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Severed Page 36

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Do you remember?” Leah asked, looking at me anxiously.

  “I tried,” I said, pushing my hair out of my face weakly. “I almost can but it hurts my head to try. Who are they, anyway? And what do they have to do with me?”

  “Well…” She hesitated. “How good are you at believing impossible things?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “Try me.”

  “All right. Leah took a deep breath. “Here goes…

  * * * * *

  “So…I got sucked up into an alien spacecraft and went on a bunch of adventures with two alien guys who wanted me to help break their psychic bond?” I said, when she was finally finished. “And instead I ended up bonding with them…only the bond got broken anyway and that’s why I can’t get rid of this horrible headache?” I narrowed my eyes at her Are you for real, Leah or am I having another weird dream?”

  “I’m telling you the truth,” she said earnestly. “And the reason I’m telling you is, well…we think the only way to ease the pain you’re in is to let your guys come see you again.”

  “What like…bring them through the mirror the way you came?” I still couldn’t believe I was saying all this. And yet, her words to me did seem to stir something inside me. Some strange memory that kept getting hidden by the fog every time I tried to grab hold of it.

  “Exactly.” Leah looked at me earnestly. “Will you let them try? They feel horrible for what happened to you. And…Rylee, I think they both still love you.”

  “Love me?” I shook my head, making it throb again. “I don’t know, Leah—this is too weird.”

  “Please just give it a shot,” she begged. “I want you to be okay, Rylee. Because part of this is my fault too. I’m the reason you’re a La-ti-zal in the first place, which makes you stand out on the AMI database.”

  “Okay, I still am not understanding half of what you’re saying,” I groaned. “But at this point I’ll try anything to get rid of this pain. It’s awful.”

  “So I can send them down?” she asked cautiously. “And you promise you won’t freak out?”

  “I’ll try not to,” I said. “As long as they don’t try anything, uh, funny.”

  “They just want to hold you,” she assured me anxiously. “They just want to take away your pain.”

  “Well…” I sighed. “What have I got to lose? Okay, sure I guess. Bring ‘em down.”

  “I’ll send them in a minute,” she promised. Leaning down, she kissed me on the cheek. “Get better, Rylee. Zoe is dying to see you again and my other friend, Charlotte wants to meet you too. She said to tell you she’s got a spot all picked out for you in her court if you want it.”

  “A spot in her court?” I looked at her uncertainly. “What does that mean?”

  “Well, Charlotte used to be a medical intern but now she’s the new Goddess-Empress of the galaxy,” Leah explained. “She—well look, it’s another really long story. The main thing is, everything is going to be okay.”

  “Okay, sure.” I shrugged. “Thanks, Leah.”

  “I’ll see you in a little while,” she promised, rising from the bed. “I’ll go send Drace and Lucian down first.”

  Then she disappeared into my bathroom where she’d come from and the door clicked shut behind her.

  I stared at the door for a long moment, trying to decide if I’d imagined the whole thing or not. I must be dreaming, I told myself. Aliens and bonding and spaceships and psychic pain and the Empress of the galaxy…that can’t be real, right?

  I had just about decided I was in so much pain that I was having hallucinations and I had better call my Aunt Celia to take me to the hospital after all, when the bathroom door opened again.

  This time two huge, muscular men, both around seven feet tall, shuffled into my room. They wore remorseful expressions on their faces and tiny white towels—my towels I realized—tied around their waists.

  “Oh shit,” I whispered as I stared at them. It wasn’t a dream!”

  Chapter Thirty-four


  “No, ma 'frela, it was no dream,” the one with olive green skin murmured. He had thick black hair and a deep, smooth voice that seemed to go right through me.

  “Are you okay, baby?” the other one, who had blue skin rumbled. “We’re so fucking sorry you’re sick.”

  “We want to help you feel better,” the other one said.

  “Wait…” I half sat up, despite the throbbing in my head, and pointed at them. “You’re…Drace and…you’re Lucian. Right?”

  “She remembers!” Drace looked at Lucian with a grin. “I can’t believe—she remembers!”

