Book Read Free

Rock the Curves

Page 3

by Twyla Turner

  “Well…was he?” She asked.

  Lyris hadn’t wanted to think about it. Or him. But she wasn’t able to get his cat-like eyes out of her mind. They weren’t fully green and they weren’t fully gray. The two colors blended together and changed depending on how the light hit them. At times, more pale sea-green than gray. Other times, it was more icy-gray than green. And they stood out even more with the outer ring of dark steel gray that circled his lighter irises. And to make matters worse long, thick, and dark lashes framed them. They were distractingly mesmerizing.

  “I mean, yeah he was good looking,” Lyris shrugged.

  “Just good looking?” Sebastian asked incredulously.

  “Okay, fine. He was drop-dead gorgeous! You happy now?”

  “I knew it!” Sebastian exclaimed.

  Lyris remembered the way his eyes had devoured her. How he looked her up and down appreciatively. The way his eyes traveled her curves was unlike the majority of the looks she’d received since stepping foot in LA. The waifs or the women with size 4 waistlines and size 12 breasts and ass were the ones admired in La-La Land. A woman with a size 16 waistline to match the big breasts and ass was ignored or looked at with disapproval. Especially a woman who didn’t hide her curves.

  Gage’s looks of hunger had thrown her. They made her stomach tremble and her nether regions flinch. Her body’s reaction pissed her off more than anything. She didn’t want to find the arrogant singer attractive.

  “He might be handsome, but he seems like a bit of a prick.” Lyris defended her disdain for the man. “He barely even spoke to me. Whispering to his manager and then his manager doing most of the talking for him. As if he was too good to speak to me.”

  “Well, I heard he’s shy.” Sebastian defended him.

  “Shy?!” Lyris jerked her head back with a frown. “He’s a famous musician, how is he shy?”

  “Some people are better at performing than they are at speaking with others.”

  “Riiiiiiight,” Lyris said skeptically.

  “It’s true.”

  “I guess I’ll find out. But for now, I think he’s an arrogant douche who thinks he’s gorgeous and can get away with whatever he wants by just flashing a sexy smile.” Lyris ended thinking of that sexy crooked smile he’d given her after she’d said she wanted to tour the world with him.

  She tried not to acknowledge that her stomach did, in fact, flip-flop in response to the lopsided grin. Her heart had tripped and then sped up just a smidge. But she’d rather die than admit she had even a hint of attraction to the rock star.

  Never in a million years.

  “Alright, we’ve got all the daytime and late-night shows booked.” Jesse began after Gage walked into the studio for rehearsal Monday morning.

  “Cool,” Gage said as he removed his sunglasses.

  “That gives us a month of rehearsal. Then you’ll do the press circuit. After that you’ll head out on tour.” Jesse looked away nervously, “But there’s one other thing. Something you’re not gonna like.”

  “Let me guess. The label wants me and Natasha to perform the duet on all the shows?” Gage said around a tight jaw.

  “Not all of them, but yeah. I’m sorry, Gage.”

  “Right. I know you, Jesse. I wouldn’t doubt it was you that suggested the idea. So, you can stop the remorseful act.”

  “Man, don’t start. I’ve been doing this for way longer than you have. I know what sells. Concert tickets are expensive and people are on hard times. We have to give them an incentive to spend one-hundred-plus bucks on you over another artist or staying home,” Jesse reasoned.

  “Please don’t tell me that they’re suddenly going to make this a combined tour with me and her together.” Gage cringed just thinking about it.

  “Okay, we’re dicks, but not that bad. There might be times that she’ll make an appearance with you in a few cities.”

  Gage was tempted to throw his coffee cup at the wall and have a proper rock star hissy fit. The muscle in his jaw ticked rhythmically instead as he swallowed down his anger.

  The last thing he wanted to deal with was his needy ex. She wanted every last drop of his attention. She was beautiful. And manipulative. It was hard to think straight around her. And her drama always seemed to suck him in. She’d be sweet. Which would quickly turn cruel. Then contrite. Finally, horny and aggressive. And for some reason, Gage was pulled into her web of erratic behavior. Every. Time. And he’d fuck his frustration out on her to get her out of his system.

