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Dawn of Inception (Felidian Warriors Book 2)

Page 8

by M. L. Cook

  “Never fucking mind what my name is. I’m taking you back for interrogation. Seth will be happy to see you.” She was shocked to see the smile widen.

  “Seth? Seth Balliol? Yes, I’m sure he will. What I have to tell him will make him even happier, I’m sure of it!” Stepping closer, he waved a hand, “Lead on female. I will happily follow you to your camp.”

  Aubree was on instant alert. A trap. She should have known it wouldn’t be so simple to capture one of the aliens. Instead he expected her to lead him back to her people. Leaping forward, she shoved the gun into the bottom of his chin. “How many?”

  Tensing, Aquino tried not to move, a brow arched, he whispered, “How many what?”

  Aubree rolled her eyes, “Seriously? How many of your friends are out here?” Her gaze swept the surrounding trees.

  Caught off guard, she found herself on the ground, weaponless. Laying in the crisp autumn leaves, she stared up at the proffered hand reaching for her.

  “You’re obviously not a very well-trained warrior. Your commander should be informed right away. Never take your eyes from your prisoner.” Tucking the weapon into a utility belt, he nodded again at his hand. “Unless you really do want to meet more of my friends, as you call them…I suggest we get out of here. Now.”

  She watched him glance around the area, then turned his attention back to her and harumphed. Next he grabbed her arms and pulled her up. Pushing her toward the road, he continued to glance behind them, picking up speed.

  His sense of urgency was contagious. Before she knew it they were jogging toward the narrow blacktop. Ducking around one of the many outbuildings, she jerked out of his grip. Unsure if she was angrier with him, or herself, she paced away from the large alien. Taking several strides across the littered pavement, she kicked a large pile of leaves, then walked back to confront him.

  “What’s your deal, buddy?” Hands on hips, she turned a glare up at him.

  “Deal?” He shook his head, arms raised, shoulders shrugged, “I don’t understand…”

  “Okay…so you’re one of the assholes who invaded our world. You destroyed our city, killed thousands, then captured the ones you didn’t kill…now you want to be friends? I don’t think so. The only reason you’re not dead is because I want to take you back to Seth for questioning.”

  Grinning, he ducked closer, “I also have your weapon.”

  Stepping back, she dropped her head, “Well, there is that.” Looking back up at him, she narrowed her gaze, “Still…I could have shot you when you first came into the woods.”

  Tilting his head, he brought one hand up to scratch behind, what she guessed was an ear. “Woods? Your people named the large collection of trees for their resource? What do you call the body of water where my people set up camp…water? Just water?”

  Growling her frustration, “No. Woods is just one of the names. They’re called lots of other things—”

  “Such as?” He interrupted.

  “Forest…I don’t know…what difference does it make?” She shouted up at him.

  “Difference? Perhaps because I don’t want to make a fool of myself? And the water?” He waited.

  “Pond, lake…” she gritted out.

  “Pond or lake? Which is it? On our planet a lake is much bigger than a pond—”

  Throwing her hands up, she paced away. Coming back to him, she remembered that she’d questioned his motives. Jamming a finger into his chest, she admonished, “Don’t change the subject!”

  Leaning against the building, one boot on the wall, he crossed his arms, “Deal? I suppose that was your attempt to ask me what my purpose is?” At her nod, he continued, “Well, those that you called my friends, have a different motive than I do. Their purpose is obviously to destroy your world, taking from it anything they can use.” Bowing his head, he gave her a sidelong glance, “Including your people.”

  Pacing past her, hands clasped behind his back, head bowed, there was something different about him. Pacing back toward her, he leaned against the wall again. Allowing himself to slide to the ground, he picked up a bright red leaf, outlined in gold. Brushing his long fingers across the dried tips, he traced the pattern of veins that ran through the leaf, lost in thought.

  Aubree suspected there was something he needed to tell her, but was having a hard time getting it out.

