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The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach

Page 44

by Pamela Southwood

place or unusual. He looked over towards the neighbor’s dwelling, Millicent was nowhere to be seen either.

   With Kristen out of the house, Karl settled down in his den and looked over contracts that his secretary had a messenger deliver to him. He was about to finish signing them when there was a knock at the door. He placed his pen on the desk and looked out the window. He could see the front grill of a limousine.

   As he opened the door Anthony Fiore stood before him. His driver was leaning on the car keeping a careful watch over him. Karl looked amused. “Mr. Fiore, what brings you to jolly Old England? How nice of you to visit me.” Anthony did not smile back at him. “Where is Kristen? She left me several messages. I want to know what you have done with her!” Karl stepped back and said “Excuse me for just one minute Mr. Fiore.”

   Karl closed the door halfway and walked back into his den. He opened the desk drawer and fished around for his gun. Anthony pushed the door open and went in the house. Karl was just turning back from the desk when Anthony pinned him up against it. He swiftly took the gun out of Karl’s hand and put it on a table. Anthony pulled Karl close to his face “Who do you think you are dealing with? Where is Kristen?” Anthony started calling loudly “Kristen! Kristen!”

   Anthony pushed Karl down into his swivel chair and said “You are such a loser! Just another Marquis de Sade wannabee.” Karl snickered “Well, then you know that Kristen has been my favorite pet for quite some time.” He began to straighten his tie and remained very calm. “Miss Stratford is not here. She is in London with her friends. I have no reason to tell you anything different. She has indicated to me that she has no desire to ever see you again. She will be taking up permanent residence here. In fact, I am planning to ask her to marry me.”

   Anthony pulled him out of his chair. “Kristen loves me! And until she tells me in person that she doesn’t, I am going to look for her. If you have touched one hair on her for any reason, I will kill you!”

   Karl clucked “Oh, such harsh words coming from such a big man. You know that I do not fear you. In fact, I am going to call the police on you right now.” He reached over for his desk phone. Anthony took his fist and smashed it. He then held Karl up as his driver punched him in the stomach a few times.  Tony was back, and perhaps, he never left. Anthony gestured to his aide to stop “Alright, that’s enough. It looks like this freak is starting to enjoy it too much.”

   Karl remained unaffected and had experienced no pain. “That was a big mistake. You will never see her again!”

  Anthony pushed him to the floor. “I know that you are fully aware that Kristen is mine and you know the consequences if you continue to pursue her. Karl replied rudely “Well, you know that is a matter for debate.” Anthony came at him again.

   Karl spoke in a deep commanding voice, which no longer had an accent or sounded like his own, “Obviously, Fiore, we travel in the same circles and you may have seen me around, but I don’t believe that you know who I really am since you are not privy to that knowledge. Anthony looked slightly confused.

  "That's right Mr. Fiore. Just go back to Palm Beach and you will learn about the rules. I met Kristen first and as it pertains to you, the game has changed. Perhaps Kristen does love you, but we all know that doesn't matter."

   Karl intensely studied Anthony's face. He paused and carefully spoke again. "On a lighter note for you, and what is even more relevant, is that I am growing tired of Kristen and I am thinking that I just might let you have her. I have not made up my mind yet.”

   Anthony still could not process the information and chose not to listen to him. He angrily said “Again. Tell Kristen I am looking for her and you had better see to it that she does call me today.” The two men walked out.

   Karl put the gun back in his desk and pulled out his cell phone and dialed three digits. A man answered. Karl said only two words “It’s time”.

   After spending the day in London, Kristen decided that it was completely the wrong way to leave Karl as she did. It would be better for her to come back and then leave him at the airport as she had planned. She didn’t want him calling the police to say she stole his expensive car.

   When she returned late that night, she was surprised to see three cars lined up outside of the gate, obscured by the tall hedges. She left her shopping bags in the car and walked around to the back in order to avoid seeing Karl and any guests that may be present in the living room.

