve been busy and so have I with the shop. How can
I thank you for such generosity?”
“Let’s say that Stan is taking responsibility for the store.”
Her smile lit up her face.
“Let’s open gifts while we wait for the bird!” Rick demanded as everyone followed from the kitchen. “We’re not having The Christmas Story on the television, are we.” He added with a slight grimace of mocked pain.
“No, we’re turning on Christmas songs,” Maren happily stated.
“Thank you, Lord!” Victor loudly praised among the cheers.
“How many times did you have to watch it?” Rick asked, getting situated on the floor next to a stack as he tried to eye his name on any visible tags.
“Ten, at least.”
“Oh it wasn’t that many,” Maren argued.
“Okay then, nine.”
“It doesn’t matter how many, I’m just glad it was you and not me,” Rick quipped, getting a pillow tossed at him. “Hey!”
“Since I am the patriarch of the family, you children can pass out the gifts,” Davis interrupted the argument.
Victor grew silent as he sat and watched what a family who loved and cared for one another acted and treated each other. Nan was holding onto Ted who wanted to get at the ribbons. Rick was crawling beneath the tree as far as he could in search of any wandering gifts and then sliding back out to place on a pile of the recipient. Davis acted like he shouldn’t be receiving anything but each one he received he shook near his ear then tried to guess the contents. Teresa awed each pretty wrapping of the fancy bows on hers stating they’re too pretty to open and then place near her.
Reaching to the red and white striped bags he brought with him, he produced a gift for everyone. He watched as gifts piled in front of him from everyone.
“What’s this?”
“Looks like presents for you,” Maren quipped. At his stunned expression, she added, “It’s the giving. I’d rather give than receive but then they all like to give too. Sometimes they give too much.” Squeals of surprise caught their attention. Looking, Teresa looked near to passing out as did Nan. “What?”