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Dawn of Inception (Felidian Warriors Book 2)

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by M. L. Cook

  Felidian Warriors

  Dawn of Inception

  By M.L. Cook

  This is a work of fiction. There are no huge spaceships hovering above the earth, plotting our demise. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Although, I don’t think there’s any danger of an invasion by giant lizardmen or a rescue planned by descendants of large cats. So, I think it’s fairly safe to assume this entire book is a product of my imagination


  Many thanks to my most loyal fans, who offer words of encouragement when writing becomes difficult. Especially my daughter, Jannette, who has become my number one fan. It seems that I have just finished publishing one book, when she’s on the phone demanding another.

  A shoutout goes to the members of my author’s group! They’ve been there through the journey of writing this book, as well as the others. They are the ones who chose the title of this book. Occasionally I’ll ask for name suggestions and there they are! Many thanks to all of you!

  If you’re interested in becoming a part of my group, just hop on over. Who knows, you might win something! Oh…we have a monthly contest for a free copy of the kindle or audiobook of your choice. There’s no need to buy anything. You just have to participate! (Of course the books are written by me. Lol)

  Before you get started I would also like to invite you to visit my website where you can get updates on upcoming books, plus links to my other books.

  Books by M.L. (Mary) Cook

  Almost Forever

  The Mists of Stone Lake

  Tenth Stem

  Mirror Image

  Dark Intentions

  The Adventures of Lok’Toria

  The Princess Finds a Pet

  The Pet Finds a Boy

  The Boy Finds a Crown

  Fury Rises:

  First Oracle

  Felidian Warriors:

  New Dawn

  Dawn of Inception

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Note from the Author

  About M.L. (Mary) Cook:

  Closing and Contact:


  In book one the sisters, Brooke and Aubree Carter, are separated after Aubree is kidnaped by a race of aliens known as Terrapians.

  The Terrapians, descended from reptiles, are tall, hairless beings with green to brown, leathery skin. Savage creatures whose only goal is to take what they can, while destroying all who stand in their way. They roam the universe looking for inhabitable planets. They will decimate the current population, enslaving its inhabitants, harvest their resources, then eventually leave the world nothing but a shell of what it once was.

  While held captive, Aubree discovers that humans aren’t the only race held by the Terrapians. Locked in cages like her own, she discovers two aliens of a different nature, the Felidians.

  The Felidians are an honorable race descended from large felines. Their world was also attacked by the same ones that have now set upon the Earth. However, as a more advanced society, the Terrapians discovered they were matched in both strength and power. They depart Felidia, but not before leaving a path of destruction, taking with them their hope for the future. The Terrapians swept through cities, taking all females of child bearing years, killing the ones left behind. Now they search the galaxies for the savage race, in hopes of preventing other worlds from suffering the same fate.

  Dante Balliol is heir to the throne, and leader of The Coalition for Unity and Peace. The Coalition is a confederation of planets brought together under the same goals and purpose. They are dedicated to sharing resources, helping those who struggle, and maintaining peace and equality.

  His younger brother, Seth is charged with maintaining the vast forces of not only their home world, but of the Coalition, as well. As head of security, Seth is never far from Dante’s side.

  Pursuing the Terrapians, the brothers stopped at a neutral space station to pick up supplies. Caught unaware, the brothers were captured by the very ones they seek.

  Now the Terrapians have come to Earth. They’ve laid waste to every major city, billions have died. The few who were fortunate to survive the attack are hunted, where they’ll find themselves in camps where they’ll be forced to harvest resources for the Terrapians. Those who can’t or won’t work, are killed. Save for a few unfortunate souls who have been captured for something much more horrendous.

  After they’re captured, Aubree manages to take down one of the guards and free the other captives, including the two brothers. Seth sends his brother in one vessel, while he disables the ship. However, before his brother can make it to safety, the Terrapians shoot him down.

  After crashing on Earth, Dante’s small vessel is discovered by Brooke and her band of troops. As they make their way out of town, they pick up more survivors, but also suffer tragic loss. Undaunted they make their way north, toward a strong hold created by Brooke’s best friend, Jannette.

  Our story ends when Brooke sends the group on, while staying behind to search for her sister.

  Chapter One

  Seven years before the invasion

  “Aubree! You’d better get up now, or you’ll be late for school.”

  Rolling over, Aubree pulled the blankets up to cover her shoulder, tucking her head into the warm softness of her downy pillow. Late January, it was still dark outside, her room was cold, and the last thing she wanted to do was leave the comfort of her bed. Peeking one eye open, she squinted at the clock on the nightstand. 6:46 A.M. Blinking, she tried to remember what day it was. Thursday, of course. Almost as bad as Wednesday, but still it was one day closer to the weekend.

