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Courteously Seduced By An Enigmatic Duke (Steamy Historical Regency Romance)

Page 26

by Scarlett Osborne

  “We do have a wedding in a couple of days.”

  “Perhaps it’s not too late for me to assist with the planning,” Hannah said with a chuckle.

  “I can think of a few other ways we can pass the time instead.”

  Hannah’s response was something that sparked the ever present need inside him. He kissed her, loving the way she reacted to him, moaning low in her throat as she bridged what little space was left between them. She crawled into his lap, her hands on his face as she kissed him with all the pent up passion she had inside.

  He had missed this the most. Having her body so close to him, her lips on his. Feeling the yearning reverberate through her body with as much force as it did made him want to forget the fact that they were in the drawing room and that anyone could walk in at any moment. He wanted to forget the vow he had made to himself not to give in to his urges too much, to save that special moment for when he could truly call her his.

  It seemed Hannah wanted to forget that as well and he felt the tremble of willpower as she pulled away from him. “Only two more days,” she murmured, her breath tickling his face.

  Rowland squeezed her hips. “Only two more days.”

  Chapter 37

  Hannah could hardly believe how much had changed within the span of a few days. She stared at her bed, remembering not wanting to get out because that would mean facing the problems that she wanted to run from.

  Now, that problem was long gone, and only God knows where she went. She didn’t know if Miss Flynn went back to New South Wales or if she actually decided to prey upon another wealthy lord, but Hannah decided she wouldn’t wonder about it.

  What Miss Peggy was doing with her time had nothing to do with her anymore. Now, Hannah couldn’t wait to get out of bed, because that would mean seeing the love her life even sooner. That would mean that she was one day closer to her wedding day.

  And now it was here.

  Lily was on the other side of the room, putting out the fire, while a few other maids got her prepared for the day. One was in her hair, a few others taking care of her wedding gown. Once Lily was done, she would return to help with her hairdo, since this was going to be one of Lily’s best works of art.

  Lily, like her, was happy and it didn’t have to do with Hannah’s own happiness completely. Lily’s one love was responding kindly to her and whenever they were alone now, she would tell Hannah all the things that transpired between them. She had held back before since Hannah hadn’t been in the right frame of mind, but now that everything was fine, Lily didn’t bother to keep it in anymore.

  Even though she said nothing now, she went around the room with a smile and a slight hum. It only made Hannah happier to see it and she couldn’t help laughing.

  At that moment, there came a knock on the door. “Hannah?”

  One of the maids ran over to open the door for the Duchess, allowing her to step in. Hannah was the only one who audibly gasped at the sight of her. “Mother, you are absolutely gorgeous!”

  “Thank you, dear,” her Mother said. She almost seemed to blush at the compliment. Hannah couldn’t take her eyes off her. Her gown was made of silk, a beautiful dark blue hue that made her look every bit the mysterious Traveller she had been in her past. Except no Traveller would have been adorned with such extravagant jewelry from head to toe like her Mother was.

  “Would you ladies mind giving us the room?” her Mother said. The maids all bowed slightly and hurried out, leaving Hannah only half done up for her wedding. Hannah didn’t mind, though. She had more than enough time to get ready. Lily had mentioned that if they began so early, she would be ready with too much time to spare, but Hannah was so excited that she didn’t think she would have been able to wait a second longer.

  Lily had dragged out the process, however, which still left her not yet ready while Her Grace was done up from head to toe. “Mother, I cannot believe my eyes. You seem to grow more and more beautiful with age.”

  “Your Father certainly seems to think so,” she gushed. “But thank you again, dear. I’m not here to receive compliments, however. There’s something I’d like to give you.”

  Hannah didn’t realize her Mother was holding something until she was handing it over to her. She saw that it was a brooch. It had a red gem in the very center, with pearls surrounding it.

  “It was my mother’s,” her Mother explained.

  Hannah looked up in surprise. Her Grace didn’t talk about her mother much. Her father, with help from other ladies at the camp, was the one who raised her since the Duchess’ mother had died when she was still a baby.

  “I held on to it ever since my father told me it had been one of my mother’s prized possessions. I brought it everywhere with me and I nearly forgot all about it until recently. I thought it would make a lovely gift for you on your wedding day.”

  “Oh, Mother, it’s absolutely lovely.”

  “Hold on to it, Hannah. You can give it your own daughter when it is time.”

  At the mention of bearing a daughter, Hannah couldn’t help but blush. She hoped her mother wouldn’t know that her mind had ventured to much more lewd places despite her quite innocent suggestion.

  But her Mother didn’t miss anything. “Your wedding night is going to be quite magical,” she said.


