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Hard Case 12: Climate of Chaos (John Harding)

Page 3

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Good idea, Sis.”

  I waved at the applauding crowd as the cameras picked us up entering the building. I adjourned to the nearest bathroom, joined by my other riot breakers.

  “Well… that was a surprise,” Tommy said. “I was watching when Lynn extracted a name. What did that bimbo, Smiley, want with us?”

  “Not a clue yet, T.” We all began washing our mitts.

  My hands came clean with only a few slight cuts. Tommy fractured a finger, but it wasn’t bad enough to get it set. Dev and Jess had only abrasions. Jafar’s right hand was swelling. I inspected it, feeling gently for bad spots. “You need to leave and get this iced, little brother. We’ll handle the rest of the meet and greet. You did good out there.”

  “I stayed low and followed you, striking when I had an opening. You guys plowed through those snowflakes faster than I could follow. Keep me briefed if you have any updates. I will begin tearing Smiley Pyrus’s life apart while I ice the hand.” Jafar smiled at me. “I saw what you did to the guy nearest Lora and the kids, DL.”

  “Go get iced.” Yeah… I broke that guy’s face so nothing short of cosmetic surgery would ever make it look passable in public.

  On stage, we received a standing ovation. I waved and hugged Lora, Al and Kade. I put Kade into the air like the Lion King. I figured publicity and getting Kade out in the open as my son would help the situation. “This is my son, Kade. His mom thought it best to leave him in my care. He will be with me and my family from now on. Anyone coming after him will be coming after me.”

  I hugged the little guy. Kade waved at the crowd to another standing ovation. The kid wasn’t shy. I planned to make sure to whomever ordered today’s attack, through the Smiley Pyrus bimbo, it would be a deadly dangerous course to continue following. I knew Clint and Lynn would learn what the details of today’s attack were. I handed Kade to Lora.

  “I will answer anything, and everything, related to the fight. I realize this invasion spoiled your being here at the press conference. I hope I can make it more entertaining.”

  The inevitable happened in the questioning. “Are you sure Kade is your son?”

  “We will have our DNA test results done, of course, but take my word for it, Kade is mine. His mom did not reveal Kade’s existence to me until last night. Our utmost goal will be his protection. We’re investigating right now into why the MGM was attacked by these hooded ghouls.”

  “Calling them names is counterproductive! These hooded ghouls, as you call them, have an agenda needing attention. They were forced to seek a public forum for their grievances!” The speaker was a fake news rep, complete with insignia. “You lack the control and capability to avoid violence, Harding!”

  I vaulted off the stage, streaked to the speaker, and plucked him into the air over my head, as I ripped him from his place in the second row of seats. He bleated like a castrated goat. I shook him within the sudden dead silence of the arena. I then placed him on his feet, straightened his clothing and returned his dropped equipment.

  “That’s restraint, fool. Anyone coming after my son will be broken over my knee like a dried-out twig. I do not show restraint toward thugs coming after my family.”

  I returned to the stage with whistles and applause as the fake news moron ran for the exit. He probably needed a change of pants. I returned to the podium. “Please keep your remarks within the guidelines of common sense and logic.”

  A woman at the front called for the microphone after I pointed at her.

  “Would you fight Henry Clovers in a rematch?” A woman at the front asked as she was handed the microphone.

  “Probably not,” I answered honestly. “Neither of us will tap out. That can lead to death in the cage as almost happened tonight. Our ground and pound holds bring death if the referee’s sight gets blocked for even a few seconds. If the doctors all gave their full okay after Henry heals, he may eventually earn his way back into a title shot. If I’m still the champ, I would not duck him.”

  A man asked for the mic. “Rumors have it you ride this over twenty-foot great white shark named Captain Hook with a shark fin hat. Is that true?”

  “Yeah,” I admitted. “I do. I know how dumb it is. Hook is an aberration we can’t explain. He finds our boat every time we go out.”

  “Do you have video of this highly unbelievable event?”

  I looked back at Tommy. “Do we have me riding Hook in the videos we brought?”

  Tommy grinned. “We were saving it for the wrap-up, but now would be fine.” Tommy cued it up himself.”

