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Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1)

Page 6

by M. L. Gabrielle

  “Help! I need help!” Nick yelled to the crowd. My legs suddenly gave out, making my head smack hard against the floor. I must have been hallucinating because the last thing I remember was Locke looking at me with golden reptilian eyes before letting out a bloodcurdling roar.



  Hannah has been driving me insane. No matter how many times I deny it, she’s convinced that I have a thing for Eve. She’s not wrong, but I obviously can’t tell her that. When I’m not with her, which is hardly ever lately, Hannah insistently calls and texts. I can’t get a fucking minute to myself.

  The one good thing about all of this is that Hannah has been punishing me by withholding sex. Just the thought of touching her makes me sick. I wish she’d find another guy to torture. It would make my life a Hell of a lot easier.

  I was shooting the shit with my brothers when my phone pinged. I cursed under my breath as I read Hannah’s text. “Hannah wants us to show our faces at some freshmen party tonight.” I tossed my phone onto the coffee table.

  Emmett looked up from his phone. “Why the fuck does she want to party in a dorm? Not that I’m complaining. I’ve had my eye on these freshmen twins.”

  I lifted an eyebrow. There’s only one reason why Hannah would subject herself to a freshman party. “Evelyn,” Miles answered tersely.

  Cade whirled on me. “You just couldn’t help yourself, could you, Locke? You had to hunt Evelyn down in the cafeteria after you were all over her on the quad.” The fuck?

  “I wasn’t all over her. I was trying to protect her from the hellhound, asshole. I would have done the same for anyone.” Alright, that’s a blatant lie.

  “That’s complete bullshit, and you know it,” Emmett barked. “Hannah already saw this girl as a threat, and you just confirmed all of her suspicions by having breakfast with the blonde. What happens next is on you, man.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Emmett. I wasn’t having breakfast with the girl. I was telling Eve to back off. That’s it.”

  I also wanted to mark her beautiful skin, so every being knows that she’s mine. My brothers don’t need to know that, though.

  “You need to end this obsession, Locke. She has a boyfriend, and you basically have a fiancé,” Miles added.

  “That guy isn’t her boyfriend. He’s her best friend.” Fuck, I didn’t mean to say that.

  Emmett let out a laugh. “Just told Evelyn to back off, huh? I’ll be on Locke duty first tonight.” Fuck this. I walked into my bedroom, peeled off my clothes and hopped into the shower.

  After towel drying my hair, I threw on a shirt and jeans. I met the guys in our common room and saw that Hannah and her friends were already here to pregame. I’m not a big drinker. I grabbed a beer and watched as everyone else took shots of hellfire knows what. The girls were dressed like we were going to a club.

  They looked good, but we’re going to a party in a fucking dorm. Hannah sauntered over to me and made herself comfortable on my lap. What I’d give to stand up and let her ass hit the floor.

  “Baby, you didn’t say you liked my dress. I got all dressed up for you.” I took a long pull of my beer and tried not to roll my eyes. She pouted her lips and ran her fingers up my arm. “Maybe you can help me take it off later.” Fuck, no.

  “Come on, guys. Let’s head out!” Emmett shouted. I moved Hannah off of my lap and walked over to the guys. Cade snickered beside me. He knows that I hate life right now. I was talking with the guys on our way over when Hannah grabbed my hand. She knows that I don’t hold hands, but she obviously wants to put on a show.

  The party was well underway when we walked in. It took me less than a minute to spot Eve. She was heading to the bar with her angel friend. I gave Cade a quick look. A demon he fought last week was taking Eve’s place at the beer pong table.

  Hannah pulled my arm around her shoulders and latched onto my side. I guess she spotted Eve as well. Fuck my life. “How about we get me a drink, baby,” I grunted in reply, leading her over to the bar with Emmett in tow. Miles and Cade already made themselves scarce - lucky bastards.

  I got a drink for Hannah and saw that she was already standing by Eve. While Hannah was running her mouth, I took the time to check Eve out. She looked fucking amazing. Eve’s not the kind of girl that spends hours in front of the mirror. She’s just effortlessly beautiful. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her if I tried.

