Page 5
I stared her down. “It has to be ‘nice’ enough that I’m cleared for my mission. My team leaves in less than twenty-four hours.”
“Young lady, I don’t think—”
“I have to go. It’s the only thing that’ll save my mother.”
Dr. Rharr frowned.
“Please don’t frown. My mom’s on a ventilator. She might not make it.” Pain that had nothing to do with bullets or surgery gripped my chest.
Her frown deepened. She put her hand on her hip and surveyed me coolly. “You just got shot. You lost some blood.”
“My mother’s about to die from a rare strain of the flu, and I have to go get the antidote.” I sat up, fighting to keep my expression neutral in spite of the pain. “Besides, my injury’s not legit. I got shot in Levels. It’s not even real!”
Dr. Rharr’s eyes flashed. “Riley, you lie back in that bed now.”
I grimaced. “You have to clear me.”
“All I have to do is make sure you get better.” Her tablet beeped, and she read something. “Hmm.”
“Hmm what?”
“Nora’s asking for an update on you.”
“Because she wants me to go on this mission.” I arched an eyebrow. “Please tell her I’m cleared. You want to do your job; I want to do mine. We can help each other.”
She snorted. “You kids drive me crazy, scheming all the time.”
“I’m not scheming. Nora might be, but I’m not.” I watched as she tapped out a reply. “Tell her I’m cleared, and so is Rachel. We both need to go.”
I went to rip the IV out of my arm, but the doctor’s hand clamped around my wrist in a vise-like grip. “Don’t you dare.”
“You don’t understand.” My voice shook. “It’s my mother.”
Dr. Rharr cursed under her breath. “You stay in bed, on the IV, tonight. I want you to sleep for ten hours straight. You’re exhausted. You are going to listen to me and do as I say. That’s an order, soldier!”
“Yes, ma’am.” I pulled the blanket up to my chin. Honestly, sleep sounded like the most wonderful thing in the world. “But what about Rachel?”
Dr. Rharr bit back another curse. “I’m not making any promises. I told you—tired of the scheming!” she said as she stormed out of the room.
My eyes fluttered close, but I smiled beneath the blanket. Dr. Rharr was going to let me go—I knew it, just like I’d always known when my dad was going to cave and let Katie and me have TV back even after we’d gotten grounded.
Still, this was a hollow victory.
My smile faded as I remembered my mother and Tess. They were barely hanging on. They were my responsibility, and I had no idea how I was going to save them. Then there was the note from my dad, with his warnings and instructions.
Then there was Management, with all their testing, lies and betrayal. And the fact that they had me by the proverbial cajones.
I wanted to rage, to scheme, to plot and plan my way out of all these various scenarios. But I could barely focus. Dull pain thrummed in my shoulder, and a heavy exhaustion overwhelmed me.
Closing my eyes, I took refuge in ten glorious hours of sleep.
Sense Of Urgency
“Riley.” Rachel clasped my hand. “How’d you get me out?”
Rachel and I had both been discharged. Having both refused wheelchairs—much to Dr. Rharr’s chagrin—we hobbled down the hallway together, heading back to our bunks to pack.
“I told Dr. Rharr we had people depending on us and that we couldn’t do it without you.”
She smiled wanly. “Thank you.”
I inspected her more closely. As usual, Rachel was beautiful, with her high cheekbones and glossy black hair. But there were dark circles under her eyes, and she looked thin, as though she’d lost most of her muscle since being confined to a hospital bed.
“Are you sure you’re feeling up to this?” I asked her. “It’s going to be intense. I think Nicole might have us parachute into the drop.”
“Skydiving, huh?” Rachel arched an eyebrow. “I’ll do it—anything but bed rest. If I had to sit still for one more day, I was going to lose it. I’m ready to fight. We’ve come close with Althea a couple of times—we need to finish this. I’ll tell Nicole she’s welcome to throw me out of a plane if she thinks it’ll help.”
