Unlocked (Hell's Throne Book 1)
Page 24
Daniel grinned. “That was me. Shapeshifting is another one of my abilities.” He began to approach slowly. I immediately put my hand out and backed up. “You were the fake Locke.”
He stopped advancing and nodded his head. “I’ve been searching the campus for the guy who was in bed with you. He will pay for touching what’s mine,” Daniel growled.
“I’m not your girl, and I never will be. Just tell me what you want from me!” I screamed. Leviathan couldn’t stop smiling. The bastard was loving every second of this.
“There is so much that I want, and you’re the key to getting it all,” Leviathan said. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “You may want to be a bit more specific?”
Leviathan’s eyes turned red as he glared at me. “You are going to destroy Hell’s gate, and then you’re going to help make me the True King of Hell. Destroying the gate will ensure that the Archangels cannot intervene and will keep all demons in Hell under my rule. Now that I have you, Lucifer will have no choice but to concede to my demands.”
He paused. It was as if he was daring me to speak. I forced myself to keep quiet, though. I need to know his plans. Satisfied with my silence, Leviathan smiled and continued to talk.
“By the time you’re finished with the gate, Lucifer will have woken up with his power bound. I left him a message to meet us at the gate. I must say that it’s been a challenge to secure you, Evelyn. I’m still very interested in finding out how you escaped the siphon,” he added.
Leviathan must have been the one who wanted the heirs to burn the bridges with the humans. If his plan had worked, all demons would have been sent to Hell. I still don’t know what makes him think that I can alter the gate in any way, shape or form.
“I hate to put a damper on these grand plans of yours, but I can’t destroy the gate. I wouldn’t even know where to begin. As for the title of True King, you can’t take something that can’t be given. From where I’m standing, it’s pretty obvious why the Fates didn’t choose you for the role.”
A creepy smile grew on Leviathan’s face. “I thought that you might need a little push, so I secured some incentives for you. Show her the picture,” Leviathan ordered.
Daniel handed me his phone, which showed a picture of Cade, Emmett, Miles and Abaddon in cells. They all had silver cuffs on their wrists, which means that their powers are bound like mine. Where the hellfire is Locke?
I swiped to the next picture. The heirs appeared to be sleeping, but Abaddon was standing guard. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his bruised face and torn clothing. I wanted to reach through the phone and hug him. Angry tears started hitting the phone. Leviathan just sealed his fate.
Fury ran through my body. No one touches my family. I threw the phone against the wall. My eyes must have turned gold because both Leviathan and Daniel took a step back.
“You should always know your opponent if you’re going to play a game, Leviathan. You just made a mistake of epic proportions, and I’m going to love watching you burn.”
I suddenly felt a pinch on my arm. I whirled around to see a man holding a syringe. I went to punch him, but he popped out of the room.
“I suggest you lay down, Evelyn. You’ll be asleep within minutes. Let’s go, Daniel. We need to make sure everything is in order before we move out.”
As soon as they left, I ran to the balcony doors, but they wouldn’t budge. I was about to use a chair to break the glass when I started to feel funny. I quickly sat in the chair, knowing that my legs would give out soon. Within seconds, the darkness consumed me.
I woke up with a splitting headache. It was so bad that I couldn’t even open my eyes. How much did I have to drink at the party?
Most of the night is fuzzy, but I don’t think I could ever forget the way Eve looked in that dress. Eve always looks beautiful, but last night she took my breath away. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her even if I tried.
Neither could the waiter because he ended up spilling a glass of wine all over her dress. While Eve was cleaning her dress, my brothers came over to talk. They wanted to escape the party for a few minutes, so we found an open office and did a few shots to unwind.
The office was right across from the bathroom that Eve was in, so I would be able to see when she came out. I remember wanting to check on her, but then everything went dark. I literally can’t remember anything after that. What the hellfire did we drink? Hopefully, Eve can fill in the blanks.
I patted the bed next to me, and it was still warm. Eve is probably in the bathroom. Turning over, I got a whiff of flowery perfume. Why the fuck does the bed smell like Hannah’s perfume? Something isn’t right here.
