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Not My Girl

Page 2

by Caz May

  I laugh, taking a piece and whispering in her ear as I step back, "Smells delicious, huh?"

  She turns around, shoving her piece of Hawaiian pizza into her mouth.

  "Mmm, tastes delicious to," she replies with a moan. And I swear she moans before she winks at me, grabbing another piece of pizza before heading to the lounge room.

  Rox is still shy, but she seems to also have started to come out of her shell.

  Maybe she isn't still crushing on me. I’ll have to tease her more to find out, and bring dirty Chad out to play.

  It's that or keep lusting after Jessie's girl. And I can't see that being a good idea, especially when the moment he walks out of the bathroom—and grabs a piece of pizza—he's giving me dagger eyes.

  But I don't want Rox. She's not my type.

  4. Roxanne

  All night Chad was on my mind, thoughts of how he'd touched me teasingly, and taunted me with his words.

  It makes me feel a little stupid and keeping my feelings for him aside is a challenge I'm not sure I'm ready to face.

  Again Bruno is eager to get out of my bedroom, pawing and barking at the door.

  Opening it I peer out, looking down the hallway towards Chad's room. His door is wide open and my brothers is shut. I don't think that means anything, but I sneak out of the room, pulling the hem of my short nightie down on my thighs.

  My skin is covered in goosebumps, and it's not cold. I know that means Chad is near, one way my traitorous body reacts to him being nearby. I'm about to open the bathroom door when I hear his voice, husky and panting, "Morning Rox."

  I turn to find him standing next to me in the middle of the hallway; grey trackies hanging low on his hips, and shirtless, droplets of sweat dripping down the ridge of his abs.

  My stomach flips, and my crotch aches, taking in his fit muscular body. He'd always had a nice body, but it's clear he's all man now and likes to keep active.

  "You ok, Rox?" he asks with a smirk, gripping the t-shirt he has over his shoulder, and wiping it down his torso.

  I gulp, licking my lips before I reply, "Um, yep, good. Just, um, busting.”

  Fuck Roxy, get a grip.

  I curse myself, turning away from him to push the bathroom door open. I can feel him step up behind me, his breath in my ear.

  "Don't let me stop you, but I'm dying for a shower."

  Stepping in the bathroom, I'm about to shut the door behind me when Chad pushes past me.

  "What the hell, Chad?"

  He has the gall to laugh.

  "What, Rox? I've seen you naked before."

  Rolling my eyes I reply, "Yeah when I was a kid, Chad."

  He laughs again, throwing his t-shirt on the floor, and slipping his trackies down his legs.

  I can't stop my eyes from dropping to the front of his jocks. He has an evident bulge in them, but his dick is definitely not hard.

  Again I gulp, trying to make my mouth not feel so dry. A cheeky part of me wants to yank his jocks to the floor, but I can't do that.

  I'm worried he's going to do just that himself, but instead, he slides the shower curtain across, turning on the taps and stepping in before sliding it across again.

  His voice comes out singsongy over the water, "You can piss now Rox; I won't hear." I can tell he's smirking with his words, and sighing I slip my knickers down my legs quickly.

  Putting the toilet seat down I sit on it, my elbows on my knees.

  I'm hoping I don't have to also poop, as that would be embarrassment central.

  My eyes glance towards the shower next to me, watching the shadow of Chad washing his body.

  Suddenly as I'm getting up from the toilet, he slides the curtain across a little peeking out and dropping his soaked jocks at my feet.

  "What the hell, Chad?" I scream at him.

  He laughs again, annoyingly. "People usually shower naked Rox, but I couldn't have you seeing my package."

  I gulp, my mouth dry again, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. Such a great time to be tongue-tied; not.

  Chad is still gripping the shower curtain, smirking like a fucking devil.

  "Unless you want to see my package?"

  "Not a chance, Chad. It's probably a small package," I reply loudly when he pulls the curtain back to continue showering.

  He calls out over the water, "Whatever you want to think Rox."

  I don't reply, just pull my knickers up and open the door to slip out of the bathroom, unfortunately bumping into my brother coming out of his room.

  "Morning Roxanne," he says in greeting, eyeing me questionably.

  "Chad is in the bathroom," I tell him, hoping he didn't see me coming out of the bathroom when he opened his bedroom door.

  "Oh right, sweet. You got class today?"

  "Nah, day off. Gonna head to the beach with Nellie."

  "Ok, sounds good. Catch ya later, little sis," he replies, heading down the hallway to the kitchen.

  Back in my room, I flop down on my bed next to Bruno, my thoughts wandering to Chad being naked in the shower.

  I wonder if I should have taunted him back more, taken him up on his offer to see his dick. But just the thought of seeing his entire birthday suit is making my knickers damp with desire, so much so I feel like shutting my door and touching myself; which I never do.

