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Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1)

Page 22

by M. L. Gabrielle

  Certain gods and goddesses blessed Locke and me, but I have no idea what powers they could have gifted us. I decided to do some research. As my dad already mentioned, Aphrodite is the goddess of love, desire and fertility. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find much about her powers.

  One myth said that she could spark a desire in all mortal and immortal beings. Maybe that’s what the sex vibes are supposed to do? According to a few other myths, Aphrodite was an extremely jealous chick. I guess I can relate after the whole picture disaster.

  I decided to switch gears and focus on powers possessed by Zeus and Hades. Zeus was mentioned in a ton of myths. Not only could Zeus wield thunderbolts, but he also could control the weather. Hades had a helmet that could make him invisible. Now, that would be incredible.

  I was about to do some more digging on Hades when I noticed the time. I’ve been in the library much longer than I had planned. I quickly packed up and cringed when I realized that I haven’t looked at my phone for hours.

  By the time I got back to my room, I had replied to all of my messages and deleted a few others. Seriously, Daniel needs to take a hint and stop with all of the texts. I put my backpack on my desk and knew something was wrong. Without thinking, I yanked on my connection with Locke.

  He instantly appeared in my room with golden eyes. “Someone was in your room.” He whipped out his phone and put it to his ear. “Come to Eve’s dorm room, now.” Cerberus suddenly appeared. Before we could even say hi, Locke stepped in front of me.

  “Someone was here. Do you recognize the scent?” Locke asked. Cerberus walked around the room and walked into my bathroom. “It’s strongest by the vanity. It smells a kind of familiar, but it’s too faint for me to decipher. Nice flowers. Evie’s more of a chocolate kind of girl, though.” I pushed passed Locke and looked inside the bathroom.

  There was a vase filled with red roses and a single yellow rose. I turned to Locke and mustered a smile. “Thanks, they’re nice.”

  Hopefully, that sounded convincing. Ceb and Locke both snorted. “You’re a terrible liar, little hellion. They aren’t from me, though,” Locke chuckled.

  “Good, I’m not a fan of flower arrangements. They’re impossible to keep alive. Any idea who put them there? I thought Ab put wards up in my room?” I asked. Ceb looked at the flowers and spun the vase around.

  “There isn’t a note. Maybe you have a secret admirer?” I frowned. I didn’t even want to think about that. I snapped some pictures with my phone and walked out of the bathroom.

  I hate that someone was in my room. What if he touched my stuff or took something? I started opening drawers and going through my closet to make sure everything was in order. “Take the flowers back with you, Cerberus. We’ll see you tonight.”

  I started rummaging through my nightstand when I felt Locke’s arms wrap around me. “Relax. The being’s scent was only by your door and the bathroom vanity.” I turned around and snuggled into his chest.

  “I just happened to go to the library. I was going to do my homework in my room. What if I was here?” I shivered. I know that I could have handled it, but it doesn’t make it any less scary.

  Locke kissed the top of my head. “I’ve been thinking. Maybe we should try having a small part of your power take on a physical form. The tiger form is too large to walk around with you on campus.”

  Try closing your eyes and let your power know your intentions. Using a small amount of power, you want to create a companion for additional protection,” he instructed. I closed my eyes, called on my power and repeated what Locke said in my mind.

  “You did it, baby. Open your eyes. It’s incredible. I can’t feel any change in your power, yet she feels just as powerful as some of the students on campus.” I looked at the small white animal in his arms. She’s cute, but I miss the tiger.

  “Is she a dog?” He rolled his eyes. “She’s an arctic fox. She can easily fit in your backpack when you’re in class. She could probably take on her tiger form in here.” Within seconds, I was face to face with a beautiful white Bengal tiger. I threw my arms around her giant neck.

  “You know it’s not an actual tiger, right?” Locke asked. I smacked his chest. “I’m not an idiot. Do you think I’d want to pick up tiger poop? She just feels like an extension of me. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s comforting.”

  He smiled and rubbed the tiger. “I get it. I feel the same way about my hydra. I like knowing that he has my back.” I smiled and a yawn slipped out.

