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Falling for Kindred Claus

Page 14

by Evangeline Anderson

  “How could I forget?” Asher said dryly. “But…I think you’re out of foam.”

  He was right. Lisa went back to the nozzle, which was still dribbling gouts of foam from time to time, and caught a large handful. Coming back to him, she tried to be as professional and dispassionate as she could as she reached for the long, thick shaft between his thighs.

  But try as she might, she couldn’t help enjoying touching him so intimately. It was embarrassing but arousing too, the way he got even harder in her hands when she soaped him, running her fingers up and down the long, thick pole of flesh, making certain he was completely and thoroughly washed. He was bigger than any man she’d ever seen and she wondered how in the world he could fit that huge thing inside a normal-sized woman.

  A woman my size, whispered a little voice in her head and she had a quick mental image of the thick shaft sliding slowly inside her…

  “Lisa, please…” There was a low growl in Asher’s voice and she realized she’d been stroking him for some time—which was certainly not what they had agreed upon.

  “Oh—sorry.” She pulled her hands away abruptly. “I…I didn’t mean to, uh, linger,” she said lamely.

  He shook his head.

  “It’s all right.” His deep voice was strained. “I just didn’t want to shame myself by losing control in front of you.”

  Shame himself? Oh my God, he’s talking about coming! Lisa realized. He was about to cum while I stroked him!

  The thought—and the mental image of his thick cock erupting in her hands as she stroked him—gave her a little thrill of pleasure. Being able to bring such a big, powerful male to his knees simply by touching him was a heady feeling—a real turn on.

  No, the real turn on is that it’s your turn next, whispered a little voice in her head. And, Lisa realized biting her lip, it was.

  Asher took two large handfuls of foam and stroked them quickly and carefully over Lisa’s shoulders and straight down her arms. He didn’t want her to feel in any way taken advantage of, even if they were being forced to do this ridiculous purification routine.

  Lisa trembled a little but didn’t shy away as he got more foam and spread it thickly over her full breasts. Rather than going all around her and leaving the more delicate parts for the end, Asher had decided to use a quick-and-to-the-point approach. He leaned over her, spreading the soap over her back and down over her generous buttocks, which he would have liked to cup and squeeze, just as he wished he could palm her heavy breasts and tease her tight pink nipples.

  But of course, such things would not be right so he kept on gathering more and more foam from the nozzle and slathering it on the little Earth girl in a thick, obscuring layer as quickly as possible, in effect, incasing her in the sacred foam.

  “Wow,” Lisa said flatly, looking down to survey the big Kindred’s handiwork. “I look like Frosty the Snowman. You really laid it on thick!”

  “I was trying to be professional.” Asher raised an eyebrow at her. “Do you dislike it?”

  “No…not really.” Lisa sighed. She had been half-expecting him to retaliate for the almost hand-job she’d given him. Maybe by cupping her breasts or squeezing her ass or something like that. Of course, she hadn’t given him permission to do any of that and it would certainly have been very wrong of him. But she couldn’t help wishing that he had at least wanted to do it. Either he didn’t want her—which didn’t appear to be the case, at least judging from the size of his erection—or else he was just too much of a gentleman to try anything—which seemed more likely.

  Suddenly, she wanted his hands on her—wanted them badly, she admitted to herself. It had been a long time since she’d been touched—especially with anything approaching gentleness and care. She wanted to feel the big Kindred touch and stroke her body and bring her pleasure with those big hands and long fingers of his.

  But how could she get him to do it?

  Suddenly, she had an idea.

  “Come on—let’s rinse off,” she murmured, pointing to the second nozzle.

  Asher turned it on and the two of them turned and twisted in front of the warm spray, getting all the foamy, creamy soap off their bodies which was, by now, something of a relief.

  When they were clean—and still somewhat damp, he turned to her.

  “I believe the holy oil is next.”

  “Yes, or whatever it’s called.” Lisa nodded, her heart pounding. “But, uh…” She beckoned for him to come down so she could whisper in his ear.

