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The Inheritance

Page 4

by D Michele Robbearts

  Once the food started to ease their hunger, conversation started. They were getting to know each other and Nimue was glad. She felt the worry and nervousness coming off of them. The only one somewhat calm was Merlin. That was because he knew what was going on. She finished her cheese and bread and took a deep gulp of wine. Standing up and looking across the table she said, “I go to find my bed and rest. I have set a spell for protection for the Isle and the keep. For security reasons, please find your beds after dinner. Do not leave the keep until morning. I bid you all a good night. May the Goddess grant you peaceful dreams.” She left to get some rest.

  Everyone else to that as a cue and finished up their dinner. Then they bid each other a good night and left to find their own beds and rest. Sleep would elude them as each now wondered as to why they were assembled on Avalon. The fact that all the elements were represented did not go unnoticed. They didn’t say anything to their credit. Each choosing to keep any questions until the next day. It was going to be a long night, at least they were full.

  The dawn came sooner than they thought. No one got much sleep due to the many questions that were left unanswered. Well…They had kept the questions to themselves and really were just wanting to ask them now. Magic is a wondrous thing. As soon as they were up and getting ready for the day did, they each receive a message to meet in Nimue’s potion rooms after the noon meal.

  The guardians all headed to the potion room. They had all ate the noon meal and spoke of where they were from. Merlin had started the conversation. He felt that since they were going to be a team, they should learn about each other. The bonds they would build in this fight would hold them together. Merlin knew that they would be required to take a blood oath. The binding would also be through their bloodlines. Once they had finished the noon meal, they made their way to Nimue's potion room. The door was shut but they could hear low voices coming from within. So Melusine knocked softly on it.

  The door opened on its own and they filed in and looked around. It was a set of rooms actually, once they walked in, they could see another room that was off to the side. The first room was cozy with chairs and walls lined with books. Nimue called then to come into the room that was off to the side.

  They walked in and saw a beautiful Fae woman there. Nimue said, “Please gather round the table. This is Queen Teharessa she arrived earlier. We are all now in attendance and proceed.” Teharessa acknowledged the guardians and moved to stand near a podium where a book laid open. Nimue could feel the nervousness of the room and quickly tried to dampen the sensations. Everyone gathered around the large table that was in the center of the room. The table was used for making potions and for spell preparations. The table already had various objects laid on top of it. They fanned out around the table so everyone had a spot and could see clearly. At the head of the table stood Nimue.

  Teharessa moved to stand left of her. Merlin took the place to her right. Everyone else spread out around the table. Nimue looked around and knew this was the moment. “I asked you all here because there is a great evil upon us. I have received a vision from the Mother Goddess and a war is coming. A war between light and dark magic. I’m sure you all have heard of Morgaine and the dark deeds she has been accused of.” Everyone nodded and she continued her explanation. “You all have been chosen to be the guardians of some of the most sacred magical objects. You all have great power in your magic. You have been found worthy by the Goddess and I called you here to ask you to take up the mantle of our cause.

  The Goddess has found favor in you and I must not continue to be the sole keeper of the talismans. It is too dangerous to keep them together with only me as the guardian. This task I ask of you is a serious endeavor. The talismans will be bound to you and your bloodline for eternity. We will make a blood pact to become the Guardians of the Mystic Talismans, We will fight the coming war on the side of light magic.

  Morgaine has assembled an army of dark beings to fight on her side. She also has a dark warlock as her ally.” Merlin glanced at the newcomers and wondered how they were taking this information. They looked shocked and shaken at the same time. He could not blame them. It was a lot to take in given the circumstances. Nimue said, “Think now if you are willing to take on this responsibility. Evil grows and if we do not stop it, all will be lost.

  If you cannot commit to this task, please leave now and do not speak of this to anyone. There will be no ill will between us. This has to be something you chose to do.” No one left the room proving that the Goddess had chosen wisely. Nimue continued saying, “Teharessa is the chosen guardian of The Club of Dagda. She picked it up and gave it to her. It has the power to kill nine in one swipe of the club as well as grant life to the fallen. Do you accept this task of your own free will?” Teharessa said,” I accept this task it has always been mine, I reaffirm my vow to continue as its guardian. Once I am gone those of my bloodline will also pledge to be its guardian.”