  Suddenly, on the huge monitors, there I am wearing my shark fin hat, riding Captain Hook with one hand on his fin, and the other held in the air like an ocean cowboy. Hook took me under for twenty seconds with the audience gasping, only to clear the surface in spectacular form. I maintained my ride position as Hook slammed onto the surface. The video ended in wild applause and laughter. Kade watched the monitor with mouth open and stunned countenance. The man who asked the question sat down, shaking his head. Our MGM assistant signaled we could end the show. I turned over the podium to him.

  Outside the arena, we all decided to have some brunch at the Tap Sports Bar inside the MGM Grand. It seemed a safe venue for a meal and discussion. Clint pulled me aside. “Lynn and I are going to locate Julie, John. We need to find some answers. Amara and Jonas are looking after Clint Jr, playing house together up in our suite.”

  “Thanks, brother. I hope Julie knows something about what’s going on. Jonas seems to be working out for you.”

  “The kid looks completely different since Lucas gave him a bootcamp haircut. He trains with us and he never complains. We will call you the moment we find and question Julie. Do you still plan to take Kade shopping?”

  “Yes. I looked up a store in Las Vegas called The Children’s Place. We’ll go there together as I planned before Lora decided to go rogue on me.”

  Clint liked that reference. “Understood. Have fun.”

  At brunch, Kade ate well with manners and knowledge of being in a public place. He did surprise us with a request. “Can I get a haircut like yours, Dad?”

  I also have a Marine bootcamp haircut like Lucas gave Jonas. “Absolutely. I’m sure we can find a barber for you while we’re out.”

  “I like his hair long,” Lora said.

  “I don’t like it long,” Kade retorted. Lora chuckled, and the incident was settled to much amusement. “I want to ride Captain Hook!”

  “We talked about Hook, Kade. Even I shouldn’t be riding Hook. I promise to take you out on our boat, so you can see Hook, once we get you home to the Bay Area.”

  After the meal, we found a barber, who gave Kade a Marine cut. The haircut looked so good on him even Lora liked it. We did look like clones. At the clothing store, Kade wanted all black t-shirts and black jeans. I had to convince him I did have more formal wear like slacks and shirts. I did this while listening to my female contingent make gagging noises when Kade saw a black leather jacket that was only a little large for him. Naturally, he needed all new underwear, socks, and shoes. Kade was a little disappointed because they didn’t have black underwear.

  He slept all the way back to the MGM and up to our suite. I hoped Clint and Lynn were having some luck finding Julie.

  Chapter Two

  Secret Life

  Clint and Lynn found Julie at a trailer park near Meadows Village, one of the rougher neighborhoods in Las Vegas. Clint researched all the addresses in the gambling cards database each casino uses, listing names for rewards. Julie signed for a number of cards, all with the address listed at the trailer park. They parked their rental vehicle and approached the trailer listed. Clint walked up to knock on the door, only to hear muffled screams inside. He and Lynn drew instantly as Clint kicked in the door.

  Inside, the monster John broke the night before was slapping a gagged and tied Julie back and forth across the face, gimping slightly on the lower leg cast. Bronk turned toward the noise, only to have his nose b
one driven into his brain with a wickedly accurate smash from Clint’s left palm strike. Bronk died on the way down, having met yet another real monster. They quickly cleared the trailer of any other presence and shut the door with Nitrile gloves in place. Lynn removed Julie’s gag and wet the cleanest towel she could find. After patting Julie’s face clean of blood, Lynn sat down in front of Julie.

  “John sent us to check on you. What did dead-boy want from you?”

  Julie blearily tried to focus on Lynn. “He…he wanted all the money John transferred to me. I wouldn’t… tell him how to get it.”

  “Tough girl.” Lynn shook her head in the negative at Clint who released Julie from her bonds. “We have a problem, Julie. A mob, sent by Smiley Pyrus, tried to capture John’s wife, daughter Al and Kade. She made it to our press conference arena where we scattered the mob.”

  Julie’s face turned into a horrified mask. “They went after Kade already? That fucking Illuminati bitch Pyrus! They own her soul… just like they owned me. Is…is Kade okay?”

  “He’s doing great. John has him safe. Tell us about this Illuminati crap you’re talking about. Clint and I are here to help you get clear of them and find some help to make you well.”