  “Aubree!” A loud rap against her bedroom door was the only warning she got before her mother flung it open. From beneath her sanctuary, she could hear the rustle of clothes dropped on the chair in a corner. “Please put your clothes away before you leave for school. Speaking of clothes, you still need to pack your stuff for next week.”

  Throwing the blankets off, she glared up at her mother, “Mom! I told you I’m not coming! There’s nothing to do at the cabin.”

  “Nevertheless, it’s a family vacation.” She dropped onto the bed next to Aubree, “Besides, it’s up north.” Bumping shoulders, she grinned, “Might be snow.”

  Her mom knew there wasn’t much Aubree loved more than the white stuff. Looking at it, catching snowflakes on her tongue, makin
g snow angels, all of it. Every year they went to Michigan for a week, and had what Aubree always called second Christmas. They kept a box of decorations there, along with a large fake tree. The first day was spent stringing lights, garland, and baking cookies. Old Christmas carols played on an even older record player and everybody sang along, albeit, off key.

  But this year, Aubree had been invited to spend the weekend with her friends. There wouldn’t be any Christmas decorations, carols, cookies, or hot cocoa. But there would be boys. Especially that new boy, the one that just moved here from Iowa. Now she just needed to convince her parents to let her forgo the annual family trip, even if the whole thing was set up for her. Tonight, she determined, that’s when she would drop the bomb.

  Pushing away from her mom, she stumbled into the bathroom to begin her day.

  Setting the temperature to a smidge above oh my gosh that’s hot, she allowed the water to pour over her head. A sharp rap on the door was the reminder she needed to get out and get ready for school.

  Showered and dressed, she only had a few minutes to fix her hair and makeup before the bus got there. Running a brush through her frizzy red hair, she dropped everything else in her purse and ran down the steps.

  “No breakfast?” Brushing past, her dad’s sweaty attire was a testament to the fact that he was also running late. Up at four, a strict workout regimen, that was always followed by a you’ve got to be kidding me run. Then it was a shower and on to the biggest breakfast she’d ever seen.

  Aubree could smell the sizzling mess of ham, eggs and home fries coming from the kitchen. “No time. The bus will be here—” A loud blast sounded from the street, and she was waving goodbye kisses.


  The day behind her, Aubree pushed through crowds of teenagers toward the bus. Lugging her backpack filled with books and homework, she ambled toward the back of the bus.

  Megan, her best friend and co-conspirator asked, “Did you talk to your parents yet?”

  Rolling her eyes, Aubree sighed, “Not yet.”

  “You know it’s Thursday. I know they planned to leave right after school tomorrow. I’ve already sent out the invitations.” Megan chastised before lowering her voice, “I even talked my big brother into buying us a little something to spike the punch.”

  Grinning, Aubree cast a glance toward the front of the bus, “You didn’t!”

  “Did. And…my parents are going out to dinner with friends. After that they’re coming back to play cards. Which translates into getting shit-faced, and leaving us to do whatever we want.” Megan held her hand up, palm out.

  Slapping her hand, Aubree looked around, then whispered, “Did you invite him?”

  “You mean, Brad? Of course I did. He’s even bringing a few friends. I told him to come to the back door, then we can sneak him down the steps. That way not even the neighbors will know.” She laughed while scooting into the back seat.

  Pushing in beside her friend, they continued to plan for the spectacular weekend coming up. Ignoring everything and everyone else, Aubree jumped when a balled-up piece of notebook paper bounced off her forehead. Looking up she saw the scowl on the drivers face, along with every other glare from the people still on the bus.

  “See you tomorrow, Meg!” Grabbing her pack, she made her way to the front of the bus, ignoring the jeers and teasing.

  Pushing through the front door, she was surprised to find her parents already home from work. Standing in the opened doorway, she watched them bustle back and forth, between dining room and garage door. “What’s going on?”

  Her mom stopped with a bundle of jackets draped over one arm, “Hi honey! Surprise?” Giving her a quick peck on the cheek, she laughed when her dad pushed his way past her, slamming the door closed.

  “Hey, champ!” He tweaked her nose before lifting a box filled with food for the coming week, “We’ve decided to leave tomorrow morning instead.”

  When her mother stepped back into the dining room, Aubree noticed the car behind her. Trunk and doors flung open, she saw that it was half filled with boxes, blankets and suitcases. “I know it’s a school day, but you’ve only missed a couple of days this year.” She shrugged, then gave her a conspiratorial smile, “They’ll never know.”

  Tossing her head back, she dropped her backpack, then gave an exaggerated sigh. “Of course they’ll know. I’m taking all next week off.”

  Her dad came back for another box, “Last one.” Patting her head as he walked by, he shouted over his shoulder, “Seriously. It’s okay. I called the school today and told them we were leaving early.” He smiled as he dropped the last box in the trunk and slammed it shut.

  Her father stopped beside her, looking down, brows creased, “I noticed you haven’t packed yet. You’re usually the first one ready. What’s going on?”

