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Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1)

Page 4

by M. L. Gabrielle

  Gabe stepped closer to Locke. “The pleasure is all mine. Now that we’re acquainted, I want to make something very clear. If I ever see you getting in Eve’s face again, I will personally skin you alive and will feed your worthless soul to her puppy.” Did I mention that Gabe’s my favorite angel?

  Gabe put his arm over my shoulders and led me away from the four speechless heirs. “I expect you to tell Cerberus about what just happened, Eve. I’ll take care of filling in your pops.”

  I let out a groan. “Can we just keep this to ourselves for now? You know they’re just are going to overreact.”

  Gabe gently squeezed my neck, recharging my rune. “Sorry, no can do. We have to fill them in, Eve. Your safety comes first. I’d normally say that you can handle yourself, but you’re not even close to being at full strength.” I hate it when he’s right.

  I stopped and looked up at him. “Gabe, can I ask you some questions about the prophecy?” He sighed. “Unfortunately, I won’t be much help. You know as much as I do.”

  Gabe kissed me on the head before walking away. “Don’t forget to call, Ceb. He’ll lose his shit if he finds out from your dad!” Gabe called from over his shoulder.

  I should text Ceb now to get it over with, but I’ll let future Eve deal with it. Sorry about her luck. I walked into the library and stole the seat next to Jacob. He looked at me with a goofy grin on his face.

  “I just heard a group of girls saying that one of the Archangels is on campus.” Jacob is totally fanboying right now. He is practically bouncing in his seat.

  Since my day has gone to shit, I might as well brighten up my new friend’s day. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Gabe.

  Me: My friend Jacob is freaking out because some Archangel is on campus.

  Gabe: I am pretty awesome.

  Me: Since you love me so much, can you send a pic for Jacob?

  Me: No dick pics! I’m still scarred from last time.

  Gabe: You’re no fun, but I still love you. Here you go. Call Ceb!

  I leaned over to show Jacob the picture of Gabe, with his curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes, giving a thumbs up. He’s such a dork. Jacob’s mouth fell open. “I don’t know if I’m more shocked that you’re texting with Archangel Gabriel or that he has a cell phone.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Gabe is the messenger of God. He has to have a phone.” Jacob’s eyes widened. “Did you just say, ‘Gabe?' Who are you, Eve?” he asked in disbelief.

  “That’s what I’d like to know.” I looked up to see one of Locke’s friends grinning at me from across the table. I tilted my head taking him in. The heirs certainly aren’t lacking in the looks department. This demon gives off bad-boy vibes with his cropped faux hawk and blue eyes.

  “Today must be my lucky day. Another heir-hole is gracing me with his presence.” Yep, that just wiped that smile from his handsome face. He was about to respond when a succubus approached our table.

  She ran her fingers over his shoulders. He instinctively moved away from her touch. “Emmett, you said that you would only be five minutes…,” she whined. So, this one is Emmett. “Five minutes,” I snickered.

  He slammed his hand down on the table. I couldn’t help but admire all of the tattoos that decorated his arms. This guy has some seriously cool ink. “Enough! Dinner is at 7:30. Don’t be late.” He stormed off with the succubus hurrying behind him.

  “You know you’re going to have to sit with them tonight,” Jacob whispered as he packed up his stuff. I waved him off. “Don’t worry; I give it five minutes before they boot me from their table.” We linked arms and headed outside.

  I’m not an idiot. Of course, these heir-holes are going to try and make an example of me tonight. I’ll indulge them by playing along simply because I’m curious.

  Penny spotted us and ran over. “Oh. My. Hellfire. How many beings can one chick piss off in a day, Eve? I’m pretty sure you’re the topic of every conversation on campus.” I rolled my eyes. I’m sure beings have more important things to talk about other than me standing up to bitchy Barbie.

  “Hannah is on the warpath. She’s convinced that you’re trying to snag yourself one of her guys. I also heard that the heirs are very interested in the company that you keep. They didn’t appreciate your performance this morning, though,” Penny reported.