  I wasn’t paying attention to what Hannah was saying, but I almost lost it when she deliberately spilled her drink all over Eve. I forced myself to keep quiet and walk away. I hung out with Miles for a bit, trying to keep my distance from Hannah. It was then that I spotted Eve getting mauled by some incubus.

  Anger rolled through me as I watched the guy grinding himself against her. I could tell she was uncomfortable. I was about to put an end to it, but Eve created some space between them. Thank fuck.

  Suddenly, Eve’s body language was all wrong. She looked scared. I could tell she had a few drinks, but she wasn’t wasted. The only thing that I could think of is that someone slipped her something. I raced over as soon as I heard the incubus call for help. By the time I got there, her head already bounced off of the ground. Fuck.

  I knelt on the ground, cradling her neck in my hands and watched as her eyes rolled back. I’ve never felt rage like this before. My entire body was vibrating with tension.

  It felt like something within me was begging to come out, and obliterate whoever did this to her. I let out a roar as people started crowding around us. Cade, Emmett and Miles were by my side in a flash.

  “I want every one of these beings checked for drugs and pills before they leave. Someone needs to restrain that fucking incubus,” I snapped.

  Jacob tried to come close to her, but one look at me had him stopping in his tracks. My automatic soul-deep reaction was to guard Eve. No one was coming near her on my watch.

  I saw her elfish looking friend, who was near tears. I threw Eve’s purse in her direction, “Call her father!” She nodded her head and got out Eve’s phone with shaky hands.

  I felt a small hand touch my shoulder. “Baby, what are you doing? Let’s go. Her friends can handle this,” Hannah whined. Is she serious right now?

  “If you think I’m leaving right now, you’re out of your fucking mind.” I didn’t listen for a response. I was too focused on Eve. It sounds crazy, but it’s almost as if I could feel her panicking.

  My need to protect her was so overwhelming that I could barely think about anything else. I picked Eve up and sat down on the couch with her in my lap. Every cell in my body came alive with her in my arms.

  I kept my back to the wall, so I could simultaneously keep an eye on everyone in the room and protect Eve. What the hellfire is going on with me? I’ve never felt this strongly for another being. I never felt so strong, period. It’s almost as if something within me clicked into place and awakened within me.

  Abaddon and Archangel Michael busted through the crowd. I let out a growl as they rushed toward me. I know these two are badass, but nothing is keeping me from making sure that Eve is safe. My body was vibrating with tension. They exchanged a confused look and backed up one step.

  Abaddon glared at me with his dark brown eyes. “We need to take her to the infirmary to be healed. Hand her over.”

  I was too on edge. All I registered was that they wanted to take her away from me, and that was not happening. I stood up and cradled Eve’s body against mine. “I go where she goes,” I growled with a voice that I didn’t recognize.

  I knew I wasn’t acting like myself, but I didn’t care. I only cared about protecting what’s mine. Abaddon was fuming. He looked like he wanted to tear her from my arms, but Archangel Michael pushed him back.

  Michael turned around to face me. “Your name is Locke, right? How about you come with us to the infirmary? We’re her family. We would never harm her. Can you come with us so that she can be healed?”

  I instinctively sniffed
the air and was surprised that I could sense his truth. What the fuck is going on with me? I nodded and slowly walked over to them. Abaddon reached for her but stopped himself. Within seconds Michael popped us into the infirmary.



  I’m not sure how much time passed before I started to regain consciousness. I willed myself to open my eyes, but nothing happened. I tried moving my hand, but my body refused to cooperate. It’s as if something’s trapping me in darkness. What is happening to me?

  I was trying to recall my last memory when I heard my dad’s voice. “Please wake up, my love. You need to wake up. I need to know you’re okay. Do something, Raphael! Fix her!”

  I can just picture Raphael biting his lip in concentration and running his hand through his tousled light brown hair. I tried to yell out, but nothing happened. Work body! Why won’t you work?

  “Luc, stop lighting shit on fire! Raging like this isn’t helping her. Legion, get him back to Hell before someone sees him here,” Ab ordered. No! Don’t leave me, Dad!

  “It’s as if her body is protecting itself against my healing,” Raphael whispered. Hellfire, I’m really screwed if the Archangel of healing can’t even fix me.