  Obligingly, the big Kindred bent lower.

  “Yes?” he murmured.

  “I think we need to do a more, uh, thorough job with the oil,” Lisa whispered in his ear. She nodded up at the two chewchies who were still watching them. “What if they let Natillus and Lambada know how we’re barely touching each other?” she asked, still whispering. “They’ll know we’re not really, uh, mated and they might kick us out.”

  “Do you really think so?” Asher drew back, frowning.

  Lisa nodded solemnly, her heart pounding in her chest. “I think we’d better not take a chance,” she murmured back. “All right?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t mind but I don’t want to go further than you wish me to.”

  “Just follow my lead,” Lisa told him as she went over to the oil faucet and collected a small amount of the thick, rainbow-colored stuff between her fingers.

  Turning back to him, she rubbed her hands together the way she had seen massage therapists do, the few times she had ever had a massage.

  “Now let me see,” she murmured. “Where to begin?”


  Asher steeled himself to endure her soft little hands on his body once more. Her touch nearly drove him crazy and though he was able to keep himself from doing anything he should not, he couldn’t stop his body from reacting to her. The constant erection he was sporting was embarrassing but strangely, Lisa didn’t seem to mind it. In fact, she had seemed to very much enjoy washing and stroking it earlier, while Asher fought to keep his self-control.

  Now she stepped up to him with the oil glistening on her hands and began to stroke his chest once more, rubbing the oil into his flesh in a firm, circular pattern as she worked.

  “You have an amazing body, you know?” she murmured, as she rubbed the oil into his muscles. “I mean, I know it’s not very professional of me to say that but it’s true—you look incredible.”

  Asher felt his heart jump in his chest.

  “I feel the same about you,” he said in a low voice, looking down to watch as she spread the oil over his abs. “You’re very beautiful.”

  To his surprise, she made a little sound of disbelief.

  “Thanks—that’s certainly not something I hear much. Being plus-sized, I mean,” she remarked.

  Asher frowned. “Do you mean that the males on Earth don’t esteem you because you have full and generous curves?” He himself couldn’t imagine such a thing. In his culture, full curves were a sign of beauty and fertility. How could any man prefer a skinny woman to one with generous curves?

  “You could say that,” Lisa said dryly. “If by ‘don’t esteem’ you mean don’t want to date. Well, except for Cameron—though I was a little thinner when I met him. But he didn’t want to let me go, even after I packed on a few more pounds.” She sighed. “My mom always used to say a mean man is like a bad penny—they just keep turning up.”

  “He…really hurt you, didn’t he?” Asher asked, his chest aching for her.

  She shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Only when he was drinking. Look, I’m going to oil your back and ass now—do you mind?”

  Asher shook his head.

  “I am in your hands—literally.”

  “Okay, good.” She got some more oil on her hands and came around behind him. Asher crouched a little so she could reach him and sighed in contentment when she began, not just to rub the oil into his skin, but to knead the tense muscles of his neck and shoulders.

��s very relaxing,” he murmured as she continued to work on him.

  “Well, it would work better if you could lay down so I could get to you and work on your muscles while you were relaxed,” Lisa remarked. “But that’s no reason not to try, at least. Moving lower now,” she added and Asher stiffened a little as he felt her soft little hands gliding over his buttocks.

  She seemed to linger there, as though she liked that part of his anatomy, and then she did something that surprised him even more—she reached between his legs.

  “Lisa?” Asher shot her a startled look over his shoulder but she had a determined look on her pretty face.

  “Come on and spread for me,” she told him. “I’m just going to massage your inner thighs. We keep a lot of tension in our thighs and hips you know—I had a yoga teacher tell me that once.”

  Asher didn’t know what “yoga” was but he found himself parting his legs just the same, as she had requested. The feeling of her soft little fingers sliding between his thighs was almost more than he could bear. And when her fingertips brushed the sensitive back of his sac, his shaft twitched and throbbed with an aching desire even as his fists clenched at his sides while he tried to keep control.