  Picking up her backpack, she pushed past her parents, stopping on the first step, then prepared to retreat to her sanctuary.

  “Aubree?” She felt her mother’s hand on her back.

  Stiffening under the contact, she fought the tears. Angry tears, tears of frustration, the bane of adolescence. “Fine.” She twisted around, nearly falling off the step. “I don’t want to go. Okay? Happy? That’s it. Megan invited me over for the weekend…she even said I could stay there while you guys are gone.”

  Her mother’s mouth hung open, “But it’s your birthday. We do this every year.”

  “You see! I knew you wouldn’t understand!” Turning, she stomped up the stairs, slamming the door behind her. Throwing herself on the rumpled bed, she allowed the tears to flow. Over her loud sobs, she missed the quiet rapping on her door.

  “Bree, honey? It’s your mom. Can I come in.”

  Lifting her head, she saw the slight twist of the doorknob. Glaring at the closed door, she shouted her anger, “No! Just leave me alone! It’s my birthday! I’m not a little kid. I should…” her voice broke, “…I should be able to spend it any way I want to.”

  Silence met her, along with the uncoiling knob settling back into place.

  Pulling out her phone, she called Megan, “I don’t know if they’re going to let me go.” She sniffled, dropping wet tissue on an already overflowing pile.

  “Really? Because your mom just called my mom, and they’re bringing you over tonight.”

  “What! You’re kidding, right?” Aubree sat up, threw her legs over the edge of the bed, “I’ll call you back.” Dropping her phone in a hip pocket, she went in search of her parents.

  Stopping outside their bedroom, she could hear angry voices, muffled through the door. Leaning an ear against the wood, she jumped back when the door was jerked open.

  His head turned, her father’s anger clear, “I’m doing this for you, Darlene. That’s the only reason. Otherwise, she would find herself grounded and under the thumb of the General.”

  Blanching at the threat, Aubree turned to run back to her room. The General, otherwise known as Grandpa Carter, wasn’t known for his grandfatherly ways. Left alone with him for a week was definitely cruel and inhumane punishment in her book. She’d spent one night at their house. That was all it took. Now she only saw her grandparents on holidays, even then the few hours they stayed was torturous. Perfect posture, sitting quietly, not speaking unless spoken to. There was no television, no games, and certainly no Christmas cookies or candy.

  “Stop.” Her father’s firm command was something she dared not ignore. “Get a bag packed. You have two minutes. If you’re not ready, I will follow through with my threat. You know you made your mother cry? She bends over backwards for your mouthy, ungrateful…”

  “Steve, please don’t.” Her mom’s muffled voice filtered through the closed door.

  “Fine.” He shouted over his shoulder before turning back to her. “Go. Now. Two minutes. Not two minutes and five seconds. Just two minutes.” He flashed two fingers in front of her face, “I’ll be in the car.”

  Chapter Two

  They’d been up half the night, laughing,
drinking cola, and eating chips. When the alarm went off at five, Aubree curled under the blankets, only to have them torn away a second later.

  “You wanted to stay up late and act like an adult, then you’ll have to face adult responsibilities.” Megan’s mom shouted over her shoulder.

  Rolling off the bed, Aubree glared at the departing figure that was stumbling toward the door at the end of the hall. Not only did Megan’s parents let her do whatever she wanted, they had no clue what it was that she was actually doing. Both were incredible obnoxious drunks, who partied late into the night, not even bothering to hide their own deviant actions.

  “We’ll be lucky if they’re awake when we get home from school.” Megan commented on her way to the bathroom.

  “You mean to tell me they’re just now going to bed?”

  “Yeah. Once they’re asleep, though, the roof could come down and they wouldn’t know it. Come talk to me while I take a shower. We’ll stop at the donut shop on the way to school.”

  “We’re not taking the bus?” Aubree grabbed her bag and followed her friend.

  “Nah. On days like this, the only way we’re going to get anything to eat, is if we do it ourselves. Why did you think I set the alarm so early?”


  Sitting in history class, it was all Aubree could do to stay awake. They hadn’t gotten to sleep until well after two, so she was working off barely three hours of sleep. Sitting by the baseboard heaters only added to her difficulties. Eyes drooping, her head knocked against the desk, before springing back up. Wide awake, she stared around the classroom to see if anybody noticed. Instead she saw that all eyes were focused on the opened door. The secretary from the office was leaning in, talking to her teacher, with an occasional glance inside.

  Feeling her cheeks warm, Aubree wondered if she was looking at her. Did Megan’s crazy parents call the school about them staying up so late last night? Surely not, Megan said this was closer to normal than not.

  She got her answer when Mr. Reynolds stepped back. Holding the door open, his gaze searched the room only a second before landing on her. He crooked his finger, “Ms. Carter.”


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