  What if I never can wake up? What if I can never hug my dad or Ab again? What if I never get to tell my family how much I love them? I started to feel overwhelmed by my fears. My head was pounding, and my heart was racing. I heard another loud crash, which would have made me jump if I were able to move.

  Someone started banging on a door. “Let me in! I need to see her! I can feel how scared she is, just let me the fuck in!” I started to calm down a bit as I tried to place the voice. Was that, Locke? No, there’s no way. Maybe it was Nick or Jacob?

  “You’re not going anywhere near her. I don’t care who the fuck you are, boy. I will destroy you if I find out that you or your friends were responsible for hurting Eve.” Uncle Mikey threatened. Someone let out a roar.

  “Cerberus, get him out of here. I want you and Gabriel to block the entrances.” Suddenly, a wave of panic and fear crashed down on me. “I hear her heartbeat racing. Wait.” I heard Abaddon say before the darkness consumed me.

  I heard arguing as a regained consciousness again. I’m not sure how long my mind has trapped me. What the Hell happened to me? Someone must have slipped something into my drink, but I would never have put my cup down.

  Then I remembered that Hannah spilled her drink on me. I went into the kitchen to wipe off my shirt. I must have put my cup down on the counter. How could I have been so stupid? I wanted to scream.

  A wave of overwhelming anxiety washed over me as I remembered that I still couldn’t move or speak. Ab’s voice pulled me out of my pity party. “Her heart is racing. Is the boy here yet? I want him to tell me exactly what happened again.”

  A few minutes later, my anxiety started to subside. I could hear voices getting closer. “You need to control your shift, boy! I won’t risk you putting Evelyn in danger.” Was Uncle Mikey seriously yelling at Ceb? What is going on? Cerberus never loses control of his hound.

  “I already told you what happened,” a deep voice growled. That definitely sounded like Locke. What is he doing here? “Eve was dancing with the incubus, and then the guy started yelling for help. I ran over, but I wasn’t fast enough.” Locke sounded off.

  “Control yourself!” Ab boomed. A minute later, Locke continued speaking. “Eve dropped to the ground before I could reach her. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as soon as I lifted her head off the ground.”

  “Listen closely, Abaddon. Do you hear what I hear?” Raph asked. “Yes, her heartbeat stabilized. I have a working theory. Cerberus, take Locke out of here. I’ll text you with instructions shortly.” I heard growling and whispering before a door shut.

  I was trying to hear what they were saying, but my anxiety started to come back with a vengeance. I was on the verge of blacking out again when I heard a loud roar. The anxious feeling retreated as quickly as it had arrived. Hellfire, my emotions are all over the place. “Amazing, it was instantaneous,” Raph whispered in awe.

  “What did you do to her? She was panicking,” Locke bellowed. “What I did was just prove my theory correct. It appears that Eve only finds peace when you are near, Locke. As soon as you leave the room, her heart rate speeds up at an alarming rate.” Ab explained.

  Well, that is just fan-fucking-tastic. Bitchy Barbie is going to be psyched about this news. “Locke, I need you to think hard about my next question. Did you touch Eve’s neck when you lifted her head from the ground at the party?” Ab asked. Locke answered immediately with a simple “yes.”

  Footsteps signaled someone’s arrival. “We have a problem. On second thought, I take that back. We have a few problems.” I could just picture Gabe raking his hand through his curly hair.

  “The Dean is getting really suspicious about why we’re quarantining Eve in this building. He said that if we don’t allow him in to see Eve, he’s going to alert the kings.”

  “Fuck!” boomed Uncle Mikey. “That’s not all; Romeo’s girlfriend and sidekicks are outside demanding to see him. They are drawing a lot of unwanted attention,” Gabe added. Locke sighed. “It’s fine. I’ll go out there and will calm Hannah and my brothers down.”

  I feel like I’m missing something. Why is Locke even here? I can’t blame Barbie for causing a scene. I’d be losing my mind if my boyfriend was being kept away from me without an explanation. Why does the thought of their reunion make my heart hurt so much?