  Dropping to the ground beside him, she allowed herself to get lost in the beauty of nature. Brooke was more of a spring/summer girl. While she was an autumn/winter person. The moment the trees started turning, she was out walking the paths and snapping pictures. Her huge photography collection of fall foliage and snow-covered vistas never came near enough to its actual beauty. No matter how hard she tried, how much money she invested in cameras or film, it never matched the true beauty.

  “I’m not a part of that. My parents weren’t like the others, either. They never spoke of the horrors the female captives endured. I didn’t find out until my first mission.” His softly spoken words were nearly lost over the sound of leaves blown across the parking lot.

  “You joined them, though?” She cocked her head, looking up at him. It was easy to see how much it hurt him to talk about it, but she needed to know. Ducking her head, she stared up at his mossy green eyes. In awe, she watched him blink a few times. A second lid closed over his eyes vertically, before the outside lid closed horizontally. It was the most fascinating thing she’d ever seen.

  When he sniffled, then looked away, she noticed the single tear that trickled down his leathery cheek. “I would prefer to speak to the prince before I tell you more.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Wiping a hand across his face, he pulled the human woman to her feet. The prince would need to be told of the fate of the female that had spent so very long in his quarters.


  Never had he expected her to be there so long, but she refused to get off at any station they came to until they reached Plethorina. Sneaking off their vessel, he’d taken one of their jumper ships and flown down to the planet itself. Time was short, it wouldn’t take long for his people to notice the missing craft. Landing on the outskirts of the main city, he walked Morena to a nearby market.

  “Princess, are you sure you wish for me to leave you here?” Holding her hand, he was reluctant to release her. The planet was sparsely inhabited, those that did live there were blood-thirsty creatures. Each only looking to line their pockets with more credits. Fear overcame him at what could happen to the young female if he left her alone. Already she’d suffered too much at the hands of his fellow warriors.

  “Aquino, please. You’ve been more than kind to me all these months. Go on back to your ship.” She patted her side, “I have the weapon you gave me. All I need to do is find someone to take me home.” Looking around, she smiled up at him, “I’m certain, of all the planets in the galaxies, this would be the place to find someone greedy enough to take me back to my world. I’m sure my family will pay richly for my return.” Standing on her toes, she kissed his cheek, “Go. Quickly, before they find out what you’ve done.”

  Standing in the hot sun, he watched her run toward the entrance. One quick glance and a wave, and she was through the door.


  Now he prayed she’d found her way home and no more harm had come to her. The story was too emotional, too recent, for him to repeat it again. One telling, that was all he could do.

  Turning a small smile back to the purple-haired female, he patted her back. “Now it is time to make plans. I have seen vids from your world. I think I know exactly what we need to do to win against those who seek to destroy your planet.”

  Aubree glared up at him, “Yeah, I’ve heard about the vids you people watched. You can just forget it. I already killed one green sucker who thought he might take me for a ride.”

  “You killed someone?” He stopped and stared down at her with renewed appreciation.

  “Some guy by the name of Mardal. Said he was gonna share me with a few frie
nds. First of all, I’m a one-man woman. Second of all, I’m not getting raped by anyone. Third of all, eew.” He watched the woman punch her fist into the palm of her hand.

  “You killed Mardal. You? By yourself?” Looking her up and down, he refused to believe someone so small could take down a male so large. Not only was Mardal large, but he was also fierce, a commander over many of their forces.

  “Don’t look so surprised. I can take care of myself. So, don’t get any ideas, or you’ll wind up like your buddy.” Catching her grin, he watched her walk toward another building in the distance.

  “Very well. I would never consider doing such things to an unwilling female. And…those aren’t the vids I was talking about. Part of my job was intercepting vids and messages sent out from the planets we find. Then I have to assess the threat, come up with a counter plan, and warn my superiors. The good news is, I have yet to find any plan that will work against your greatest weapon!” A spring in his step, with a huge grin, he grabbed her hand and began running toward the damaged building where several more humans could be seen standing on a small porch.

