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Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1)

Page 14

by M. L. Gabrielle

  Locke’s eyes narrowed. “We aren’t officially together? Is this some sort of joke, Eve? You’re my mate! You can’t be more ‘together’ than that!”

  Of course, that’s what he zeros in on. He started stalking closer to me, and I took another step back. I can’t think straight when he’s too close.

  “Locke, you were with bitchy Barbie only a few days ago. You can’t jump from one relationship to the next. You implied that we were going to take this slow.” He growled and pulled me into his arms.

  “You know that I wasn’t in an actual relationship with her. You’re the one who holds my heart, little hellion. Tell me that you know you’re mine,” he whispered in my ear.

  I nodded, snuggling into his chest. It’s undeniable that he’s my other half. Everything feels right when I’m with him. I just don’t want Locke to regret jumping into this with me so quickly.

  A throat cleared, drawing our attention. “Uri and I already chose the bodyguard. He’ll be here in an hour to be briefed. Locke, you need to go back to campus if you’re unable to control yourself. Just remember, this is all for Eve’s safety,” Uncle Mikey clipped.

  Locke didn’t bother replying. He’s not going to change his stance on the topic, and there is no way that he’ll miss meeting this bodyguard.

  We have some time to kill before the bodyguard arrives, so Ab told everyone to take a break. The guys started talking amongst themselves, and Cerberus popped back to Hell to check on Legion. As much as I want to stay with Locke, I need to check on my friends. I wiggled out of Locke’s arms and walked over to Jacob.

  “Thank Heavens you’re okay, Eve. You had me so worried,” he whispered, pulling me into a hug. “This is crazy, Eve. I can’t even believe that I’m in the same room as these guys. I’m just waiting for Legion to show up,” He chuckled, running his hand through his brown hair.

  “They are pretty incredible. I don’t think Legion will be coming, though. He’s not a fan of leaving Hell. He usually holds down the fort when my dad and Ab are topside.” Jacob looked at me with disbelief. “I want to say that you’re joking, but something tells me that you’re not.” I punched his shoulder playfully.

  Penny joined us after eavesdropping on Locke’s conversation with his friends. This girl thrives on gossip. “Okay, Locke is totally freaking out over your new boy toy. I bet the new guy will last ten minutes tops before Locke’s hydra eats him.”

  Jacob shook his head at Penny. “No way, did you see him flip out when Eve’s pseudo brother was rubbing her back? That was weird, by the way. I give the guy five minutes before he’s ash.”

  I smiled and let out a laugh. “I love how you two are casually planning my fake boyfriend’s demise. Locke will want to prove to my dad and Ab that he has some restraint. I give the guy a half-hour before Locke blows a gasket. How about the losers have to buy the winner lunch for a week?”

  We all agreed on the stakes and shook on it. I looked over to the heirs, who were still deep in conversation. My eyes were immediately drawn to Locke. His tight t-shirt was straining against his muscular arms, and his sweatpants were sitting low on his hips. They were leaving very little to the imagination.

  Note to self - Locke is never allowed to go out in public in sweats again. I bit my lip, trying to hold back a laugh. Then I met his gaze. Locke gave me a crooked smile.

  Yep, I just got caught blatantly checking him out. I inwardly groaned. “You have a little bit of drool there,” Cade snickered, wiping the corner of his mouth. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Cerberus, who just popped back from Hell.



  I’m convinced that Eve’s family is trying to see how far they can push me before I snap. I’m beyond livid right now. A bodyguard posing as Eve’s boyfriend? Not a fucking chance. Pretend or not, I refuse to watch another man with Eve.

  I know I’m being a hypocritical bastard considering that she had to watch me with Hannah. The thing is, I don’t give a flying fuck. The fact that Eve is even okay with this set up blows my mind. There’s no way in Hell that I’m going to trust another man to keep her safe. That job belongs to me.

  I still don’t get why Eve was insistent that we aren’t together. Is she worried about what other beings will think? Some beings may believe that I’m jumping from one girl to the next, but who the Hell cares? We don’t owe anyone an explanation. We know the truth, and that’s all that should matter.