  “Don’t be sad, little hellion. I’ll be back soon.” Shit. Is Locke a mind reader? Can he hear me now? Did he hear my thoughts about his Adonis belt? That would be so embarrassing. “Can you hear her thoughts?” Ceb asked. My ears perked up.

  “No, I can only sense what Eve’s feeling. She feels relieved right now.” Phew, crisis averted. How can Locke sense what I’m feeling? Is it one of his gifts?

  “I don’t think we have any choice but to take Eve back to Hell. We can’t risk bringing the kings into this mess,” Ab said firmly. I heard one firm, “no.” “I’m sorry, Locke. She has to go home.” Ab didn’t sound sorry at all. “Over. My. Dead. Body,” Locke gritted out.

  “Fuck! Look at his eyes. Prepare yourselves and block Eve. He’s losing control. Does anyone know what he shifts into?” Ceb asked with urgency. I didn’t have to have my eyes open to know that the guys were freaking out.

  “Locke, you have to calm down. You’ll hurt Eve if you shift right now. I know you don’t want to do that. We’ll figure out a way to keep her here, but only if you control yourself.” I recognized Uriel’s voice immediately.

  Locke must have calmed down. I guess it’s hard to doubt the Archangel of wisdom. What is Locke’s deal anyway? He couldn’t possibly think that any of the guys would hurt me. Wait, did they say something about Locke being a shifter? This is news to me.

  “Locke, we need you to go outside and convince your girlfriend and fellow heirs that you’re okay and aren’t being held against your will. Can you do that for us?” Uri asked.

  “I can’t. I won’t leave her. You’ll take her away from me as soon as I walk out of that door,” Locke snapped.

  His words felt like a warm blanket over my body. Wait, no. Whatever I am feeling toward Locke has to stop right now. He has a girlfriend, and I’m just an unwanted distraction in his eyes.

  “Eve, please stop. Whatever you are thinking, you need to stop,” Locke whispered. If he knew what I was thinking, he wouldn’t be telling me to stop. I could have sworn that I felt him touch my hair, but that’s impossible.

  “Locke, I vow on Eve’s life that we will not take her away when you talk to your friends. I know you can hear the truth behind my words. Can you please do this for us? For Eve’s safety,” Uncle Mikey pleaded. Locke sighed. “Fine. I’ll do it to keep her safe, but I’m coming right back.”

  I mentally rolled my eyes. Locke’s not coming back. Why would he? He owes me nothing. Hellfire, he doesn�
�t even like me. Whatever weird spell he seems to be under will be lifted as soon as he lays eyes on Hannah. Within minutes, I was pulled back into darkness.



  I was completely at ease when I came out of the darkness. It was as if I woke up from a deep sleep. I felt a significant weight on my stomach. Hold up, I can feel again! My eyes shot open, and I came face to face with the enormous head of a dragon.

  Screaming bloody murder, I tried to scramble off of the bed. My legs wouldn’t hold my weight, causing me to fall to the ground. I shrieked as an IV was ripped from my hand. Holy crap, that hurt.

  Where the Hell am I? I tried to plan my escape when I looked up to see three dragon heads looking down at me. Oh. My. Hellfire. I tried to yell for help, but my throat killed from screaming before.

  I frantically looked around the room and saw that I was in some sort of massive warehouse. I have to get out of here. I was searching for an exit when I heard a set of doors bang open. The three-headed dragon put itself in front of me and let out a deafening roar. Is this thing trying to protect me?

  I craned my head to see who came in and locked eyes with Gabe. Relief flooded my body. I tried to call out to him, but I lost my voice. “Eve! Stay still, spider monkey. Don’t move.”

  He began slowly inching toward me, but the dragon was too quick. The beast shot a stream of hellfire in front of Gabe, keeping him at bay. The other heads were focused on the door.

  “Locke, you need to calm down and shift back. Eve’s hurt and needs our help. Let us heal her,” Abaddon pleaded. Locke? Is the dragon Locke? What the hellfire is going on?

  I looked up at the dragon and was in awe. He was immense with a pair of large leathery wings. Shiny black scales covered his three heads and back. Golden scales ran along his stomach, which looked like gilded armor. All three of his heads had a pair of striking gold reptilian eyes and a pair of large onyx horns. Locke’s dragon was beautifully terrifying.


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