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Cardinal: The Affinity Chronicles Book 1

Page 10

by K Kelly

  “You had children?”

  “Not in the way you’re thinking. I have turned three humans into vampires in my very long life. Those are the children I was referring to.” A wave of sadness washes over me as I think back to them.

  As if she can sense my displeasure, Angelica wraps an arm around my waist and leans against me. “I’m so sorry, Janardan.”

  “It was a long time ago.” I kiss the top of her head and breathe in her scent. “I have you now, and I’m happy. I haven’t been that for a very long time.”

  Angelica pushes up on her tiptoes and kisses me on the cheek. “Ditto.”

  I grasp her chin and chastely kiss her lips. “You make all those centuries of loneliness worthwhile. You’re a blessing, a light at the end of a very dark tunnel.”

  “A tunnel in which you slaughtered many of our kind,” interrupts a voice from the back of the store.

  Angelica twists and puts herself between this new fae and me. I go to move in front of her, but she sidesteps so that I can’t.

  “Angel?” I growl.

  Angelica shakes her head and addresses the fae. “How many vampires did you kill? Or does that not matter? Why are the lives of the fae so much more important than theirs? And from what I can gather, all this was a very long time ago. Can’t you all just get along?”

  The fae approaches us, confusion clouding his features. He is an almost exact clone of the fae who was here before, except his eyes are bright green.

  “My brother said the vampire Janardan is here, and that he’s blessed and able to walk in the daylight. Is this your doing?”

  “I’m Angelica, and this is Janardan. We think I’m the reason he can walk in the sun, but it was a pixie that blessed him, not me.”

  “Liar,” hisses the fae.

  “And yet you know she’s telling the truth. Can you not feel it in your bones? Angelica is the chosen one, and she’s mine. We belong to each other, and if the herd does not welcome us, we’ll take our leave.”

  “I’m called Magus, and my brother is Navi. We met the little one when she first transitioned. I fought those demons for you, although they didn’t know why they wanted you, only that they did. This compulsion will increase until you come into your powers fully in twenty-eight days. There will be nowhere for you to hide. Someone, whether it be a supernatural or one of your own kind, will try to keep you for themselves. How do you know this vampire isn’t trying to keep you for himself?”

  “His name is Janardan.” Angelica looks over her shoulder at me. “Why do they keep doing that?” I shrug, and she looks back at Magus. “And would he have brought me to you if he were trying to keep me for himself? That doesn’t make sense, even to me.”

  Magus smiles and nods. “True, but vampires can be treacherous.”

  “So can the fae,” I counter.

  “Only when we have to. How did it come to pass that a pixie blessed you?”

  “It wanted to see my fangs, so I showed him.” I glance at Angelica. “Was it a him or a her?”

  “He looked like a boy… I mean, male, but…” Angelica shrugs.

  “It was indeed a him. And he wanted to see your fangs? Whatever for?”

  “I think he was curious. I promised not to hurt him, and he approached. He even tried to touch them.” I chuckle. “Then the next thing I know, he’s throwing grit in my eyes and disappearing. I wasn’t amused, but, of course, I didn’t realize he’d blessed me.”

  Magus stares at me, a small smile on his lips. “You know pixies are closely related to us. Some never become true fae, but we guard them fiercely. That one would approach you and bless you, Janardan, is extraordinary.”

  “I think he liked him,” replies Angelica, nodding.

  Magus holds out his hand to Angelica. She glances at me, and I nod.

  “Take her other hand, vampire, and let’s see if the fae will accept you into our realm.”

  I take Angelica’s hand, and like his brother before him, Magus begins to glow and pulsate.

  “I do warn you, vampire, if the realm does not accept you, you will feel pain… lots of excruciating pain.”

  “Hang on a min—” says Angelica as light surrounds us.

  For a moment, I do feel pain, but it turns to something else, heat but not unpleasant, and when I open my eyes, we are in a great banquet hall surrounded by the fae.

  Angelica looks around, the color has drained from her face, and I catch her as she faints.