  I spent too much time in the library and missed my nap. Oh well, it’s not like I’d be able to fall asleep now that someone broke into my room. Locke stood up and jumped onto my bed. “Come lay down with me for a bit.”

  I crawled into bed beside him. “I know you’re freaking out about someone being in here. It’s not sitting well with me either, but I don’t think the person meant you any harm. Your dad said that the wards on your room are meant to keep out anyone with bad intentions.”

  I sighed. “It’s still creepy. I sent dad and Ab pictures of the flowers. They’ll probably want to talk more about it tonight.”

  My tiger looked at the bed and huffed. Yeah, there’s no way she’ll fit. She changed into a fox and jumped onto the foot of the bed. “Is it weird if I name her? I was thinking of calling her Ash, for the color of her tiger’s stripes.” Locke smiled at me.

  “It’s also what any being will turn into if he or she harms you. I think it’s a good choice.” I was too comfy to get up, so we ordered a pizza and chilled before it was time to meet up with the guys.



  As soon as Locke popped us into the warehouse, I was swept up into a hug by my dad. “I’m okay. I’m just thoroughly freaked out. Let’s sit before Gabe starts making dirty jokes about my tiger. I’d rather not test Locke’s restraint right now,” I sighed.

  My dad and I started walking over to where the guys were sitting. Locke and Abaddon were deep in conversation, which made me smile. Although they butt heads a lot, I think they do genuinely like one another.

  The guys can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to me, but it hasn’t put off Locke. I’m surprised that they let him into the fold so quickly. Who am I kidding, though? The guys didn’t let him in. Locke bulldozed his way into our little circle. We didn’t stand a chance.

  Hellfire, I love him. It’s still hard to believe that he’s mine. He turned toward me, and his lip tipped up. It was then that I realized that I was just standing there, staring at him. Mortified, I quickly looked away. I gave hugs to all of the guys and sat next to Ab.

  I rested my head on his shoulder. “My professor flipped out on me this morning about missing class. She may call you and Dad for a meeting. Sorry, I didn’t even think of giving her an explanation when I was out.”

  Abaddon wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. “I’ll take care of it, Evelyn. Don’t even give it another thought.” Considering that Locke dropped Dad’s name, they most likely won’t hear a peep from her. “Take care of what, my love?” Dad asked. He took the seat on the other side of Ab.

  “Eve’s professor ripped her a new one this morning. Once I told her who Eve was, the professor became mute real quick,” Locke said nonchalantly.

  Uriel let out a laugh. “Heavens, tell me you did not drop Eve’s title. Bad move, brother. I’m surprised you’re still breathing,” he chuckled.

  “I was about to lay into him, but guess who interrupted? Freaking, Remiel! I honestly thought that Locke was going to kill him on the spot.” Uncle Mikey and Uri looked at each other with wide eyes. Mikey turned toward me.

  “Are you sure that you saw Remiel on campus, Eve? His friends in Hell reported him missing.” I nodded. “Yeah, he tried to apologize today, and the day Zane attacked me. I heard that he’s a new guard on campus.”

  Uri stood up and started pacing. “Do you think that Remiel left the flowers? Maybe they were meant to be a peace offering,” Raphael suggested. That didn’t even cross my
mind. It would make sense since he’s been trying to apologize.

  Ab’s arm tightened around me. “Perhaps, but I think they were intended to relay a message.” My eyebrows furrowed. Who has time for stuff like that? It just seems like way too much work.

  “Red roses mean love and desire. Yellow roses historically represent jealousy, but most people associate them with friendship nowadays,” Uriel explained as he read from his phone.

  “So this dude wants Eve and is jealous? I get that the wards on her room didn’t pick up any ill intent, but this doesn’t sit well with me,” Gabe clipped. I agree with Gabe. This sounds a bit too much like the start of a horror movie.

  Locke looked over at my dad. “Lucifer, can you speak to the Dean about removing Remiel from the campus guard? He might not have given her the flowers, but I don’t like his interest in Eve.” My dad nodded as Abaddon squeezed his shoulder. I could tell they both were stressed.