  Going to have to take care of myself tonight, Asher thought to himself as she continued to massage him, stroking the back of his sac every once in a while as if by accident. This feels too damn good—I’m going to have to get some relief before I can sleep—especially if Lisa’s in the same room with me.

  “I like this,” he heard her say in a musing voice as she continued to stroke and kneed his inner thighs—which despite her stated purpose of relieving tension, had only stiffened up further as she touched him so intimately.

  “You…you like what?” Asher heard himself say in a low, hoarse voice.

  “I guess I like being in charge.” She sounded thoughtful. “You’re so much bigger and stronger than me but I like that you let me touch you any way I want to. It’s…empowering.”

  Asher thought about pointing out that she was only supposed to be playing a part, but he didn’t want to—he was enjoying the touch of her small, soft hands too much. If she wanted to be in charge he was fine with that—as long as she kept touching him. Speaking of which…

  “And how exactly do you want…want to touch me?” he asked hoarsely.

  “Like this.”

  Still standing behind him, she reached around and firmly grasped his shaft in her small, slick hand.

  Asher couldn’t help groaning as he felt her stroke him long and thoroughly from root to tip and then back down again.

  “Oh, gods, Lisa,” he groaned as she stroked him again…and then again and again. His whole body was on fire from the pleasure of her soft little hand stroking him over and over, setting up a rhythm…

  “You like this?” he heard her ask. “You liked it when I touch you like this?”

  “Gods, yes!” he moaned, thrusting into her hand. “But if you don’t stop, I’m going to shame myself for certain. I…I won’t be able to help it.”

  “Do it then.” Her voice was low and coaxing—almost daring. “Do it, Asher—I want you to. Come for me.”

  With her voice urging him on and her fingers wrapped around his shaft, he found he couldn’t help himself. With a low cry, Asher let his seed spurt, coming hard as she milked him and told him to come for her, come hard while she stroked him and gave him pleasure…

  Lisa couldn’t believe he was coming. Even more, she couldn’t believe that he was coming because of her—that she was making him come.

  Shouldn’t be doing this! whispered a little voice in her head. What ever happened to being professional?

  Lisa didn’t know. She only knew this felt right and good and she felt powerful—which was a first for her, especially lately, in any relationship. Even before he’d started hitting her, Cameron had been a relentless top in the bedroom. He had always decided when and where and how they made love. Which could be nice sometimes, Lisa admitted to herself, but sometimes it was also nice to put the shoe on the other foot.

  Like now.

  She couldn’t believe the big Kindred was letting her take control like this—and that she was enjoying it as much as she was. But she knew in the back of her mind that a reckoning was coming.

  It was her turn next.

  At last the big Kindred stopped spurting—though his thick shaft never got soft in her hands, which was strange, Lisa thought.

  “Lisa,” he rumbled. “Enough unless you wish to make me come again.”

  Come again? She stopped stroking and withdrew.

  “You can do that? So soon?”

  He turned to face her and nodded.

  “Kindred males are multi-orgasmic—much as I understand Earth females are. Speaking of which…” He met her eyes as he reached for some of the oil and spread it between his palms. “I believe it is my turn to spread the sacred oil on you.”


  “Yes.” Lisa lifted her chin defiantly though her heart was pounding. “Yes, it is—it’s your turn. So go ahead and do it.”

  There was a hungry light in his dark green eyes but it softened somewhat, maybe because he heard the tremble in her voice.

  “It’s all right, sweetheart” he murmured. “I’ll be gentle with you—I would never hurt you, you know. Never take what you are unwilling to give.”

  “I know,” she whispered, looking up at him. “But I want this, I do. I’m just…a little afraid of wanting it, that’s all.”

  “I will be gentle,” he repeated. “Turn around—I will do your back first.”