  “No, I don’t remember you two,” I said sharply, cutting him off. “It’s just that my friend Leah was here and she told me your names. She—ahhh!”

  My last words ended in a groan because the pain in my head, which had receded just a little while Leah had been with me, had abruptly come back with a vengeance. I felt like someone was stabbing rusty iron spikes in both eyes and scraping the back of my skull just for fun.

  “Ma 'frela!” Lucian was suddenly on the bed beside me, on my right.

  “Baby, are you okay?” Drace demanded, insinuating himself between me and the wall on my left side. My little bed—which was only a full sized one—was suddenly crammed full of big, muscular, alien bodies and I didn’t know what to think.

  “Hey, wait a minute—I don’t even know you guys,” I said—or wanted to say. What came out was just another groan—I was literally too weak and in too much pain to do anything to stop them. Even though I was only wearing a thin oversized t-shirt and a tiny pair of white panties and I knew this level of intimacy with strangers was totally indecent, I couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

  Big hands stroked over my forehead, my throat and shoulder and arms…sliding down my back in long, soothing strokes, touching my thighs. And all the while they were whispering to me, telling me how sorry they were, how much they loved and adored me, how they wanted to make me feel better…to feel good.

  “Hey,” I protested weakly. “You can’t…I’m only wearing a nightshirt. I mean…” But I stopped in mid protest. As strange and frightening as it was to suddenly have two guys who seemed to be complete strangers in my bed, I realized that when they touched me, the awful, throbbing pain in my head faded. Or started to fade, anyway.

  “Ma 'frela,” Lucian murmured, kissing my forehead gently. “How we have missed you! Missed holding you between us and caressing you like this.”

  “Did you?” I whispered, wide-eyed in the semi-gloom of my dim bedroom. “Did you guys really, uh, have me between you a lot?” As the pain faded, a different sensation was taking its place. A kind of need…a hunger that I didn’t quite understand was growing in me.

  “All the time, baby,” Drace rasped in my ear. “Wish you could remember. Lucian and I loved holding you between us.”

  “But…” I cleared my throat. “I’m guessing that, uh, holding wasn’t the only thing going on, was it?”

  “No,” Lucian murmured, looking into my eyes. “How do you feel about that?”

  “I…I’m not sure,” I whispered. “I mean, I don’t even know you two.”

  But though my mind didn’t know them, my body was no stranger to theirs. As they held me between them, the pain faded farther and farther into the distance and a warm tingling took its place. I felt surrounded by them, enveloped completely by their big bodies. And there was something else that was familiar—their scents. They filled my senses—a cool, crisp ocean aroma from Lucian and a dark, spicy musk from Drace. Both were equally delicious but when they mixed together, they made the hunger inside me grow.

  “You do know us,” Drace murmured from behind me. “You just don’t remember. Gods, I wish we could find a way to bring your memory back.”

  “Unfortunately there is no way to reverse a mind-wipe.” Lucian sounded regretful. “Unless…no, never mind.”

  “What?” I asked, looking at him. “What were you going to say? Say it

  “Well…” He shifted uncomfortably. “I was thinking that maybe if Drace and I were to…to touch you in the way that we have done in the past it might…bring back primal memories. But…” He shook his head. “That is far too familiar now, especially when you do not even remember Drace or myself.”

  “I don’t remember you,” I said slowly. “But…you’re both very familiar. And when you touch me it…”

  “Takes the pain away?” Drace asked hopefully.

  “Yes,” I said. “But something else too. It…” I blushed but made myself go on. “It makes me want…more somehow.”

  “More of what?” Lucian cupped my face in his big hands. “More of this, ma 'frela?” he murmured and pulled me in for a gentle, delicious kiss.

  “Yes,” I whispered breathlessly when he finally released me. “More of that.”

  “What about this, then?” Drace asked and one big hand crept around to cup my breast from behind. He was touching me over my nightshirt and he held me tentatively at first. But when I moaned and pressed my breast forward to nestle more fully in his hand, he growled softly and pinched my nipple, sending sparks of pleasure through my body.

