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Thank You and Goodnight

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by Matthew Stephens

You and Goodnight

  By Matthew Stephens

  Copyright by Matthew Stephens 2008

  The Allstate arena was packed plum full. The air stunk of sweat and cigarettes. It was elbow to elbow and one hell of a project to get a beer or take a piss. The house lights had come on after the opening band, "the ticks" finished their set. The crowd faces looked drained and strung out, but also anxious and excited. The band they had all come to see was about to play.

  The lights went out and the crowd screamed in unison sounding like a super amplified blow dryer. A man's voice came over the P.A. "Ladies and Gentleman, the band you've been waiting for. The ass kickin' in your face, loudest band in the world. The one, the only, THE WARLOCKS."

  The blow dryer went off again as the bass drum came in with a thud, thud, thud. A loud crunch of a guitar rang through the arena in unison with a bright white laser light. Damon "the demon" Deagon walked on to the stage running his long black hair out of his face with one hand and holding a microphone in the other. He screamed at the top of his lungs.

  "Are you motherfucker's ready." The crowd screamed in reply. "A One , Two, One, Two, Three, Four." The band exploded into their latest hit song, "breathing fire" as fire shot up from the stage. Lights of all different colors whipped around and danced on the fans faces. There was a small circle of bodies slamming into each other in the front of the stage. Damon was whipping his long black hair around and then pointing at nobody in particular. He sang the first line.

  "I've been breathing fire my whole life. You can't save me with your Jesus Christ. All your words are just like ice. They melt before they reach my mind." This was followed by a sonic guitar solo. Baldy, the bass player, was keeping rhythm while doing his usual antics of sticking out his tongue, flipping the bird between notes and kicking half full beers into the crowd. Crazy Carl was at his usual post, beating the tar out of the old pigskins. Steve Wallace or Stevie, as the band would call him, led the band through their twenty song set, ripping through all their hits on his guitar before the house lights came back on and the crowd started filing out.

  The backstage of a Warlocks concert was the same as you would expect from any heavy metal band out there. There was the buffet table filled with appetizers, coffee, and water. The band would barely touch this table. They were more interested in the giant cow tank filled with beer and ice and a small table beside that was filled with all the different kinds of booze you could imagine. The band would always come off the stage, make some cocktails, and then talk to the fans with the v.i.p passes, paying more attention to the female fans of course! There would always be a handful of groupie girl's dressed in black leather and dark eyeliner just waiting for a chance to expose themselves to one of them.

  Crazy Carl would take all the opportunity he could every night. He was known to take three or four women to his room after the party for "a little fun," as he would tell them. Baldy was a little more shy, but he still would get his fair share. Damon and Stevie would be a little more selective. It was almost as if they had it all and were looking for a sexy girl to settle down with. If that's even possible for a rock star.

  On this particular night. A very attractive fan stood leaning against the wall underneath the "enter stage right" sign. She was staring down Damon and twirling her hair. Damon didn't see her until Stevie pointed her out.

  "Someone's got their eye on you." Steve grinned pointing with his Budweiser bottle. "Better take care of that before I do."

  Damon walked to the liquor table and made a jack and coke for himself and cranberry vodka for the little lady and then walked over to her. She uncrossed her long tan legs and took a few steps to meet him. Damon watched as she fixed her little black leather skirt and reached for the drink.

  "Ah, this for me?" She said as Damon pulled the drink back still looking her up and down and thinking to himself that this had to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life, and that meant a lot.

  "Not until you tell me your name first." Damon teased.

  She seemed to look right through him with her enticing green eyes. "Venus." She finally spoke as she put out her hand as if to shake. This struck Damon as kind of funny until he realized she was just reaching for the drink.

  "Venus, that’s an odd name. You must have some fun parents." He joked.

  "It stands for goddess of love according to the Romans." She stated catching Damon steal a look at her chest.

  "Really! You must be pretty good then!" he said talking through his plastic cup.

  "Good at what?" She was acting like she didn't know what he was talking about. Crazy Carl walked by patting Damon on his back.

  "That's my boy!" he said softly as he went on to slap some groupie's ass.

  "I think you know what I meant." He said lightly blushing from his drummers stupid antics.

  "Well, why don't you take me somewhere and find out." She grabbed his shirt.

  Damon and Venus spent about an half an hour talking and drinking backstage until they caught a cab outside the arena to take them to the holiday inn. On the way, Venus had been kissing his neck and groping for whatever she could in the darkness of the cab's back seat. When they arrived, Damon had taken a minute to pay the driver as Venus got out. What he was really doing was trying to get the erection in his pants to settle down.

  They walked up to the hotel's main entrance elbow's wrapped around each other’s. Stevie was standing there smoking a cigarette and holding his black guitar case. He never let the roadies pack his guitar up nor would he ever use a different guitar to play. It was his baby and his ritual.

  "Don't you kids go staying up all night, We got to leave early for cheese country tomorrow!" Stevie heckled them with his best granny impression as they started walking through the door.

  Damon checked in at the front desk and the two of them made their way to room 201. Across the hall they could hear bottles clanging, laughing, and what Damon thought was a girl moaning. Crazy Carl! He thought to himself as he slid the card in the door. He flipped the switch and held the door open. "Ladies first!'

  The two room Jacuzzi suite was what you would expect from someone who sold as many records as Damon "The demon" Deagon.

  "How about a stiff one? They always keep me happy. I bet If I told them I wanted some fucked up wine from Israel, they would have some poor son of a bitch searching the city for it." Damon laughed as he was already pouring two glasses of whiskey.

  "I want you to come here. Sit right here!" Venus responded while taking off her jacket and throwing it on the couch. She walked slowly like a cat would stalking it's prey and turned on the radio. Damon walked to the spot where she told him grinning like a little boy and holding the glasses of whiskey. It was a small love seat with a giant table sitting in front of it that appeared to be made of mirrors. Venus walked toward him biting her lip and kicking off her heels. She stepped slowly on to the table. Some African, weird music was playing on the radio that Damon didn't really like, but he wasn't going to complain about what was going on in front of him.

  Venus was swaying back and forth like a snake. Her shirt was laying in Damon's lap. If you could call it a shirt, just a couple of small strings connected to two patches of leather. Something like a rosary bead necklace dangled between her breasts. Damon went to set the drinks down , but before he could, Venus was in his lap grinding her hips against his pelvis and offering him a taste of her perky breasts.

  She sat back teasing him and took one of the glasses of whiskey. Without even wincing, she downed it. She threw the glass behind her and grabbed the other one.

  "Hey," was all Damon could get out before the second glass was gone.

at do you say we move this party to the bedroom?" Venus whispered as she got up and led the way. She stripped Damon quickly and pushed him hard on to the bed like some kind of dominatrix.

  Damon's first feeling was complete joy as Venus climbed on top of him and slid his penis into the beautiful warmness. Time and time again, Damon has enjoyed this feeling, but this somehow felt better. As he was just about to explode the feeling changed. Pain! Oh! horrible pain. It felt like his lungs were going explode, his eyes were on the verge of popping out of his head, his heart was going to race itself into a million pieces. Good! Oh, God! It feels good again. Incredibly good. Ecstasy!

  The room was going nuts as Damon kept switching back and forth from these incredible feelings. The curtains were blowing like a tornado was ripping the building apart. There was lightning or electricity shooting through the air. At one point when Damon could manage to pry an eye open, Venus's eyes were glowing bright white. Pain! Pleasure! Incredible Pain!

  Damon woke up to a pounding on the door. He raised a hand to his aching head and

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