  “What’s the matter?” she asked innocently. “I’m your mother, Hannah. I’m sure you know you didn’t just up and fall into my hands as a baby. That’s not how this works, and you’re about to be married. This is as good a time as any to talk about it.”

  “It’s all right, Mother,” Hannah said quickly. “There is nothing we need to talk about.” As much as she felt comfortable with her mother, Hannah didn’t really want to detail to her just how badly she wanted Rowland.

  “Are you sure?” her Mother asked and Hannah got the impression that she was doing that to unnerve her on purpose. “If you have any questions, then you know you can ask me, right?”

  “I’m sure, Mother. Now, please, is that all? You’re going to make me die from embarrassment.”

  The Duchess laughed. “I finally see the day when you can become embarrassed by something. All right, Hannah, I’ll leave you be. The wedding will be starting shortly soon and there are still a few things that I need to get done in preparation.”

  “Thank you, Mother,” Hannah said. “For the brooch. It’s lovely.”

  “You’re welcome, my dear.” Her Grace came over and kissed her tenderly on the temple. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Mother.”

  The Duchess gave her a smile then left the room. As soon as she did, the maids came pouring back in, Lily leading the charge. She must have realized that they had wasted enough time and that it was time for them to get back down to business.

  Hannah rubbed her thumb over the red jeweled brooch. It really was lovely and her heart swelled with happiness at having received it. She could imagine it already, handing it over to her first daughter, continuing a small legacy that had suddenly been put in place.

  This time, when she thought about her wedding night with Rowland, she didn’t blush at all

  * * *

  Within an hour, Hannah was ready for her wedding. The gown she wore was a brilliant white, made of silk, with a train so long that Lily had to walk behind her to hold it up. Her maids had done her hair up in an intricate style that consisted of a few braids feeding into a high curly bun and tendrils of curly hair falling down the sides of her face. She wore rouge on her cheeks and on her lips. Hannah had never felt more beautiful.

  The ceremony started the moment she came into view. The number of guests present was outrageous and she half wished she had more of an active role in the planning to stop her mother from inviting so many people. It felt as if the entire town, as well as all of London, was here to see her walk down the aisle, but when she saw Rowland on the other end, she didn’t care anymore.

  It frightened her how easily Rowland could make her forge
t about the world around her. She became so focused on him that, one way or another, the world began to disappear around her. The large mass of people that filled their courtyard disappeared one by one until there was no one left but her and him. The music playing while she walked faded into nothing and all Hannah could hear was the pounding of her heart.

  Her parents had gotten married at Our Saviour’s Church, located on the grounds of Gresham Manor. They had wanted Hannah to marry Rowland there as well, especially because previous generations had made it a tradition. But Hannah had been determined to do it in the courtyard.

  It was difficult to explain why. They had met inside the manor, first spent time together out in the fields nearby. She had realized she was growing to like him while they were at the stream, and she knew she was in love with him when they were in the woods. He had proposed to her in the gardens and they had spent hours together in secret throughout other places in the manor. It felt like every inch of the property held a piece of her heart for him, and she wanted to leave another piece here. She wanted to have a sweet memory of him no matter where she went.

  All she could see was the man before her, staring at her with love in his eyes as she came closer and closer. She imagined that it was the same for him—that as soon as he saw her, everything else disappeared.

  He is about to be my husband. Soon, I will call myself his wife.

  So many things had led up to this moment. So many tender moments, confused feelings, angry and loving words. Hannah felt she had become a new person after everything and that new person was the lady who was about to marry the love her life—that new person would help her become the wife and mother she aspired to be.

  Rowland reached his hand out to her as soon as she was close enough and she took it without hesitation. She entwined her fingers with his, coming to stand by his side.

  The vicar began to speak. As soon as he did, the rest of the world bled back into existence. She saw her sisters standing nearby, both in peach-colored gowns with roses in their hands. They were beaming from ear to ear and when Hannah looked at them, they waved excitedly at her.

  Her parents stood closer to her, hand in hand with each other. She wondered if they did that on purpose, if they wanted to show everyone in attendance that this family was one that cherished loving relationships above all else. Or perhaps they simply didn’t care and faced with the obvious love emanating from her and Rowland, they couldn’t help but hold on to one another. She had long ago stopped wondering what her parents were thinking.

  The rest of the faces were a blur that she vaguely remembered from the ball. A few friends she had made while at the London Season, the ones who had been genuine and were not desperate to bring her down just so they could shine in front of potential husbands themselves. She gave them all a smile, happy that they had come.

  Then she looked back at Rowland and forgot all about them. The vicar was still speaking and she tried her best to listen, so that she could say what she needed to when the time was right.

  “You look beautiful,” he mouthed to her.