   She pushed the door open and walked into the kitchen. She immediately noticed that the door to the basement was wide open and the stairway light was on. Then something caught her eye on the kitchen counter. She saw it was a black paper square! Kristen looked in disbelief at it. She stared in the direction of the cellar and thought she heard someone coming up the stairs. She grabbed a large knife from a drawer and held it tight as she ran out the front door. Without a thought, she took Karl’s car again and drove away as fast as she could towards London and the airport.

   When she was safely inside the airline terminal she looked for a pay phone. She was still scared and the weapon was inside her purse. She was afraid that Karl would follow after her and she was not afraid to use it. She just had to find Anthony. She needed his help!

   She placed a call to his house but no one answered. Then she had the operator try his cell phone. It began ringing. Kristen pleaded “Don’t go to voicemail. Oh, God Anthony please pick it up!”

   A man's voice answered “Hello?” Kristen’s words rushed out. “Anthony! Please save me! He’s going to kill me!” Anthony was overjoyed to hear her and quickly asked her “Where are you? Kristen cried “I am at Heathrow. Please help me!”  

   Anthony was relieved she had left Karl’s house. “Were you going to fly home to me baby?” Kristen started sobbing “Yes, Anthony I love you. I need you!” Anthony said “Don’t worry, that jerk is not going to kill you” and gave her instructions on what to do. “Go over to the private jet area. I will meet you in there.” Kristen cried out “You’re here in London? You are at the airport?” Anthony replied “Almost, my jet is there and I will arrive shortly. Go meet me over there. I am on the road right now to London. I have been looking for you. Kristen, I am so glad that you are alright!”

   Kristen said “Anthony, I am so sorry I ever left Palm Beach. Can you forgive me?” Anthony said softly “I am the one that chased you away. I am the one who should be saying that they’re sorry. Just hang tight honey, I will be there soon.”

   Kristen was afraid to leave the booth. She just wanted to keep holding onto the phone. It was a lifeline.

   When Anthony arrived at his jet, there was no Kristen in sight. He walked frantically throughout the airport until he finally found her crying and sitting by the same phone. He reached down and picked her off her chair kissing her. “Kristen, I thought I lost you!  He then became serious and he looked her over. “Did that psycho touch you?" He swallowed and said sternly "Have you ever slept with him? If you did, we are over.”

   Sadly, the moment was ruined because the old jealous Anthony had returned. Kristen was a bit upset and said “I have never had sex with Karl. I don’t think he is capable of a normal relationship. Honest Anthony, you can believe me.”

   Anthony looked in her eyes and kissed her again. Kristen looked down at her purse. “Anthony, I have a knife in here. I don’t know what to do with it.” Anthony’s eyes grew wide. “Are you kidding me? What did that monster do to you?”

   Kristen said nothing. Anthony took her purse. “I am going to throw it out in the Men’s Room. You can’t have this inside an airport. Just wait for me here.” Kristen reached into the purse to take out her cell phone.

   As soon as he walked off, Kristen’s cell began ringing. She saw that it was Karl. When Anthony returned, it rang again. Kristen gave him a helpless look and he knew just who it was. Anthony grabbed it from her and yelled into the phone. “I am here with my fiancée. Why are you calling her? She is terrified and thinks you want to kill her.
I am coming back over there and take care of you once and for all!"

   He almost hung up when Kristen grabbed his arm and said “Tell him his car is at the airport.” Anthony yelled back in the phone again. “Your car is at Heathrow. Do not come for it until tomorrow. Understand?” Karl coldly replied “Please inform Miss Stratford that I have relinquished her. And from you, I will expect a favor in return. See you at the Whitestone. It will all become clearer.”

   Anthony hung up on him and put Kristen’s phone in his pocket. “We are going to get you another phone. He won’t be bothering you again.” Anthony reached into his coat and pulled out her engagement ring. He gently lifted her hand and placed it back on her finger sweetly saying “You don’t know this, but I have changed my life for you and I won’t be giving you any more reasons to take it off again. I promise. I love you!” He hugged Kristen tightly as he kept his arm around her shoulders and walked her over to the other terminal where his jet was. They held hands as they climbed up the stairs to board. Kristen stayed close by Anthony’s side the entire trip. She was afraid to leave him.



  “Only the ocean knows what secrets lay beneath her watery shroud.”


   There had been a rumbling

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