I don’t care how wasted I was last night; I would never cheat on Eve. I tried to feel her through our bond, but it was very weak. She must have been drugged, which means that I was probably drugged too.
Anger tore through me. I was on the verge of losing it when I heard muffled voices. “Hannah, you were supposed to keep him in the cell. Sharing a bed with him is an unnecessary risk. The cuffs will bind his power, but he’s psychically much stronger than you. Come. We’re leaving in a few minutes. The guards will bring him along with the others,” a male voice said.
“He loves me, Levi. Locke would never hurt me. Can’t I just stay here with him? I don’t want him to see her,” Hannah whined. “My darling girl, don’t you worry. He will be yours just as the girl will be with Daniel. Let’s go.” Fucking Leviathan.
My hydra rushed to the surface, but I forced him back. I want to torch this place to the ground, but I need to be smart. Leviathan may have Eve and my brothers. Suddenly, I felt Eve’s presence. I pried my eyes open only to find a small white mouse sitting on the bed.
“Smart girl. Slip into my pocket before we leave,” I whispered to the mouse. I tried to feel my power, but Leviathan somehow did manage to bind it using these cuffs. It’s the least of my concerns, though. I heard voices approaching, so I closed my eyes and stilled.
“Dude, did you see the girl? She’s so fucking hot. How much do you want to bet that Leviathan kills Daniel and keeps her for himself,” a guy laughed as he bound my wrists together. Someone else laughed while cuffing my ankles. My blood was boiling with pure rage.
Who the fuck is this Daniel guy? It’s the second time a being mentioned his name. It doesn’t matter. He’ll be dead soon. They all will be. Guards grabbed me by the arms and lifted me off of the bed. I forced my eyes open despite my pounding headache.
“I’m so glad that you’re awake, babe. I missed you,” Hannah purred, as she tried to kiss me. I moved out of her reach and narrowed my eyes. “Don’t touch me. Why am I cuffed, and where the Hell is my girlfriend?” I snapped. One of the guards pushed me to start walking.
“Locke, you don’t mean that. I see how you look at me,” she pouted. “The only way I look at you is with disgust. Now, where the Hell is my girlfriend!” I boomed.
“This is very interesting. Evelyn didn’t mention your name once when I last spoke to her. That girl is such a disobedient creature. Daniel will have his hands full with that one,” Leviathan chuckled as he led us outside.
I refuse to let this asshole bait me. “Why am I here, Leviathan? What are you after?” He’s a fucking king. What else could the guy want? Leviathan smiled. “I’m taking what should have been mine. You’ll understand soon enough.”
About twenty guards were waiting for us outside. A solider with blood all over his hands and uniform approached with a big grin on his face. “The Angel of the Abyss isn’t so tough with his power bound,” he laughed.
I clenched my jaw in anger. You hurt my girl’s family; then, you hurt my girl. You hurt my girl; then, you’re fucked. “Kill,” I whispered to Ash.
The guard immediately dropped to the ground, and his body began convulsing. His screams pierced the air. A moment later, his eyes rolled back as he took his final breath. The group guards were speechless and visibly rattled.
We need to get to the gate now,” Leviathan snapped. Within seconds, we were on a hill that overlooked Hell’s gate. My hackles raised as soon as I heard a loud roar. Cerberus.
“I want at least twenty guards with Locke. Keep him away from the others. If what he says is true, he’ll be a great motivation,” Leviathan ordered.
He walked away with Hannah in tow. I looked around, taking in the scene before me. There were thousands of soldiers, made up of demons and fallen angels, trying to take down Cerberus.
I was fuming, and my hydra was eerily quiet. A bolt of lightning struck from the sky, making everyone look up in shock. We don’t have weather in Hell like they do on Terra. It’s consistently warm and pleasant here.
Cerberus took advantage of the distraction and wiped out a good portion of the warriors. I quickly looked around to see who else Leviathan was holding hostage. My eyes immediately found my brothers and Abaddon. They were being guarded by about forty soldiers, who were all laser-focused on a bloody faced Abaddon.
