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Rogue Demon: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Mates of the Realms: Half-Breeds Book 1)

Page 5

by Lacey Carter Andersen

  Irritation rose within her. “I can move pretty quickly when I need to.”

  “I’ve got a better idea. Ian, Zane, Jaxson, you’ll escort her there.”

  She sensed the three demons stiffen behind her.

  “They can’t teleport from within the city to outside of it, or vice versa, nor can they teleport too near Zarr’s lair, but they can save you a great deal of time by bypassing the plains.”

  I knew my father had powerful wards placed around the city to prevent teleportation, but how did the demon manage to find a witch to create them near his lair? Usually wards required a powerful witch’s magic, which was why Lily didn’t have them around her apartment. I guess we’ll finally have to figure out a way to afford them when we get back.

  “So it’s agreed,” her father continued, “they’ll accompany you.”

  She wanted to refuse him. It stung to accept her father’s help more than she had to, but she couldn’t let her pride overrule her need to save her friend. “Alright. Thanks.”

  Her father eyed the men behind her. “You will protect her with your lives.”

  She placed a hand on her hip. “Let’s get something straight. I don’t need their protection. I need their ability to teleport. That’s it.”

  The demon-king shook his head. “Of course. But if anything should happen to you, it’ll be their heads.”

  What is with my father killing immortal beings just to make them suffer death again?

  He might as well be Caine.

  She sighed. “I’ve taken care of myself just fine the last few years. No need to start caring what happens to me now.”


  “I wasn’t starting anything. I’m just saying.” She spun on her heel and headed back the way she’d come, her heart aching for reasons she didn’t want to think about. “If your men are coming, they had better hurry.”

  They followed her out the throne room door. But stopped, blocking her exit from the palace.

  Her gaze slid over the three handsome demons. It was oddly satisfying to see their expressions of disbelief, as if they were trying to connect the woman before them with the child they met so briefly many years before.

  “Little Lily?” Ian finally said, sounding shocked.

  Jaxson’s eyes narrowed. “She doesn’t look anything like that child.”

  “That’s because I’m clearly not a child anymore,” she said, then sauntered around them.

  She heard the soft sounds of them talking behind her, but she didn’t give a crap. Suddenly, she felt angry with all of them. Angry and frustrated.

  Storming out of the palace, she headed back into the demon city. Even though she didn’t know what direction to go, she picked one without slowing. Knowing she needed to calm her racing heart.

  She’d tried so damn hard not to think of her father over the years, and she tried equally hard to pretend that coming here meant nothing. That it wasn’t her crawling to him for help. So why did it sting? Why did she feel like she’d lost some emotional battle?

  “You probably should have told him who you were.”

  She stiffened and turned to face Ian. His cheeks heated, darkening his red flesh even more.

  “Told who?”

  He met her gaze. “Jaxson. Do you know what the king would do to us if he found out what happened?”

  A spark of defiance moved through her. “I’m not a child. I can sleep with whoever the fuck I want.”

  As if to prove it, she moved closer to him.

  Ian froze, like a deer spotted by a predator. Sliding her hands up his chest, she slowly leaned in. She gave him every opportunity to pull away as her lips closed the distance between them. But he didn’t. Instead, the instant her lips touched his, a rumble moved through his chest, and he grabbed her waist, pulling her closer.

  Her thoughts spun away as the pressure of his mouth brought arousal crackling through her. As she pressed herself against him, she noted the hard evidence of his arousal with satisfaction.

  I wonder what my panther is like in the sack. Her nipples hardened. I hope I’m about to find out.

  As his tongue swept into her mouth, one of his hands moved beneath her shirt to grasp her naked ass. The feeling of his big hand grabbing her, curving her around his hard cock, made her core heat up. Unable to help herself, she rubbed against his erection, wondering if he’d let her fuck him right then.