  She was exhausting.

  Gage rubbed roughly at his forehead.

  “Gage, seriously. It’s not that bad.”

  “Have you dated her?”

  “No. But I’ve dated women like her.” Jesse shrugged. “Play with her and then ignore her.”

  “You don’t ignore a woman like Natasha. She won’t allow it.”

  “I’m sorry, man. But you don’t have much choice in this. The record label demands it. The song is already a hit, not only because it’s good, but because your fans are curious about the breakup. Performing together would make it even more popular. And more people will tune in to every performance on TV and show up to more concerts, because they’ll all be curious about watching two famous people who are broken up have to perform a steamy love song together. It’s like the perfect marketing miracle. Your breakup is like free publicity.”

  “I hate it here.”

  Jesse chuckled, “You won’t hate the money that rolls in.”

  “That’s debatable,” Gage said under his breath.

  The door opened and in walked the main members of Gage’s band. Neal was second guitar. He was a tall lanky guy with long brown hair. Gage didn’t know what the girls liked most, Neal’s guitar skills or his long hair that was often tied up in a man bun.

  His bassist, Brandi, was a dark-skinned, tall slender black woman with locs cut into a mohawk. She was hot and a badass on the bass guitar. She had her own flock of women chasing her and she loved every minute of it.

  And Riley was Gage’s drummer. Average height, stocky with beefy arms, a bald head, and groomed beard. He had a girlfriend, but when they were on tour, he sure didn’t act like it.

  A lot of the relationships in the music industry were the same. Plenty of infidelity. A lot of looking the other way in order to keep the lavish lifestyle. More self-medicating than was healthy. Most everyone pretended to be happy when they weren’t.

  Gage tried to stay out of most of it. He’d done the sleeping around thing that first year. But once he started dating Natasha, he’d been fine being a one-woman man. Not that she noticed. She accused him of cheating almost every day.

  Mack, his bass background singer and Rainey, his soprano walked in together. Mack was tall, dark-skinned and built like a wall. Rainey was tiny, light-skinned with a cap of close-cropped black curls. They’d make a cute couple, if they’d stop pretending that they weren’t in love with each other.

  Behind them walked in the newest member of their tour. Lyris. Gage felt his heart skip a few beats like it did the first time he’d laid eyes on her.

  Her reddish-purple curls were pulled up into a puff on top of her head with a few ringlets framing her face. She wore a gray cotton bodycon dress that stopped a little below the knee. She paired it with a denim jacket, large silver hoop earrings, and white tennis shoes to give it a casual feel. The dress hugged every single inch of her voluptuous body. Her tummy was soft and rounded. Her waist curved inward, giving her an hourglass shape but still thick enough to where she had those handles made for holding onto during cuddles and fucking.

  Gage’s eyes caressed her broad hips. They had a lovely feminine curve to them. And they hinted to what delights that might be her backside. No woman with hips like that would have a small behind. A moment later, Lyris proved his theory right when she turned to hang her purse on one of the multiple hooks near the doorway. Her ass was glorious. Apple shaped. Round and ripe. And had just the right amount of jiggle when she moved.

  Gage bit down on his bottom lip as he appreciated the gift that God had given her.

  Lyris turned at that exact moment and caught him staring. Gage’s eyes shot up to hers.


  Lyris’ heart tripped over itself at the look of pure lust on Gage’s face. The look caught her off guard. Apparently catching him staring had caught him off guard as well. His pale green eyes shot up to hers. He bashfully raked a hand through his dark locks, and turned on his booted heel to walk over to his mic.

  He had on a black t-shirt that complimented his tall, lean muscled frame. Relaxed fit, medium-washed jeans hung low on his hips and fell just right over black boots. He was sexy in an understated, not trying too hard sort of way.

  Lyris gritted her teeth in frustration. She didn’t want to find any parts of him sexy or attractive. He was a paycheck. Nothing more.