I stopped walking. “Do you really think we can defeat her?” Consumed with thoughts of my mother and the note from my father, I hadn’t really stopped to consider what we were going to do with Althea…and all her guards…and her potions of mass destruction…and her total lack of fear.
Rachel nodded, ever confident. “Of course we can. We were literally made for this.”
That comforted me, but my relief was short-lived. Shouts erupted down the hall. “Get your hands off me!”
Rachel and I took one look at each other then limped as fast as we could toward the commotion. But nothing could have prepared me for what we found around the corner: Trey, Nicole’s ex-fiancé, was being dragged down the hall by two guards.
“Hey!” I yelled. “Wait up.” I was breathing hard by the time I reached them. “Where are you taking this man? I know him.”
Trey looked at me funny—probably because we’d never met—but I ignored him.
“He’s being taken into custody,” one of the guards said.
“Why?” I might not outrank the guards, but Nicole did. She needed to hear about this.
The guard bristled. “Because the admiral told us to.”
“Can you wait one minute?” I asked him. “My superior needs to see him first.”
I turned to Rachel. “Stay with them. Don’t let them leave. I’ll be right back.”
As fast as I could manage, I made it back to the barracks. Nicole was talking to the twins, but I interrupted her. “You need to come quick.”
“What’s going on?” she asked as we stormed back down the hall. “And why aren’t you in bed? You look pale.”
“I’m fine.” On the contrary, I was shaking and sweating, but I just had to deal. “You’re the one I’m worried about.”
Nicole looked at me sharply, then we rounded the corner, and confusion overtook her features. “Trey? What the hell?” She turned to the guards. “Where is he being brought?”
The guard coughed. “To see the admiral.”
Two hectic spots of color flushed Nicole’s face. “I see. I’ll come with you.”
Trey shook his head. “Nic, I can handle myself. You don’t need to get involved.”
“The admiral’s my mother. Trust me, you need all the help you can get.” She turned to the guards. “Take off his cuffs. He’s not dangerous.”
“Just do it!” Nicole motioned to Rachel and me. “Get back to the barracks and pack. We’re getting ready.” Looking eminently pissed, she followed Trey and the guards down the hall.
“What was that all about?” Rachel asked.
“That was Nicole’s ex.”
She wrinkled her nose. “How do you know him?”
“He showed up in Levels. Nicole had to fight him and tie him up.”
We started toward the barracks. Rachel shook her head, disbelieving. “Nora’s shameless. I can’t believe she’d do this to her own daughter.”
“What do you think she’s up to?”
“She must’ve been testing Nicole’s loyalty to her ex. Nicole must still care about him, and now Nora’s brought him here to use him against her.”
I stopped walking. “You mean as a form of blackmail? Just like she’s doing to me and Finn, with my mom and Tess?”
“Exactly. Josh told me about how they used my avatars in the simulation and also how they had family members show up for each of you. Nora’s ruthless. She’s actively trying to figure out who we’re most loyal to so that she can manipulate us if necessary.”
At least I had passed her cruel test. I’d taken a bullet for Finn, choosing team over family. Even though Katie hadn’t really been
in Levels, I still felt guilty for choosing Finn’s side over hers…even though she had been trying to kill him.
I was really starting to hate Nora. “I swear to God, once we finish this mission, I’m out.”
Rachel shrugged. “We keep saying that. But they still have us by the lady balls.”
“I mean it this time.”
“I hope you do. I hope we can find a way.”
“Once the dust settles, the path will be clear.” I adjusted my shirt. “We just have to live long enough to find it.”
Finn watched me, a sour expression on his face, as I telekinetically packed my bag. You know what I’m going to say.
Then don’t bother saying it!
“You shouldn’t be coming with us. You’re too weak. I can feel it in your thoughts.”
I smiled. “Then feel free to stay out my head, stalker.”