  “What have you done,” I yell at Magus.

  “Be calm, Janardan, it can be overwhelming for humans when they come here. They are so young. Your mate will wake up soon. Bring her to the table, the chairs are most comfortable. Here, we’ll wait for Oona, Queen of the Fae.”

  “Oona?” I ask.

  Magus nods as he smiles at me knowingly. I have met their queen on the battlefields. I have sunk my teeth into her flesh before her people wrestled her away from me. At the time, she screamed vengeance, but that day vengeance was mine. I slaughtered many and was later told it was because of me that the races found a way to establish peace.

  “The fae always have a way to cheat, connive, and deceive, don’t you?” I ask bitterly.

  “You will not be harmed, Janardan. You have your mate to thank for that. We know that if we hurt you, she’ll not look favorably upon us. Our king, Oberon, is eager to meet her. Perhaps she will find him more to her liking, and then our queen may do with you as she wishes.”

  I cradle Angelica in my arms as I sit at their table. “Not going to happen,” I grind out.

  “We’ll see.”


  I feel warm and rejuvenated. When I open my eyes, I am in Janardan’s arms at a table surrounded by the fae. They are all very good looking like tall Vikings. Some have dark hair, most have fair hair, and their eyes are all so beautiful. Janardan is talking quietly to someone on his left, and when I stir, all conversations in the hall stop, and he looks down at me and smiles.

  “I was beginning to think, angel, that you were not going to wake up. How do you feel?”

  I stretch my arms up and yawn. “I feel good. I’m hungry.”

  Laughter fills the hall, and I look at Janardan, heat filling my cheeks.

  “Perhaps you should sit up, and I’ll introduce you to everyone?”

  “How bad do I look?”

  More laughter comes from those around me. Slowly, I sit up at a very long table. There must be thirty fae sitting at it with many more standing behind the chairs.

  “How long have I been asleep for?” I ask, twisting to face Janardan.

  “About four hours.”

  The fae sitting next to Janardan chuckles.

  “It may only be four hours in human terms, but time works differently here in the realm. You, my dear, have been asleep for far longer than that. That’s why you’re so hungry.”

  This man looks different than the others. He’s broader across the chest, and his hair is quite dark. It’s in braids with little pink flowers all through it, and it should look feminine, but on him, it looks appropriate. His eyes are amber with flecks of gold in them, and from the expression on his face, he’s up to no good.

  “Are you teasing me?”

  “No, not at all.” He stands and holds a hand to his chest and bows slightly. “Please, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Oberon, King of the Fae, and your most honorable host.”

  The king takes my hand and kisses it. He looks me in the eyes before he smiles and lets my hand go. It feels somehow intimate, and I wipe the back of my hand on my jeans.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Angelica Adam, and this is my mate, Janardan.”

  The king roars with laughter. “Indeed. We have already met your mate, Angelica, and he’s made it clear that you’re his.”

  Janardan rubs my back soothingly.

  As I look around the table, it dawns on me that I’m sitting on Janardan’s lap. I quickly swivel my head and lock eyes with him.

  “What?” he asks.

  I lean in and whisper in his ear, “I’m on your lap.”

  The entire room erupts into laughter. With my face burning, I lean back with eyes wide, staring at Janardan.

  He smiles at me. “Supernatural hearing.”


  I look down at his chest, and he raises my chin, so I have to look at him.

  “What is it, Angel?”

  “Will I get that?” I whisper.

  Janardan shakes his head. “I don’t think so. But until you reach your full potential, we won’t know.”

  “Hmmm… so not a superhero?”

  The room again erupts into laughter, and my face heats up.

  “Superhero?” Janardan kisses me lightly. “You will always be that to me.”

  I glance around, then back at him. “Why?”

  “Without you, I wouldn’t be able to walk in the sun, and there is no way I’d have been allowed into the troupe and herd’s realms. You are amazing.”

  I lean in to kiss him, and it’s only when I pull away that I realize the whole room is quiet. I cast a look at Oberon, and he’s smiling at me indulgently.