  “Yes,” I whispered, pressing my ass backwards and feeling something hot and hard brush my inner thighs. Part of me felt like I shouldn’t be doing this—I didn’t even know these guys, after all. But my body seemed to know them—to know them and their gentle, demanding touch intimately. And it felt so good not to be in pain anymore I didn’t want to stop.

  “You have such beautiful breasts, Rylee,” Lucian murmured, watching with apparent pleasure as Drace stroked and pinched my nipple through the thin cotton t-shirt. “Would you allow us to bare them and pleasure you with our mouths?”

  “Did…is that something you guys did…used to do to me a…a lot?” I somehow managed to get out.

  “Oh yeah, baby—Lucian and I love sucking your sweet, ripe nipples,” Drace growled softly. “It always makes your little pussy so wet.”

  “Well…” I bit my lip, trying to rationalize it. “Maybe…maybe Lucian is right and it would…would help if we did things we used to do before…before I lost my memory. Maybe it would help me remember and…and feel better.”

  “It is certainly worth a try,” Lucian murmured. “So may we take off this little night-garment you are wearing?”

  “Okay,” I whispered. “But… leave my panties on.”

  “As you wish, ma 'frela.” And then four big hands were lifting my thin white t-shirt over my head, leaving me mostly naked and incredibly hot.

  “Gods, I love your body,” Drace growled, when I was lying between them again with nothing but my lacy white panties on. “Look how tight your nipples are.”

  “That’s because you were…were pinching them,” I reminded him in a soft, breathless voice.

  “Aww, did I hurt you baby?” There was a hot light in his eyes and his voice was a deep, hungry growl.

  “If you did then it is our duty to soothe the ache you made in our female’s sweet nipples,” Lucian purred. “Don’t you agree, Drace?”

  “Absolutely,” Drace murmured. And then two hot mouths were on me, sucking my aching buds—hard and deep for Drace and with light, ticklish teasing sweeps of his tongue for Lucian.

  I moaned as the two different but equally pleasurably sensations filled me. Moaned and arched my back as I buried my hands in their thick hair, wanting more. So much more…

  They used to do this, whispered a little voice—maybe the voice of memory in my head. They loved to suck my nipples and it always felt so good even though they have such differing styles.

  Could it be I was finally beginning to remember something? I grabbed onto the memory and tried to follow it, tried to remember more but I couldn’t. I needed something else to help bring it into focus. But what?

  “Uh…guys?” I whispered, still pressing my breasts up to their mouths.

  “Mmm?” Lucian looked up, allowing my right nipple to slip slowly from between his lips. Drace kept sucking a while longer, nursing long and hard at my tender peak before finally raising his eyes to mine.

  “I…I think I’m beginning to remember something,” I told them hesitantly. “But it comes and goes. I…I feel like I might be able to remember more if…”

  “If we would show you other things the three of us used to do together?” Lucian purred.

  “Yes.” I nodded, my heart galloping in my chest. God, was I really going to do this? Was I really asking them to go farther, to touch me more intimately? It seemed that I was and I couldn’t even bring myself to feel guilty about it.

  “Sure, we can show you, baby. But you’ll have to let us take these off…” Drace’s big hand drifted down to stroke lightly over my lacy white panties.

  I bit my lip as his light touch started a fire inside me.

  “Drace is correct,” Lucian murmured in my ear. “We used to take turns touching and tasting you, ma 'frela. I remember one notable occasion when Drace showed me his special technique for making you come on his tongue.”

  “You guys did that? You…took turns with me?”

  “Took turns pleasuring you,” Lucian corrected me gently.

  “Your pleasure always comes first with us. We just want to make you feel good, baby,” Drace growled softly.

  “All…all right,” I whispered, lifting my hips. “You can take them off. As long…as long as you’re gentle.”

  “Always gentle with you, ma 'frela,” Lucian promised as he slipped the lacy white panties down my thighs and tossed them over the side of the bed.