  Nodding his greeting at the dumbfounded men, he pushed past them to enter the building. The nauseating scent of something the humans were consuming followed them through the door. Coughing and gagging, he waved a hand in front of his face, “What is that? It smells toxic.” He gagged a few more times, “I think the noxious odor has settled on my skin, clothes and hair. Is this another weapon?”

  Aubree laughed, “Cigarettes. Nasty habit. It’s tobacco, a large leaf, rolled into a paper. They smoke it.”

  He crinkled up his nose, squinting his eyes, “They smoke that? On purpose?”

  She laughed again, “Yes. On purpose. Crazy, huh?”

  Aquino smiled down at the tiny human, “I like you, female. I hope we can become great friends.”

  “Bree. Nice to meet you Quin.” A small hand was shoved toward him. When he hesitated, she gripped his hand and gave it a quick squeeze, then a few shakes, before releasing it. “I agree.”

  “Quin? Nobody’s called me that since I was still shedding skin. Is Bree short for something as well?” His smile widened.

  “Aubree, but nobody calls me that. Except of course, when I’m in trouble.” She laughed.

  “Come on, lead me to the prince.” He pulled her along.

  “Prince? I don’t know who that is…” Aubree’s smile died when Seth sprang from the shadows, holding a laser pistol against Aquino’s temple.

  “Far enough, Terrapian. Release the female before I blow your brains all over her pretty hair.” He pushed the weapon tighter, bringing home his point.

  Crinkling his nose at Aubree’s purple hair, he gave Seth a sidelong glance, “I mean you no harm, Prince Seth Balliol. I only wish to stop my people from destroying yet another world. I also bring news of your sister, Morena. Please, we need to talk.”

  Aquino could feel a trickle of sweat making its way down his back. It would be a shame if everything he’d done, all of his plans, were for naught. To end up on the floor of this filthy building just before his dreams were realized was more than he could bare.


  Seth didn’t know what to think or do when the Terrapian mentioned his sister’s name. She’d been gone for so long, he’d given up hope of ever finding her. Every ship they’d encountered, not one held a single Felidian. Some of the leaders bragged about the things they’d done to the females of his planet. Their smug words and leering smiles were cut off with the swing of a blade.

  Dante had teased him about bringing such an outdated weapon with him while searching the ships. The teasing stopped when the first head rolled across the floor. After that, every warrior was outfitted and trained in the art of swordsmanship. Nothing was more satisfying than cold steel against flesh.

  This Terrapian also knew who he was. They’d been careful to keep that secret after capture. So how did this one know? More importantly, how many more knew? Dropping his hand, he tucked the weapon back into its holder, “Very well, Terrapian. Have you also heard about my way of dealing with those who think to better me?”

  Seth watched the male’s head nod ever so slightly, before his gaze centered on the long thin blade by his side.

  “I see you found your weapon. Many warriors spoke of the legendary Felidian who lopped off the heads of his enemies. There is a high bounty for any who would bring your head to Aziz. Only a few know what you look like. Thanks to one small Felidian female. It’s a closely guarded secret.” The Terrapian relaxed and faced Seth, “Where can we speak?”

  Smiling and rubbing his hands together, Aquino glanced back at Aubree, “I should very much like to try these grease noodles I’ve heard about. Surely they can’t be as disgusting as they are fabled to be.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Aubree narrowed her eyes under furrowed brows, “Grease noodles? What in the hell are you talking about?”

  Aquino lifted his chin, took a deep whiff, then started down the hall toward an opened door, “I’m very hungry. I’m most anxious to sample human food.”

  Seth rubbed his stomach, “I wouldn’t suggest it. Humans add too many chemicals to their food. I’ve tried a few things since I’ve been here, my stomach has been bothering me since I took the first bite of…” He looked at Aubree, “Twinkles?”

  “Hey! Now, that’s not my fault! You listened to Phil. Do you want to look like Phil?” Aubree crossed her arms and glared up at Seth.

  “Phil is quite large. I’m not sure—”

  Aubree interrupted, “Fat. Phil is fat. I’m sure eating all that junk food is a huge contributing factor.”