  “I truly hope you are the chosen one. For your heart shines so brightly that all can see and feel it.” Oberon places both hands over his heart. “You are truly a child of the light.”

  “Th-thank you?”

  Oberon throws his head back in laughter, and the rest of the herd follows suit.

  “Oberon, you mentioned before that time works differently here. How long have Angelica and I been here according to human time?”

  Oberon smiles, and before he answers, a tall, regal-looking woman with long red hair enters the hall. She appears to glide across the floor, and the fae fall to her feet as she approaches. Oberon stands and drops to one knee, head bowed.

  “Oona, my love, it’s good to see you,” says Oberon.

  As I’m sitting on Janardan’s lap, I bow my head and hope she doesn’t find me rude.

  “Oberon, my love, you’re always a delight to my eyes.”

  “And yet, it’s been more than a month since I’ve seen you?”

  Oona laughs, and it’s a tinkling sound that fills the hall. “And yet, it appears you haven’t wasted away without me.”

  Oberon stands, lips turned down in a grimace that makes his beautiful face appear hard. “I have learned to survive,” he replies dryly.

  I glance up at the pair of them and find Oona staring at me, disdainfully. I drop my gaze and stare at her feet.

  “So, the chosen one has chosen poorly, or at least that’s what the court tells me.”

  I feel my face heat again, but this time in anger as her words sink in. Queen or not, she doesn’t get to talk down to Janardan while I’m in the room.

  “Oona, I’d be careful if I were you. Her time is nearly upon us, and although I know you don’t appreciate Janardan, he is her mate and has shown the herd nothing but sincere respect.”

  “Pfft!” Oona says as she walks away from us. “It wasn’t you the vampire nearly killed, my love, it was me,” Oona screeches at the end.

  Janardan moves quickly further away from the fae royals putting me on my feet and behind him.

  “It was war, Queen Oona, and you attacked us first. You thought to kill all of us, and may have, if I hadn’t gotten the upper hand.”

  I peek around Janardan, and Oona’s face is twisted in rage, turning her beautiful features into something grotesque and unappealing.

  “I’ll end you,” screams Oona.

  Oberon moves in front of her. “Be reasonable, my love, we’re moments away from—”

  Oona pushes him out of the way and begins to chant, holding up her hand, eyes fixed on Janardan. I watch helplessly as he is lifted off the floor and begins to scream, bowed back as though his heart is trying to leave his chest.

  “Stop it,” I yell, grabbing onto his hand.

  Janardan turns his head to look at me. “Run,” he painfully screams out.

  “I. Will. Not!”

  Without too much thought, I go around his prone form and run toward the fae queen. She smiles evilly at me and raises her other hand. I feel a vice around my heart, but it does not slow me down. To everyone’s surprise, I reach her, grab her hand, and scream.


  The very air around her vibrates, and for a moment, her face looks like it does when you are in a wind tunnel, and everything is pulled back. The next thing I know, Queen Oona is flung across the room and slammed against a far wall, fifty feet away. Blood trickles out of the corner of her mouth, and gradually she slides down ending on her ass.

  I turn around and run back to Janardan, who is on his knees. “Are you okay?” I ask as I touch his face.

  “Yes, my angel, I am.” His breathing is ragged, and he looks a little gray around the edges, but he’s alive.

  Screams erupt around the hall, and I look over my shoulder. A crowd is around the Queen on the floor, and Oberon has tears streaming down his face.

  “Shit,” I whisper.

  Janardan stands, holds out his hand, and guides me to where the Queen is laying. The crowd moves away from us, fear in the eyes of the fae.

  “What did you do?” asks Oberon.

  “I don’t know. I wanted her to stop hurting Janardan. That’s all I was thinking of.”

  Janardan kneels in front of Oona. He reaches for my hand and places the other hand on her chest. The rest of the herd moves in around us, and I’m fearing for my life when Janardan begins to chant. A warm sensation from my chest moves down my arm into Janardan, and slowly, Oona moves. Her body bows, and she lets out a groan, then her eyes shoot open, and she looks startled.