  I tapped my chin. “I have been a very naughty girl today.” Penny sighed dramatically. “Eve, this isn’t good. You don’t want to be on their radar.” I gave Penny’s arm a squeeze.

  “I appreciate the concern, but clearing up rumors isn’t worth my time. Beings are welcome to think whatever they want about me. I won’t ever apologize for standing up for someone, though.”

  Thankfully, Jacob changed the subject by telling us a funny story about his roommate. My other two classes of the day went well but left me feeling absolutely drained. I went back to my dorm room and crashed.



  I just about fell out of bed, when someone started banging on my door. “Eve! Open up!” I swung open the door and let in the little she-demon.

  “Are you crazy? It’s 7:15! Jacob told me that you’re eating dinner with the heirs at 7:30!” Penny shrieked. I groaned and walked to my closet.

  I was already wearing black yoga pants, so I slipped on a gray cardigan over a thin pink tank top. I brushed my teeth, tossed my hair up into a messy bun and started toward the door. Penny quickly blocked the doorway.

  “You’re not really wearing that, right? You didn’t even do your hair or put on makeup.” I lifted an eyebrow at her. She’s sorely mistaken if she thinks that I actually care about impressing these heir-holes.

  “I'm eating dinner in the dining hall, Penny, not some five-star restaurant. I'm starving. Let’s go before these guys have a royal conniption.”

  She threw her hands up in the air. “Fine. You’re only having dinner with the hottest guys Hell has to offer. It’s no big deal.”

  A few minutes later, we strolled into the dining hall. It was absolutely mobbed. Penny and I loaded our trays up and walked over to our usual table. I was happy to see that we had a few additions. Jacob was chatting animatedly with Nick and Angelica from my Demonic History class.

  Nick looked up and gave me a wink. “Hey, kitten. We were starting to think that you were going to be a no show.” Nick patted the seat beside him. I was about to sit down when I felt a palm settle on the small of my back.

  Tingles ran down my spine as Locke’s citrusy scent wrapped around me. I hate how much I like his touch. I need to remember that this guy is a major dick. I inwardly groaned. Great, now I’m thinking about his dick.

  Locke stepped closer. “This tattoo suites you,” he whispered in my ear. Slowly, he started to drag his palm toward my neck. My entire body came alive under his touch.

  His hand was getting dangerously close to my rune, so I forced myself to step away. If Locke touched my rune, he’d know just how powerful I am. That would raise way too many questions and red flags.

  “Join my table for dinner.” Locke picked my tray up with one hand. His other hand settled on the small of my back again. I was too focused on his touch to speak. I simply nodded my head and walked with him to his table.

  Locke placed my tray in front of an empty seat and took his place beside bitchy Barbie. He kept his eyes on me as Barbie slid onto his lap and began peppering his neck with kisses. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it at all.

  It was taking every ounce of my willpower not to drag Barbie off of him and rip her to shreds. What the hellfire is this that I’m feeling? No, I don’t do jealousy. This isn’t me. I don’t even know this guy.

  “Be careful, Eve. Your emotions are showing,” Locke threw back at me with a wink. That was all I needed to bring myself out of my stupor and rein in these pesky emotions.

  This conversation was most likely going to take an ugly turn, so I discreetly put a glamour over the table using my power. To everyone else in the dining hall, it would appear
as if the heirs and I were just eating dinner together.

  I forced my eyes away from Locke and pulled out the chair in front of me. As soon as my butt hit the chair, I fell forward, striking my head on the table. I held back a yell as my knees slammed against the floor.

  Seriously? How old are these jerks? I put my palms on the floor, willing myself to calm down. I’m sure the kings wouldn’t appreciate if I turned their precious heirs to ash.

  “Now this is where you belong, Evelyn. On your knees, worshipping your princes,” an heir bellowed. I ran my eyes over the demon standing before me.

  He was preppy to the extreme with his light blue polo shirt, dark gray shorts and boat shoes. All he needed was a cable knit sweater wrapped around his shoulders and a tennis racket.

  “The way you spoke to Hannah this morning was unacceptable. Your little acts of defiance will not be tolerated.” I let out a humorless laugh as I rose to my feet. This guy is an absolute joke.