  It's either that or heading back to the bathroom and getting into the shower with Chad, and the latter is a very bad idea.

  5. Chad

  Standing in the kitchen, I'm staring into the fridge like it's an abyss and food is going to jump out at me. Having been for a run my stomach is grumbling with anger, something chronic.

  A voice comes from behind me, followed by munching on toast, "You good, Chadster?"

  "Yeah, sweet, Jessman," I reply grinning and turning towards him after grabbing out the two-litre bottle of milk. There's hardly any left, so I open the top, guzzling it down.

  Jessie laughs at me, but when I'm about to put it down I hear another voice, a chastising but sweet voice, "Eww, Chad, that is seriously gross."

  Chuckling I wipe an arm across my lips and gawk at Roxy when she saunters into the kitchen.

  She's only wearing a bikini and fuck me does it highlight her grown-up body.

  The blue triangle bikini makes her slightly tanned skin pop. And her practically perfect sized tits are pretty much escaping the top.

  Of course, I'm fucking taking a look, her body is hot and I could swear she's deliberately flaunting this bikini to get a rise out of me.

  I'm not going to give in, not going to give her that satisfaction. Looking at Roxy practically naked still doesn't make my dick come to the party like when I think of my best mates girl, the delectable blonde goddess, Teagan.

  I gulp, telling my dick to calm down from thinking about her.

  She's been on my mind from the moment I met her a week or so ago. She hasn't been over though, so I've probably scared the poor chick.

  Again I take a swig of the milk, gulping the remaining drops down whilst looking at Rox over the rim when I tip my head back.

  It feels like I'm being stared down and swallowing the milk down hard, I chuckle, asking Jessie, "Man, why are you looking at me like I'm a wanker?"

  "Because I don't like the way you're looking at my sister, Chadster."

  I scoff. "And how is that Jessman?"

  "Like you're thinking about something dirty."

  I hear Rox's intake of breath, deep and quickly exhaled, like she can't get enough air in her lungs.

  I look straight at her, and she leans over the bench to grab an apple.

  "Yeah, Buckley's of that happening Jessie, relax man. I'm not after Rox."

  "Keep it that way, Chad, or my fists will fuck up ya pretty boy mug."

  Rox scoffs at her brothers words, and meekly but defiantly says, "Seriously Jessie, you don't have to treat me like a damn kid."

  She doesn't let her older brother reply, instead, she bites into her apple walking away from us both without a
nother word.

  "So Jessman, where's ya girl at? Did she realise you're a douche?"

  "No, wanker, we're still together, but she’s visiting her little sister in Brissy for a couple of weeks."

  "Oh right, damn shame. Seeing her around makes for good jerk off material."

  He stands up, grabbing his plate and cup and squeezing it in his grip. He's fucking irate and I step back, scared he's going to smash the glass to smithereens before walloping me over the head with it.

  "You dirty fucker. You'll keep ya mitts off my sister and my girlfriend, Chad. I'm letting you stay here whilst you get back on your feet, but don't fuck up that welcome by thinking with ya dick."

  "Fine, Jessie. But anyone other than them is fair game," I call out heading down the hallway to grab my surfboard.

  Rox is in her room, texting on her phone when I pass her door.

  "Rox, you mind if I tag along to the beach?"

  She looks up at me, trying to hide her grin.

  “Um, yeah sure. Mind riding with me and coming to pick up my friend?"

  "Will she be wearing a bikini?"

  "I don't know, Chad," she snaps at me.

  "Doesn't matter. You look good in yours, Rox."

  "Don't Chad, ok. Just get your stuff, and meet me outside."

  She walks out, brushing past me and jumping back like I gave her an electric shock on steroids.

  She's got it bad for me, I'm sure of it and for some reason unbeknownst to myself I want to tease Rox.

  Making her squirm is fun, even if it's a bad idea.

  6. Roxanne

  The entire trip to the beach I had to endure Chad giving Nellie side-eye glances into the back seat of my Jeep. The way she was looking at him—at my Chad—made my stomach knot up.

  Granted she doesn’t know how I feel about him, but I’m sure she knows who he is and that should be enough for her to steer clear.

  The moment I pull up at Williamstown beach, Chad is out of the car, grabbing his surfboard from the back and he’s sprinting down the beach without glancing back at us or even saying a word.

  Anyone would think he’s wound up tighter than a spring; like I am.

  Nellie gets out, grabbing her backpack and throwing it over her shoulder.

  I lock the Jeep and follow her down onto the sand. Finding a spot to sit, we kick off our thongs and lay down our beach towels before sitting down on them.

  She bites down on her lip, her gaze focusing on the water when she says, “So give me the goss, Roxy?”

  “What goss?” I reply laughing and turning to look at my best friend when I pull my sundress over my head.

  “The goss with you and the delicious specimen out there surfing like he owns the sea.”