  Phil stepped out of the breakroom, a brown paper towel in one hand, with a steaming mess of some kind of meat and cheese fill concoction dripping from his fingers. Slapping a hand on his wide gut, he grinned, “I want you to know I worked hard to get this body!” He winked, grabbed Aquino’s elbow and pulled him inside.

  Pushing him into a yellow plastic chair, he walked toward one of the vending machines. “Seems what you’re asking about is beef and noodles.” Turning a sly smile back at the alien, “Thems some good home cookin’. But a bit rich.” He pointed to Aquino’s flat stomach, “Might not sit so well. This here’s a burrito, not as good as you get from the taco stand, but still pretty good.” After pushing a few buttons, the machine spit out a red package, which he dropped on the table. “Power’s out, so you’ll have to eat it cold.”

  Aubree stared at the red paper, unsure if she should warn him or not. Shrugging, she decided if he wanted to taste human food, he might as well get a good sample of what they were facing as an invading species. Leaning against the counter, she watched him unwrap, then smell the pasty substance.

  Arching a brow, he shrugged and took a big bite. If possible, the green man looked even greener. Clamping a hand over his mouth, he searched frantically for a place to spit the disgusting wad.

  Laughing, Aubree pointed to the nearest waste can. “Sorry, I guess I should have warned you. Is it too spicy?”

  Aquino, bent over the basket, frantically waving a hand in the air.

  Pulling a few towels from the dispenser, she also grabbed a disposable cup and filled it with water, handing both to her new friend.

  Wiping his mouth, Aquino stood and took a long drink of the cool water. “I don’t know what you mean by spicy.” He looked at Seth, “You’re right. Too many unnatural things go into their foods. Now I understand why Piott curled his nose up at grease noodles.”

  Grinning, he walked over to the table reaching for an apple, “Now, this looks natural.”

  Waving his hand, Phil walked out.

  “I’m kind of surprised. After all my people have done, that human accepts me,” Aquino spoke around a large bite of the crisp golden apple.

  “That’s just Phil. He’s super easy going.” Aubree looked toward the door, “I’m kind of surprised as well. He just lost his brother. I guess he accepted you because we do. So, tell me more about this
secret weapon you heard about. Will our nukes be effective against them?”

  “Nukes?” Aquino arched a brow.

  Seth was already shaking his head, looking at the Terrapian, he clarified, “It’s a primitive weapon that uses nuclear technology.”

  Sitting back in his chair, Aquino did his weird blinking a few times, wiped a brow, then leaned closer. “You’re kidding, right?” He looked from Seth to Aubree.

  “No. Why would I kid about that? It’s the best weapon we have.” Aubree leaned her elbows on the table and began ripping off strips of a paper towel, then rolled them into tiny balls.

  “Not only are they primitive, but they’re also dangerous. The effects on the environment far outweigh their effectiveness as a weapon.” Shaking his head, his lips curled into a sly smile. “No. Nothing like that. I’m talking about your dragon, Seli[1].”

  “Dragon. Seli.” Aubree’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding right?”

  Seth turned toward her, “Dragon? What is this dragon he speaks of?” Turning back to Aquino, “Explain to me what a dragon is.”

  “She is the most magnificent being on this world. A queen! She towers over every other creature on this planet. Possessing a magic that is second to none, together with her…” Aquino glanced at a snickering Aubree. “Along with her human companion, they are unstop…” Scowling at his little human friend, he crossed his arms. “Just what do you find so humorous?”

  Aubree broke into a full belly laugh. Clamping a hand over her mouth, she slapped the table. Wiping tears from her cheeks, she pointed to her dark green friend. “That…” Snorting, she tried again, “That’s a television series.” Looking at the blank stares, she laughed harder. “Fantasy? Actors performing on a stage?”

  Aquino blinked his weird blink again, “You mean there are no dragons?”

  Aubree shook her head, her smile fading. “We’re screwed. Aren’t we?”

  Seth interrupted, “Not that I don’t find the whole dragon thing interesting…but you mentioned my sister?”


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