  Nimue then turned to Fiona, “I task you Fiona with The Stone of Giramphirl. It grants the power to be safe from fire and to grant the gift of invisibility. Do you accept this task and all that comes with it?” She handed the stone to her. It was Dragon Stone and it was fitting since her element was fire. Fiona took the stone and said, “I accept this task I so swear.” Nimue grabs the next object and “Melusine, your object is the bracelet of Belisama. Its power is to call water from anything that has water in its make-up. It also can control all beast linked to water.” Melusine took the bracelet, it was beautifully made of sea glass and pearls. She then said, “I take this task of my own free will.” Nimue grabbed a ring made of wood with a circle shaped amber jewel in the center. “Derryth, I charge you with The Ring of Dispel it grants the wielder the ability to dispel any enchantment.” She handed to Derryth. “I accept this great task of my own free will.”

  Nimue nodded and next picked up a feather its end was covered in metal and attached to a long piece of leather with colorful glass beads on Its ends. It was a feather from a griffin. She handed it to Aine. “I place in your care The Feather of Brigid. When invoked it grants the power of flight and to call forth the wind at gale-force strength. It is a hair ornament that can be easily hidden.” Aine took the feather from Nimue and said, “I take this talisman in my care and pledge to protect it. I do so of my own free will.” There was only Merlin left and one object. Nimue grabbed the staff and held it upright. It was made of wood from an elm tree and on its tip was a red colored jewel. “Merlin, you are charged with The Staff of Nuada. It has the power to open up the Earth. It also can control all forms of fire; The wielder can call fire without a flame near. Merlin took the staff from Nimue. Then he said, “I take this task of my own free will and commit to this cause.” Nimue then looked around to all of the gathering saying, “We will now make this blood pact and bind the talismans to you.”

  She glanced towards Teharessa, the queen was already bringing the herbs towards the table. Nimue grabbed her cauldron and the candles she needed. Once the supplies were all on the table, Nimue quickly arranged the makeshift altar. She noticed that she forgot her athame. “Please stand in your corners that represent your elements. I will cast the circle once it is set do not break the circle until the ritual is over.”

  The cauldron was filled with the waters from the well of Avalon. Nimue dropped the herbs into the water. She waved her hand and the candles lit instantly. The guardians were all in their places. There would be no going back the light would have these few to fight the dark army.

  “Spirits of Air I call on you, Spirits of Fire I call on you, Spirits of Water I call on you, Spirits of Earth I call on you. Mother Earth and Father Sky…I call to you. This circle is set Blessed be.” The feel of the room changed. The circle was set, and the elements were there. Everyone could feel the magic in the room, it pulsed and felt almost alive. Once the circle was cast Nimue stirred the water with her hand. Then she took up the athame and held it to her finger. “I call on the Mother Goddes
s to witness this pact and to bind these sacred objects to these guardians. We pledge to protect these objects and fight on the side of light in your name. We so swear it, we ask that you bind the guardianship through our bloodline. As it is above… so it is below… Blessed be.

  Nimue pricked her finger with the athame and squeezed three drops of blood into the cauldron. She handed the athame to Teharessa and watched her cut her fingertip and squeeze out three drops of blood into the water. The athame was given to Derryth, Aine, Fiona, Melusine, then to Merlin. Each of them cutting their fingertip and contributing three drops of their blood. Once the last drop of blood fell into the cauldron, they felt the presence of the Goddess.

  The sacred talismans were bound to them and their bloodline. They could each feel the binding once the blood pact was complete. If they did not follow through the punishment would be threefold. It was time to finish the ritual. Everyone said, “Blessed be” in unison. Nimue then released the circle. They now had a heavy responsibility to bear. They were now… The guardians of the Mystic Talismans. And there was no going back.