  “Alright, everyone,” Gage called out to pull focus. “We have a new addition to the family. Since Denise is out on pregnancy leave and we’re not sure when she’ll be back, we have replaced her with Lyris Wright.”

  Gage gestured to Lyris and she waved to everyone as a whole.

  “Hey, everyone,” she said.

  They all responded with different greetings. Gage then introduced each person in the band. They all seemed nice and Lyris sighed a breath of relief. They also appeared to be a very close-knit group. She figured it would take time to feel a part of the family they’d developed over three years.

  “Okay, I have typed out exactly what I want you three to sing.” Gage handed out packets of papers to his three backup singers.

  He handed the last one to Lyris. Gage then gently grasped her wrist. His guitar-calloused fingers laid lightly over her pulse point. Lyris’ eyes flew up to his. The silvery green irises were dilated. The dusting of dark hair covering his chiseled jaw looked rough and sexy. With his free hand, Gage brushed the hair out of his face and back behind his ear. It was obviously out of habit, but it was so hypnotic that Lyris’ eyes followed the movement.

  “Don’t worry,” he said softly, bringing her back to his eyes…and mouth. “Mack and Rainey are good people and they’ll welcome you with open arms. You’ll fit right in.”

  Gage licked his full pink lips. Then he released her wrist, but not before slowly sliding the rough tips across her skin. Lyris tried so hard to hide it, but a visible shiver ran over her and her skin prickled with awareness. Gage cleared his throat and looked at Mack and Rainey.

  “So, I want you three to head to the next room and practice harmonizing and coming together as a unit. Lyris has a powerhouse voice. Help her blend in without dulling her shine. There are a few songs where she’ll have some solo moments, and I’ll want her to kill it,” Gage instructed them.

  “We got you, Gage.” Mack said and they did that masculine handshake and chest bump thing guys do.

  “Hey, Lyris.” Rainey said in a sweet lilting voice. “Welcome to the family. You’re gonna love it.”

  “Everyone does seem nice.” Lyris smiled down at her.

  Rainey was a tiny woman in every way compared to Lyris’ five-feet-eight, size 16 frame. The biggest thing on Rainey was her bright white smile.

  “Come on, ladies. Let’s go practice,” Mack jerked his head towards the door.


  Gage practiced with the band while his backup vocalists practiced in another room. His attention was split between singing and thinking of Lyris. Even with her not in the room, he could still see her as she was when he held her wrist. He still could feel her pulse jump at the touch. He saw the shiver that ran through her, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. She played like she wasn’t interested. Like she didn’t like him. But her body told a different story.

  She didn’t know it yet, but Gage had every intention of wearing her down.

  “Gage!” Brandi shouted at him. “Where is your head at man?”

  “Ooh! Ooh! I know!” Neal jumped up and down with his hand raised. “The fresh meat.”

  “Shut up,” Gage grumbled.

  “You see what he did there? He’s pissy, but he didn’t deny it.” Neal pointed out.

  “She’s pretty, no doubt. But I’mma need you to focus at least through one whole set.” Brandi said.

  She was the taskmaster if Gage wasn’t on his A-game. He appreciated it, even if he was embarrassed at the moment.

  “I’m focused. I’m focused.” Gage waved off her critique.

  Of course, it would be that at that very moment the door opened and in walked Mack, Rainey, and Lyris taking up the rear. That same trip of the heart happened again.

  “We’re ready to go,” Mack said with a big white smile. “You were right, man. She’s got an incredible voice. But she’s good at blending in.”

  Gage looked over at Lyris.

  She shrugged, “Years of choir.”

  “Perfect!” Gage nodded, impressed. “Then let’s not waste any time and get into it all together.”

  Everyone took their places. Gage stood front and center. He turned back to look at his tour family.

  “Alright. Let’s start with Bedroom Beats the title track,” Gage suggested.

  They all nodded.