  “No goss to tell, Nel.”

  “Bullshit, Roxy. You could barely stop gawking at him in the car.”

  “I was doing nothing of the sort, Nel. I was driving.”

  “And looking at him out of the corner of your eyes.”

  “Fine, you got me, but there’s nothing to tell.”

  “Right, so you just picked up some random gorgeous as fuck hottie to come to the beach with us?”

  “No, dufus. He’s my brother’s best friend in case you’ve forgotten and is living with us for a while.”

  Nellie gapes at me. “He’s living with you, and you haven’t jumped him?”

  “No, Nel. Did you not hear me say brothers best friend? Jessie would kill us both.”

  “Yeah, but fuck Roxy. I’d take the damn risk.”

  I don’t reply, instead lick my lips, looking towards the water where Chad is riding a wave into shore.

  He looks absolutely gorgeous—in his element—the wetsuit clinging to his sculpted body, practically one with his own skin. He starts to walk up the beach, and Nel laughs at me, looking over and laughing whilst touching her face at the corner of her mouth.

  “You got a little drool there, Roxy.”

  I elbow her in the side. “Stop it, Nel! And don’t get any ideas about Chad. He’s off-limits.”

  “Noted, but a little harmless flirting never hurt anyone,” she replies with a laugh, gulping when Chad stops in front of us, digging the end of his surfboard into the sand and leaning against it; with a wicked tantalising smirk on his face.

  It highlights his lickable double dimple on the left side of his face, and I bite my lip, pondering standing up and kissing the smirk right off his face; which of course I can’t do.

  He looks at Nellie, and laces his tone with flirtation, “So, I didn’t get to introduce myself in the car, gorgeous. I’m Chad.”

  Nellie bounces up, her boobs bouncing with her—practically in Chad’s face—and she gives him a giggly smile.

  “Nellie. Nice to meet you Chad.”

  “Oh, likewise Nellie. I couldn’t help but stare at you whilst I was out surfing.” His eyes don’t meet hers but drop to her boobs, and the traitor doesn’t care one bit.

  Her own gaze travels down his body to the impressive package at the front. And I scoff, standing up and collecting our things from the sand.

  They’re eye-fucking each other and I feel like chundering. I know Chad is only doing it to get a rise out of me, but I’m not taking his bait.

  “Are you two going to stand there and eye fuck each other all day or can we go home now?”

  Chad turns to look at me, teasing, “Is someone jelly, Rox?”

  “No,” I snap, my eyes darting from him to Nellie who’s giving me a questioning look from the nickname Chad called me.

  She’s mouthing it to me and I shrug, a non-verbal warning to tell her to keep her mouth shut.

  “I just want to go home.”

  “Whatever you say, Rox, but I’m driving this time. You drive like a damn snail.”

  We all walk up the beach and I throw Chad the keys, getting in the front seat when he unlocks the doors.

  Nellie whispers in my ear from the seat behind, “You’re a liar, Rox. There is so something going on with you two.”

  I huff, turning back to look at her when Chad gets in the jeep.

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  She doesn’t reply and we pull into the afternoon traffic.

  The car is silent and the tension is eating at me, all the way to Nellie’s house.

  7. Chad

  After the beach, and dropping Nellie off there’s a weird tension in the car.

  I can tell Rox is pissed off with me and it’s probably because I cracked onto Nellie right in front of her.

  Her jeep is an automatic, super easy to drive, so I punch her in the arm teasing her, “So Rox, were you jelly watching me crack onto Nellie?”

  “No, of course, I wasn’t,” she snaps at me, blushing a deep crimson.

  “Come on Rox, don’t give me that bullshit. You want me.”

  “I don’t want you Chad,” she spits at me, turning away to look out the window and to hide her even deeper blush. She’d shut me down but I’m not so sure she’s telling me the truth.

  I feel kinda bad for teasing her, so ask, “You'd tell me if ya loved me Rox, yeah?”

  I touch her arm and she turns to look at me when she replies, “Of course, and in your dreams Chad.”

  She practically purrs my name, making it clear that she’s got feelings for me.

  I’m guessing she’s liked me for a long time; since we were kids and I’d practically spent every weekend at the Donaghey’s house whilst my parents were off overseas pretending to be the most amazing missionaries.

  All they’d really done was spend every cent they earnt on anything but their children. It makes me feel like a bad son, but I don’t miss them, and I don’t even remember shedding a tear at their funeral either.

  The only legacy they left me with is a mega fear of flying, having died in a plane crash coming home from the Philippines.

  Once inside the house, I run towards the bathroom, calling out, “Dibs on the shower, Rox.”

  She follows behind me, huffing and walking slowl
y. I can feel her eyes on me, watching as I’m stripping off whilst I walk down the hallway.

  It’s careless, and daring but I don't close the door straight away; deliberately.


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