  It kills me that she was being taken advantage of right under our noses. I still can’t get the image of Eve, practically drained of power, out of my mind. She was slumped over the table with one of her arms hanging loosely at her side. Her skin was so incredibly pale. She was completely defenseless.

  I don’t even want to think about what would have happened if Emmett wasn’t there to guard Eve. If there’s one thing for sure, it’s that Zane isn’t long for this world. I’m taking him out as soon as I figure out what the hellfire he’s up to at Trutina.

  Fuck. Just the thought of Zane makes me want to rage. I need to calm down before I lose it, and Abaddon forces me to leave.

  Miles patted my back. “How are you holding up, man?” I shook my head and crossed my arms. “I’m so fucking pissed. I should be the one protecting her, not some random warrior.” I looked over at Eve, who was laughing with Jacob and Penny. I really would do anything for that girl, but this doesn’t sit right with me.

  Miles gave a sympathetic smile. “I get where you’re coming from, but you need to remember that we’re the most powerful beings at school. We’re all at risk of being Zane’s next target. This bodyguard will just be extra protection.”

  “Why the Hell does she need a bodyguard? Locke is all the protection she needs. He turns into a fucking hydra. There’s no way Zane could take on that beast,” Cade argued.

  Emmett rolled his eyes. “What if Zane touches Locke and can then turn into a hydra too.” There he goes playing Devil’s advocate as usual.

  I shook my head. “I don’t think that could happen. My hydra is a part of me. I don’t use my power to create him,” I explained. Emmett let out an exasperated breath.

  “My point is that you don’t know for certain. Maybe a bodyguard isn’t such a terrible idea. Although, you better hope that he bats for the other team. One look at her fine ass, and he’ll be wanting a piece,” Emmett warned as his eyes roamed over my girl. Without hesitation, I punched him in the gut.

  “Emmett, quit baiting him. He doesn't need your shit right now,” Cade snapped. Emmett shook his head as he straightened.

  “You’re a fucking psycho. You never were like this with any other girl,” Emmett laughed. I shrugged my shoulders. “Eve isn’t just any girl. She’s mine.”

  Speaking of the little hellion, I could feel her eyes on me. I looked in her direction and gave her a smirk. If she keeps looking at me like that, I will not be held responsible for my next actions.

  Our spell was broken when Cade embarrassed Eve for checking me out. I love watching her blush. She hurried over to Cerberus, who just popped back from Hell.

  I focused my attention back on the guys. “I still can’t believe that you turn into a fucking hydra,” Cade said in awe. I wanted to tell them about it earlier, but I needed to get some control first.

  “Shifting is incredible, but I’m still learning. I’ve been practicing at Hell’s gate with Cerberus. You should my hydra in action. He’s vicious.” My hydra preened at my praise.

  I should give this bodyguard a little test and see how well he does against my hydra. The beast instantly came forward. He likes the sound of that idea a little too much.

  Miles shook his head at me. “Unleashing your hydra on the bodyguard isn’t a good idea, Locke” I smirked. Nothing gets by him. “I’m starting to think mind-reading is one of your gifts, Miles.”

  He laughed, but never denied it. It would make a lot of sense if it were one of his gifts. It’s not uncommon for beings our age to still develop new powers. “Just try not to kill the guy as s
oon as he shows up. Abaddon is itching for a reason to send your ass home,” Miles warned.

  Cade stretched his arms over his head as he looked around the room. “This is crazy to me. These guys are the most legendary beings in our history, yet here they are in some warehouse to make sure Eve’s safe.”

  I actually never gave it much thought. Eve’s had more than half of the Divine Council protecting her since birth. I get Lucifer and Ab are overprotective, but I feel like there’s something I’m missing.

  Emmett let out a laugh. “I know. I’m surprised they haven’t tried to kill Locke yet. I thought he was a goner when he started nipping the fucking hickey on her neck. You have balls of steel, man.”

  My lips tipped up. They could try their best to get rid of me, but I’m not going anywhere. Eve is mine forever.



  “I brought popcorn for the show. Is the guy here yet?” Ceb asked, shoving popcorn in his mouth. I laughed and shook my head. I was about to fill him in on the bet when Uriel popped into the room with a six-foot angel. My eyes widened. They walked right over to my dad and the guys.