  I glanced at the heirs, making sure that they didn’t notice the glamour. Unsurprisingly, Locke’s face remained completely impassive. The other heirs looked smug. I purposely didn’t look at Hannah. I didn’t trust myself not to kill her.

  I shifted my gaze back to the preppy heir and gave him a saccharine smile. “Forgive me, but I don’t remember your name. I keep referring to you as ‘douche lord number three’ in my mind, but it’s quite a mouthful.”

  His eyes flashed red. Hellfire was running up and down his muscular arms. I’m a bit surprised at how quickly these guys lose their cool. I know I’m good at pushing buttons, but I didn’t think I was this good.

  “My name is Cade. As your future ruler, you’d do well to remember it. I don’t know who you think you are, but we make the rules around here. It’s your job to fucking follow them. I’ve had enough of your insolence, so you better learn to hold your tongue. I can think of much better uses for that brazen mouth of yours,” he sneered, slamming a ball of hellfire on the ground.

  While holding the glamour in place, I threw a quick shield up in anticipation of the hothead’s move. Sometimes I even impress myself. I wagged my finger at him and tsk-ed. “So quick to resort to violence.” The guy was fuming. I wouldn’t be surprised if smoke started coming out of his ears.

  “Let me tell you something, Cade. If you want respect, then you need to actually earn it. You could start by not being an asshole to other beings. As for being future rulers? Please. What have you entitled assholes done to be deemed worthy of ruling anything? You guys are delusional. I’m finished with this pointless conversation. Enjoy the rest of your dinner, my lords.” I gave them an exaggerated curtsey.

  I stole one more look at Locke before giving them my back. I dropped the glamour and walked out of the dining hall. I wish I could see their faces when they realize that they didn’t get to make an example out of me after all. They should consider themselves lucky that I didn’t let everyone witness that shit show. Is it too late for the kings to pick different successors?

  I was mentally and physically drained by the time I reached my dorm. I know Penny and Jacob are probably dying to hear about dinner, but I have no desire to give a recap. Honestly, I rather forget about the entire encounter. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and slipped into bed. I’m pretty sure that I forgot to do something, but I was too exhausted to care.



  The next morning, I was about to trek it over to class when I heard a deafening roar followed by screams. The ground was violently shaking. Alarms started blaring. Crap. Crap. Crap.

  I ran outside and took in the scene before me. Students and teachers were scattering like ants as a fifteen-foot, three-headed hellhound was wreaking havoc on the quad. My heart stopped when I saw a group of guards approach the beast with their weapons drawn.

  Weapons are useless against him, but there’s no way that I’m going to sit back and watch these beings try to hurt my best friend. I was about to sprint toward Cerberus when strong arms wrapped around me from behind. Tingles shot up my back.

  “Let go of me, Locke.” I was trying to wiggle out of his hold, but that only made him pull me closer against his body. “Calm down, Eve. It’s okay. I won’t let that thing touch you.” Why is he acting as if he cares? I’m surprised he wasn’t offering me up to the hellhound as a sacrifice.

  Locke was pulling me back toward his friends when Cerberus spotted me. The spikes that ran up his spine elongated. All three of the hellhound’s heads roared in unison as his hellfire encased his entire body. Ceb started stalking toward us. The ground shook with every step, making Locke lose his balance.

  I finally freed myself from his hold and glared at the gorgeous heir. “Oh, you have this all wrong, your highness. I’m the one who’s saving your pompous asses!” I yelled over my shoulder as I ran toward Ceb.

  I threw my limited power out to the guards, making them fall like toy soldiers. “Don’t shoot!” Cerberus let out a low growl. I stood in front of the giant hellhound and gave him an apologetic smile. He immediately pulled his hellfire back.

  “I’m so sorry, Ceb. It was future Eve’s job to remember to call you. You know how unreliable she can be.” Ceb’s middle head lowered, making sure that I was unscathed. One of his other heads let out a threatening growl, which led me to believe that the heirs were coming a bit too close to Ceb’s liking.