Even without his power, Abaddon is a warrior. He met my gaze, and I gave him a nod. No matter what, I will get Eve out of here.
Where the hellfire is Eve? I tried to feel her through our bond, and I sighed in relief. She’s awake, and she’s pissed. Good, I want her pissed. My girl is a fighter.
Rage rushed through me as Cerberus let out another roar. I don’t think I can hold my hydra back much longer. He knows Cerberus needs help. “Help him, but don’t be seen,” I told Ash under my breath. I don’t even know if she’s still with me, but I had to try.
A few minutes later, a soldier ran over to my guards. “Something is happening down there. Soldiers are just dropping left and right. Go tell Leviathan, now!”
After talking to the guard, Leviathan popped out of sight. A few minutes later, I saw the king pop back. He was at the bottom of the hill, with a guy clutching my girl tight to his chest.
My blood began to boil. I recognized the angel immediately. I knew I should have killed Daniel in the warehouse. No one touches what’s mine.
Suddenly, Eve jumped out of Daniel’s arms. She elbowed him hard in the stomach, making him double over in pain. My lips twitched. That’s my girl.
She turned her head in my direction, and we immediately made eye contact. I reminded her how much I love her through our bond as I checked her over. I don’t know Leviathan’s plans, but I do know that they’re about to go up in flames.
I could feel a familiar tingle running down my spine as soon as Leviathan and Daniel popped us to Hell’s gate. I got out of Daniel’s hold and found Locke instantly. I was about to run to him, but then I heard a roar coming from my best friend.
My eyes darted around, taking in the thousands of soldiers trying to kill Cerberus. I had to do something now. “Call off your soldiers!” I screamed.
Leviathan chuckled. “I don’t think you’re in a position to be making demands, Evelyn. Daniel, how about you go and get reacquainted with your fiancée. We won’t need her assistance until the hellhound is down.”
I glared at the king, who gave me a wicked smile in return. Daniel wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck. “I think that sounds like an excellent idea,” Daniel whispered.
Locke let out a menacing growl as lightning pierced the sky. Taking advantage of the distraction, I stomped on Daniel’s foot as hard as possible and whirled around. I narrowed my eyes at the smirking angel.
“Touch me again, and you’ll regret it. Leviathan, you’re sending all of these soldiers to their death. Let me take care of the hellhound.” Leviathan debated for a minute and nodded.
“Tell the guards to bring the incentives, Daniel.” A few minutes later, a group of guards appeared with Emmett, Cade, Miles and Abaddon. I gasped when I saw Ab.
He was almost unrecognizable with his battered, swollen face. Ab’s shirt was gone, and his chest was covered with deep gashes. What did they do to him? He looks so much worse than the picture Daniel showed me earlier.
The sight of Abaddon made my heart hurt. I locked eyes with him and felt tears running down my face. “I love you,” I mouthed to him. It took every ounce of strength to not run over to him.
I swatted Daniel’s hand away as he tried to wipe away my tears. “Are you sure that you can take down this beast, baby? I don’t want you to get hurt,” Daniel said.
I let out a humorless laugh. “That is rich coming from the guy who is holding me against my will. Fuck off, Daniel!” Leviathan wagged his finger at me and tsk-ed.
“Are you always such a defiant little creature? Daniel, please give your fiancée a taste of what will happen if she doesn’t do as she’s told and kill the hellhound?” Leviathan ordered.
Before I could object, Daniel began mercilessly attacking Cade. “Stop! Stop! I’ll do anything! Just stop!” I screamed as I fell to my knees. Violent tears blurred my vision.
“Take off her bracelets. Do you understand what happens if you betray me, Evelyn?” Leviathan asked as he crouched down in front of me. I quickly nodded my head. “Very well. Call off the soldiers!” Leviathan shouted.
Daniel offered his hand to help me up, but I ignored it. “Evelyn, no! Don’t let her do this! She won’t survive it,” Abaddon roared. I couldn’t bear to look at him.
I stood up and held Leviathan’s stare as my bracelets were removed. Power began coursing through my body. Let the show begin.