  One second she was lost in a kiss, and the next Ian was yanked from her. She opened her eyes to see that Jaxson had grasped the other man by the shirt and was glaring down at him. But Ian didn’t back down, he simply met the larger man’s gaze, unblinking.

  She took a deep breath and tucked a stray hair behind her ear, trying to compose herself. “What’s the problem, wolf boy?”

  Jaxson’s eyes flashed yellow as he looked at her. “You’re in public! With an audience!”

  For the first time, she realized that although they weren’t on the busiest road, there were at least a dozen demons watching them. Some of them were staring a little too hard.

  Do they realize I’m half-human or is it just that I’m a woman?

  Unwilling to let her doubts show, she shrugged. “So what?”

  Jaxson released Ian and advanced on her. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but keep us out of it.”

  Then, his gaze moved to her mouth.

  She bit her bottom lip in a move she knew would turn him on. “Feeling jealous?”

  He scowled. “Let’s get your friend and be done with this.”

  Jaxson stormed away, and Ian gave her a heated look before following the angry wolf.

  A second later, Zane teleported to just a few feet away from her. “Here.” He held out a pair of pants and boots. “This might make our trip a little easier.”

  “Thank you,” she said, taking the items.

  It took her only a second to pull on the slightly ill-fitting black pants and to shove her feet into the boots. But when she was done, she felt a little better. A little more prepared to kick some ass.

  Zane walked beside her as they followed the two demons who were now a distance in front of them. For a minute he said nothing, and she was a bit surprised by how calm he seemed. Almost like he did this every day and found it infinitely amusing.

  “So, what are you doing?” he asked, sounding casual.

  “Were you not in the meeting with dear-old-dad? I’m rescuing my friend.”

  Zane laughed, and she hated how much she liked the sound of his rich voice. “No, I mean what are you doing with Jaxson and Ian?”

  No idea.

  “Does it matter?”

  He didn’t answer her for a long minute, but she forced herself not to look at him. Not to show that she wondered what he was thinking.

  “I guess not.” He shrugged. “If you’re using them to piss off your dad, it doesn’t change the fact that they enjoyed your attention. Besides, it’s not like you’ll be distracting them for long, you’ll be returning to earth soon and chances are we won’t see you again.”

  Guilt made her stomach clench. “I’m not using them.”

  “That’s good to know,” he said, his tone nonchalant.

  They reached the edge of the city. Not far from them, Ian and Jaxson stood on the dark shores of the River of Lust. For a second an image came to her, of the three of them diving into the lava together. Would desire overwhelm them? Would she get to touch all three handsome demons?

  Her inner-muscles clenched, and her breathing sped up.

  She barely reached the two demons when Jaxson spoke. “This time we’re teleporting.”

  Ignoring the flicker of regret that moved through her, she tore her gaze from his delicious eight-pack. Looks like Zane didn’t have time to grab Jaxson a shirt... too bad.

  “Whatever gets us there faster.”

  Jaxson turned to face her, his expression thunderous. “Ian. Zane. Go scout the teleportation location. Make sure it’s safe for the princess.�

  “Don’t call me that!”

  His eyes flashed with anger. “Why not? That’s who you are, right?”

  She half expected Ian and Zane to step in, but instead, they teleported away, leaving her alone with the angry Shifter. I can handle him.

  “Do you have something to say?”

  In a movement too fast to follow, he grabbed her and pulled her against him. “I don’t like it when people play with my head.”

  “It wasn’t your head I was playing with,” she challenged, standing on her tippy-toes in an effort to meet his gaze on more equal terms.

  A growl rumbled from his chest. “I knew you were up to something. Beautiful women don’t just fall into my arms.”

  Ah. I hurt his pride.

  Stretching even taller, she moved so that her lips were just inches from his ear. “I want to make something very clear to you. I had sex with you because I’ve always wanted to fuck you.”

  His breathing came faster. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Too bad you aren’t in my head, because you’d know every dirty little thing I’ve imagined you doing to me over the years.” Taking his earlobe into her mouth, she bit gently.