  The guardians were told to take their talismans and to keep it on them until they felt they had a safe place to keep it. They would depart on the morrow, coming back when called upon to fight when needed. It was already nearing the dinner hour. So, they left to go eat and find their beds. The day had been a momentous one for them all. It was life changing and the enormity of it all was really sinking in. By the time they arrive in the great hall the food was on the table. Everyone took a seat and started to eat. Melusine looked at the guardians and said, “I guess we are all bound to each other in more ways than one. I just wanted you all to know that I for one am honored to be your company.”

  After the dinner meal, everyone went to their sleeping quarters. Teharessa and Nimue had not gone to dinner. Instead choosing to have a cup of ale. “Nimue, I have had a bad feeling for the last couple of days. It’s as if I can feel the evil around us. Have you ever had a bad feeling you couldn’t explain?” Nimue also had a bad feeling, she would ask the Goddess for guidance when she took her rest. She would hopefully give her a vision so that she could be prepared. “I will stay on Avalon this night Nimue, I feel that it is important.”

  Nimue agreed that it would be better for her to stay. She called a servant to make a room ready for the queen. She knew it was going to be a long night and she wanted Teharessa as comfortable as possible. She, however, would get no rest tonight… Evil was afoot...she felt it down to her soul.

  Merlin was in his chambers when he felt a subtle change in the wind. It felt dark and had a taint of evil attached to it. He wasn’t the only one to feel the change. All of the guardians had felt it. Nimue had put extra protection spells around Avalon. But she could not shake the bad feeling. It was getting late and the guardians all felt sleepy. The day had been long and the new roles they had was now setting in. Everyone decided to try to sleep. The morning would come and they would have to journey home.

  The guardians were all asleep in their chambers. It was late, no one in the keep was up. A dark mist came into the keep seeping in from under the doorway. It was visible as a cloud-like mist. It floated gently through the great hall. Pausing as if to look around, it then floated up the stairs towards the bedchambers. It continued to float down the hall as if searching for something or someone.

  It would stop and enter a room from under the doorway then float back out. It continued to travel…making no sound. It finally came to Nimue’s room. It seeped in under her doorway and paused into the potion room. Then it started to move again this time into her bedroom. Nimue was laying in her bed. She looked to be asleep. The mist floated straight up to the edge of her bed.


  Nimue felt a presence in the room with her, she did not open her eyes immediately. She could feel the excitement and fear coming from the presence it wanted to hurt her. Nimue could also feel the evil soul within the intruder…then she felt the presence at the edge of her bed. Nimue opened her eyes and saw what looked to be a mist. It began to form into a shape of a man. It went from being a dark cloud like mist to a man.

  Nimue raises her hand and conjured a protection spell just as the man reached for her. He had a knife in his hand and was slashing down towards her torso. Nimue’s magic exploded out of her hand in the form of a bright light.

  The light shot out towards the intruder, blinding him. He stumbled back falling into the door, Nimue shouted, “Deamhain A Dhi`birt!” The man shrank back from the spell. He formed back into mist and escaped out through the bottom of the doorway. Nimue was shaking and breathing hard. A demon had just tried to kill her. How he got through the safeguards was a mystery. How was he able to become mist and carry a knife? YES!! Evil was afoot indeed.

  Nimue knew now why she had that feeling of evil and dread earlier. Her heart sunk all of a sudden. What if the intruder had succeeded in killing one of the guardians? She ran to the door and threw it open. She continued to run to Merlin’s chambers yelling for everyone in the keep to wake. She got to Merlin’s room as he was opening his door. Teharessa flashed in right beside Nimue as only the Fae could do. Nimue’s relief was evident as she said, “Thank the Goddess you are all alive!” By this time all of the guardians were up and in the hallway. Teharessa looked at her and said, “What has happened Nimue? You looked crazed!” Nimue glanced around the hallway. “A demon just tried to kill me in my chambers. I managed to conjure a protection spell to save myself.