He headed over to me, and I tried not to notice his shoulders bulging underneath his gray T-shirt.
I heard that. I’d be flattered if I weren’t so pissed. “Riley, you’re shaking.” He captured my hands underneath his.
I sighed, nodding at my duffel bag. “I need to finish this.”
He sat on my bunk and gently pulled me down next to him. I don’t want you to get any more hurt. You’re weak, I can feel it. You need to rest.
“I need to save my mother and your sister. I’ll be fine—I just got lots of rest. Dr. Rharr discharged me because I’m okay to go. You know she would’t let me be here otherwise.”
He put his forehead against mine. Of all the things I couldn’t bear to lose, you are tops, Hanover.
He took my face in his hands, and his lips gently met mine. I sighed, or moaned, or both. Emotion welled up as he kissed me so carefully, as though he thought I might break. Everything I worried about simmered near the surface, close to bubbling over.
Finn broke away first. His gaze burned into mine. “I’m worried, too. And the only reason I’m letting you come with us is because I don’t want to leave you.”
“I don’t need your approval, but thanks anyway.” I sighed. “And I agree with you about the not knowing. I can’t process that Nora brought Trey in.”
Finn nodded. “She’s frickin’ unbelievable.”
Kyan snorted from where he was packing nearby. “I believe it, all right. Look what she did to Cranston. They’ve worked together for decades, and she tossed him aside and had him locked up like it was nothing.”
“Has anybody seen him?” I asked. Our former superior had never been my favorite person, but the idea of him imprisoned for the rest of his life didn’t seem exactly fair.
“I’m not sure that ‘fair’ and ‘Nora’ are terms that even bump into each other in the same stratosphere.” Finn shrugged. “If she can kidnap her own daughter’s boyfriend to use as leverage, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say she’s pretty much capable of anything.”
Nicole burst through the door and slammed it behind her. “Riley, Rachel—I got your medical clearance. Are you all almost ready to go?”
Everyone nodded. I quickly resumed packing, in case Dr. Rharr changed her mind.
Rachel raised her hand. “What happened back there? With Trey?”
Nicole put her hands on her hips. “Nora wanted to make sure I’d located my sense of urgency.”
Rachel frowned. “Is he going to be okay?”
“If I come back with the AI and the antidote, he will be.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Nicole shook her head. “It’s always better to see someone for who they really are, don’t you think? Even if they’re…a disappointment?”
Long Way Down
We flew for hours through the night. At some point, I must’ve dozed off. One moment, I was looking out at the dark sky, then I closed my eyes. The next moment, I heard voices, then a creak, and then cold wind blasted into the plane.
This was it. We must be at our jump destination.
I roused myself, peering outside the plane. Dawn must have still been a few hours away. The sky had brightened slightly to the east, but the rest of the world was still covered in darkness. Exhaustion settled into my bones. My shoulder ached, and my whole body trembled.
Game face, Riley! If Finn caught a whiff of me whining, he’d make sure I stayed on the plane.
Still, I wished I could have gone back to those ten luscious hours of sleep in the med ward. But that was me being a chicken, and I knew it. “Why do we have to parachute in?” The wind rushed past my face as I peered toward the ground.
Emma, Kyan, Josh, and Rachel had readied themselves and formed a line. Nicole nodded at them, and one by one, they fearlessly leapt from the plane.
“Because we can’t leave any sort of a footprint. Althea has surveillance for miles in a radius surrounding this property. So we’re dropping outside the watch zone and going in on foot.” Nicole motioned for Micah to go next. He arranged his chute and waited at the edge, then winked at me. When Nicole gave him the sign, he jumped up and out, into the wind, a huge grin on his face.
They made it look easy. Freaks!
Finn was next in line. He didn’t have to be telepathic to know I was nervous—I was shaking. He kissed my cheek. “I’ll be waiting on the ground. Take it easy when you land.” His gaze flicked to the speck of bandage peeking out near my collar.