  He swore, his hands grasping her hips and pulling her closer.

  “Careful,” she whispered, “I don’t think you can handle round two so soon.”

  Like the moment before thunder rolls, she sensed something amazing about to explode. And she wanted it. So bad she felt herself growing wet at just the thought of his big shaft inside her once again.

  And then, like giant buckets of cold water, Ian and Zane appeared beside them.

  Jaxson jerked back from her, leaving her standing on unsteady feet. Unable to help herself, she looked to Zane.

  One of his brows was raised in interest as he looked between the two of them. “The area’s clear. You guys ready?”

  Jaxson cleared his throat. “Of course. You take her.”

  Zane gave her a wicked grin. “Sure thing.”

  Jaxson and Ian disappeared once more, and Zane moved closer, taking her arm in a gentle grip. “I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who could get under Jaxson’s skin so easily.”

  She smirked. “Apparently he likes it when I press against him.”

  Zane pulled her closer. “Well, who wouldn’t like that?”

  Opening her mouth to respond, the words were torn away as she teleported. One second she was by the river, the next she stumbled to her knees, inhaling sharply. I hate teleporting long distances. Looking up, she realized she was on her knees in front of Zane, her mouth level with his... package.

  Unable to help herself, she licked her lips. What would a dragon-shifter do if she suddenly took him into her mouth? She’d heard dragons liked to be in charge, but perhaps he wouldn’t mind?

  “Better stand up or I might just take advantage of our positioning.”

  Very slowly, she rose. “Raincheck?”

  He swore. “Damn right.”

  When she heard a movement behind her, she spun on instinct. But instead of finding danger, she was staring at Ian and Jaxson, both looking impatient at the base of a dark mountain.

  Her gaze slid past the two demons. As always, fiery specks of light floated down from the sky like rain. But it was the mountain that fascinated her, she’d never gone this far out from the city before. She’d never even known that things like it existed out in the darkness of the demon-realms. Halfway up the mountain she spotted a flickering torch.

  Zarr’s lair, no doubt.

  Imagining her sweet Kate in such a place made anger boil through her. Whatever this demon wanted, soon he’d learn that messing with someone she loved was a big mistake.

  Stalking past the three men, she started up the mountain. They easily kept up with her brisk pace, but she refused to look back at them. Her goal was before her and nothing would distract her from it, not even the three hottest Shifters in the demon-realm.

  Chapter Seven

  Ian watched the woman as she climbed. He couldn’t remember the last time a female turned him on the way she did. Lily’s kiss had brought his shifter side roaring to life, the part of him that wanted to dominate a female. And now, all he could think about was pressing her down beneath him and sliding into her.

  I bet she feels like heaven.

  Adjusting his crotch, he was thankful he was behind both the woman and his brothers. The last thing he wanted was for them to realize how bewitched he already was by her. Even knowing that logically she’d return to the human-realm soon, he wanted to claim her... and not just for one night.

  But for now, our mission.

  Two hours passed uneventfully. Just dark rocks and nothingness, spreading all around them as they climbed higher and higher. There were times when the climbing was more than a little challenging, but the hardest part by far was being transfixed by Lily’s round, shapely ass.

  I can’t believe this is the angry, little girl who caused such trouble. No matter how he tried, he couldn’t seem to put this woman and the little girl together as one person. Which, he decided, was probably a good thing.

  A slight sound made him pause, and the entire party froze. His Soul Blade appeared in his hand in a flash, with red flames dancing along its edge.

  Out of the darkness came the demons. One after another the Level Three’s emerged, their gazes trained on Lily. The lower level beasts had difficulty resisting women, but he’d hoped that the creatures were smart enough to avoid one protected by three Level Ten demons.

  I guess not.

  The hound-like beasts, with spikes lining their spines, peeled back their lips to reveal sharp, glistening teeth. A sound emanated from them. A low howl of warning.

