Murder Machine
Page 51
Bottom of the Barrel, 184, 193, 197, 213, 236, 265, 267
Brady, Harry, 310, 323, 341, 349, 366, 396
Arena and, 331, 335, 337, 339
arrest of DiNome and Ustica and, 401–402
arrest of Dominick and, 373–76
rogue cops and, 364–65
R-Twice arrests and, 405
Brocchini, Joseph, 115–16, 121
Broderick, Judge Vincent, 437, 438, 444
sentencing Joey and Anthony, 445–446
Brooklyn Back Street Blues Band, 61, 62, 274
Brooklyn District Attorney’s office, 279–81, 286, 397, 407
Byrum, George, 120–121
Cadieux, Roland (Ronnie), 279–80, 287, 290, 340, 366–67
arrest of Dominick and, 373–75
cooperation by Dominick and, 378, 385–90
Eppolito jury and, 396–97
Gaggi task force and, 367, 395–97, 407
Mack and, 397
Calabro, Peter, murder of, 285
as rogue cop, 176, 181, 245, 257, 364, 352–63
California, Dominick in, 352–63
The Armenian and, 357, 358–59, 360
as counselor to Vietnam vets, 354–55
Deneux and, 360–63
Gorio and, 356–57, 358
robberies by, 359, 361–62
in Sacramento, 353–57
trips to New York, 359, 363, 371–75
on welfare, 353–54
as a youth, 58, 60–62
Canarsie, Brooklyn, 25, 33, 116, 159, 261, 311–12
“chop shops” in, 87–88, 149
Capone, Al, 7, 76
Capote, Truman, 263
Cardin, Pierre, 294
Carey, Hugh, 74
Carfaro, Scott, 224
Car Phobia Repairs, 90
Carter, Jimmy, 248
Castellano, Connie, 52, 56
husband of, 110, 268, 297
Castellano, Paul, 13, 16, 36, 54–55, 147, 186
arrest of, 410–11
burial of, 430
death of Gambino and, 129–33
drug dealing and, 148, 166, 247, 324, 428
Eppolito and, 223, 248, 257
as Gambino family boss, 133–39, 155–56, 171, 324
home of, 160–61, 244
loansharking case against, 108, 109, 130, 131
on Mafia “Commission,” 160, 428
murder of, 429–30
Nino and, 52, 73, 108, 134–36
Rega’s accusations and, 272–73
Roy and, 109, 134–37, 147, 155, 297, 309–310, 338, 344, 348, 350
son-in-law of, 110–11, 267–68, 297
succession of, 129–33, 394
trial of, see United States v. Castellano
Westchester Premier Theater and, 73, 171, 172–73
Westies and, 160–61
“Castellano task force,” 389, 394
Cher, 20, 186
Coffey, Joseph, 410, 411, 453
Arena and, 335–36
R-Twice arrests and, 405
Cohn, Roy, 131, 410
Commoner, Barry, 28
Connor, Judge William C., 418
sentencing of Dominick and, 446–49
Conti, Daniel, 158, 176
Coonan, James, 144–47, 207, 210, 394
counterfeiting and, 215–16
Stein murder and, 146, 159–62
Costello, John, 158, 176
“Cuban crisis,” 225–40, 395
stolen cocaine from, 240, 243, 264–65
Cusimano & Russo Funeral Home, 62–63, 129, 442
Daisy, The, 356–61, 391
Daoud, Khaled Fahd Darwish, 247–48, 256–61, 409, 425, 438
investigation into murder of, 291, 293, 303, 307, 316, 339
Davis, Geena, 215
Dellacroce, Aniello, 455
death of, 428
death of Gambino and, 129–133
Manhattan faction under, 133, 147–48, 165, 171, 247, 324, 394
DeMeo, Albert (Roy’s son), 165, 296, 338, 343, 438
murder of Roy and, 347, 350
DeMeo, Albert (Roy’s uncle), 35, 281
as famous prosecutor, 28, 29
Roy’s last days and, 344–45, 347
DeMeo, Anthony, 26, 28, 31
DeMeo, Anthony, Jr. (Chubby), 26–27, 29–30, 69, 346
DeMeo, Eleanor, 26, 27, 31, 34, 140
DeMeo, Gladys Brittain, 24, 31, 34, 38–39, 226, 347, 438, 451
estrangement from Roy, 235, 296, 337–38
murder of Roy and, 349–51
DeMeo, Roy Albert, 23–49, 107
Brocchini murder and, 115–116
Byrum murder and, 120–21
car deal with Arabs, see Kuwait stolen-car operation Castellano and, 109, 134–37, 147, 155–56, 297, 309–10, 338, 344, 348