“I will.”
“And don’t forget, you can fly. So you don’t actually have to be pee-your-pants scared.” He chuckled, trying to keep things light.
I would’ve thrown him out of the plane, but he jumped before I could get to him.
The twins were next. They slapped each other five and jumped into the air, holding hands.
Nicole beamed as she watched them sail toward the ground. “I love this group. I hate my mother, but I love this group.”
“Where were they planning to keep Trey?” I asked.
She sighed. “In the same area as Dave, I guess. He was really upset about the whole thing. He’s been taking care of his parents and his grandparents since the attacks. He doesn’t know how they’re going to survive without him.”
“He sounds like a good guy.”
Nicole’s ponytail flicked over her shoulder as she turned toward me. “He’s the best.”
“So why did you break up with him?”
She frowned. “Are you trying to avoid jumping out of the plane?”
I squirmed. “No?”
“I broke up with him because I thought it was too dangerous for him to be close to me.”
“Too dangerous? Why?”
Nicole smiled then clapped me on the shoulder. “No more procrastinating. I’ll tell you on the ground.”
The clap became a push, and I plummeted out of the plane.
Curse word that rhymes with truck!
But this time, I remembered what to do. I pulled the ripcord, breaking my free fall. The earth stretched out underneath me. The brightening sky illuminated dry-looking fields and scrub brush.
I didn’t even know where we were, but it didn’t matter. As the wind whipped past me, I cleared my mind. Now, more than ever, I needed to focus.
I’d memorized every word from the letter my father had written me, and I recited them to myself to give me strength. I was going to get the antidote and save my mother and Tess. Then I would be a free agent—at least free in my mind. I would figure out a way to locate my biological parents and find out what Katie’s secret power was.
And I would find out why The Division had wanted her dead.
The ground rushed up toward me. In order to accomplish any of my goals, I had to stay alive. I had to crush Althea Remington.
Unfortunately to date, she’d proven herself uncrushable.
But now I had something at stake, too. Althea had lost her beloved son to a cancer caused by environmental factors. I knew in my heart that avenging him was her raison d’être.
But I loved someone, too. My mother had never been perfect, but she’d su
ffered more than I’d ever known. Then there was Tess. If Finn lost her because of The Division, he would never recover. I had to save his sister. I had to protect them both.
I landed, rolling across the ground and stopping in an inelegant pile. Pain seared in my shoulder—it felt as though I’d ripped my stitches. I winced, but then I pushed the feeling away. No time for whining.
Nicole landed a few hundred yards from me. Again, she hit the ground running, looking like an athletic-wear model out for a morning wind sprint. Even her hair looked perfect, as if she hadn’t just careened down from the upper stratosphere.
She detached her chute, swept it up, and headed for me. “You all right?”
“I’m awesome.”
She held out her hand for me and pulled me up. “Dr. Rharr told me that you’re still weak. I understand you wanted to be with the team, but you might need to hang back.”
I shook my head. “I can’t. If I recall the parameters of my role, I’m one of our leads. I have to help build our moat, or whatever the heck you called it.” As I understood it, the term “moat” was Silicon Valley speak for a way to protect your operations.
Nicole frowned. “I need to moat you. You’ll be following today, not leading.”
When I started to object, she cut me off. “I need you to stay alive. We have a lot to do.”
“I’ll be fine.” We cleaned up our packs and started off in search of the others. “Are you going to tell me the rest of the story? About Trey?” I couldn’t help myself. Even though we were about to sneak into another one of Althea’s secret compounds, I wanted to hear the gossip.
Nicole chuckled. “Sometimes I forget I’m dealing with a bunch of teenagers.”
I bristled. “We don’t have to talk about it.”
“Actually, we do.” Nicole shot me a look. “I told you that I broke off the relationship with Trey because I thought it was too dangerous for him. Given the fact that Nora had him brought into custody today, I was right.”