The guards retreated as a furious Cerberus stared them down in his hellhound form. He let out a roar as he watched me approach. I could see his massive body vibrating in anger. He was pissed that I was here and in danger.
As soon as I was out of earshot, I willed my power to create a wall of flames around Cerberus and me. I knew those on the hilltop could still see me, so I created a glamour. The beings looking down from the hill would see me battling with the hellhound.
“Ash, I need you to create a mirror image of Cerberus and make lots of noise.” Cerberus began rubbing his head against mine. Tears were streaming down my face.
“Listen to me, Ceb, I need you to go straight to my dad and take him to Terra. Protect him and do not come back here. I’ll make sure the gate is safe. Please do this now for me, Ceb. I love you. Tell my dad that I love him.”
He changed into his human form and was furiously shaking his head. “Don’t make me do this, Evie. Let me help you!” he begged. I shook my head.
“Ceb, we’re running out of time. You have to go!” He kissed my forehead and vanished. I squeezed my eyes closed and took a deep breath. “Ash, it’s time.”
I made the mistake of looking at Ash. I know it wasn’t really my best friend, but it all seemed too real. I immediately fell to my knees and began dry heaving between sobs. The glamour and the wall of hellfire lowered, exposing the hellhound encased in golden flames and writhing in pain.
“No! What did you do? Let me go! I have to help him!” Abaddon bellowed. I knew the moment the fake hellhound turned to dust. Abaddon’s cry was heartbreaking.
Suddenly, I was lifted from the ground. “You’re so brave, baby.” I was too emotionally drained to snap at Daniel for calling me “baby.”
Leviathan started clapping as he approached. “Incredible, you singlehandedly put thousands of my soldiers to shame. Just think of what you could accomplish with some discipline and proper training.”
I pushed out of Daniel’s hold and glared at Leviathan. “I did what you wanted. Now, let them go.” I wanted to torch this guy in the worst way, but there were too many guards surrounding Ab and the heirs.
Speaking of the guys, where’s Locke? “I’d love to let your friends go, Evelyn, but your job isn’t quite finished. Now that you’ve taken care of the hellhound, it’s time for you to destroy the gate.”
I gritted my teeth together. “I can’t destroy the gate, Leviathan. It’s impossible.” Hellfire, I need to keep the guys safe. Taking a page out of Locke’s book, I willed my power to create an impenetrable barrier to prote
ct them.
Within seconds, the guys were surrounded by a golden shield. The guards immediately began trying to break through the barrier. When Leviathan saw that they couldn’t make a dent in it, he yelled for everyone to back up.
He threw his power and hellfire at the shield, which did absolutely nothing. I couldn’t hold back my smile when he let out an angry roar. Leviathan’s eyes turned red as he slowly approached me. I backed up into Daniel.
“As soon as that shield drops, I will make you watch as I kill every last one of them. Unfortunately for you, I always have a back-up plan. Guards, bring him down,” Leviathan roared.
Daniel gripped my arms as a group of guards appeared with Locke. My eyes immediately went to the cuffs on his wrists. His power is bound.
Suddenly, I felt Locke urging me to relax through our bond. Our eyes met, and he gave me a quick wink. I was about to shift my focus to Leviathan when I saw her.
Hannah sauntered over to Locke. She looked up at him, wrapped her arm around his bicep and kissed it. I saw red. My eyes turned to gold, and my wings shot out, knocking Daniel on his ass.
“Get your fucking hand off of my boyfriend before I rip it off. You don’t want to play this game with me today, Barbie.” Hannah gave me a smug smile and laughed.
“Your boyfriend? Whose bed did he sleep in last night? I can assure you that it wasn’t yours, Emma. He will always be...” My power knocked her to the ground and crushed the offending hand.
“He’ll always be mine,” I growled as she screamed in pain. I tucked my wings back in and focused on Locke. He rewarded me with my favorite lopsided smile.
His smile dropped as he looked above my head. I didn’t have to turn around to know who was on the receiving end of Locke’s icy glare. I have no doubt that Locke is plotting Daniel’s death.