Castellano’s succession and, 129–33
cheating on wife, 37–38
childhood of, 25–28
Chris and, 88, 89–90, 114, 165, 229–30, 235–36, 296
conjecture about murder of, 348–51, 369
Coppolino murder and, 283
“Cuban crisis” and, 225–40
desire to be “made,” 134–37, 143–47
Dominick and, 111, 118–19, 223–24, 230–31, 253, 263, 264, 270–73, 285
drugs and, 112, 135, 148, 166–67, 300, 316
Eppolitos’ murder and, 249–56, 257, 302
Foronjy and, 338–47
Freddy and, 32–33, 162–64, 180, 200
Golden murder and, 151–56
Goverara and, 66–69, 116–120
Grillo murder and, 206–10
homes of, 24, 35, 37–39, 164–65
“in the wind,” 337–41
intimidation of witnesses and, 29, 42
IRS and, 34, 67, 69, 112, 345
Joey and, 243, 263–64, 280
Katz murder and, 95–104, 143
as a loanshark, 30–33, 72
McCabe and, 300–302, 309, 315–16, 331, 334
Mack and, 343–44
as “made” man, 147–48, 184
Mongitore murder and, 294–95
as Neapolitan, 109, 147
Nino and, 23, 35–40, 115–16, 130, 134–36, 155–56, 224, 264, 302, 309–10, 344, 347–50
Penny murder and, 284–90
police informer of, 96, 99, 175
pornography and, 111, 115, 135
Quinn murder and, 151–55
Ragucci murder and, 231–33, 326
Romanos’ murder and, 340
Rosenberg murder and, 230, 236, 295
Rothenberg murder and, 40–43
Scutaro murder and, 294–95
Spillane murder and, 145–46
as stand-in for Nino, 300, 309, 310
as student, 28–31
surveillance of, 143
Testa and, 243, 263–64, 280–81
Todaro murder and, vii–ix, 198–99, 224–25
Vito and, 331–32, 336, 338
weapons and, 37, 69, 71, 131–32
Westies and, 143–48, 156, 157, 160–62
as worst serial killer, 340, 347
DeMeo crew, 35, 71, 77–79, 85, 88–92, 95, 114, 162–63, 200–206
Dominick’s estrangement from, 158, 169, 198, 209–10, 260–61, 263, 264
“DeMeo task force,” 325–30, 339
Deneux, Danielle, 360–63, 377, 419
arrest of, 375, 380, 382
in New York, 371–76
DePalma, Gregory, 73–74, 172–73, 221
DiCarlo, Michael “Mikey Muscles,” 168–69
DiLorenzo, Anneka, 187, 360
DiMaio, Dr. Dominick, 104
DiNome, Carol, 371, 399, 408, 414
DiNome, Frederick (Freddy), 235, 290, 296–97
Arena and, 200–206
arrest of, 306–308, 311
as “Broadway Freddy,” 35, 37, 162, 179
car deal with Arabs and, 200, 202–203, 205–06, 244–47, 287–88, 292–93, 317
as coop
erating witness, 396, 398, 408–409, 415
as “Crazy Freddy,” 162, 167, 179–80
Gately and, 298–99, 309
guilty plea of, 317, 327, 341, 368–69
marriage of, 371, 398–99, 408, 414
as Roy’s chauffeur, 163, 180, 233, 317
Roy’s murder and, 368–70
suicide of, 431–34
testimony of, 431
witness protection program and, 371, 399, 408, 409, 414–16, 431
DiNome, Peggy, 414, 415–16
Freddy’s suicide and, 431–34
DiNome, Richard (Richie), 33, 163, 201–205, 256
arrest of, 401
car deal with Arabs and, 244–47, 365
murder of, 404, 430
refusal to cooperate, 401, 402, 403–404
Doherty, Charlie, 32, 38, 176
Doherty, John, 32, 285
as rogue cop, 175–76, 181, 245, 409
Doherty, Joseph, 440
Nino and, 440–41
Duffy, Judge Kevin, 424–25, 427
actions prior to Castellano trial, 420–21, 425
Gaggi trial and, 430, 435–37, 439
Elman, Frank, 195, 266
El Negro, 226–31
Eppolito, Jimmy, Jr. and Sr., 247–56, 257, 402
bribing of witnesses, 254–55, 256, 280–81
bullet-switch and, 255, 268, 281–82, 398
capture of Nino and Piacente, 251–52
juror’s sexual misconduct charge and, 299–300, 317–18
murder of, 247–49
Penny murder and, 284–90
rigged jury and, 282–84, 396–98, 407, 439
