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Between Now and Always: Forever Trilogy Book 3

Page 11

by Allen, Dylan

  “Very nice to meet you, Joe,” I stick my hand out and he takes it and shakes it very firmly. His expression is inscrutable, but no longer stony.

  “Let’s talk sometime,” he says.

  “Sure, that would be great,” I say in my typical non committal way.

  “You can come by my place tomorrow and I’ll cook us a meal. One o’clock,” he says with a knowing smile that I understand to mean that this is a summons and not an invitation.

  “You dark horse,” Nadia yells and punches my shoulder with the heel of her hand hard enough that I sway. "I can't believe you didn’t tell me this was Beth.” She side-steps me and flings her arms around Beth.

  They hug tight, rocking back and forth like long lost sisters. I forgot that it wasn’t just me who fell for her that night.

  They pull away long enough to smile wordlessly at each other before they hug again.

  “So, what’s the story?” Dean asks in a solemn, serious voice. He’s standing behind me, an absent smile on his face, his eyes fixed on Beth and Nadia like he’s taking a forensic account of their exchange.

  “It’s a long one.”

  He smirks, his leonine eyes dart to mine, glittering with annoyance at my cagey reply.

  “Oh, that’s a given. It’s all over your fucking face. You’re in love with that girl. And she’s in love with you. I’m assuming you’ve been secretive because she’s got skeletons. But after tonight, it won’t be a secret anymore. So let’s hope they’re not too bad.”

  Before I can correct him or explain, his expression clears and he’s Mr. GQ cover model charming.

  Beth walks toward us, smiling. But, concern has drawn a line in the center of her otherwise smooth forehead.

  “Beth, is it?” Dean drawls, drawing her hand up to press a kiss to it.

  “Yes,” she blushes and looks up at him through her lashes.

  “It’s an honor to meet you. My wife and I are both huge fans of your work,” he adds.

  “You are?” She gawks and then laughs in amazement. “That’s crazy! I can’t believe any of this.”

  “Believe it. Tonight should be all about enjoying your award. You’ve got a whole room full of people waiting to meet you, so please, take my card.” He reaches into his breast pocket and pulls one out.

  “Do you have representation?” he asks, his transition from fan to shark smooth and imperceptible.

  “Representation for what?” she asks, her head cocked to the side. She looks at it, wide eyed and then back at him.

  He smiles. “Because, you my dear, are a once in a lifetime kind of person and I want to snatch you up before the rest of the world finds out. When they air that speech, you’ll be flooded with requests. Call me on Monday. If I’m not a good fit, we’ll find you someone who is. Either way, we’re about to make each other’s dreams come true.”

  “Uh—I don’t know what to say. But, I don’t want to be famous.” She says.

  “Too, late,” Dean quips with a laugh.

  Beth’s worried eyes come to me and I smile and try to think of how to reassure her without lying.

  I recognize the buzz in the air. I’ve felt it directed at me countless times this year. She’s got real stage presence and when she stood in front of the microphone, all the nerves stiffened her posture while she walked onto the stage, disappeared.

  Some people can’t help the way light is drawn to them - and Beth is one of those people. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a choice about how she chooses to proceed.

  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want. Don’t listen to him. Fame is a choice.” I try to reassure her.

  She shakes her head. “It’s just that… now my dad will know where I am.”

  My eyes narrow.

  “But you’re completely out his reach. He can’t do anything to you. And if tries, he’ll have to get through me, my family, Dean, Phil,” I say and her face pales.

  She puts a hand on my arm, rubbing it as if to soothe me. “Let’s not talk about him tonight. I’m sorry I brought it up. Please. I’d rather celebrate finding each other again.”

  Her smile isn’t as bright as it was when she walked over.

  I put a hand on her shoulder, intending to pull her close enough that I can speak quietly. The smooth skin of her delicately curved shoulders against my palm feels so good. I repress a shudder when lust punches me in the gut.