  His brothers’ blades glowed brightly as they moved instinctually to surround the beautiful woman who was theirs to protect. And then, to his surprise, her own blade appeared in her hand. I’ve never met a half-breed with a soul-blade.

  Each time his gaze slid over another demon, he counted them. When he reached twelve, he tightened his grip on his hilt. A pack of twelve? Had he ever come across such a large group before?

  He doubted it.

  When one leapt at him, he easily sliced it in half. The sounds of battle came behind him, but he focused on his next opponent. This one lunged forward, but danced back before Ian’s blade could gut it. Two more beasts tried to find an opening, but his sword was always there to stop them.

  When one caught hold of his ankle, he barely had time to react before Lily put a blade through its head. He raised his blade in time to slash another one of the demons in its jaw. A minute of frenzied jabs and slashes left behind a mess of dead bodies, and no more opponents.

  Turning to help his brothers, and the woman, they exchanged a look. Jaxson’s shoulder bled and Zane’s wrist had a jagged looking cut, but otherwise, they were fine.

  And Lily? She looked like she’d barely broken a sweat, even though two hounds lay at her feet.


  “Are you okay?” he asked the woman, needing to be sure.

  He didn’t know what he expected, but her annoyed snort wasn’t it. “My Saturday nights are rougher than this.”

  His damn arousal rose once more. My primitive side likes a woman with a little fire.

  Around them the bodies of the hounds turned to ash. Soon the beasts would return to Caine and the Realm Creator. Again, they would be evaluated. And again, they would be reborn into the demon-realm. Their judgment would be fast. But the pain of their rebirth into this world would be slow.

  Which is why even the dead fear death.

  “You boys ready to keep going?” she asked, her gaze running over their wounds.

  Ian opened his mouth to answer, but there was another sound in the darkness. One of rocks and sand shifting beneath footsteps. A demon, perhaps a Level Seven or Eight, stepped out of the shadows.

  “What do we have here?” The man’s voice was low and sinister.

  A growl slipped from Jaxson’s l
ips. “We’re on the king’s business, so if you know what’s good for you...”

  The demon raised a brow. “The king’s business? With a human?”

  “She’s a demon,” Jaxson asserted, too quickly.

  “She’s not.” The stranger smirked. “And so, she’s not protected by the king’s law. In fact, any human found on this realm is condemned to death. Something I’ll be happy to enforce... after I’m done with her.”

  Ian felt his panther uncurl within him. If he tries to touch her, I’ll kill him.

  “You’re making a mistake,” Ian said. “One that will cost you your life.”

  The stranger’s blade appeared in his hand. “You Level Ten’s are all the same. Cocky bastards... right until I watch the life drain from your eyes.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Zane laughed. “This fight will be over faster than you can shit.”

  “Perhaps against just me. But what about two dozen lonely demons who want a taste of your little friend?”

  Ian’s skin prickled, and he inhaled sharply. There, beneath the scent of ash, was the smell of many sweaty bodies. Glancing at his brothers, he realized they’d scented their enemies too.

  There’s only one way we’ll take down all of them. And I’m only too glad to do it.

  “You may have killed our little pets, but you won’t win these odds.” The demon smiled, a cruel smile. “So why not just give her to us?”

  Lily took a step forward, her stance that of a fighter. “I can’t wait to help them rip you to pieces.”

  Your wish is my command.

  Sending his blade away, he gave himself up to his other side. It took him only a second, and then, he Shifted, taking on his panther-form. Crouching low, his tail swung behind him as he stared at the demon, waiting.

  Ready for blood.

  He watched the demon’s eyes widen. And then the coward stepped back, stumbling as he did so. Out of the darkness, dozens of glowing soul-blades appeared in the shadowed hands of their other enemies.

  Jaxson had Shifted too, into a massive dark wolf with scars on one side of its face. Every hair on his body stood on end, and Ian sensed the power building beneath his flesh. Like Ian, Jaxson had an instinctual need to protect the female in their care and kill their enemies.


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