  It got through the safeguards. It came at me like a mist and formed into a man. Just as he was about to thrust a knife into my chest, I woke and shot a protection spell of light at him. He was in the form of a dark cloud that looked like a mist.”

  Teharessa blanched, that was hard considering Fae were very light-skinned, to begin with. Merlin had a bad feeling. Merlin spoke, “What is it Queen Teharessa?” Everyone looked at Teharessa. She gulped and, in a whisper, said, “It was Ahmar, it was him that tried to kill you Nimue. He is part Djinn, they are beings made from fire and smoke.

  They can take form as a cloud or mist of smoke. He is also part Fae and would know how to get through the safeguards.” Merlin spoke first, “If this is true then they are truly bold to try to kill Nimue. It shows that they are overconfident and now know we are all here. We must be vigilant tonight. I don’t think they are stupid enough to try a second attempt on one of us. But in case they are that stupid watch your backs.”

  The group agreed with Merlin, no way were they that stupid. They would be on the alert though, just in case. Nimue suggested that they all sleep in the great hall. That way they were all together. It would be harder for an intruder to do harm while they guardians were together. There would be too much magic combined.

  While everyone did try to sleep, no one got to rest. The best they could hope for was to calm down and close their eyes and think. The dawn seemed to take forever. Once the sun had risen, they felt it safe enough to go to their chambers to freshen up. The morning meal would be put out for them to eat after they had washed up.

  The guardians were eating when the guard from the standing stones came rushing into the great hall shouting, “My Lady Nimue, a fire can be seen for miles in every direction. The village is under attack and on fire. There are a few boats on the lake, but the safeguards keep them from our shores. They cannot see through the mist.”

  Nimue thanked the guard for the news and stood up from the table. She suddenly had no appetite, she glanced around at the guardians. They all shared the same worried expression. With more confidence than she felt at the moment, Nimue said, “We must go to the village. Last night’s attack was not a fluke. Morgaine and her army are responsible for this. I feel it as sure as I know it was Ahmar last night. The war is upon us now. The earlier deeds were practice to see what they could get away with. We must go confront them and defeat them. If we stamp out their evil plan now, then it goes no farther than here. Let us make ready!”

  The guardians all kept their ta
lismans with them now. They had to protect them and that meant keeping it on them at all times. What good was the magic if they did not have it near when they needed it? Nimue started to shout out orders, “Change your clothes if you must. Prepare for battle and met me back here in five minutes.” Those that needed to change ran to their chambers. Teharessa flashed out and was back in less than the five minutes. Five minutes later they were all back in the great hall. Nimue calmly said, “Ok follow me.” They followed Nimue down to the shoreline.

  The boats were used to travel from Avalon to Glastonbury. Nimue motioned them all to get into one boat. As soon as they were all in Nimue set the boat into motion with a wave of her hand. She was The Lady Of The Lake after all, and this was her domain. She controlled these waters and protected the surrounding villages, this would not go well for Morgaine and her cohorts. The dark army attacked first, when that did not work, they moved to attack the village.

  Nimue called on her magic and made the mist around Avalon disperse. It went from a mist so thick you could not see through it, to a light mist that made them visible. As soon as they passed through the mist. She put the mist back in place to hide the isle. The fires could be seen from the water. The sound of screams could also be heard. It gave the guardians the chills. Nimue glided the boat to the shore and everyone got out. Nimue took the lead. All of the ladies had changed into pants and long sleeve blouses. It made movement easier than a dress. Each carried their talisman with them. They made their way towards the village. The closer they came to the village the more it smelled like smoke. They came to a clearing and saw bodies lying on the ground. Nimue stopped and checked to see if they were alive.

  No one was alive. Near the tree line was a house on fire. Nimue stopped and said, “Pass that group of trees in the village, whatever you see know that we stand together. We must check for survivors. If you run into dark beings of any kind and they engage you, be prepared to fight back. You have your own magic as well as the magic of your talisman. Believe in yourself and your magic. The Goddess does because she chose you.


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