  It was his number one single on the new album aside from the duet, Sex & Sweat with Natasha. Since Brazilian music was a very sexy and sensual genre of music, Gage made his newest album about love and sex. He combined his Brazilian heritage and Rock background to blend a sound that was erotic and gritty. Bedroom Beats was about the rhythm of sex. The perfect song to fuck to.

  Gage adjusted his guitar strap, so his guitar sat more comfortably to play.

  “One…two…one two three…”

  In my eyes, I can’t disguise

  I want to bury myself between your thighs

  Hands grasp your waist, your sex covered in satin and lace

  I anticipate the moment I can taste


  Bedroom beats

  Tearin’ up the sheets

  Hips dip and dive

  To the depths of your honeyed hive

  There’s nothing out in these streets that would bring me to cheat

  I just want you and our bedroom beats

  Arch your back, I’m on the attack

  Your climax builds and is right on track.

  My lips kiss your face, trailing down your body at my own pace

  Between us there is no space


  Bedroom beats

  Tearin’ up the sheets

  Hips dip and dive

  To the depths of your honeyed hive

  Your body is a garden of nectar delicious and sweet

  I will nourish it with this heat and bedroom beats


  Fingers entwine

  I’ll bruise your spine

  Sip from cum turned wine

  I don’t know where to draw the line

  You are mine as if by design


  Bedroom beats

  Tearin’ up the sheets

  Hips dip and dive

  To the depths of your honeyed hive

  I know you’re replete, so take a breath before I hit repeat

  My need for you will never be discrete

  I’mma hit you with these bedroom beats

  When Gage hit the first few notes, Lyris almost missed her cue to start singing. She’d listened and studied his music all weekend. And she’d been reluctant to say it, but she loved his sound. Especially his newest album. Being an aspiring Rock & Soul singer, the Rock and Brazilian rhythms on his sophomore album were right in her wheelhouse.

  But she’d assumed that the majority of his vocals on the album were Auto-Tuned or tweaked in some way to get the sound he achieved. She was sorely mistaken. His raspy, edgy rocker sound could incinerate the panties off an 80-year-old grandma during afternoon bingo at a nursing home. The lyrics to Bedroom Beats didn’t help.

  He had the magical trifecta. The seductive lyrics, the sensua
l rhythm, and the sexy as hell voice. Lyris pressed her thighs together in response to the throb that had begun there at the imagery the song presented. She was sure that was his intention when he wrote the song.

  What the hell?!?

  Gage finished the last line and turned to everyone.

  “Alright, that wasn’t too bad for the first time out. Riley, slow it down just a bit. I literally wrote this song to be played during sex,” he said confirming Lyris’ thoughts. “I want that beat to hit just right for maximum effect.

  “Brandi, that was perfect. Slow strained. Yearning. Exactly what I need. Neal, very nice.” He finally turned to his backup vocalists. “Mack and Rainey, you two were spot on. Lyris, you did really well for your first time. You came in a little late in the beginning, but that’s to be expected. You don’t know my cues yet. You’ll get the hang of it. Otherwise, what did you think? This being your first time and all.”

  Lyris was almost positive he knew the effect the song had on her and he was purposely teasing her. She clenched her teeth and smiled. Arrogant little…

  “It was great. I’m having fun. The song is…” She trailed off not really sure how to describe it.

  “Naughty? Dirty? Sexy? Too much?” He coaxed.

  “Very…seductive. A…uh…great dance song.”

  “Yeah, for the horizontal mambo,” Neal joked.

  Ba dum dum. Riley hit on his drums and symbol to punctuate the corny joke.

  Everyone laughed. Everyone except Lyris and Gage. Gage just looked at her silently for a little longer than was comfortable. Lyris shuffled from foot to foot uncomfortably.

  Jesus! Would he stop staring into my soul like he knows what I’m thinking or undressing me?!

  Gage finally looked away from her. Lyris released her pent-up breath.

  “Okay, let’s do the song again. We’re going to practice every song on this album and the most popular songs from the last album until each one is perfect. When we’re finally perfect, then we’ll practice the whole show from front to back until the show is perfect and becomes muscle memory. Got it?” Gage said seriously.


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