  She grinned. The vicar faltered as if he noticed but then he continued.

  “So do you,” she mouthed back. “I mean handsome.”

  Rowland visibly laughed. A tremor went through the guests and Hannah saw her parents laughing to themselves. The vicar was clearly not used to such behavior before him because he kept hesitating, not sure if he should continue.

  He must have gotten confirmation from the Duke or Duchess because then he started up again. She tried not to distract him anymore but it was easier said than done. A mixture of feelings rose within her just to be standing next to Rowland. Happiness at finally being married, excitement at starting her life with him, eagerness for them to finally find themselves in bed together after so much time.

  She recited her vows dutifully, smiling from ear to ear when Rowland began to recite his. He slipped a golden band onto her finger, then gently kissed the back of her hand. A few of the ladies in attendance swooned at the sight.

  It couldn’t have gone more perfectly. Before she knew it, the ceremony was over and it was time for everyone to move into the manor for refreshments. She held onto her husband, not caring what anyone might say or think now that they had finally tied the knot.

  “Did I mention how absolutely wonderful you look?” he murmured to her. They had a brief moment together alone before well-wishers began making their way over.

  “A few times, yes. I’m assuming you like the gown.”

  “Not nearly as much as I’m going to like what’s underneath.”

  Her heart thudded painfully in her chest at his words. He didn’t give her any time to digest it because then he was pulling her in the direction of the manor, following everyone else. They couldn’t be out here while everyone else was inside but Hannah wouldn’t have been able to move if he hadn’t take charge in that moment.

  He knew what those words did to her. She could see the glint in his eyes, the quiet promise of what awaited her once this was over. She felt her body respond to it generously, her groin tightening, that part of her throbbing slightly in anticipation.

  She didn’t even know what to say and as they accepted all the congratulations from the guests, feasting on the refreshments and the wedding cake, she still couldn’t think of a proper thing to say. Rowland clearly didn’t need her to say anything, however. He just kept her hand in his, rubbing his thumb over her fingers from time to time.

  Though this was a day she had been eager to see, it lasted entirely too long. Now that they were officially married, she wanted to move on to the next part—the part that would finally allow him to have her the way she always wanted.

  “You’re tense, Hannah,” he murmured to her when they finally had some time alone.

  “You made me this way,” she didn’t hesitate to say. “After what you said last, you can’t possibly expect me not to be so tense.”

  “Are you thinking about something?” he asked her idly. “Imagining something, perhaps?”

  He was teasing her. Hannah was going to cast her own bait. “Aren’t you the one imagining me underneath this gown?” she said to him, happy that there was no one close enough to hear. Everyone was occupied with something else, whether conversation or feasting. “Aren’t you the one who’s excited to see me get undressed in front of you? Don’t you want to put your hands all over my body and touch me the way you’ve been yearning to all along?”

  “You’re playing with fire, Hannah.” But she heard the tightness in his voice, saw the flicker in his eyes. She could play his game just as well.

  She leaned closer to his ear and whispered, “I like being burned.”


  Hannah didn’t give a damn about procedures and customs any longer. She didn’t care about what anyone would think if they noticed that they had disappeared. And when she saw the determination in Rowland’s eyes, she knew that he didn’t care, either.

  “Do you know where my bedchambers are?” he asked her. To everyone else, they seemed like a couple in love merely sharing a conversation. No one knew what they were talking about.

  “I do,” she confirmed with a nod.

  “Good.” Then he slipped away from her. She instantly felt cold the moment he left but she knew they would find each other again. She tried not to fidget in her eagerness, tried her best to remain the picture of calm, though the only thing on her mind was vulgar images of the man who would be waiting for her upstairs.

  When she thought enough time had passed, she slipped away as well. Like when they were at the ball, no one even noticed that they were gone and Hannah quickly picked up the train of her gown and hurried up the steps toward Rowland’s bedchamber.

  He was already sitting on the bed when she found him, his shoes off. His eyes were dark with intense passion the moment she slipped inside and Hannah paused there for a brief moment. Though she had been waiting for this moment for a long time, she didn’t know what she should do.
r />   Rowland got to his feet. He stalked toward her slowly and she watched him as he came closer, the suspense building her need. When he arrived before her, he wrapped only one hand behind her neck. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long, Hannah. You don’t know how much I had to contain myself.”

  He lowered his lips to her neck, kissing her tenderly. Though it was a gentle touch, and nothing she hadn’t felt before, Hannah still shuddered. “I know,” she rasped. “I could tell.”

  “Then, can you tell just how much I want you right now?” He kept mumbling his words against her skin, as if he could not bear to part from it for long. His slow, tender tease was designed to drive her insane.


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