  “Any luck with the camera footage from when fake Locke paid a visit to my room?” I asked. Please let it have been Zane.

  Uncle Mikey crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, we know for sure that it wasn’t Zane. We have the feed of him in the library.”

  Well, that’s just great. My shoulders instantly sagged in defeat. “The person who posed as Locke was seen twice on camera talking with a hot brunette. He either looks similar to Locke or is a very skilled shapeshifter,” Gabe added.

  “Ugh, you mean Hannah. I almost forgot about Locke’s ex. I haven’t seen her lately. Not that I’m complaining,” I grumbled. Locke ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair, which automatically put me on high alert.

  “We were never together, so she’s not an ex. She has been texting me a lot, though,” Locke admitted. I saw red and jumped up from my seat. My wings snapped out from my back, almost hitting Raphael in the face.

  “What? Why would you keep this from me? I warned her to stay away from you and your brothers! Hellfire, I’m going to kill that bitch!” I should have known this would happen. There’s no way she would give up on Locke that easily.

  Locke stood up and put his hands on my shoulders. “Eve, let it rest. She isn’t worth getting upset over.” I narrowed my eyes at him and heard Ash let out a growl. “Are you defending her, Locke?” I asked bitterly.

  Gabe snickered. “You’re so fucked.” Gabe’s chair was suddenly pulled out from underneath him. If I weren’t so pissed, I would have laughed.

  “Eve, you know that’s not the case. I just think it’s more important to focus on the person who posed as me.” Fine. Maybe Locke has a point.

  I tucked my wings in and sat back down next to Ab. “There’s always the possibility that shapeshifting is one of Remiel’s gifts. I think it’s best if you keep your distance from him, Evelyn,” Uri recommended. I nodded. I couldn’t agree more. It shouldn’t be too difficult to dodge him on campus.

  My dad looked over at me and sighed. I could already tell that I wasn’t going to like whatever he was about to say next. “I heard from the other three kings. There’s going to be a formal party in Hell this weekend in your honor. They want you to get better acquainted with the heirs. I had to play along since they aren’t aware of my frequent contact with Locke and his brothers.”

  No way, I don’t want to be anywhere near the other kings. From the stories I’ve heard, they’re greedy, power-hungry and ruthless. They are not my kind of beings. “A party is completely unnecessary. I already see the guys at school.”

  Ab crossed his arms over his chest. “That may be true, but the kings haven’t met you yet. They want their chance to entice you to select their heir,” he chuckled. Locke let out a low growl.

  “So, they want to bribe me to pick their successor? I think I’ll pass. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be sick that night.”

  My dad ran his hands over his face in frustration. I get that he wants me to just go with the flow, but I have no interest in mingling with the kings and their guests. It’s not my scene, and I don’t care what the kings have to offer.

  “My love, your attendance is mandatory. Also, I think it will be in your best interest if you conceal your relationship with Locke during the event.”

  I laughed. This has to be a joke. There’s no other explanation for the ridiculous things that are coming out of my dad’s mouth.

  “Are you seriously asking me to go to this party and pretend that I’m not with Locke? I get that you don’t want me to tick off the kings, but I’m not hiding my relationship. I couldn’t care less about what the kings think.”

  My dad sighed. “We can discuss it later, my love.” I let a yawn slip out and rested my head on my Ab’s shoulder. Locke stood up with Ash at his side.

  “Eve had a busy day and didn’t get a chance to nap. I’m going to take her back. Text if you need us.” Locke scooped me up as I waved by the guys.

  Within seconds, we were back in my room. I padded to the bathroom, changed and crawled into bed. The last thing I remembered was Ash curling around my feet before sleep claimed me.

  Thankfully, the next few days were pretty uneventful. I steered clear of Hannah and was able to avoid any run-ins Remiel. I spotted him in the dining hall a few times but was able to keep my distance.