  “Holy hellfire, I should have brought more popcorn,” Ceb whispered to me. The angel is around the same height as Locke, with brown cropped hair and dark brown eyes. Colorful tattoos ran up both of his arms.

  As if he could feel my gaze, the angel turned toward me, giving me a lazy once over. A wide smile stretched across his face. He excused himself from the guys and started walking over to me.

  “You’re looking good, Evie. It’s been a while. Did you go to college and forget my number? Way to bruise a guy’s ego,” Daniel teased, putting his hands over his heart. I rolled my eyes. This guy is too much.

  “Please. Your ego rivals Gabe’s. You both need to be brought down a peg or two.” Daniel let out a laugh. “You’re still feisty as ever. I’m glad you haven’t changed, baby.”

  He went to put his arms around my shoulders, and I completely froze. My feet were rooted to the ground. “No!” Locke bellowed. My eyes glazed over, and I could feel my hellfire covering my body.

  I know that Daniel wasn’t going to hurt me, but the thought of him touching me was revolting. Daniel may be friendly, but so was Zane. I let my guard down around him, and he took advantage of me. He stole from me. I will never be that naïve again.

  I couldn’t see anything, but I could hear voices all around me. “Locke! Let him down!” Uncle Mickey boomed. “Shit, Mike. I can’t cut the rope. I don’t know how Locke is doing this and holding up that thing,” Ab snapped. My dad started banging on something. “No! We need to get to them!”

  “Cerberus! Shift and try to breakthrough. We need to get them out!” Gabe shouted. What is going on? I felt a pair of strong familiar arms wrap around me.

  “Come back to me, little hellion.” I willed my eyes opened and looked in horror as Locke was covered entirely in my hellfire. “No. No. No, Locke! What did I do? I never meant to hurt you. Please, no!” I cried into my hands as I extinguished my flames.

  My hands were gently pulled away from my face. “Don’t cry, Eve. I’m perfectly fine. Your hellfire will never hurt me,” Locke whispered, wiping away my tears. I ran my eyes over him, and there were no burns at all.

  I threw my arms around him and burrowed into his chest. My tears were soaking his shirt. “I thought…I thought I turned you to ash. I was so scared.”

  Locke buried his face in my neck. “It will take a lot more than a bit of hellfire to take me away from you. Can you tell me what happened back there with the angel?”

  I didn’t feel like talking about it yet, so I took a moment to look around. What the hellfire? “Where are we? Locke, is this a solid gold room?” I stepped away to knock on the wall.

  Locke pulled me back to him and laughed. “We’re still in the warehouse. This is just a shield that I put up around us. I had to keep you safe and keep everyone else away from your flames.”

  Holy hellfire. “Locke, you just casually said that you put up a solid gold shield around us like it was no big deal. It’s a freaking gold shield!” I’ve never heard of such a thing.

  He laughed and nipped at his mark on my neck. “I better take this down before your dad destroys the building, and Cerberus gives himself a concussion. Stay behind me.”

  The gold walls instantly dissolved. My eyes widened as I took in the chaotic scene before me. Raphael was healing Cerberus, who was still in his hellhound form.

  Gabe and Uriel were arguing with their swords drawn. My dad’s twin katanas were at his feet. Hellfire covered his arms as he tried to catch his breath.

  Daniel was literally hanging upside down from the rafters. He looked furious. His arms and legs were bound by golden rope, which Ab and Mikey were trying to cut through.

  Thankfully, the heirs were guarding a shocked Penny and Jacob. I cleared my throat. “Um, hey, guys.” I gave everyone a little wave.

  They all stopped what they were doing and stared at Locke and me. I guess we stunned them into silence. “So, I may have overreacted a teeny bit,” I admitted, playing with the hem of Locke’s shirt. This is pretty embarrassing. Locke pulled me into a hug and kissed my head.

  “You didn’t overreact, little hellion. He should never have tried to touch you.” I looked up at Locke and smiled. I love how he gets me. I turned to face everyone as Locke settled his arms around my waist like a steel band. I melted into his hold.