  “Years ago… I left John… pregnant with Kade. I thought I could do it all. I…I met a guy with connections, who told me I could be a Pulitzer Prize reporter with guidance. I ghost wrote for him while pregnant at an estate in Santa Barbara. After I gave birth to Kade, he initiated me into the Illuminati, hooked me on meth with promises of wealth and fame. For a while… it was a blur of success. Everything went right. I got my own byline with the LA Times. Then… I heard my mentor, Reynold Ransom, speaking behind closed doors.”

  Julie began sobbing, holding her face in hands, trembling at the recollection. She took the wet towel from Lynn and held it to her face, flinching at the pain. “I had participated in… some of their… rituals - people getting high, wild sex, Satanic chants, altars and black robes. High on meth… I thought it was a high society game… until I heard them talking about sacrificing Kade.”

  “Jesus,” Lynn muttered, her face turning into a death mask. “You went on the run, huh?”

  “Yes! I packed some things and fled with what money I could garner. The LA Times fired me immediately, claiming false accusations of plagiarism. I survived afterward, with a meth habit I can’t break. Las Vegas has been my refuge until I hooked up with Bronk and he found out who Kade’s father was. It was my fault. I… I heard who was fighting Clovers when I was high. I told him John Harding was Kade’s father. Bronk got this weird look on his face and left.”

  “At least we know the why and how of this,” Lynn said. “We couldn’t figure out why a bimbo like Pyrus would send a mob after Kade. They can’t seriously believe they can take Kade back for some Satanic movie real life rerun, do they?”

  “They believe they can do anything. Pyrus may not have been ordered to use a mob. The Illuminati members often do ridiculous stuff to impress each other, especially the celebrities. The mob may not have been called on to take the baby. Pyrus may have a flash mob following her on Twitter or Instagram, ready to act on any stupid whim. She’s in Las Vegas often enough to have local groupie fans who will do any stupid thing she tells them to do. Pyrus attended many of those weirdo parties Ransom hosted.”

  “We’ll look into it. Look, we’re not adult babysitters,” Lynn explained. “What would you like to do? You’ll always have money and a nice place to live of your choosing. John will see to that. Las Vegas turned septic for you now. One of these Illuminati tools may erase you as an afterthought. We can get you a first-class ticket to anywhere you want to go. John will transfer another $2500 every day for the next four days to get you started.”

  “I…I’ll go to Tucson. I have friends there. Maybe… I can get detoxed at a safe place.”

  Lynn glanced up at Clint. He gave her a slight headshake of disbelief. She felt the same way. “Okay then… let’s get a bag packed for you. Do you have a change of clothes?”

  “Yes. I’ll wash up and change. Thank you for this. I can change… you’ll see.”

  “I hope so.” Lynn knew Julie didn’t believe what she promised either. “Do you have an ID so we can get you on a plane?”

  “I have a passport.”

  “That’ll do. Does anyone else know you stayed in this trailer with Bronk?”

  “No one knew my name. No one cares enough here to notice anything.”

  “Good. Go on and get ready.”

  Clint and Lynn walked the cleaned and freshly dressed Julie to the Southwest desk. A flight was leaving in an hour for Tucson. Lynn made sure the bag was checked in and Julie had her boarding pass. Clint gave her another thousand dollars. They used their FBI credentials to walk Julie through the security checkpoint and toward her gate, stopping to buy her a light meal. Lynn let her have a double whiskey to sip.

  “You can get more on the plane but be careful. If you get smashed on the plane, you won’t be able to function when you land. We’ll have a limousine meet you at the gate, go with the driver to any hotel you wish to stay at. If I were you, I would pick out a nice one where you don’t call any attention to yourself. Rest and decide what you want to do that would make Kade proud of you. Do that every morning. Maybe you will turn things around.”

  “I will Lynn. Thank you. Bye.” Julie walked away toward her gate.

  “She’ll die an addict,” Clint said. “Even if we forced her into rehab, she would be back messed up as bad as ever within a week.”