  I force myself to focus, because what I have to ask is important.

  “Beth, are you sure? I mean, I’ll understand if you didn’t want me this… me to find you,” I say, moving my hand to cup her face instead.

  Her eyes shine with sincerity. They’re the color of a wild beautiful sea. I want to get lost in it, and never be found again.

  “I’m so glad you found me. Promise me you always will,” she says in a soft, voice.

  “Hey, Queen Beth.” I smile back at her.

  “Hey King Carter,” she says, turning her face so her lips press a kiss to my palm. I groan.

  This is dangerous. Right now, I’m not sure I care. If we were alone, I would kiss her - and not give a damn that it was wrong.

  Hetal swoops in, wraps an arm around Beth’s shoulder and shoots me a “you’ve got some explaining to do” look before she smiles at Beth.

  “You were amazing. Thank you for coming and accepting our award. This is going to be great for fundraising! Everyone is so excited to meet you. So, as much as I hate to break up your conversation with Carter—and I can’t wait to hear all about how you two know each other - I must insist that you come and say hello.”

  “I should go,” Beth says.

  “You should go,” I say at the same time and we laugh, the tension that was building falls away.

  “You go do what you came for. Tomorrow, I’ll come talk to Joe and come see you. If that’s okay,” I look closely at her face to see if there’s any hint of reluctance.

  Her eyes twinkle and she grins as if joy has hooked itself to the corners of her mouth.

  “I can’t wait. Joe likes to cook, too. It’ll be fun. Let me give you my address.” She look around, and then turns back to face me with a sheepish smile on her face. “I don’t have anything to write with.”

  I hand her my phone. “Put your number in and I’ll call you in the morning to get your address before I head over. And I’ve got a surprise for you so I hope you’re not busy Sunday night.”

  She frowns, and I’m so happy to see that contrary, but amazingly familiar expression, that I laugh.

  “It’s a good surprise, I promise.”

  She laughs too and then lifts up to pull me into another hug. She whispers in my ear, “You are the best surprise of my entire life. I love you.” And then she lets go and walks away.

  I watch her go and don’t let myself notice how good her ass looks in that dress.

  The More The Merrier


  “You’re a nice young man. Too many tattoos for my taste, but your generation is different,” Joe says by way of his final parting as Carter and I get ready to leave.

  He called this morning as promised and was here at 1pm on the dot. Joe made his famous chili and cornbread. Carter brought him a bottle of Johnny Walker 18 and a coffee table book on the history of music in Brooklyn.

  He was born in Park Slope, which is very different from Crown Heights, where Joe lived as a child. But it’s clear that they both love the city they call home and in minutes, the skeptical, slightly mistrustful vibe they were giving each other is gone.

  “So, you’ve got a helmet for her?” Joe asks him and Carter nods obligingly as if it’s the first time he’s asked. And not the fifth.

  “And you know she has work tomorrow, so, I’m sure you won’t be getting her in too late,” he says, his voice still stern.

  When Carter first arrived, he said, “Now, I know you’re famous and all son, but in my house, we’re just regular humans. If that girl is smiling, you’re always welcome. But if you do anything to turn that smile
upside down, you’ll find out why the called me Low Blow Joe in my day.”

  I was amazed that Carter didn’t laugh. Instead he nodded solemnly and said “Sir, if I turn her smile upside down, I’ll take whatever punishment you decide is fitting, because I’ll deserve it.”

  He’s feeding Joe’s misconception about our relationship. Part of me knows I shouldn’t encourage him. But there’s a part of me that just wants to enjoy pretending that he’s a guy coming to take me on a date.

  I’ve held his hand a lot tonight. It’s just friendly, though. Sure, I don’t just randomly hold hands with my other friends. But, I don’t have any other friends like Carter.

  I’m playing with fire and if I don’t stop, it’s going to burn me.