  Locke and I decided against telling our friends about the flowers and our meeting with the guys. They deserved to have some time away from all of the drama. One thing that I couldn’t hide from our friends was Ash.

  Locke made up a story about how we found her, and she didn’t want to leave my side. Ash stayed in her fox form, but everyone assumed she was a small dog. It was better that way. Now, I just need to decide whether or not to bring Ash to the party tonight.



  Just thinking about the party tonight was making anxious. Since I have zero interest in going, Gabe offered to pick out my dress. It arrived a few days ago, but I refused to look at it. The garment bag has been hanging in my closet as a constant reminder of my impending doom.

  Part of me hopes that the dress is insanely hideous, just like the big puffy prom dress Gabe got for me a few years ago. I know it will be beautiful, though. He has impeccable taste in clothing. It’s his taste in women that’s questionable.

  I unzipped the heavy garment bag, and my eyes widened. Gabe seriously outdid himself. This gown is gorgeous. I took off my robe and carefully slipped on the dress and heels.

  My breath caught as I looked at the long-sleeved, gold beaded floor-length gown in the mirror. The dress was formfitting with a plunging neckline. The thigh-high slit in the front of the dress showed off the metallic gold Louboutin heels that Gabe bought for me.

  I feel like a princess in it. I just wish I was wearing it to something better than this party. I grabbed my phone and took a selfie. I quickly sent a text along with the picture to Gabe.

  Me: It’s beyond perfect! Thank you! I love you and wish you were going tonight! Wish me luck.

  Gabe: You look incredible, spider monkey. Try to have fun. I love you more.

  I put my phone down and started to reapply my lip gloss. I can barely manage to put on mascara, so dad sent someone to my dorm to do my hair and makeup earlier today. She kept my makeup relatively simple and loosely curled my long blonde hair.

  I put on a pair of simple diamond stud earrings and an emerald ring that Ab gave me for my last birthday. After much debate, I decided against bringing Ash in her animal form. I don’t think the kings and partygoers would appreciate my four-legged sidekick.

  I was filling my clutch when Locke popped into my room. He stalked closer and gave me a scorching kiss. He pulled back and looked at me through hooded eyes. “Look at my golden goddess. You look incredible. I’m not going to be able to keep my eyes off of you.”

  Locke let out a growl as his fingers traveled up my thigh-high slit. “I like this, little hellion.” I let out a frustrated groan when he withdrew his hand. “Tease,” I muttered. Locke chuckled. “Later. I want to take my time with you.”

stepped back to take him in. Nothing could prepare me for seeing Locke in a tux. He was wearing a classic black trim fit tuxedo with a white dress shirt and black bow tie. My man looked insanely hot.

  He was clean-shaven, and his hair was perfectly tousled. I stepped closer and ran my fingers down his lapel. I couldn’t help but lick my lips.

  Locke bent down and kissed me. “You’re already testing my control, and we’re not even at the party yet. Every man will be vying for your attention, but they can’t have what’s mine.”

  He placed a kiss on his now faint mark. The makeup artist couldn’t even completely cover it. Luckily, she was able to cover my scallop and rose tattoos on my arms.

  “You look so handsome. I’m not looking forward to fighting off every girl at the party, but I guess you’re worth it.” He gave me a crooked smile. “I love you, little hellion.”

  Within seconds, Locke popped us over to my home in Hell. My dad was pacing the marble floor in his custom tux. He visibly relaxed once he saw us.

  “I was convinced that I would have to drag you to this event. You look stunning, my love. Gabriel chose well,” he said, kissing my cheek. I looked around the room and was surprised when I didn’t see Abaddon. He’s never late for anything.

  “Is Ab meeting us there?” My dad frowned and shook his head. “No, he didn’t get an invitation. Let’s not make it into a big deal. He’s already on edge about it, and I don’t want to make things worse. Right now, he’s at the gate with Cerberus working out his frustration.”

  I frowned. I don’t like this one bit. Why would the kings exclude Ab? Locke put his arm around me and drew me close. “How about we go for a little while, and then we can come back to spend time with Abaddon,” Locke suggested.


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