  Lisa turned around and gave a little moan of relief and pleasure when he began massaging her neck and shoulders, just as she had done for him.

  “Mmm, that feels so good,” she murmured as he worked on her with those long fingers of his.

  “I am just ‘following your lead,’ as you instructed,” he rumbled low, in her ear.

  Lisa shivered, wondering if he was really going to copy everything she had done to him. But his big, warm hands felt too good to let her worry for long. As he massaged her, all the tension of the long, long day seemed to melt away like butter in a hot skillet. In fact, she felt like she was melting herself, her eyes closed with pleasure as she relaxed under his hands.

  And then those hands reached around the front of her and came to rest just under her bare breasts.

  Lisa’s breath seemed to catch in her throat and she froze.

  Asher paused for a long moment, as though letting her get used to the new placement of his hands. He leaned down and she felt his warm breath on the side of her neck as he spoke.

  “If you want me to stop at any time, just say so. Otherwise I am going to continue to spread the oil on your body—all over your body.”

  “I…I understand.” Lisa licked suddenly dry lips, her heart pounding. “Go…go ahead. Do it.”

  “As you wish.”

  His big hands slid up until he was cradling her breasts from behind and Lisa moaned as his thumbs flicked gently over her nipples. The tips of her breasts had always been incredibly sensitive—so much so that she could almost come from having them played with—if the man she was with knew what he was doing.

  Asher clearly did.

  He continued to flick gently, expertly, circling her sensitive nubs and occasionally stopping to tug lightly on them, sending sparks of pleasure straight from her breasts to the heated spot between her thighs.

  “Ohhhh!” Lisa moaned and felt herself relaxing back against him as she thrust her breasts forward into his hands. “Oh, God that feels so good.”

  “You like to have your nipples played with, sweetheart?” Asher murmured in her ear as he tugged at her sensitive buds once more. “You like to be teased as much as you like to tease?”

  “I…I guess so. Yes,” Lisa moaned, writhing against him. God, she could feel the pleasure mounting as he touched her—touched her just right. It had been so long since she’d been with a man who cared about her pl
easure—who only wanted to make her feel good, not hurt or manipulate her…

  “I love the way your breasts feel in my hands,” Asher murmured in her ear. “So full and ripe. And your nipples are so hard, sweetheart. I wonder what they would feel like in my mouth. I wonder if you’d like it if I sucked them.”

  “I…I wouldn’t mind,” Lisa admitted breathlessly.

  “But that would be breaking the rules,” he pointed out. “Since I am supposed to be rubbing oil on you, not tasting you. Not that I wouldn’t love to do exactly that.”

  As he spoke, his hands released her breasts and came back around to her lower back. Lisa moaned breathlessly as he filled his large hands with the globes of her ass, squeezing firmly even as he parted her cheeks.

  The motion opened her pussy as well and she gasped as she felt a little tendril of cool air caress her heated clit. God, she was aching for him—throbbing with need! Her knees actually felt weak with desire—which was something she’d thought was not a real thing—only a line you read in romance books sometimes.

  She leaned forward, bracing her hands on the cool tiles of the wall as he continued to knead her ass. Then he leaned forward and rumbled in her ear,

  “Spread for me now, Lisa.”

  They were the exact same words she had said to him, she realized, but when spoken in that deep, soft voice of his, they were enough to make her melt.

  She felt incredibly vulnerable as she did what he said—incredibly aware that he was naked and looming behind her with his thick shaft still long and hard and ready. If he wanted to, he could thrust not just his fingers but that thick pole of flesh between her thighs, sliding upward to find the entrance to her pussy, filling her…fucking her…

  But it was his fingers, not his cock, that she felt when she opened for him. Asher reached between her legs and massaged her inner thighs firmly, in short, kneading strokes that were very professional. Nevertheless, he somehow managed to keep brushing her pussy lips as he worked on her, sending sparks of desire along her nerves until Lisa moaned and pressed her ass outward to meet him—a shameless, mute gesture of submission.


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