  When he’s close like this, I get all of the impulses and urges I used to. I won’t act on them. But, I’m not sure what to do with the fact that I want to.

  “So where ya off to?” Joe asks.

  “It’s a surprise,” Carter says with a cheeky smile.

  “Ah, she doesn’t like those,” Joe says with a frown that warms my heart.

  He’s such loving man.

  I hate that his family doesn’t try harder to come see him. Their loss has been my gain, because he’s the closest thing to a father figure I’ve ever had. I love the way he fusses over me. He’s been nice to Carter, but made it very clear that his good regard is conditional on my happiness.

  “I know. I’m taking a chance that this’ll be one of that’s an exception.”

  “Well, you both be careful. This is the last Sunday before Thanksgiving and you know people are going to be impatient and quick to anger in traffic and in the stores.”

  Carter’s smile falls away and he swallows audibly.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, my concern ratcheting up when he opens and closes his mouth a couple of times but still doesn’t say anything.

  “I know this is…is maybe too soon,” he looks so nervous and I’m afraid he’s about to say something about our past…a past I haven’t shared with Joe.

  “Well, if you’re worried about that, maybe you can just wait and ask later,” I stand to take empty glasses to the kitchen.

  “No, young man, say whatever it is that’s on your heart,” Joe urges.

  Carter lets out a shaky breath and I keep my back to them, stacking the glasses into the dishwasher with trembling hands.

  “I was hoping that maybe you would both like to join my family for Thanksgiving on Thursday,” Carter says in a rush like he couldn’t wait to get the words out.

  My heart skips a whole beat, and tears spring to my eyes. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. But since James died I haven’t been able to celebrate it. I realize that neither Porsha nor Joe have mentioned it either. Porsha isn’t American so I understand, but…I look at Joe.

  “Do you have plans?” I ask.

  Joe’s smile doesn’t falter, but his eyes get that haunted look he always wears when his family comes up.

  “I’m hoping to go get my son, I would invite you into but I don’t know if there’ll be room in car. Joe says and my heart constricts.

  I hope I get to meet this son and this ex of his so I can punch her lights out for all the disappointment she’s been responsible for causing Joe. I know he’s not going to get to pick him up. Not for Thanksgiving or any other weekend. And I’m not letting this wonderful man spend that day alone.

  “Are you sure your family wouldn’t mind?” I ask, watching Carter closely. I know how spur of the moment he can be and I want to make sure he’s not committing them to anything that will make it an awkward day for all of us.

  “My mother has been asking about you, she’s determined to have you back at her dining room table. She bought a loft in Tribeca and she’s cooking. It’s just us, but they’re all excited to see you.”

  I perk up, my nerves forgotten.

  “Even Jack?” I ask, a mischievous smile on my lips.

  He chuckles and rolls his eyes skyward.

  “As excited as he can be about anything, I guess,” he says with a dry smile.

  I clap, excitedly.

  “Of course, can I bring Porsha? She’s my roommate, but more like family.”

  He nods.

  “The more the merrier. Joe, I’d love it if you’re able to join us. Beth is family, and so are you,” Carter says. Hearing him call me family squeezes it in a way that doesn’t feel good.

  It’s true in a way it wasn’t before.

  In a way I don’t want it to be.

  “Then, I’d love to. Tell your family thank you for the invite.”

  “I’ll send a car around to pick you up,” Carter says and stands up and walks over to get his coat.

  I can’t help admiring the way his muscles move under his light grey dress shirt. He looks like he went to the barber today. His hair is shorter than last night and styled and his face is cleanly shaven, without a hint of the beard he was sporting last night, He looks perfect. I made an effort, hair and make up done, by me, but well. I saw how appreciative his eyes were when he saw me, but Carter has always thought me beautiful I glance down at my dark jeans, black turtleneck and ankle boots have a flash of worry about what we look like together.

  Normally, I wouldn’t even worry. I could shave my head and dye it red and the most I would get would be a few double takes from people. But if I’m next to Carter, who everyone notices, that might change.