trial of Nino for murder of, 279–85
verdict and sentencing, 283–84, 299
witnesses to murder, 250, 255, 280
Falcaro, Ronald, 258–62, 409, 425, 438
investigation into murder of, 291, 293, 303, 307, 316, 339
FBI, ix, x, 11–12, 40, 71, 106, 172, 308, 407–408, 411, 453–54
cooperation with NYPD, 307, 311
“Gambino squad,” 324, 338, 341, 385
informant “Harry” and, 293, 298, 315, 337
institutional rivalry with NYPD, 141, 179
Quinn and, 149–50, 151, 197
stolen-car rings and, 200, 292–93
taping Castellano, 402–403, 428
Testa task force and, 323–24
Featherstone, Mickey, 162, 193, 210, 394
counterfeiting and, 215–16
testimony of, 440
Flatlands, Brooklyn, 25, 34, 85, 89, 149
Foronjy, Frank, 32, 37, 90
Roy’s last days and, 338–48
testimony of, 438
Fountain Avenue dump, 157–58, 168, 209, 225, 227, 260, 395, 400
Four Directions, 18–22, 74, 126, 186
Four Seasons, 20
Gaggi, Angelo, 5, 7, 9, 19, 109, 439
Gaggi, Anthony Frank (Nino), x, 3–22
accusations against Dominick, 304, 357–58, 381
arrests of, 11, 251–52, 407–408
“away in college,” 300, 302, 309–10
brother-in-law and, 4, 10, 12, 53, 217
Byrum murder and, 120–121
as capo, 134–35, 184
Castellano and, 52, 73, 108, 134–36, 211
childhood of, 5–8
conviction of, 434
“Cuban crisis” and, 229, 235, 239, 264–65
death of, 328–31
death of Gambino and, 120–21
Dominick’s drug and alcohol abuse and, 187, 194, 219, 271–74
dread of prison, 173–74, 299–300
drug dealing and, 112, 166–67, 264–65
Eppolitos’ murder and, see Eppolito, Jimmy, Jr. and Sr.
Florida home of, 58, 75, 78, 119–20, 125, 138, 167
Governara and, 53–54, 57, 66–69, 75, 75–76, 79, 80–81, 116–20, 418
Grillo murder and, 207–208
as loanshark, 72–79, 122–26, 127–28, 142
low profile of, 138, 142–43, 171
pornography and, 111–12, 190
Roy and, 23, 35–40, 115–16, 130, 134–36, 155–56, 224, 264, 302, 309-10, 344, 348–50
sentencing of, 435
Squillante murder and, 17–18, 76
trials of, 279–85, 420–42
Westchester Premier Theater and, 73, 172–73, 198, 208, 218
as young gangster, 9–22, 35–36
Gaggi, Mary, 5–9, 19, 74, 269, 426, 436
death of, 439
Gaggi, Regina, 52, 190
marriage of, 342
Gaggi, Rosario (Roy), 5, 6, 53, 426
described, 5, 9
Gaggi, Rose Mary Pezzella, 52, 57, 124, 196, 255, 269
death of Nino and, 442, 451
marriage of, 11, 117, 138, 338
trials of Nino and, 198, 283, 416, 426, 436, 440
arrest of Nino and, 407
Gambino, Carlo, 21, 56, 108, 248, 430
banning of drug dealing, 35, 36, 112
death of, 129–30, 430
home of, 24, 164, 296
ill health of, 109, 128–29
“lion and the fox,” 12, 46, 188
Westchester Premier Theater and, 73–74
Gambino Mafia family, 13, 17, 23, 86, 175, 182
aftermath of Carlo’s death and, 129–33, 138–39, 171, 394
Castellano’s reign over, 133–39, 155–56, 324, 394, 428
Dominick and, 380–81, 389
expansion of, 147
Roy and, 23, 35–37, 42, 69, 71
split in, 132, 147, 165, 171, 247, 324, 394, 428
Westies and, 144–47, 159–62, 402, 439–40
“Gambino squad,” 324, 338, 399, 403
Gardine, Gary, 159
Gately, Robert, 298–99, 309
Gemini Lounge, 77–78, 96–97, 113–14, 137, 141, 224–25, 255, 257, 293, 306
aftermath of trial and, 451–52
apartment behind, 153, 167–68, 338, 452
arsenal of weapons in, 69, 396
drugs and, 112, 148, 157, 185
“Gemini method” and, 223–25, 227–28, 249, 261, 297
Nino and, 167, 171, 192–93
owner of, 38, 71
Sobota and, 286, 289
surveillance of, 305–306, 337
waitresses at, 164, 223, 273
Gemini twins, 92–102