  “Back it up, heir-holes. Cerberus is hangry, and the four of you would make a tasty snack!” I turned and saw that the heirs still haven’t moved.

  I let out a frustrated sigh. “Guys, I have this under control. You can go on your merry way now,” I said, making a shoo motion with my hands.

  “Move away from the beast, Evelyn. The quad is clear now. We need to take this thing down, but you’re standing too close,” an heir shouted. I think Locke mentioned that name is Miles.

  I took a second to look at Miles. He is classically handsome with his hazel eyes and sun-kissed skin. Judging by his build, he’s most likely a swimmer or an athlete of some sort. Miles started moving closer to me when Ceb’s third head reared back, getting ready to turn the dude into ash.

  I quickly stepped in front of Miles in anticipation of Ceb’s move. “Cerberus, no! They’re just worried that you’ll hurt me.” The hellhound huffed in annoyance. Bringing back the focus to me, I reached for his middle head and kissed his giant black nose.

  “Ignore them. I promise that I’m okay, Ceb. I know you’re upset, but you need to calm down. I really could use a hug from my bestie right now.”

  I stroked the black fur on his face, hoping to calm him down. That seemed to do the trick as the hellhound seamlessly shifted back into a six and a half foot furious man. Ceb threw his arms around me, breathing me in.

  “I was a little pissed after I spoke to your dad this morning,” he whispered in my ear. I snickered and stepped out of his embrace. Cerberus stepped closer, running his fingers over the hem of my skirt.

  “I’m digging the uniform, Evie. It almost makes you look like a good girl,” he teased, giving me a wicked smile. I rolled my eyes and swatted his hand away. He is such a smartass.

  I looked back at the heirs. Locke’s eyes turned red as he zeroed in on Cerberus. Hum, that’s interesting. Cerberus stood next to me with his arms crossed over his chest. “Which one of you do I have the pleasure of murdering?”

  I put my hand on Ceb’s arm. He needs to calm down. “Time for you to go back to Hell, dog. You’re welcome to take your girlfriend with you.” Cade obviously has a death wish.

  “Your highnesses, I’d like for you to meet Cerberus. Ceb, these are the four heir-holes. They were just leaving.” Instead of waiting for the heirs to leave, I grabbed Ceb’s hand and pulled him toward a bench by the lake. “I’m so sorry, Ceb. I had a shitty day yesterday and forgot to call you. It won’t happen again.”

  “It better not happen again, Eve. According to Gabe, one of those assholes was all up in your face. I should go back there and kick their asses. It’s killing me th
at I wasn’t there to protect you.” I leaned my head on his shoulder. I hate it when he’s upset.

  “Maybe you should come back home. It’s not safe here. No one even attempted to kill me when I was raging. The guards came at me with fucking tranquilizers. Like a tranquilizer could stop me! I’m not even in my hellhound form now, and they still haven’t even approached me. Fuck! I don’t like it here for you,” he huffed with exasperation.

  I was about to respond when Abaddon appeared next to us. He was livid. “Cerberus, get back to Hell! I have to speak with the Dean and clean up this mess.” Cerberus kissed my head and vanished.

  Abaddon focused his angry gaze on me. “Why am I just now hearing about a threat against you, Eve?” I opened my mouth, but he held up a hand to silence me.

  “I don’t want to hear your excuses. I know you’re strong, but you shouldn’t have to shoulder this alone. If anything were to happen to you….” He shook his head, unable to finish the thought.

  I jumped off of the bench and wrapped my arms around Ab’s waist. I have no clue why my dad didn’t fill him in. Did he not want Ab to know? I shrugged off the thought and smiled up at Abaddon. “The next time someone threatens my life, I’ll make sure to start a group text,” I promised with a wink.

  Abaddon squeezed my neck to recharge my rune and let out a laugh. “Only you could find humor in this, Evelyn. I need to smooth this over with the Dean. Try to stay out of trouble.” He pressed a kiss to my temple and vanished.

  I had some time to kill before my next class, so I headed toward the dining hall. A mass email from the Dean popped up as I was scrolling through my phone. The email explained that there was never an actual threat to our campus.


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