  “Ready?” Carter buttons his jacket and smiles expectantly at me.

  I put my worries aside, and decide to just enjoy this for as long as I can.

  “Ready,” I say with a mock salute. I press a kiss on Joe’s cheek and stand up to join him.



  “We’re doing what?” I shriek as we pull up to the small New Jersey airport.

  “A helicopter tour of the city. We talked about me going with you to see Lady Liberty, remember?” Carter says.

  “Oh, my God. Are you serious?” I peer out of the window, bouncing in my seat when I spot the helicopters across the tarmac.

  “Yes, come on,” he says just before someone opens the door to our car and the frigid, windy November night air rushes into the warm interior of the car.

  A man with bright blue hard shelled earphones on sticks his head in the car, his nose is red and his eyes are watering, but his smile is huge and welcoming.

  “Mr. Bosh, welcome to Linden Airport. I’m Chip, your pilot for this evening. Your bird’s all nice and ready and it’s a clear, beautiful night.”

  “Bird?” I ask.

  He grins, his eyes full of pride. “It’ll be the most beautiful one in the sky tonight, ma’am. You’re going to love, it.” He winks and then steps out of the way so we can climb down.

  We stop at the terminal and I sign the waiver he gives me without reading it.

  I’m too keyed up. Carter has been back in my life for one day, and he’s already reminded me of how beautiful and exciting everything is when he’s around.

  “I can’t believe I’m going on a helicopter ride,” I say.

  “Believe it. It’s happening.” He holds his hand out to me and I don’t hesitate to take it. It’s the first time he’s initiated a touch all day. We step out into the freezing, windy night, but I barely feel it. His hand, even gloved as it is, is a conduit for heat and his touch warms my hold body.

  “This is incredible,” I shout to be heard over the loud whir of the helicopter blades as Carter and I are ushered up the tarmac toward the one that’s waiting for us.

  Carter shouts something back but the wind snatches whatever sound he made and whips it away. I shake my head and point at my ear to indicate that I can’t hear him either.

  The wind whips my hair wildly around my face, and I pull my hand free of his so that I can tie it back with black elastic band I wear on my wrist.

  I struggle to hold the long strands the wind has taken control of. Carter comes to stand behind me and plucks the elastic from betw
een my fingers.

  I start to ask what he’s doing, but am rendered mute when his lips brush my ear and he says in a reassuring voice, “I’ve got it.”

  A shiver runs down my back at from the warm tickle of his breath on the sliver of skin not covered by the collar of my jacket.

  But when his finger slide into my hair, a riot of gooseflesh sends my whole body quivering like Jell-O that’s been flicked by an errant finger.

  I stand perfectly still while he gathers the unruly strands into one of his big hands, not pulling too tight as he loops the elastic around it.

  He drops his hands onto my shoulders and gives them a squeeze before his hand slides down and comes to rest in the small of my back.

  “Perfect,” he says into my ear, before he guides me toward the helicopter.

  On this freezing night, my whole body feels like it’s been dropped into a sauna. Want is burning me from the inside out. My scalp is still tingling from the slide of his fingers. And even though it wasn’t anything more than him helping me pull my hair back into a ponytail, it felt intimate and erotic.

  I’m not going to come out of this unscathed if I can’t control myself. This is what I’ll have to learn to live with if I want to have him in my life at all.

  And I do.

  Very much, so.

  We climb aboard and are both handed headphones to slip on. “You won’t be able to hear each other once we’re up in the air, but you’ll both be able to hear me. I’ll talk you through the sites and you can take pictures.” He points to the seat belts that are more like harnesses. “Cross your hearts, we’re lifting off in just a few minutes.”

  When we’re buckled up, it’s just a few minutes before the helicopter is up and moving over the dark water. I glance over at Carter and he’s watching me, a huge grin on his face. I mouth “Thank you, so much.”


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