  “I’m sorry if I scared you guys.” No one moved an inch. They just were staring at us as if they were frozen. “Oh, shit. I didn’t pull some Elsa move and freeze them, did I?”

  Locke laughed into my hair. “No, I think they’re trying to figure out what just happened.” I looked up at Daniel, who was swaying back and forth from the rafters.

  “I think it’s safe to let him down now.” Locke looked up and made the gold rope vanish. Daniel’s white wings snapped out, allowing him to glide back down to the floor along with Ab and Uncle Mikey.

  Daniel was glowering at Locke. “You want to tell me what the fuck that was all about, asshole? I’m going to rip you apart as soon as you stop hiding behind my girl!” Daniel sneered. Locke growled menacingly.

  Gabe positioned himself in front of us. “Daniel, I get that you’re pissed, but I’m telling you now that you need to rein it in. You don’t want to make Locke mad. I need to make something clear to you, though. Eve isn’t yours,” he snapped.

  My dad walked over and ran his finger down the side of my face. He looked so defeated. “I couldn’t get to the two of you. None of us could break the shield.”

  Uriel glared at Locke. “How are you even alive, Locke? Evelyn was wrapped in hellfire, and you were holding her. Holding her! That is impossible!”

  Locke shook his head. “I’ll talk once that angel is out of here. Emmett needs to wipe his memory first. I don’t want him to remember anything that happened.”

  Daniel was on the verge of going absolutely berserk. With one quick elbow to the temple, Mikey knocked him out cold. Emmett placed his hand on Daniel’s forehead and closed his eyes. He finished a few minutes later, and Uri vanished from the warehouse with Daniel.

  Abaddon walked toward the table and chairs. We all followed suit and made ourselves comfortable. Locke grabbed two bottles of water from the table and handed me one. I didn’t know if I was more thirsty or hungry at this point. It’s common for angels and demons to get hungry after using a lot of power.

  Uri popped back in carrying about twelve boxes of pizza. I ran over to him, kissed his cheek and stole a box. I literally could eat the entire thing. I plopped down on Locke’s lap with my box and began to dig in.

  I’m not good at sharing, but Locke did just save everyone in this room. I looked back at Locke. “Do you want a piece?” His lips tipped up, and he shook his head. “I’ll grab something once you’re full.” I shrugged and grabbed another slice.

  “Here I thought that today couldn’t get any weirder. Evie just willingly offered to share her food
. What the hellfire is happening?” Ceb asked, shaking his head. “What? Locke literally just saved my family. I just thought it would be nice to offer him some.”

  Cade snickered. “Oh, he wants some all right.” I threw a piece of crust at him. As much as I wanted to eat the last few slices, I think I officially hit full. Penny tossed a few napkins at me and motioned to her face. I rolled my eyes, wiping my mouth. “I think it’s time for Locke to fill us in,” my dad said.



  Locke jumped right into his explanation. “When Eve feels threatened, her body goes into autopilot and protects itself. She didn’t want Daniel to touch her earlier, so she covered herself with hellfire.”

  He’s absolutely right. I didn’t want Daniel to touch me. I’m amazed that Locke knew that was the reason for my freak out.

  Miles rested his forearms on his knees. “She did the same thing that day in the dining hall with the incubus. I remember thinking that you touched her arm, but you didn’t have any burns on your hands.” Note to self - nothing gets by Miles.

  Locke nodded. “Observant, I did touch Eve’s arm that day. Her hellfire won’t harm me. It may cover me like it did today, but it won’t burn me. Just like my fire would never harm Eve. It must be a perk of being mates.”

  I locked eyes with my dad, and he gave me a small smile. He’s been taking this stuff with Locke and me surprisingly well. I snuck a look at Ab, who was eyeing my dad curiously.

  I’m pretty sure that Ab and I just came to the same conclusion. Somehow my dad new that Locke and I were fated mates. That’s the only reason why he agreed to the betrothal. It gave the other kings peace of mind, and it ensured that I ended up with Locke.

  “I don’t understand why Eve didn’t burn Zane to ash when he touched her in the library,” Emmett chimed in. That is an excellent point. I should have torched the asshole.


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