  Lynn shrugged. “We care for Kade and John’s part in all this. She will always have money and a roof over her head, without having to turn tricks and back-alley blow jobs to keep going. It could keep her alive comfortably for a long time. John’s no dummy. He’ll dole out the money in-”

  Clint saw what Lynn noticed, Julie sitting down at a slot machine. Lynn hurried over, grabbed Julie by the ear as Clint gathered her things, and cashed out the ticket with a cashier. “Don’t make me hurt you, Julie, because I will. You’re getting on that plane. Make no mistake about that.”

  “Sor…sorry. I was just going to pass the time, Lynn… really.”

  “Yeah… I bet you were. I’ll sit with you and keep you entertained until boarding.”

  Clint stuck the money from Julie’s aborted slot machine encounter in her purse. “Whenever you think of crossing John, think of what happened to Bronk. I’m not Illuminati, but I will find you. Do you understand?”

  Julie looked into the face of death; and knew she could screw up in a lot of ways, but if she double-crossed these two killers or John, they would find her. “Yes… yes… I understand.”

  “That’s good,” Clint replied. “I can see you understand the truth. Good luck, Julie. You’re going to need it. I programmed our phone numbers into your phone. If the Illuminati do send someone after you, call us. We will be there within hours.”

  “Okay… ah… thanks.” Julie turned toward the gate as they began boarding first class passengers. She nearly jogged toward the gate.

  “If she’s not dead in a month, that will be a shocker,” Clint said.

  “She’ll be around to haunt us. Julie understands the parameters of her situation. I bet she was a good writer. Julie saved Kade and knew when to give him up. That means a lot to John and all of us.”

  “Yeah… it does. Let’s go back to the MGM and get a bite to eat and something to wash this experience down.”

  “Yep… screw the white zin. I need a double whiskey on ice before and after dinner.”

  “After Clint Jr goes to sleep, want to play doctor and horny nurse?”

  Lynn chuckled. “Sure. I should have mugged that damn Muerto for a last night dance date.”

  “We’ll get him back in the Bay or down in the Grove soon, babe. We’ll need to make do with what we have for the evening, and I aim to please.”

  “I like the sound of that, cowboy. Let’s go give John the news.”

  * * *
  We opted again for the Tap Sports Bar because Kade loved everything inside it. The rest of us Monsters had no problem with the venue. Some would be going to fancier spots after our meeting. Clint and Lynn briefed us on current events while we sipped a couple. Lynn had Clint Jr in her arms and Kade opted for my lap. Jonas and Amara joined us too for the meal. Kade and Al chose the shrimp bucket to split with the rest of us. I noticed Kade flinched a little whenever his mom’s name was mentioned.

  “A limo driver will be there to meet Julie at her gate. I told them to take her to a middle of the road well-rated motel,” Clint said. “She knows where to find us if the Illuminati come after her. I don’t see that happening now that Kade is with you, brother.”

  “Before we return to the Bay, we will deal with the tongue-flapping bimbo, Pyrus. Then… we’ll deal with Ransom at a later date,” Lynn said. “It could be as Julie told us that the celebrity Illuminati scum try to impress their masters in stupid ways. We need to make sure of what the hell she was doing or had planned. She’s staying in a luxury suite at the Hard Rock. We know the limousine service she uses to jet around the city from place to place. That will be our in. Let Clint and I handle this, John.”

  “Thank you, but maybe we should scamper back to the Bay, and handle the incidentals after they cool off,” I suggested.

  “We need to move on this, John,” Clint agreed. “This Ransom guy is a huge name. If he’s still connected to the hunt for Julie and Kade… we need to know.”

  I knew what Clint and Lynn theorized was on the mark. I just didn’t like any of it. Self-pity is a crappy trough. “Thank you both for doing this. I appreciate it more than I can say.”

  “Don’t go weepy on us, Recon,” Lucas scolded. “Their plan makes sense. They can also bale out on it at any time. I suggest after picking Pyrus up we need to monitor vehicle and location with armed backup. Pyrus may keep an emergency alarm or tracker.”

  “Right on all counts,” Casey agreed. “We do this by the book, starting at the beginning. Clint picks Pyrus up with her bodyguards. He drives toward her destination, and then shuts off the limo while coasting to a halt. Clint tells them not to panic. He assures them he will have another limo there within minutes. Instead, we bust the night’s gala events with our own. Lynn can break Smiley by breathing on her heavily.”


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