  Janardan stops chanting, removes his hand, and moves the both of us back.

  Oberon rushes to his wife’s side, concern written all over his face. “Oona?”

  “Oberon, what happened?”

  “It appears, my love, that the vampire saved you.”

  Shaking her head, Oona allows Oberon to help her to her feet.

  “How?” she asks Janardan.

  Janardan puts his arm around my waist. “Angelica. Don’t ask me the how of it, for I don’t know, but I knew if I held onto her and touched you, I’d be able to fix you.”

  Oona drops to one knee and whispers, “She is the chosen one.”

  “So, it would seem,” agrees Janardan.

  “I thought I had a month to go?”

  “Time moves differently here. You’re human, in your world, you’ve been gone for over a month. Time for us is fluid, but as you are of the human race it’s different for you,” explains Oberon.

  “Does this mean I’m older.”

  Oona stands, shaking her head. “No, Angelica. You’re mated to Janardan, so you inherit his immortality. For you, time will cease to matter.”

  “I’m sorry I hurt you,” I whisper, appalled at my actions.

  “No, my…” Oona looks at Janardan then Oberon. “What do I call her?”

  “Angelica is fine,” I say.

  Shaking her head slightly, Oona continues. “No, it’s not. But thank you for letting me use your name. Angelica, it’s I who should apologize to you. I let an old wound cloud my judgment, and you were only protecting your mate. I’d have done no less for Oberon.”

  Oberon’s face softens at his queen’s admission, and he moves to stand next to her.

  “I’m grateful you saved her,” states Oberon.

  “I’m glad you didn’t kill Janardan,” I offer her awkwardly.

  Queen Oona smiles at me and moves forward, hand extended. As I place my hand in hers, she curtsies.

  “Your highness, you’re welcome in the realm of the herd, anytime. All you need do is think of us, and we’ll come for you. Things are afoot in your realm, and it’s time you left and did what you were born to do.”

  “And what’s that?” I ask.

  Oona smiles. “Something tells me, you’ll figure it out.”

  “I have a question for you, your highness,” says Jana

  “Speak, Janardan.”

  “How is it I’m able to feed off Angelica without giving in to the crave?”

  Oona smiles. “I believe it’s because you’re her true mate. You can’t exist without her, and she cannot exist without you. You are tied together for eternity.”

  I look up at Janardan smiling. “Cool!”

  Janardan smiles at me. “It is indeed, cool.”

  “You need to go,” urges Oona.

  “How do we—” Light flashes around us, and we find ourselves back in the grocery store with Magus and Navi. “How rude,” I mutter.

  Magus chuckles while Navi is back in his corner eyeing both of us cautiously.

  “Our queen isn’t known for long goodbyes.” Magus bows to both of us. “May you have many blessings, your highnesses, and may you always be in the light.”

  “Thank you, Magus. Your queen mentioned there is trouble?” asks Janardan.

  Magus straightens. “There is unrest in the city. The supernaturals have turned it upside down searching for Angelica. Subconsciously, the humans know something is wrong, and it makes them nervous. Only you two can repair the city and the peace within it.”

  “How the hell am I supposed to do that?” I ask.

  Navi clears his throat, and we all stare at him.

  “One day at a time?”

  I grin, and he appears to relax a little.

  “That I can do.”

  “Come on, my angel, let’s get you home and feed.”

  “How did you know I was hungry?”

  “You mentioned it before things got pear-shaped in the hall.”

  “Seems like forever ago.”

  Right at that, moment my stomach lets out a growl, and I feel heat infuse my cheeks.

  Janardan raises my hand to his lips. “Let’s go.”

  It’s funny when Janardan said he was taking me home, it didn’t occur to me that he’d take me to my old apartment. He didn’t, he took me to his place, and as we walked through the door, I felt a sense of comfort wash over me.

  Janardan keeps walking into the kitchen, opens the fridge, and frowns.

  “That bad?”

  “I have a selection of take-out menus. Let me find them.”


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