see also Senter, Anthony; Testa, Joseph
Genovese Mafia family, 270, 271
Genovese Tile Company, 136
Giuliani, Rudolph, 403
arrest of Castellano and, 410–11
demotion of Mack and, 412–13
politics and, 412–13, 455
Golden, Cherie, 150–56, 327, 395
response to murder of, 154–57, 177, 181
Gorio, Glen, 356–57, 358
Gorme, Eydie, 73
Gotti, Gene, ix, 131, 324, 338
indictment of, 428
Gotti, John, xi, 86, 148, 247, 341, 342, 344, 385, 432
drug dealing and, 324, 403
fear of Roy, ix, 338
as new Mafia boss, 430, 435
Nino and, 435
RICO case against, 428, 454
Governara, Vincent, 53, 57, 76
attempted murder of, 66–69, 75, 79, 80, 85, 98, 107, 115, 446
murder of, 116–120, 121, 125, 212, 387, 395, 418, 446
Graziano, Rocky, 6, 10, 74, 373–74
Grillo, Edward Daniel (Danny), 123–24, 155, 167, 193, 198, 215
as addicted to gambling, 206–10, 295
murder of, 207–10, 213–14, 222, 348, 395
Stein murder and, 146, 159–60
Westies and, 144–46
Guccione, Bob, 186, 187, 267
Guelli, Kevin, 159
Guglielmo, Joseph (Dracula), viii, 153, 169, 210, 225, 245, 286, 287
“Gemini method” and, 223
probable murder of, 412
Ragucci murder and, 231–
search of apartment of, 395–96
Harding, Joseph, 302, 305, 320, 328
“Harry,” 293, 298, 307, 314–15
see also Arena, Vito
Hassan, Abdullah, 243, 245, 256, 292
Hellman, Sol, 282, 397, 410
conviction and sentencing of, 445, 456
trial of, 437, 440, 444
Hellman, Wayne, 282, 397, 410
conviction and sentencing of, 444–45, 456
trial of, 437, 439, 444
Hill 875, Vietnam, 47–51, 54, 68
Hofaker, Jerome, 368
“Hole in the Wall Gang,” 196, 197, 214, 220, 265, 304
Hoover, J. Edgar, 141
Horror Hotel, 261, 263, 314
Hyman, Dr. Jesse, 440
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 34, 71, 303, 341
Roy and, 34, 67, 69, 112–13, 345
Jackson, Reggie, 305
Jones, Barbara, 377, 378
as chief of organized-crime unit, 412–13
Jones, Tom, 125
Kampf, Willie, 178–79, 181, 202, 240, 241, 364, 424
Kanin, Garson, 28
Katz, Andrei, 158, 176
murder of, 93–108, 113, 115, 143, 238, 325, 327, 367, 437
stolen car business of, 93–94
Katz, Victor, 94, 107, 113, 437–38
Kennedy, Edward, 248
Kettle, the, 416, 431, 432, 433
King, Alan, 73
King, Carol, 28
Kollman, Frank, 365, 366, 401
Kuwait stolen-car operation, 225, 243–47, 256–62, 291, 293
adjustments in, 291
Daoud murder and, 246–47, 256–62
Empire Boulevard warehouse case and, 291–93, 307–18, 324, 327, 341, 368, 371, 409
Falcaro murder and, 258–62
Kuwaiti investigation of, 396
partners in, 243, 256, 287–88, 292
plans for, 200, 202–203, 205
profits from, 216, 244, 245, 257, 287–88, 292
shipping point for, 245, 246, 291–92
types of cars stolen, 244 256, 292
LaFroscia, Peter, 113, 158, 159, 167, 268, 292
conviction of, 434
Quinn and, 149–54, 177–79, 180–81, 240–41, 279, 306, 327, 364
sentencing of, 436
Wendling and, 177–82, 240, 241, 306, 306–307, 316
LaMotta, Jake, 6, 10, 74, 263, 373–74, 376
Lansky, Meyer, 7, 166
La Rossa, James, 284, 342, 411
Dominick’s testimony and, 427, 430
“Las Vegas Nights,” 188, 197, 206
Lawrence, Steve, 73
Lee, Joey, 201, 204, 245, 425
arrest of, 313, 314, 333–36
“in the wind,” 309, 313, 315, 331–33
Penny murder and, 287, 288, 289, 339
Lentol, Judge Edward, 281–84
Levittown, Long Island, 17, 18, 54, 60, 127, 420
Little Anthony & the Imperials, 18–19, 123
Luchese Mafia family, 23, 33, 35, 89, 130, 175, 182
DiNome and, 163, 317
Lucht, Marilyn, 404
Freddy and, 399, 408, 409, 432–34