  “Gods, look at her sweet pussy—she’s so fucking wet.” Drace’s harsh, growling voice was thick with lust. “Do you want to lick her first or should I?” he asked Lucian.

  “You lick her,” Lucian murmured. “I enjoy watching how hot riding your tongue makes our little female. I will take my turn after.”

  I bit my lip and moaned as Drace slid down to get between my thighs, splitting them wide with his broad shoulders. God, I couldn’t believe I was doing this! The sight of him dipping his dark head to my open pussy made me close my eyes with lust and shame.

  “No,” Lucian’s voice murmured in my ear and I felt his arm come around me, encircling my shoulders so he could cup my breasts in his hands. “No, ma 'frela, watch as Drace tastes your pussy and laps up your sweet juices. How else can you remember all that we have done together…how much we mean to each other?”

  Well, he had a point—I had to admit. Though I still felt embarrassed and uncertain, I opened my eyes and watched as Drace spread my pussy lips wide with his thumbs. Then, looking up at me to read the expression in my eyes, he began a slow, hot lapping, starting at the very bottom of my slit and dragging his tongue upwards over my slick inner folds. I moaned again, breathlessly, when he reached my clit, dragging his hot tongue relentlessly over my tender, sensitive bud.

  “Does it feel good, Rylee?” Lucian murmured in my ear as he twisted and rolled my nipples between his fingers. “Does it feel good to let Drace spread you wide and lick your hot little pussy?”

  “God,” I whispered. “It…it does. You know it does.”

  “And does it bring back any memories?” he asked earnestly. “Think, ma 'frela—it’s important. If you could remember us maybe…maybe we could somehow be together again.”

  “I…I think I’d like that,” I whispered. Though I still couldn’t remember them completely, the feel of their two big bodies surrounding mine felt right in a way I could neither explain or deny. I tried to remember if this had happened before…tried to recall the times they had spoken of.

  For just an instant the gray fog that wanted to cloud my mind slipped aside and I had a clear memory…Drace and Lucian taking turns between my legs, each one showing the other his technique for lapping and sucking my pussy, each one eager to make me come…

  “I remember,” I whispered eagerly as Lucian pinched my nipples again. “At least…a little. “I remember the two of you taking…taki
ng turns. And you—” I broke off, blushing.

  “What? What else do you remember, baby?” Drace asked eagerly, looking up from between my thighs. His full lips were wet with my juices and I felt my heart pounding like a drum when I saw the hope in his eyes and heard a similar hope in Lucian’s voice when he urged me to tell them what, if anything, was coming back to me.

  “I…I remember this wasn’t…wasn’t the only way the two of you, uh, took turns with me,” I whispered at last, feeling both mortified and hot at the same time.

  “You’re right, ma 'frela,” Lucian murmured. “But Drace and I didn’t know…we weren’t certain how you might feel about letting us…”

  “Make love to you,” Drace finished for him.

  “I’m not sure either,” I admitted. “I think…think maybe we should take it slow. Let me see you—both of you—first.”

  They seemed to understand what I meant because both of them shed the white terrycloth towels they’d had wrapped around their waists and came to sit on either side of me again.

  “Holy crap!” I muttered, looking at them. They were huge! Lucian’s shaft was a little longer and Drace’s was a little thicker but both of them were way bigger than anything I’d ever had in me before.

  Anything you remember you mean, whispered a little voice in my head.

  Without thinking about it, I reached out to take one thick shaft in each of my hands. As I touched their hot, silky skin and felt the guys shift restlessly under my touch, I had another memory.

  “Someone was telling the three of us what to do,” I whispered. “He looked like a fallen angel with huge black-feathered wings. He made us touch each other…taste each other…”

  “Fuck each other,” Drace finished with a growl.

  “That was Lord Mandrex,” Lucian murmured. “He loaned us the Tanterine Key which we used to get into the hidden Temple of Ganth.” He frowned. “Which we still have not returned to him.”

  “Later for that—she’s beginning to remember us.” Drace thrust eagerly into my loosely fisted fingers. “Does it help to touch us, baby? Does it help you remember?”


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